Publication Catalogue

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S. No. Title Page


1. Literary Research 1

2. E Books 21

3. Periodicals 26

Literary Research:

Glimpses of Health and Medicine in

Mauryan Empire

Author:Dr. D.V. Subba Reddy

Year of Publication: 1966

Price: ₹5 ( Out of Stock)

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 97

Edition: First
Description:The fourth and third century B.C is an eventful
and glorious period of Indian History.In an attempt by the
author to explore the information regarding reconstruction
of History of Medicine,this book is a compilation of earlier
traditions,literaturecontemporary to the foundation,rise and
fall of Mauryan Empire.

Union Catalogue of Arabic and Persian

Medical Manuscripts in the Libraries
of Hyderabad

Author: M. Azeez Pasha

Year of Publication: 1966

Price: ₹ 8 ( Out of Stock)

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 46

Edition: First

Description:This catalogue provides the information
regarding bibliography of different Arabic medical
manuscripts. Which benefits scholars, editors and medical
historians especially those who are interested either in the
history of medicine in India or in the history of Unani

Library Catalogue (Part-I) Author


Compiled: P. Radha Krishna Murthy

Year of Publication: 1970

Price: ₹ 10 ( Out of Stock)

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 88

Edition: First

Description: Book consists the Author catalogue of books in

the Library of the then Institute of History of Medicine,
(ICMR) Hyderabad. All the books are arranged in
alphabetical order of Authors names along with the year in
the parenthesis, to make an easy access for the readers to
select books of their choice.

Museum Guide (Part-I) World Medicine

Compiled: V.V. RamanaRao

Year of Publication: 1970

Price: ₹ 10 ( Out of Stock)

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 54

Edition: First

Description:This Book is a Compilation work Done by Sri.

V.V.RamanaRao, M.Sc., Curator of Museum, Institute of
History of Medicine. This work consists of Teaching of
History of Medicine in World Context with Research in
History of Medicine in India which is copied from various
Books & Journals. This work fulfills the necessity for a
brief guide to the Museum of History of medicine in this

Museum Guide (Part-II) Medicine in


Compiled: V.V. RamanaRao

Year of Publication: 1971

Price: ₹ 8

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 81

Edition: First

Description:This publication was from The Central Council

for Research in Indian Medicine & Homeopathy in the year

1971. It was compiled by Mr. V.V. RamanaRao and edited
by Dr. V. Subbareddy. The book helps to give a picture of
medicine in India against the background of medicine in the
early classical, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Arabic and
Medieval European periods. Plan of the museum and key to
the plan and the exhibits in the museum were also
mentioned in this book.

A Checklist of Sanskrit Medical

Manuscripts of India

Compiled:Dr. B. Rama Rao

Year of Publication: 1972

Price: ₹ 10

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 101

Edition: First

Description:This Book consists of the compilation work

done by Sri B. Rama Rao, Research Officer of Ayurveda,
Institute of History of Medicine, Hyderabad. on Sanskrit
medical manuscripts collected from the available catalogues
of Sanskrit from different public and private collections in
india and foreign countries and made a 'Check List' arranged
into six columns giving serial number, title, author, script,
libraries where the copies are available with the available

Carucarya by King Bhoja

Editor :Dr. B. Rama Rao

Year of Publication: 1974

Price: ₹ 6

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 122

Edition: First

Charucharya of King Bhoja is a treatise containing precepts
for healthy living. According to Monier Williams, Charu
means agreeable or pleasing; and Charya means, to be
practiced or performed or behavior, conduct, due
observance of all rites and customs. The two words, which
make up the compound word apply both to physical and
moral aspects of individual(total personality and life)-with
the regimen for human body and moral discipline for human
conduct. In few treatises of Ayurveda like CharakaSamhita
and Ashtangahridaya one finds a few chapters covering
principles of hygiene and methods of preventing illness but
Charucharya is different from these in the fact that the entire
work is devoted to the subject of principles and practices of


Editor : Prof. P.V. Sharma

Year of Publication: 1989

Price: ₹ 21

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 108

Edition: First

Description:This Book contains the work edited by

Prof. P.V. Sharma, Varanasi published by Central
Council for Research in Ayurveda and
Siddha(CCRAS, New Delhi) in 1989.
Sabdacandrika is such a work which gives the
medicinal plants and minerals with their effects on
animal systems. The names of the Drugs are
interpreted in Bengali as well. The work follows
the Amarakosain diction and style and draws its
material from the latter. This has nine Vargas
(chapters) comprising 733 Slokas(verses). It is not
known to have been published as yet, hence this
endeavour, to bring to light the knowledge of the
times of creation of this work.


Editor : Prof. P.V. Sharma

Year of Publication: 2003

Price: ₹ 100

Format: Paper back

Language: Sanskrit /Hindi

Pages: 166

Edition: First

Description:This publication named “Chakradatta-

Ratnaprabha” is the residual portion of the manuscript of
Ratnaprabha commentary by niscalakara on chakradatta,
published by Indian institute of history of medicine,
Hyderabad. This book represents mainly on treatment
measures related to netraroga, siroroga, stree- balaroga,
visharoga and provides information from Adhamalla’s
commentary on sarangadharasamhita particularly. It also
covers the details regarding “Rasadishodhanamaranavidhi”,
“Dosavivarana” and “Sonitasravavidhi”. People recognize
the efforts of CCRAS for bringing out the source material
through this great publication

Booklet of Activities and Achievement


Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2001

Price: Free of cost

Format: Paper back

Language: Sanskrit /Hindi

Pages: 68

Edition: First

Description: This Book was Published by Central

Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha
(CCRAS) in 2001. it contains the Glimpse of the
Historical developments of the Medicine through
Ages & describes the origin of the Indian Institute
of History of Medicine Department. it mainly
focuses on the Organizational setup of the
Department which consists of different wings like
Research wing, Medico-Historical Library,

Medico- Historical Museum,
Photography/Reprography wing, Publication wing
& views of some Distinguished personalities who
have visited the Institute. this book has breifly
Acknowledged the History of Different Systems of
Medicines (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani,
Homoeopathy, Yoga, Naturopathy, Tibetan
Medicine, Folk Medicine, Modern Medicine) in its

Sanskrit Medical Manuscripts in India

Revised edition

Compiled:Dr. B. Rama Rao&

Dr.Vinod Kumar Bhatnagar

Year of Publication: 2005

Price: ₹ 300

Format: Paper back

Language: Sanskrit /Hindi

Pages: 272

Edition: First

Description:The book named “Sanskrit Medical

Manuscripts in India” is a compilation work on catalogue of
manuscripts in the field of ayurveda which was made
available to research scholars. In 1972 a checklist of
Sanskrit medical manuscripts in India was published by
CCRIM&H and it has been revised, enlarged and renamed
later as Sanskrit Medical Manuscripts in India. This
voluminous work was compiled by Dr. B. Rama Rao with
the assistance of Dr.Vinod Kumar Bhatnagar. It contains
information on 3377 manuscripts titles held in 140
repositories / archives in India.


Editor ::Dr.A.Narayana

Year of Publication: 2005

Price: ₹ 285

Format: Paper back

Language: Telugu

Pages: 398

Edition: First

chikitsamariyusamanyagruhopacharamulu” book is a
comprehensive compilation related to common ayurvedic
remedies, which is a telugutranslatory version of “Hand
book of domestic medicine and common remedies”. This
book covers the information regarding “Ayurveda
moolasiddhantas”, “Swasthavritta”, “Panchakarma”,
“Rasayana&Vajeekarana techniques” and mainly describes
about numerous domestic remedies to be followed in
various disease conditions. Details related to “symptoms”,
“aushadayogas” and “pathyapathya” of each and every
disease along with the details regarding properties of drugs
and adjuvants in specific to each disease were focused.

Hand book of Domestic Medicine and
Common Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Author :Anonymous

Year of Publication : 2007

Price: ₹ 479

Format: Paper back

Language: Urdu

Pages: 899

Edition: First

Description:It is an Urdu translation of the book ‘Handbook

of Domestic Medicine and Common ĀyurvedicRemedies’
by Dr Momin Ali. It is one of the most popular publication
of CCRAS with three printeditions (1978, 1999 and 2005)
till date. The original work was a result of collective efforts
of aCommittee with Vd. C. P. Shukla, Dr. R. S. Singh,
ShriPrajapati Joshi and Dr. V. N. Pandeyunderthe
Chairmanship of Kvj. AshutoshMajumdar constituted by
Central Council for Research in IndianMedicine and
Homoeopathy (CCRIMH). Now the book is available in
Hindi, English, Telugu andUrdu languages. The book has
comprehensive information on 74 Common Āyurvedic
Diseases andprovides vernacular names of diseases, on
symptomatology followed by principles of
management,single drugs, simple preparations, compound
preparations and dietary regimen. It also provides
lucidintroduction to basic principles of Āyurveda,
Svasthavṛtta, Specialities of Āyurveda
(Pañcakarma,Rasāyana and Vājīkaraṇa) and six appendices.
The book is very useful for physicians, academiciansand
common people alike. The book also serves as a ready
reckoner in clinical practice.


Editor ::Dr.A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 733

Format: Hard cover

Language: Hindi

Pages: 952

Edition: First

Description:Basavarajiyam was compiled by Basavaraju,

which is a comprehensive collection of various
ayurvedictreatments and formulations practiced in and
around Andhra Pradesh. It was published by Indian institute
of history of medicine, Hyderabad in 2007. The book was
translated by Dr. V. Rangacharya after which it was edited
by Dr.Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma &Dr.AlaNarayana. 25
chapters of various ayurvedic treatment principles were
clearly explained with hindi translation in this publication.


Translator :Dr. B. Rama Rao

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 207

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 280

Edition: First

Description:This book is an english translation of

sarabharajiyam authored by TulluriSarabharaja in
Telugu language. The englishtranlation is carried
out by Dr.B.RamaRao,G.C.A.A., M.A.
Director(retired) indian Institute of
Panchakarma(CCRAS),Cheruthuruthy. The Book
consists detailed description of topics like the
investigation of eight places(ashtasthanapariksha),
technical terms, purification of rasa(mercury) and
other metals and minerals, causes, diagnosis and
treatment of diseases


Translator :Dr.MuluguVidyasagar

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 213

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 292

Edition: First

Description:The book named

“Vaidyakaprayogavignanamu” is a compilation on
ayurvedic treatment of various diseases with respective
single drug therapies. It consists of more than 1000 single
drugs which are most effective and can be administered
easily. This book is considered to be beneficial for
ayurvedic practitioners, students who are interested in
managing different kinds of diseases by adopting
ekamulikachikitsa. This compilation is worth mentioning as
it is simple to refer and practice by common people as well.
Details regarding “Panchavidhakashayakalpana” were also
mentioned as an annexure. The book was originally written
in telugu by Dr.Indragantivenkateswara Sharma, translated
in to English by Dr.Muluguvidyasagar.


Translator :Dr.M.Srinivasulu&
Dr.C. Narmada Reddy

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 190

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 228

Edition: First

Description:The book is an english translation work

of 'PooyamehaVijnanam' written by
AyurvedacharyaVempatiKoteshwaraShastry and
Sri NagalingamVishwanathaSastry in Telugu. The
english translation is carried out by
Dr.M.Srinivasulu, M.Sc.(Psy),M.D.(K.C),Ph.D and
Dr.C.Narmadareddy,M.D.(P.S.).The work is an
Ayurvedic adaption of Gonorrhea(puyameha)
management with in the theoretical and practical
frame work of Ayurvedic principles. The book will
serve as a companion for practitioners who treat
STD related ailments with an Ayurvedic outlook.

Research Data Base on Ayurveda,
Siddha Other Traditional Medicines
and Related Sciences

Volume -I

Chief Editor :Prof. G.S. Lavekar

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: Free of Cost

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 584

Edition: First

Description:This compendium is enriched database of

research articles, abstracts along with
bibliographic information on proficient contributions in
and diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as
useful reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of

Research Data Base on Ayurveda, Siddha

Other Traditional Medicines and Related

Volume -II

Chief Editor :ProfG.S. Lavekar

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: Free of Cost

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 625

Edition: First

Description:This compendium is enriched database of

research articles, abstracts along with
bibliographic information on proficient contributions in
and diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as
useful reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of

Research Data Base on Ayurveda, Siddha

Other Traditional Medicines and Related

Volume -III

Chief Editor : Prof. G.S. Lavekar

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: Free of Cost

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 631

Edition: First

Description:This compendium is enriched database of

research articles, abstracts along with
bibliographic information on proficient contributions in
and diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as
useful reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of

Research Data Base on Ayurveda,
Siddha Other Traditional Medicines
and Related Sciences

Volume -IV

Chief Editor :Prof G.S. Lavekar

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: Free of Cost

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 579

Edition: First

Description:This compendium is enriched database of

research articles, abstracts along with
bibliographic information on proficient contributions in
and diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as
useful reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of

Hand Book of

Compiled :Dr. A. Narayana,

Dr. P.V.V. Prasad &Dr. P.K.J.P. Subhaktha

Year of Publication: 2012

Price: ₹ 295

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 326

Edition: First

Description: The knowledge of Anupana and dietary

regimen is essential for ayurvedic physician who very
judiciously plans and administers the treatment . The
present book is scientific arrangement of the guidelines on
Anupana and pathyaApathya for various therapeutic
formulations((either single drug or compound formulations)
for about 30 diseases. A Comprehensive compilation of
such information will help the physician in choosing the
better therapeutic for various disease condition for quick
.appropriate and to avoid side effects in any occurs.
Collection and Digitization of Medical
Manuscripts from South
India,Maharastra and Madhya Pradesh:
Descriptive Catalogue Part-I


Principal Investigator :Dr.A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 780

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 872

Edition: First

Description:The Ancient traditional of knowledge of healing

art is hiden in the form of manuscripts, which is practiced
since centuries .These records on Ayurveda and Ancient
Indian Medicine are lying unrevealed in the form of
manuscripts . which are scattered through out the world .
The Dept. of AYUSH entrusted a project entitled “
Collection and Digitization of Medical Manuscripts from
South India, Maharshtra and Madhya Pradesh to NIIMH,
Hyderabad . out come of the project is a unique catalogue of
the digitized collection,with elaborate information under 8
headings and 44 subheadings for manuscripts and 20
headings for rare books in two parts.

Collection and Digitization of Medical
Manuscripts From South India,
Maharastra and Madhya Pradesh :
Descriptive Catalogue Part-II


Principal Investigator :Dr.A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 780

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 1760

Edition: First

Description: - The Ancient traditional of knowledge of

healing art is hiden in the form of manuscripts, which is
practiced since centuries .These records on Ayurveda and
Ancient Indian Medicine are lying unrevealed in the form of
manuscripts . which are scattered through out the world .
The Dept. of AYUSH entrusted a project entitled “
Collection and Digitization of Medical Manuscripts from
South India, Maharshtra and Madhya Pradesh to NIIMH,
Hyderabad . out come of the project is a unique catalogue of
the digitized collection,with elaborate information under 8
headings and 44 subheadings for manuscripts and 20
headings for rare books in two parts.

Ayurveda Encyclopaedia


Principal Investigator :Dr.A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 820

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 724

Edition: First

Description: Ayurveda Encyclopaedia is wide ranging

compilation of terminology related to Ayurveda with Anta
(end alphabet of a word ) Linga (gender of the word)
Nispatti (dhatu derivation) vyutpatti (etymological
derivation), Nirukti(etymological interpretation ), Paribhasa
(definition) , Vyakhya (explanation) along with accurate
references , followed by Hindi English translation,
synonyms. Literal and applied meanings.

Ayurveda Encyclopaedia


Principal Investigator :Dr. A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 820

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 708

Edition: First

Description: Ayurveda Encyclopaedia is wide ranging

compilation of terminology related to Ayurveda with Anta
(end alphabet of a word ) Linga (gender of the word)
Nispatti (dhatu derivation) vyutpatti (etymological
derivation), Nirukti (etymological interpretation ), Paribhasa
(definition) , Vyakhya (explanation) along with accurate
references , followed by Hindi English translation,
synonyms. Literal and applied meanings.

Ayurveda Encyclopaedia


Principal Investigator :Dr.A. Narayana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 820

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 696

Edition: First

Description: Ayurveda Encyclopaedia is wide ranging

compilation of terminology related to Ayurveda with Anta
(end alphabet of a word ) Linga (gender of the word)
Nispatti (dhatu derivation) vyutpatti (etymological
derivation), Nirukti (etymological interpretation ), Paribhasa
(definition) , Vyakhya (explanation) along with accurate
references , followed by Hindi English translation,
synonyms. Literal and applied meanings.


Editor :Dr.A. Naaryana

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹ 1040

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 982

Edition: First

Description:Basavarajiyam was cmpiled by Basavaraju ,

which is a comprehensive collection of various Ayurvedic
treatment and formulations practiced in and arrounfd
Andhra Pradesh . Considering the therapeutic popularity of
the text and its regulatory status .the Council has already
translated and published it in Hindi .In order to make
compendium available for wider Ayurvedic community
throughout the world , Council has translated it in English.
Research Publication Ayurvedic
Sciences –Catalogue of Research
Information on Ayurveda and Related

Chief Editor : Prof. (Dr.) Abhimanyu Kumar

Year of Publication: 2015

Price: Free of Cost

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 1223

Edition: First

Description:This compendium titled ‘Research publications

in Ayurvedic Sciences’ enriched withbibliographic
information on proficient contributions in Ayurvedaand
diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as useful
reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of
Ayurveda.Also available as soft in C.D form for ease of
access and portability

Exploration of Veterinary Practices in


Chief Editor :Prof. K.S. Dhiman

Year of Publication: 2016

Price: ₹ 850

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 587

Edition: First

Description: It is seen that many scholarly veterinary
practitioners of Andhra Pradesh compiled earlier texts and
written down their experiences blending the traditional
knowledge in to the science , Accordingly the work on the
text available in Andhra Pradesh in Telugu was taken up in
this present attempt . It covers nearly 1830 treatment
intended to treat 322 diseased condition.

History of Accounts of Literature

written in Unani Medicine from 9th to
12th Centuries

Author :Dr.Ashfaque Ahmad

Year of Publication: 2016

Price: ₹ 346

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 220

Edition: First

Description:This book is an out-come of CCRAS IMR

project entitled ‘History and Accounts of the
literaturewritten in Unani Medicine from 9th to 12th century
AD’ carried out by Dr Ashfaque Ahmad, ResearchOfficer
(Unani), NIIMH, Hyderabad. The present work is based on
the description of over 200 books
written by authors spanning four hundred years from 9th to
12th century AD. It covers descriptions ofthe books
authored by 13 physicians of 9th century, 24 physicians of
10th century, 18 physicians of
11th century and 18 physicians of 12th century AD, along
with their brief biographical account.
Further, the monograph narrates the details of the works of
eminent authors of Unani literature viz.,
Firdous al-Hikmat (Paradise of Wisdom) by Tabari (d. 870
AD), al-Havi (Continens Liber) by Rhazes(d. 925) and
Canon of Medicine by Avicenna (d. l037), and also
describes the works of some lesserknown authors like
Tadbīr al-Ḥabālā (Obstetrics) by Al-Baladi (d. 991 AD),
Amraz al-Uyun(Ophthalmology) by IbnA'yan Al-Miṣrī (d.

995 AD) and Aqrābādīn (pharmacy) by IbnTilmīdh (d.1165


Chief Editor :Prof. Vd. K.S. Dhiman

Year of Publication: 2016

Price: ₹ 740

Format: Hard cover

Language: English

Pages: 476

Edition: First

Description: The Unique contributions of

AyurvedicOphthalmology are scattered under various
classical works and not available as ready as reckoner
present world documents Ophthalmological information in
Ayurvedic Literature spanning from Ancient to present era.
This comprises an account on antiquity of Ayurvedic
ophthalmology description of Eye diseases management of
Eye diseases by medical measures and enumerates single
drugs of plant mineral and animal origin and compound
Ayurvedic formulations along with their therapeutic use in
different ophthalmic conditions. Further , the work also
provides information on Pharmacological and clinical
studies carried out on Ayurvedic drugs and formulations in
different ocular conditions , these findings generate
evidence of the safety and efficiency of Ayurvedic drugs
and therapies in Eye diseases

Unani Medical Literature Produced
from Hippocratic Period (FL.462 BC) to
8thCentury AD

Author :Dr.Ashfaque Ahmad

Year of Publication: 2017

Price: ₹ 320

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 175

Edition: First

Description:This book is an outcome of CCRAS-IMR

project entitled ‘Unani Medical literature produced
fromHippocratic period (462-370 BC) to 8th century AD’
carried out by Dr Ashfaque Ahmad, ResearchOfficer
(Unani), NIIMH, Hyderabad. The present work is based on
the description of over 200 bookswritten by 30 authors from
Hippocratic period (fl. 462 BC) to 8th century The
monograph narrates thedetails of the works of eminent
authors of Unani literature like Hippocrates (d. 375 BC),
Herophilos(fl. 280 BC), Dioscorides (d. 90 AD), Galen (fl.
198 AD), Oribasius (d. 403 AD),
Tayāzūq (d. 708AD), YahyaIbn al-Bitriq (fl. 800 AD),
Jibra'īlibnBakhtīshū` (fl. 800 AD) etc with the brief
accountof the authors. In order to encompass all the
information, Unani scholars created medical knowledgeand

Unani Medical Literature Produced
from 13th Century to 16th Century

Author :Dr.Ashfaque Ahmad

Year of Publication: 2017

Price: ₹ 950

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 276

Edition: First

Description:This book is the outcome of third CCRAS-IMR

project entitled ‘Unani Medical Literature producedfrom
13th to 16th century AD’. The present work is based on
thedescription of over 400 books writtenby authors
spanning four hundred years from 13th to 16th century AD.
It covers descriptions of thebooks authored by around 94
physicians along with their brief biographical account.
Further, themonograph narrates the details of the works of
eminent authors of Unani literature viz., Al-Jami' liMufradat
By IbnBaytar (d. 1248AD), Kitab al-Shamil by IbnNafis (d.
1288 AD), Kitāb al-UmdafilJarahat by Ibn al-Quff (d.
1286), Ṭibb-i Shahābi by al-Nagawri (fl. 1388
AD),Khulasat al-TajaribbyNurbakhshi (fl. 1499 AD),
ZakhiraNizamShahi by RustamJurjani (fl. 1544 AD) etc.

Ayurveda for Healthy Living:


Author (s) : Dr.P.V.V. Prasad,

Dr.P.K.J.P.Subhaktha& Prof. RambabuDwivedi

Year of Publication: 2018

Price: ₹ 503

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 276

Edition: First

Description:The work entitled Ayurveda for Healthy

Living: SvasthasyaSvasthyaRakshanam is
contributed by Dr.P.V.V.Prasad, Assistant Director
(Ayurveda), NIIMH, Hyderabad and
Dr.P.K.J.P.Subhaktha, Research
Officer(Ayurtveda)(Rtd.), NIIMH.The monograph
carries the details of all the activities mentioned in
swastavritta and Sadvritta for maintenance of good
health i.e. as per the first objective of Ayurveda
viz., SvasthasyaSvasthyaRakshanam. Health
mmaintanance related material from non medical
literature with historical background. It also
contains details on Dinacharya, Rutucharya on
dietary &behavioural aspects etc. and related some
research updates carried out on medicinal plants.

Basic Tenets of Dravyaguna

A Profile and Focus on
Pharmacological thoughts in Ayurveda

Author (s) : Prof. K.S. Dhiman, Dr. N. Srikanth,

Dr. P.V.V. Prasad (PI)&Prof. V.K. Joshi
Dr. M.M. Sharma, Dr. V.K. Lavaniya

Year of Publication: 2020

Price: ₹308/-

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 158

Edition: First

ISBN: 978-81943932-3-8

Description:This Book was Published by National

Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad in
2020. It contains the work of IMR project entitled
"A Critical Review of Various Aspects of Rasa,

Guna, Virya, Vipaka and Prabhavain Ayurveda
w.s.r to Dravyaguna" by Dr.P.V.V.Prasad, A.D.
I/C, NIIMH, Hyderabad as Principal Investigator
which contains critical review of basic concepts of
Dravyaguna in a comprehensive manner which is
presented as "Basic tenets of Dravyaguna - A
profile and focus on pharmacological thoughts in

Cakradatta – Ratnaprabha: Commentary by

Nishcalakara(English Translation Of Residual

Author (s) : Prof. K.S. Dhiman, Dr. N. Srikanth,

Dr. P.V.V. Prasad
Dr. K. Bharathi (PI) & Prof. Mahesh Vyas
Dr. M.M. Sharma, Dr. V.K. Lavaniya

Year of Publication: 2020

Price: ₹515/-

Format: Paper back

Language: English

Pages: 280

Edition: First

ISBN: 978-81943932-6-9
The commentary called Ratnaprabha written by
Niscalakara (13th Century AD) on Chakradatta is the popular
commentary. The commentator has included his own
experiences and has given clarification on text matter of
Cakradatta. Ratnaprabha and it contains good information
on the contents of the Cakradatta.

The residual portion was found in Cakradatta’s

MSS. (B.O.R.I.,No.889 of 1887-91) along with
Nishcalakara’s commentary which deals with an
interpolated portion of the text. The present work is the
English translation of Sanskrit mulapatha with commentary
into English of all eight chapters i.e. from 57 th to
64thchapters viz., Netrarogachikitsa (verse 38-158),
ShirorogaChikitsa, StrirogaChikitsa, BalarogaChikitsa,

VisharogaChikitsa, Rasadishodhanamaranadhikara,
Shonitasravadhikara, Doshavivaranadhikara.

e-books- TheAyurvedicPharmacopoeia of
India, Part-I, 5 Volumes

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: English

Description: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-

I, 5 Volumes is a e- book version of 5 volumes in PDF.
Detailed list of 418 plant origin single drug monographs
have been described in this CD. It was the API Retrieval
software with dynamic search options. The monographs are
prepared by AyurvedicPharmacopoeial committee in
accordance with the Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940
subsequently amended in 1964 and 1982 and published by
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of health and family
welfare, Govt of India.

Ebook- TheAyurvedicPharmacopoeia of
India, Part-I, 1-5 Volumes

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2007

Price: ₹ 70

Format: e book

Language: English

Description:API Part – I, I to V- Volumes, the e-book

version 1.1-first edition, is a collection of plant origin single
drug monographs (the standards for identity, purity and
strength) used in ayurvedic formulations. The monographs
are prepared by AyurvedicPharmacopoeial committee in
accordance with the Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940
subsequently amended in 1964 and 1982 and published by
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of health and family
welfare, Govt of India. It is presented as CD with digitized
version of API Part- I, I to V Volumes along with 418
monographs in software and e-book in PDF format.

Ebook- TheAyurvedicFormulary of India,

Part- I &Part-II

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2008

Price: ₹ 70

Format: e book

Language: English

Description: AFI (Part-I, Second Revised edition, Part-II

First edition) are collection of Shastric (Classical)
Ayurvedic Compound , Single drug formula

644 ClassicalAyurvedic Compound formulae with detailed
textual reference method of preparation and usage
Ayurvedic Single drug formulary covering plant , Mineral
and Animal origin drugs
Detailed reference to Paribhasha ( Definitions) Shodhana
The books are extensively indexed for quick reference . The
books are prepared by AyurvedicPharmacopoeial
committee accordance with Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940
subsequently amended in 1964 & 1982

The CD Digitized version of AFI Part I, and Part II

contains e book Software and e book in PDF Format

Ebook- TheAyurvedicPharmacopoeia of
India, Part-II, Vol. I

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2008

Price: ₹70

Format: e book

Language: English

Description:The CD is digitized version of API Part-

II, Volume-I with monographs of 50 formulae in e-
Book Software and PDF format. API Part-II,
Volume-I, First Edition is a collection of
pharmacopoeial standards for formulations used in
Ayurveda.The e-Book is Designed and Developed
by Indian Institute of History of Medicine(IIHM),

Ebook- TheAyurvedicPharmacopoeia of
India, Part-II, Vol. II

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2008

Price: ₹ 70

Format: e book

Language: English

Description:API Part-ll, volume-ll, First Edition is a

collection of pharmacopoeialstandanfor formulations used
in Ayurveda. The monographs are prepared by
AyurvedPharmacopoeial committee in accordance with the
Drugs and cosmetics a1940 subsequently amended in 1964
and 19g2 and published by DepartmentAYUSH, Ministryof
Health and FamilyWelfare, Governmentoflndia.

The cD is digitized version of Aplpart - ll,

Volume - ll with monographs of 5formulae in e-Book
Software and pDF format

Ebook- TheSiddhaPharmacopoeia of India,

Part-I, Vol. I

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2008

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: English

Description: SPI Part I, Volume I, first edition is a

collection of Pharmacopoeial standards for Plant origin
single drug monographs used in Siddha system of Medicine
The Monographs are prepared by Siddha Pharmacopoeial
committee in accordance with the Drugs and Cosmetics act
and 1940subsequently amended 1964 & 1982 and

published by Department of AYUSH , Ministry of Health
a& Family Welfare , Government of India,
The CD Digitized version of SPI Part I, Volume I with 73
Plants origin single drug monographs in e book Software
and PDF Format

Ebook- TheAyurvedicPharmacopoeia of
India, Part-I, Vol. VI

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: English

Description:API Part – I, Volume-VI, the e-book version

1.0 -first edition, is a collection of single drug monographs
(the standards for identity, purity and strength) used in
Ayurvedic formulations. The monographs are prepared by
AyurvedicPharmacopoeial committee in accordance with
the Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940 subsequently amended in
1964 and 1982 and published by Department of AYUSH,
Ministry of health and family welfare, Govt of India. It is
presented as CD with digitized version of API Part- I,
Volume- VI along with 101 monographs in e-book software
and PDF format.

Ebook- CarakaSamhita

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: Multilingual

Description:Its an electronic version of Ayurvedic classic in

e-Book form as a part of Āyurvedic literary research works
which comprises of the mūlapāṭha of eight sthāna of
Carakasaṁhitā along with Āyurvēdadīpikā commentary of
Cakrapāṇidatta.Carakasaṁhitā e-Book has the following
special features which are provided to facilitate multilingual
reading option along with regular e-book features.
The options as follows:
1.Available in different scripts: This e-book is also equipped
with Dēvanāgarī as well as Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil,
Gujarati, Kannada, Bengali, Gurmukhī, Diacritical (ISO
15919) script and Phonetic English. Hence, the reader who
is not familiar with Dēvanāgarī, can utilize this book in their
traditional scripts.
2.Saving of time: Due to the presence of search tool option
it is easy to go to the reference directly, in a short time.
3.Cost effective and expedient: Since it is available in the
CD form, it is cost effective and easy to carry (portable).
4.Do not consume extra resources from the system in which
it is installed, and does not interfere with the programmes
already installed.

Ebook- SusrutaSamhita

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2010

Price: ₹100

Format: e book

Language: Multilingual

Description:Its an electronic version of Ayurvedic classic in

e-Book form as a part of Āyurvedic literary research works
containing the mūlapāṭha of six sthāna of Suśrutasaṁhitā
along with Nibandhasaṅgraha commentary of Dalhaṇa and
Nyāyacandrikā commentary of Gayadāsa. I feel delighted in
presenting the second e-book on Suśrutasaṁhitā which
incorporates mūlapāṭha, commentary and relevant footnotes.
Suśrutasaṁhitā e-Book has the following special features
which are provided to facilitate multilingual reading option
along with regular e-book features.
The options as follows:
1.Available in different scripts: This e-book is also equipped
with Dēvanāgarī as well as Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil,
Gujarati, Kannada, Bengali, Gurmukhī, Diacritical (ISO
15919) script and Phonetic English. Hence, the reader who
is not familiar with Dēvanāgarī, can utilize this book in their
traditional scripts.
2.Saving of time: Due to the presence of search tool option
it is easy to go to the reference directly, in a short time.
3.Cost effective and expedient: Since it is available in the
CD form, it is cost effective and easy to carry (portable).
4.Do not consume extra resources from the system in which
it is installed, and does not interfere with the programmes
already installed.

Ebook- Nighnatu

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2012

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: Multilingual

Description:Its an electronic version of Āyurvedic literary

works with collection of Āyurvedic Lexicons where an user
of the module have the advantage of reading the Nighaṇṭu
individually and also can search them by simply typing a
key word in Phonetic English.

Ebook- Madhavanidanam

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2012

Price: ₹100

Format: e book

Language: Multilingual

Description:The CD contains Madhavanidanam

Multilingual e-Book with Madhukosa and
Aatankadarpanacommentaries . The e-book
Application allows the users to Read and Search e-
Book in different languages. The e-Book is
conceptualized, designed and developed by
National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage,

Ebook- Hand Book of Domestic Medicine and

CommonAyurvdic Remedies

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2012

Price: ₹ 100

Format: e book

Language: Multilingual

Description:The CD is digitized version of Hand

Book of Domestic Medicine and Common
Ayurvedic Remedies, contains e-Book application.
e- Book application gives access to Read e-Book
and Search e-Book. The e-Book is conceptualized,
designed and developed by National Institute of
Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad.

Ebook- AyurvedaEncyclopedia

Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2013

Price: ₹100

Format: e book

Language: English


E book - Research Publication Ayurvedic


Author : Anonymous

Year of Publication: 2015

Price: Free of cost

Format: e book

Language: English

Description:This compendium titled ‘Research publications

in Ayurvedic Sciences’ enriched withbibliographic
information on proficient contributions in Ayurvedaand
diverse interrelated fields would certainly serve as useful
reference document for scientists, academicians,
practitioners andscholars pursuing research for wider
dissemination of merits and scientific attributes of
Ayurveda.Also available as soft in C.D form for ease of
access and portability


Journal of Indian Medical Heritage (JIMH)

Periodicity : Biannual (Published in January & July)

ISBN : 0975-430X

Annual Subscription: India- ₹. 240 (Two Issues)

Single issue- ₹. 120

Foreign US $ 40
Format : Paper back

Available at :

Publishers: National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage,

Hyderabad; Published for CCRAS., New Delhi (* issues available
up to year 2011)

Description: The Journal of Indian Medical Heritage

publishes original articles on History of All systems of medicine
in India viz. Ayurveda , Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani Siddha,
Homoeopathy Sow Rigpa and Modern Medicine . It publishes
lists of medical manuscripts : description of manuscripts and
old & rare treatises of medico historical importance, translation
of extracts from classics & original articles per training to
various aspects of medical History, Notes of Archaeological,
Epigraphical evidences, medical allusions from Ancient
Religious and scientific literature, records and documents rare
books and works of art related to the study of history of
medicine in India are also published, it also provide scope for
History of diseases and Single Drugs which are generally
mentioned as controversial give to vide range of synonyms on
the basis of interpretations of references and evidences
available in classical works, Bibliographies of Medical History
and Abstracts of articles in other languages are also included –
the journal also includes new and notes of medico historical
activities in India and abroad


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• Educational Institutes, Public Libraries and Dealers / Agents will be given
30% discount on Council’s Publications and also 20% discount on Ministry’s

• No discounts will be given for CDs.
• Orders are accepted on advance payment only.
• Supply order can be made by crossed DD (demand draft) in favour of:
“National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage” Payable at Hyderabad
• Cheques and Money Orders are not acceptable.
• While placing order, Name and Address should be written in block letters,
Language and title of publication, nearest post office / railway station with
Dist.Hqrs. and the name of State should also be written clearly.
• After placing the order, for smooth processing, details including draft no., list
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Contact Address:

The Assistant Director/In Charge

National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage,
Sy. No. 314, Revenue Board Colony,
Hyderabad-500006, (A.P.), India
Office Phone No. 040 24067388
Mobile No. 9441273178



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