Turkey and The Mediterranean Balancing Geopolitics and Geo Economics

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Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
Prepared in Partnership with Paralleli (Turin) September 2011

Summary: While taking part in

Turkey and the Mediterranean:
activities to which it has been
invited within the context of EU Balancing Geopolitics and Geo-Economics
Mediterranean policy, Turkey
has remained distant to such a By Ilter Turan
scheme for cooperation. When
the Turkish government made
the critical decision to trans-
form the strategy of Turkish
economic development from
Is There a Mediterranean Region? the Mediterranean region, it sees a
import-substitution orientation
In developing its neighborhood policy, number of different countries that do
to one of export-led growth,
Turkey initiated or expanded the European Union has identified the not constitute in any sense an inte-
relations with the non-Euro- Mediterranean as a region with which grated region. There are the former
pean Mediterranean region. close relations should be developed. French colonies of the Maghreb; there
Although initially these were The Union for the Mediterranean, is Egypt and Libya, each in a category
limited to economic exchanges, however ineffective, constitutes both of its own; then there are the countries
as relations expanded, they evidence of EU interest in the region of the Mashrik or Eastern Arabdom
became more multi-dimen- and the instrument through which such as Syria and Lebanon; and
sional. Turkey developed an this will be implemented. While taking finally there is Israel and Palestine. In
interest in the region’s overall part in activities to which it has been Turkish minds, the so-called Mediter-
political stability. Also, with invited within the context of EU Medi- ranean countries belong to a variety
enhanced economic means,
terranean policy, Turkey has remained of country groupings, some without
it acquired a larger resource
distant to such a scheme for coopera- shores on the Mediterranean. Turkey
base with which it could be
active in the region. Turkey’s tion. has different relations with each.
interest in the non-European
Turkey’s ambivalence about treating Third, and related to the second point,
Mediterranean does not cover
the southern rim of the Mediterranean in the Mediterranean region as defined
all countries in the region
equally, with greater interest as a region and its reluctance to get by the European Union, many Turks
falling onto Libya and countries involved in EU planned activities for see an imaginary entity and a project
to its east. Tunisia, Algeria, the region derives from several factors. designed to achieve EU prevalence
and Morocco tend to be First, as a candidate for membership, in a specific geography. Though the
viewed more as only economic Turkey is unsure as regards where it evidence is not yet rich, Turks also
partners. The interest in the fits. Taking part in the EU’s Mediterra- perceive a competitive relationship
countries of the Eastern Medi- nean activities, it fears, might lead it to between Spain, France, and Italy
terranean, on the other hand, be identified too much as an outsider as candidates to lead such a policy.
is more complex. rather than as a candidate country. Finally, in the Turkish mind, the
Mediterranean corresponds to such
Second, when Turkey looks at the countries as Greece, Italy, and Spain
countries that are referred to as
1744 R Street NW * İlter Turan is currently a professor of political science at Istanbul’s Bilgi University, where he also served as president
Washington, DC 20009 between 1998-2001. The views expressed in this brief are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
T 1 202 683 2650 views of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
F 1 202 265 1662
E info@gmfus.org
Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
and not the non-European Mediterranean region that the
EU has been trying put into political use.
Factors of economic prosperity
came to weigh more importantly in
Non-European Mediterranean:
Turkey’s Distant Neighbors
The Turkish Republic, from its beginnings, showed little the conduct of foreign policy than
interest in the non-European Mediterranean. The new
nation state focused on nation building, consolidating the the previously prevailing security
republic and rebuilding the country after a long period of
wars. It showed little interest in reconstituting ties with concerns.
former subjects of the empire, who had not only cooper-
ated with the enemy, but had also fallen prey to European
colonialism at the end of the war. exchanges, as relations expanded, they became more multi-
dimensional. In addition to viewing the countries of the
The unraveling of this colonialism after the Second World region as economic partners, Turkey developed an interest
War did not change Turkey’s lack of interest in the region. in the region’s overall political stability. Also, with enhanced
Feeling threatened by the Soviets, Turkey’s attention was economic means, it acquired a larger resource base with
devoted to becoming an integral part of the Western Alli- which it could be active in the region. The basic driving
ance. The countries of the region, on the other hand, in force behind expanded relations was enhanced economic
working to fight the vestiges of colonialism, often exhib- prosperity from the 1980s to 2007. With coming into power
ited sympathies to the Soviet bloc. Occasional attempts to of the socially conservative (read religious) Justice and
develop or improve relations with the West did not produce Development Party (known as AKP) for a second term in
long-lasting effects. For the same reasons, Turkey developed 2007, new political dimensions were added that aimed to
close relations with Israel. Dubbed the Western democracies establish Turkey as a regional power capable of initiating
in the region, the two countries engaged in close economic foreign policy actions on its own. Focusing on achieving
and military cooperation. zero problems with neighbors (meaning attempting to
address them through peaceful means) and claiming that
all countries with which Turkey had historical ties (read
Winds of Change
Islam and/or Ottoman Empire) came within the domain of
Although the end of the Cold War is often seen as the major
Turkish interest, the AKP government gave new momentum
event that led to important changes in the external relations
to Turkish activism in its surrounding regions, motivated by
of many countries, change in Turkey had started ten years
economic interest, cultural affinity, and enhanced security.
earlier, when the Turkish government made the critical
decision to transform the strategy of Turkish economic
development from import-substitution orientation to one Relations with Individual Countries
of export-led growth. The shift shortly came to be reflected Turkey’s interest in the non-European Mediterranean does
in foreign policy as Turkey began to search for new markets not cover all countries in the region equally, with greater
and, in the process, develop new relationships. Factors of interest falling onto Libya and countries to its east. Tunisia,
economic prosperity came to weigh more importantly in Algeria, and Morocco tend to be viewed more as only
the conduct of foreign policy than the previously prevailing economic partners, an approach that also characterized the
security concerns. In the words of Kemal Kirişçi, Turkey Turkish-Libyan relationship until recently. The interest in
became a trading state. The end of the Cold War only the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, on the other
encouraged the continuation of this change. hand, is more complex.

This new economic orientation guided Turkey to initiate Libya and Egypt
or expand relations with the non-European Mediterranean Interestingly, the first country with which Turkey initiated
region. Although initially these were limited to economic intensive economic relations was Libya. Turkish contractors

Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
entered the Libyan market during the late 1970s. During
the 1980s, Turkey had become an indispensable part of
Turkey became more interested
the construction of harbors, pipelines, and a variety of
public and private facilities there. How much business they in assuming a regional role in
secured and whether they were paid on time depended
on the general state of political relations between the two the politics of the Middle East,
countries, which in turn depended on Colonel Muammar
Gaddafi’s temporal and often whimsical judgments of the relationship became colored
Turkey’s foreign policy, but Turkey was always present in
Libya. Economic relations improved and stabilized after
the Libyan leader assumed a more accommodating stance by competitive as well as by
toward Western countries and after Turkey became more
appreciative of Palestinian concerns. cooperative approaches.
When the anti-government demonstrations evolved into Turkey’s relations with Egypt are more complex. Economic
violent clashes between pro- and anti-Gaddafi forces in relations are clearly important. The volume of trade between
the spring of 2011, Turkey’s economic involvement was of the two countries, which was only US$517 million in 2000,
such a magnitude that it had to evacuate more than 20,000 had risen to $3.26 billion in 2009. Furthermore, Turkish
workers, leaving behind an expensive machine park as investors saw Egypt as a promising land of economic expan-
part of construction work estimated to be worth over $25 sion, with abundant and inexpensive labor, an improving
billion. In 2010, Turkey exported $1,935,307 and imported business environment, and easy access to major markets
$425,652 worth of goods, totaling a volume of $2,360,959 not only in Europe but also in Africa and South Asia. Some
with Libya. The importance of the relationship to the Turkish textile firms had relocated there, while others were
Turkish economy may help explain why Turkey was initially making plans to do the same.
reluctant to assume a clear stand against Gaddafi and why,
shortly afterwards, it decided to reverse its position and On the political front, as Turkey became more interested in
support the Benghazi government when it judged that assuming a regional role in the politics of the Middle East,
Gaddafi would not be able to stay in power in view of the the relationship became colored by competitive as well as
international coalition that had been formed against him. by cooperative approaches. The greater sympathy Turkey
This policy shift has been vindicated as Gaddafi has lost his has displayed toward the Palestinian causes — including the
battle while his friends in China and Russia now fear that organization of Gaza aid campaigns to be routed through
they will be deprived of economic opportunities that post- the Sinai and the failed Turkish efforts to mediate a modus
Gaddafi Libyan reconstruction and development policies vivendi between Israel and Syria regarding Golan Heights —
will present to outside powers. constitute examples of Turkey’s attempts to increase its role
in regional politics at the expense of Egypt. The domestic
turmoil that Egypt has been undergoing since demonstra-
The importance of the relationship tions first started in Tahrir Square in the spring of this year
has in fact placed Turkey in a better position to exercise
regional leadership.
to the Turkish economy may help
Current Turkish policy regarding Egypt aims to help a
explain why Turkey was initially peaceful transition to political competition. It is recog-
nized that a stable Egypt is needed to expand the economic
relationship. Furthermore, the Turkish business community
reluctant to assume a clear stand views Egypt as a base from which it can launch new opera-
tions into Africa and the Gulf, enhancing the country’s
against Gaddafi. economic importance for Turkey. In the domain of politics,

Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, with his immense popu- Syria has moved from $729 million to $1.753 billion. Again
larity in the Egyptian street, has contributed to narrowing Turkish businessmen have begun to view Syria as a poten-
the options of Egypt’s current military rulers regarding how tial location for investment. Especially with the removal of
accommodating they may be toward Israel. Finally, the AKP visa requirements about a year ago, tourism trade has begun
government in Turkey probably anticipates that the winners to flourish with Syrians, especially for those living near the
in any multi-party elections in Egypt will be its ideological Turkish cities of Gaziantep and Antakya, who visit Turkey
kin, facilitating harmonious relations both in the economic for shopping and medical services.
and the political domain.
The improvement of relations between the two countries
The AKP government in Turkey enticed Syria to remove its territorial claims regarding
Hatay and re-evaluate its concerns that Turkish policies
would eventually leave Syria without water. Shortly before
probably anticipates that the the protest events in Syria started, Syrian President Basher
Assad and Erdoğan met in Syria for the groundbreaking
winners in any multi-party ceremonies of a joint dam on the Asi (Orontes) River. It
is within this atmosphere that Syrian willingness to allow
elections in Egypt will be its Turkey to conduct proximity talks between it and Israel
with regard to the status of Golan Heights becomes compre-
hensible. Turkey also discreetly encouraged Syria to with-
ideological kin, facilitating draw from Lebanon and later contributed to the United
Nations force in a noncombat capacity to help keep peace
harmonious relations both in at the Lebanese-Israeli frontier.

It also appeared that the Syrian government under Assad

the economic and the political viewed the growing Turkish relationship as a channel
through which Syria would become gradually integrated
domain. into the world system from which it had remained isolated,
branded as rogue state by the United States. When demon-
strations against the Assad regime started, Turkey hoped
Syria and Lebanon that it might be possible to persuade the Syrian leadership
Turkey’s relations with Syria underwent a major transfor- to liberalize. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
mation in 1999. Until that year, Syria had been extending
support to the Kurdish terrorist organization PKK, offering
safe haven to its leader in Damascus and training grounds
It seems that Turkey has judged
for fighters in Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, which was then
under Syrian control. By pursuing such a policy, Syria that the chances of the Assad
hoped that it would force Turkey to reconsider its policy
of building a series of irrigation-power generation dams regime surviving are decreasing
along the Euphrates as well as keeping Syrian claims on the
Turkish province of Hatay alive. When Turkey threatened
military action in 1999, the Syrian government affected a
and that it is prudent both in
complete turnaround, kicked the PKK leader out, closed
down the training camps, and turned to developing friendly terms of long-term economic and
relations with Turkey. Since then, both economic and
political relations have blossomed. Turkey’s exports that political interest to adopt a strong
totaled only $184 million in 2000 have gone up to $1.425
billion in 2009 while the total volume of Turkish trade with stand.
Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
paid several visits to Damascus to persuade Assad that initiation of proximity talks with Syria, and then suddenly
listening to the opposition was the only way to go. Despite attacking Gaza. Turkey had appreciated that stability in the
indications that this was the way he would proceed, Assad Middle East was not possible without an Arab-Israeli recon-
has failed to live up to his commitments, and relations ciliation, and that Arabs seemed to need external assis-
between the two countries have cooled down. It seems that tance in achieving such a state of affairs. When Israel, quite
Turkey has judged, as in the case of Libya, that the chances unexpectedly, dynamited what seemed to be an almost-
of the Assad regime surviving are decreasing and that it is completed deal, Turkey felt betrayed. From that point on,
prudent both in terms of long-term economic and political relations have deteriorated.
interest to adopt a strong stand, saying that the Syrian
regime must change. The attack by the Israeli navy on a ship in the interna-
tional aid flotilla on the high seas, killing eight Turkish
Israel and Palestine and one American national of Turkish origin, has marked
As indicated earlier, Turkey had close relations with Israel yet another turning point in constantly worsening rela-
since its founding. An important dimension of this was tions. Israel’s refusal to apologize and pay indemnity for the
defense cooperation, which included the refurbishing of deceased, and Turkey’s failure to secure such an outcome by
Turkish tanks by Israel as well as the sale of unmanned using international instruments, has led Turkey to initiate a
aircraft to Turkey. Turkey offered the Israeli air force number of unilateral measures against Israel. Accordingly,
training opportunities in Turkey since Israeli airspace was Turkey will now work to have Palestine recognized as an
too small for extensive training. Part of this comprehensive
relationship also included the support of Israeli lobbies in Although it was common
the United States against activities in the U.S. Congress that
were unfriendly to Turkey such as the passing of Armenian
Genocide resolutions. knowledge that these
When Israel, quite unexpectedly, authoritarian regimes suppressed
dynamited what seemed to be oppositions, it was assumed that
an almost-completed deal with they would continue to rule in the
Syria, Turkey felt betrayed. From foreseeable future.
that point on, relations have independent state, will insure security in the international
waters of Eastern Mediterranean, and will fully suspend
deteriorated. military cooperation with Israel, among other measures.
What is remarkable is that both countries have taken care to
Economic relations between the two countries had been clarify that ordinary trade is not included in what otherwise
growing during recent years. Their annual volume of trade is an unfriendly state of affairs.
between is comparable to Turkey’s trade with Egypt and
Syria, reaching a volume of $2.063 billion in 2009, of which Readjusting Regional Policies
$1.5328 billion is Turkish exports. In addition, Turkey is a Turkey’s policies with the non-European countries of the
popular destination for Israeli tourists. Mediterranean, particularly those in the Eastern Mediterra-
The critical event that turned the tide in Turkish-Israeli rela- nean, were based on cooperating with the existing regimes.
tions was Israel’s having reached the almost-final step in the Although it was common knowledge that these authori-

Mediterranean Policy Program—Series on the Region and the Economic Crisis

Policy Brief
tarian regimes suppressed oppositions whose strength was
unknown, it was assumed that they would continue to rule About the Partners
in the foreseeable future. The coming of riots and regime
change, initially in Tunisia and then in Egypt, took everyone
by surprise, Turkey being no exception.
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a non-par-
In the face of the new political realities, Turkey, not unlike tisan American public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated to
its European allies, has had to establish a delicate balance promoting better understanding and cooperation between North Amer-
between its short- and long-term economic and its polit- ica and Europe on transatlantic and global issues. GMF does this by sup-
ical-cum-security interests in dealing with its Southern porting individuals and institutions working in the transatlantic sphere,
Mediterranean neighbors. As long as the older leadership by convening leaders and members of the policy and business communi-
structures were in place, Turkey worked with the existing ties, by contributing research and analysis on transatlantic topics, and by
leaders. When they were challenged by popular uprisings, providing exchange opportunities to foster renewed commitment to the
after some hesitation, Turkey judged that change was inevi- transatlantic relationship. In addition, GMF supports a number of initia-
table and moved political considerations ahead of short- tives to strengthen democracies. Founded in 1972 through a gift from
Germany as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF
term economic ones, giving support to those demanding
maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to
democratization. In this way, it envisioned developing good
its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices in Europe:
relations with the new regimes and expanding its role both Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, Bucharest, and Warsaw. GMF
as an economic and political actor in the new order that will also has smaller representations in Bratislava, Turin, and Stockholm.
emerge in the region.
In this context, the worsening ties with Israel presents a
dilemma for Turkey. Israel’s Arab neighbors are concerned
that both Turkey’s actions and appeals to their mass public
narrows down their ability to have amicable relations with
Israel. Israel’s Western allies, notably the United States, find
it highly problematic that its two allies in the region are at
loggerheads. A change of government in Israel to one that is Paralleli’s mandate is to contribute to the creation of a Euro-Mediter-
willing to offer an apology to Turkey may well open the way ranean area of freedom and of economic and social development. The
to improvement. Otherwise, economic factors alone will not institute acts at the local, national, and international level with the aim
suffice to affect change. of meeting the needs of the North-West region of Italy concerning its
relations with the other sides of the Mediterranean Sea. The activities of
The Turkish trading state is constrained in its foreign policy the Institute fall within the process of Euro-Mediterranean partnership
in the Eastern Mediterranean by political and security initiated by the European Union with the 1995 Barcelona Process and
considerations. Sometimes, such considerations guide currently undergoing a major relaunch through the “Union for the
policy in the hope of enhancing economic gains in the long Mediterranean,” since July 2008. Paralleli intends to contribute to the
run; at other times, however, political considerations exhibit reinforcement of political relations, economic cooperation, cultural
an autonomy of their own. Turkey is continuing to meet the exchange, and human flows between the European and the South-East
challenge of balancing geopolitics and geo-economics in Mediterranean countries. Its main objective is to promote dialogue at
cultural, social, and political level between the societies of the Mediter-
the region, so far with some success. Interestingly, Turkey’s
ranean countries, with the aim of encouraging and improving economic
regional political and security role has led to commentary
relations between them, with a particular focus on the dimension of
within the European Union that Turkey’s cooperation is sustainability and co-development. For this reason, the institute has
indispensable for the success of EU’s Mediterranean poli- decided: to involve civil society in the development of Euro-Mediterranean
cies and therefore Turkey’s membership negotiations should relations; to create and to support networking in the Mediterranean area;
quickly lead to a successful conclusion. and to increase the value of research in order to suggest truly effective
policies to local, national, and international actors.

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