Fhir Swot 2015-09-28

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FHIR-I SWOT (2019/01/07)

 Significant implementer & vendor engagement & participation
 Significant collaboration with other work groups
 FHIR is well positioned in industry which reflects on this work group

 Dependency on other work groups for certain resources/pages
 Highly dependent on volunteers
 Limited resources/bandwidth – particularly in tooling/support space
 Some knowledge, particularly development tools, is still too concentrated

 Influence provided by popularity of the standard and influx of newcomers opens the possibility
to evolve how standards are developed
 Increased engagement with external SDOs (IHE, NCPDP, WEDI, etc.)
 Ability to improve state-of-the art in terms of IG publication – increase ease of
 Bring new work into FHIR – CDS Hooks, FHIR Cast, others?

 Not clear what our scope will be 3 years from now – limited opportunity for
profiles/implementation guides in our WG. What will make (useful) people keep coming?
 WG may be target of large stakeholder groups who want to “steer” FHIR
 Lots of external groups now using FHIR, external developments – what should come into FHIR-I?
 We continue to get more complex/sophisticated – at what point does FHIR cease being easy to
use? E.g. profiles/profile hierarchies

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