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Top 10 Worst Epidemics in History

What are the possible socio-economic, demographic, historical, or psychological

factors for a pandemic? Explain.
A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance
multiple continents, or worldwide. Even though the international community has made toward
preparing for and decreasing the impacts of pandemics, there are a lot of factors that can
trigger them. One of them for example is vaccination - people born before 1957 got infected
with measles because they couldn’t get vaccinated. Bad hygiene and polluted surroundings
can be fatal since water and animals can get contaminated too. Spreading the bacteria
across countries is a result of animals and other creatures having the virus. Nowadays
pandemics appear to be increasing in frequency, because there are more viral diseases
caused by the contact of people with animals. Other factors are timely detection of an
infection and preparedness outside the health sector, including global coordination and
response mobilization. Epidemics can become pandemics when people are already sick with
another disease weather it’s dangerous or not because their immune system is already
weak. People not taking precautions and not being serious towards the sickness can also be
a factor due to the fact that they keep socializing and spreading the virus even further.
Humanity should be wary of new undetermined illnesses. Children and older people have
always been more prone to diseases.
Compare earlier pandemics with the current state of emergency. Has humanity
evolved in terms of its capability of reacting to critical conditions?
Some of the earlier pandemics were worse than the current situation. For example, the
Spanish flu, the third cholera pandemic and the Black Death, which symptoms and signs
include the appearance of buboes in the groin, the neck and armpits, which bled when
opened, fever, weakness, abdominal pain, chills, and shock, caused the death of 60% of the
population of Europe. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 was one of the deadliest disease
events in human history. In the first year of the pandemic, the life expectancy in the USA
dropped by 12 years, and within 24 weeks the disease killed more people than HIV/AIDS did
in 24 years. Compared to the Spanish flu and the plague pandemics, coronavirus is less
widespread, less dangerous for people aged 20-40 years old and has resulted in fewer
deaths. There were a lot more dangerous viruses and people couldn’t stop them for long
periods of time, but technology and knowledge have improved tremendously over the years
and humanity has improved its health care a lot more. We are taking more precautions
nowadays by putting people under quarantines. This is done to decrease the number of
infected and not overwork the healthcare system capacity. Otherwise we would have to
choose who lives and who dies because there aren’t going to be enough supplements to
help the sick. For all we know right now the current situation is far better than what we have
gone through in the past. People just need to be more careful (wash their hands and keep
socialization to a minimum) and everything will be just fine.

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