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Embracing and Assessing Remote Work

Article · August 2019

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Roberta Sawatzky
Okanagan College


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and Assessing
Remote Work
By Roberta Sawatzky and Nathan Sawatzky

Is remote work right for every organization? Some people will required to spend most, or all, of their time in the office due
state unequivocally that all organizations should embrace to the nature of their job, while others are free to work from
the practice of employing remote workers; in fact, literature wherever, so long as they continue to meet expectations.
suggests that remote is the future of work. Certain organizations we met with viewed such flexibility as
a significant advantage in attaining difficult-to-hire talent.
That said, what exactly is remote work, and what does it
mean in your context? For example, a relatively small organization in Kelowna,
BC needed to hire a technical engineer with a specific skill
Work-Space Continuum in Context set. Potential candidates were unwilling to relocate to small
The term “remote” refers to work conducted by “individuals town Canada, but they were able to find someone located in
and teams who are not required to show up at a specific physical Norway to build and lead a remote team in China.)
location on a regular basis.” The degree to which this happens can
vary greatly; we have identified five classifications that span the 4. These organizations are fully distributed with a
remote work continuum: building(s) somewhere from which employees can work,
have retreats, conduct client meetings—but there is no
1. All work is performed during working hours within the requirement for them to ever be there. These companies
walls of the organization’s work-space. Employees work are still relatively rare, but are more popular in tech, perhaps
from a colocated space 100 per cent of the time with tradi- because these companies’ core processes are embedded in
tional hours. Some choose to operate in this manner because location-agnostic technology. US-based Rimon Law Firm is
they regularly create, access, or process sensitive data and the an impressive example of this remote working form with at
physical space is a core part of the security strategy. This is distributed staff of 110, including 80 attorneys.
often the case for government organizations and security
firms that need to take extraordinary measures to ensure 5. These organizations have no physical building, any-
protection of data. where. If face-to-face client meetings or gatherings are
called for, a third-party space is required. Co-working spaces,
2. Employees have a physical office managed by their hotel lobbies or even coffee shops can provide such spaces.
employer, as well as the freedom to work outside of the In this context, workers determine where they work and are
office one or two days per week or a few times per month. completely location independent with most communication
From our experience, these sorts of organizations view work- happening virtually.
ing from home periodically as a “perk” and not necessarily
as a strategic advantage. Some of the people we met in this Questions to Clarify
classification felt their managers were skeptical of what level Wherever you are on the remote work continuum, it is important
of productivity could actually happen from home. However, to establish a baseline to ensure employee success—both
we also saw that many organizations were undergoing a tran- colocated and remote. These questions will help you identify
sition and allowing their employees the opportunity to work what’s currently in place, what needs to be developed in order to
remotely on occasion, which in turn gave the organizations move forward in supporting a remote workforce, and where you
more flexibility for things like job sharing and office space. may find room for further flexibility.

3. While there is still a building or home base, employees 1. What functions of each role are dependent on being in the
have a higher level of flexibility in where they work. office? (Think job analysis.)
This classification is growing in popularity, especially in 2. Is technology in place to support this role, remote or
more tech-centric organizations. Some employees might be colocated?

42 PeopleTalk | S u m m e r 2019 “Technology is best when it brings people together.”—Matt Mullenweg, Social Media Entrepreneur
3. Are appropriate virtual communication tools used? for all employees. Our research determined remote workers want
4. Is a communication protocol in place? (The how, what, when two-way feedback to happen on an “as needed” basis to identify
of communication.) their successes and potential growth areas, and to provide
5. Are there appropriate cyber-security protocols in place? managers with feedback on how they might remove barriers for
6. Are supports in place for setting up a home office? individual and team success.
(Ergonomics, tech, budget) However, this does not replace a formal annual discussion
7. Are current onboarding processes in place to ensure remote around accomplishments, goals, challenges and contributions.
workers are incorporated into the the company culture? Well-applied metrics—combined with mutually agreed
8. Is servant leadership encouraged at all levels of the upon goals and evidence of ongoing growth within relevant
organization? competencies—can serve well as the foundation for effective,
9. Has the organization developed a meaningful way to talk respectful performance measurement.
about progress and performance relevant to specific contexts
(colocated or remote)? An Expanded Employee Experience
Summing up, remote work is a growing reality that is moving
Performance Management in the Remote Era us toward a more open, global and flexible marketplace. When
Let’s take a moment to focus on that final question. What does done well, remote working allows for humans to experience a
performance management look like in a remote context? In our greater cadence of meaningful experiences both in work and their
research, 250+ remote workers reported desiring meaningful personal lives. Still, it’s hard to imagine a world where every job
work; they want to know it is connected to work done by their becomes remote. While we hope more organizations give thought
co-workers, as well as to organizational goals and mission. to opening up their proverbial walls, we don’t want to see good
Therefore, use of data to drive metrics helps employees know: organizations caught in trying to change something that’s just
not right for them.
• How productive they were;
• What that productivity means to the team/organization; and Roberta Sawatzky, CPHR is a professor at the Okanagan
• How the work they did related to the work others are doing. School of Business, consultant, and researcher focusing on
remote work. Nathan Sawatzky is a sociologist and remote
Clarity around deliverables and timelines removes ambiguity business leader.

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 PeopleTalk | Summer 2019 43

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