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ISO 9001:2015

TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 Republic of the Philippines

San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418


Department of Agricultural Engineering

Fieldwork No. 1

NAME: Laurence Dave B. Belason___ RATING: _____________

SECTION & YEAR: BSAEN 4m_______________ DATE:_Oct-02-020 ___

I. Objectives
a. To determine individual pace factor.
b. To measure distance by pacing.
II. Instruments and Accessories
a. Range Poles
b. Steel tape
c. Markers
1. Determining Pace Factor
a. Select straight and level course and on both ends establish markers at
least 20 meters apart. Designate these end points as A and B.
b. Walk over the course at a natural pace or gait starting with either heel or
toe over point A and count the number of pace to reach point B.
c. For succeeding trials, walk from B to A, then A to B, until 5 trials are
completed, and the number of paces recorded accordingly.
d. Refer to the accompanying sample format for the recording of observed
field data.
Trial Line Taped Number of Mean No. Pace
Distance paces of Paces Factor
(m) (m/pace)
1 AB 30.5
2 BA 31.3
3 AB 20m 31.4 31.18 0.641
4 BA 31.5
5 AB 31.2

2. Measuring Distance by Pacing

a. Define or establish the end points of another level whose length is to be
determined by pacing. Designate these end points as C and D.
b. For the first trial, walk over the course from C to D at a natural pace and
record the number of paces. Then, walk from D to C and again record the
number of paces.
c. Repeat the above procedure until all five trials are completed.
d. After the field data is recorded, make an actual taping of the course CD to
determine the taped distance.
e. Refer to the accompanying sample format for the recording of observed
field data.

Tria No. of Paced Taped Relative

Line Mean
l Paces Distance Distance Precision
1 CD 50
2 DC 50.5
3 CD 49.4 50 32.072 m 32.23 m
4 DC 49.8
5 CD 50.3

IV. Computations
1. Computing Pace Factor (PF)
a. Get the sum of the number of paces for the five trials performed on
course AB the compute the mean number of paces.

MeanAB =
∑X =
30.5+31.3+31.4+31.5+31.2 155.9
= = 31.18
n 5 5

MeanCD =
∑X =
50+50.5+49.4 +49.8+50.3 250
= = 50
n 5 5

b. Divide the known or taped length of course AB by the mean number of

paces for AB to determine the pace factor.
Length 20
P.FAB = = = 0.641
No . of paces 31.18

2. Computing Paced Distance (PD)

a. Get the sum of the number of paces for the five trials performed on
course CD and compute the mean number of the paces.
b. Multiply the mean number of paces for CD by the pace factor to obtain
paced distance.
PDCD = P.FABX MeanCD = O.6418x50 = 32.072 m

3. Computing Relative Precision (RP)

a. Determine the difference between taped distance of CD and the paced
distance of CD.
b. Divide the difference by the taped distance of CD and reduce the
numerator to unity to determine the relative precision.

TD−PD 32.23−32.072 0.156 1

RP = = = =
32.23 32.23 32.23 203.3

V. Results

MeanAB = 31.18 paces

MeanCD = 50 paces
P.FAB = 0.641m/paces
PDCD = 32.072 m
RP =

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