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proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600080210-8-1 600080210 UDHLPD/CSU HIP Field With Implementation Approver TRAFFIC CONTROL 30028783-Hawiyah 5/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 7/2/2020 Site traffic directional signs are scarce and not adequate to the recent changes of access/egress routes for light and heavy Request contractor(s) to post and maintain adequate number of traffic signs consistent to Traffic signage,directional signage, Area names has been provided and more Closed
Safety Inspection Increment Projects Div vehicles. changes in traffic routes and worksite needs for safe access and egress. area name sinages will be provided by end of this mponth

600080269-1-1 600080269 HIP Deliverblies With Processor DOCUMENT DELIVERABLES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 5/18/2020 DUFFIEJX 5/20/2020 Unavailability of SA reviewed/approved specific plan, proof of inspection and occupancy certificate at the following LPCR 3 Deliverables. Once deliverable is completed, the recommended action closure Open
project support facilities e.g. subcontractor offices, fabrication shops, warehouse. follows.Relevant approval document will be provided.

600080269-2-1 600080269 HIP Deliverblies With Processor DOCUMENT DELIVERABLES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 5/18/2020 DUFFIEJX 5/20/2020 Specific emergency response plan such as response for confine space, high angle or elevated area are not emphasized in ERP deliverable. Contractor ERP review shall be conducted and incorporate confine space rescue Open
the ERP document. plan, high-angle/elevated area rescue plan

Even though the Contractor's site supervision had received internal general supervisor’s training, no proof of relevant
training for non-safety supervisor such as the below listed mandatory safety training contractually mandated by CSAR
600080269-3-1 600080269 HIP Deliverblies With Implementation Approver DOCUMENT DELIVERABLES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 5/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/16/2020 8.6 / Schedule D of contracts: The job-specific CSSP and HIP. The contract's safety requirements. Specific hazards and safe LPCR 2 Deliverables LPD Closed officially LPCR 2 LPD Closed
work practices associated with the job. Relevant sections of the SA Safety Handbook and the SA Construction Safety officially LPCR 2
Manual (CSM). Injury/incident reporting and investigation. Applicable emergency response procedures. First aid and basic
life support (BLS). Note: They shall have valid first and BLS certificates in their possession at all times.

No project specific Human / Machine Interface plan in place / submitted by contractor to SAPO in order to effectively LPD Closed
600080269-4-1 600080269 HIP Deliverblies With Implementation Approver DOCUMENT DELIVERABLES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 5/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 7/2/2020 LPCR 4 Deliverables LPD Closed officially LPCR 2
manage hazards associated with heavy equipment operations, as required by CSM III-2.3.6. officially LPCR 2

Several vehicle safety violations observed as follows: - Dump truck ID# P-84 driver not warning seat belt. - Bus plate#9043 Defensive driving campaigns,TBT's,warning letters and Terminations
600081452-2-1 600081452 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Implementation Approver VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 6/22/2020 ARFAAM0E 6/29/2020 VRB and the vehicle PJ#78 observed over speeding and overtaking on solid line on Jun 16,2020.Location: Green Field & Contractor enforcement mechanism on traffic violation shall apply Closed
implemented to reduce the traffic violations
TCF to Green Field road

Conducted awareness session to workforce through TBT about safety and

Multiple observation during lunch break at different area: - 20 workers waiting in line near to mess hall observed without Conduct awareness seesion to workforce through TBT about safety and health protocol on
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field health protocol on COVID-19, provided appropriate PPE's. Included on the TBT
600081452-4-1 600081452 Safety Inspection With Implementation Approver HEALTH & WELFARE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 6/22/2020 ARFAAM0E 7/2/2020 social distancing and multiple not wearing mask. - Multiple workers eating under PR at D-D area - 4 workers eating at rest COVID-19, provide appropriate PPE. Included on the TBT shall be the proper use of designated and explained proper use of designated shelters i.e. rest shelter, smoking Closed
shelter (MS 5) - One worker ( Ahmed ID# 247036741) smoking at rest shelter (MS 5) shelters i.e. rest shelter, smoking shelter, mess hall. shelter, mess hall.

Excavation activity under WP# 026155 inside deep excavation observed with multiple violations: - Excavation egress
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field doesn't meet the 7.5 meter walking distance requirements as the nearest egress is more than 20 m away. - The activity Contractor shall make sure to inspect the excavation each morning before starting the activity
600081725-6-1 600081725 Safety Inspection With Implementation Approver CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 6/28/2020 NIAZYAA 6/29/2020 observed without CS stand by man. - Only one gas test is conducted per day as per the gas test record. - General CS plan and comply with excavation 7.5 walking distance egress safety requirements. Confined space Open
observed and it should specific as perm CSM I-6.5 - The excavation was not inspected prior of starting the activity as the safety requirements shall implemented as per CSM I-6.
excavation checklist last updated on Jun14th, 2020.Location: Green Field- In front of GT8

CSU representative reminded that all safety concerns should addressed clearly and effectively
to the PMT representative (Senior Project Engineer) hence, any “Stop Work” should notified
the Area Project Engineer or Site Superintended.CSU representative could also notified the
PMT Safety to elaborate further from the SAPMT Senior Project Engineers / Project Engineers
In-Charge the imposed “Stop Work” Order.Observations do not have any formal discussion /
600081725-7-1 600081725 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 6/28/2020 SALAMAMD 6/28/2020 Water tanker 2947 RBA observed with faulty recoiling mechanism pump as it has been observed without a guard. Contractor shall verify if the pump guard are fixed and that similar heavy equipment are free from Water tanker 2947 RBA is released from the project Closed notification at worksite (PMT personnel - SPE, PE, Site Superintended) will not considered in
same issue.( Reference: CSM III-1.3.1) the workflow. PMT Compliance Team will be notified as reviewer and raised inquiries to the
CSU representative about the safety observations (if have).CSU representative should
indicates the observation status either “open” or “closed” specifically that the PMT /
CONTRACTOR immediate responded during his site visit considering minor or low risk
observations.CSU representative also reminded that the findings should be specific. (See the
attached closure for CSU Representative verification)

Contractor shall make sure that Compressed gas cylinder shall be stored at properly in a shaded
Proper shaded shelter provided for the compressed gas cylinders along with
600081725-9-1 600081725 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Implementation Approver COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 6/28/2020 NIAZYAA 6/29/2020 Two compressed gas cylinders , Oxygen and Acetylene , stored in direct sun light.Location: Laydown- Behind workshop#4 shelter with appropriate labeling, signage and segregation.( Reference: CSM I-8.6.5 and CSM I- Closed
9.4.16)Status: Open

600082202-3-1 600082202 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/6/2020 SALAMAMD 7/7/2020 Not enough emergency reporting instructions available at the sub station 5 area. Emergency Reporting Signs posted at the work site with the emergency Closed
Safety Inspection AS PER CSM 1 EMERGENCY REPORTING AND RESPONSE 1.4 Emergency Reporting 1.4.2 Signs shall telephone numbers and reporting instructions.
be conspicuously posted at the work site with the emergency telephone numbers and reporting
instructions. Contractors shall provide home and mobile telephone numbers (and those of
replacements) to the SAPO for emergency contact after hours for incidents involving the
contractor’s job, personnel or equipment. These telephone numbers shall be kept current and
posted at the job site.

600082257-7-1 600082257 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/4/2020 SALAMAMD 7/5/2020 Repeated: Water tanker 2947 RBA observed with faulty recoiling mechanism pump as it has been observed without a The pump guard shall be fixed and verify that similar heavy equipment are free from same issue. Water tanker 2947 RBA is released from the project Closed
Safety Inspection guard. ( Reference: CSM III-1.3.1) Status: Open

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field Emergency Reporting Signs posted at the work site with the emergency
600082257-10-1 600082257 With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/4/2020 SALAMAMD 7/5/2020 The reporting instructions shall be conspicuously posted at the work site. (Reference: CSM I-1.3) Closed
Safety Inspection telephone numbers and reporting instructions.

Emergency reporting instruction not conspicuously posted at site.Location: Green Field - Modular area and TEG tank area
1. As Per GI 2.100 Work Permit System 3.2.2 Hot work is any work that develops sparks, flames,
or heat sufficient to cause ignition. This work permit will apply to the use of spark or flame
producing tools and equipment.
2. As Per Work Permit System and Stop Work Authority 4.10.12 Special requirements and
Mohammad Isaansari welder (CAL-2019-3645, was carrying out welding and grinding activities at the entrance to the site precautions, such as fire watches, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), lifelines, and
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field gates at the green fields area, the following observations were noted and the works stopped. 1. There was no hot work barricades shall be indicated on the permit. TBT conducted for all the crew for proper compliance of welding activities and
600082424-1-1 600082424 With Processor WORK PERMITS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/9/2020 NIAZYAA 7/9/2020 3. As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention 7.9.1 Appropriate portable and mobile firefighting equipment Closed
Safety Inspection permit in place. 2. There were no safety barriers surrounding the activities being carried out on the main road. 3. There warning letter issued to mohammed ansari for non-compliance
shall be located in accordance with SAES-B-019 and as needed to address job site hazards (e.g.,
was no fire extinguisher available. 4. There was no welding screen in place. hot work activities). See Table 7.1 at the end of the chapter for more information on portable fire
4. As Per CSM 10 Cutting Welding Brazing 10.6.7 Noncombustible or flameproof welding screens
shall be used to protect nearby personnel and equipment from exposure to arc welding/cutting

As Per CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the
600082426-1-1 600082426 Safety Inspection With Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 A 45 ton crane ( id number 877 ) did not have a valid inspection sticker in place at the Sapiem lay down area. manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a Inspection done and sticker provided for the 45 ton crane Closed
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field Ranjeet Kumar Singh ( 24240782847) was driving vehicle 9316 SNA and was not wearing his seat belt. Hussain Nassar As Per CSM 8 traffic and vehicle safety B. Wear seat belts at all times and ensure that all Defensive driving campaigns,TBT's,warning letters and Terminations
600082426-3-1 600082426 With Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Closed
Safety Inspection Khan ( 2471190781) was driving his vehicle at the Sapiem laydown area and was not wearing his seat belt. passengers wear their seat belts as well. implemented to reduce the traffic violations

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they are not likely to be damaged
(e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage (e.g., running them inside
600082426-4-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Cable connected to Generator ( NO 30962) was running across the site and buried in the sand at the GT7 area. impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Defective electrical equipment All the cables were arranged and damaged cables removed from the site Closed
Safety Inspection
and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the job site. 11 Hand and
Power Tools

As Per CSM 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they are not likely to be damaged
(e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage (e.g., running them inside
600082426-5-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 230v temperature control box connected to Generator ( NO 30962) had a damaged cable at the GT7 area. impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Defective electrical equipment All the cables were arranged and damaged cables removed from the site Closed
Safety Inspection
and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the job site. 11 Hand and
Power Tools

As Per CSM Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3.2 Elevated work platforms shall be per
600082426-6-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Various unprotected open holes were observed at the GT7 area. Various open unprotected edges around deep Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated walking Hard barricaded and danger signs are provided and posted Closed
Safety Inspection HORING excavations are located at the back of the flare and burns pit area. and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely covered.

As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600082426-7-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Worker Monohar Lal was breaking out concrete inside a steel reinforced cage with no safe access or egress near to the PIB with safe means of entry and exit. Ladders used to access elevated work locations shall be per PTJ provided a temporary walkway on work location in PIB building GT8. Open
Safety Inspection building GT8 area. Chapter II-3, Ladders and Stepladders, of this manual. Entry and exit points at elevated work
locations shall be per Chapter II-2, Scaffolding

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field AS PER CSM 4 Temporary Walkway and Working Surfaces I. Have sloping handrails with a
600082426-8-1 600082426 With Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 A confined space ( NO CSW-60 ) wooden man made access ladder had no safety hand rails located along side GT7/GT8 Open
Safety Inspection circumference that provides an adequate handhold for personnel

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No
600082426-10-1 600082426 With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Argon gas store ( 03 ) has no warning signs in place located at the GT8 area. Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU warning signs provided Closed
Safety Inspection

AS PER CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm (1
1/2 in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement,
600082426-12-1 600082426 Safety Inspection With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Scaffolding planks were being used as sills on scaffolding NO V62328 at the flare and burns pit area. wooden floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used Open
where base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as

Contractor to enforce the COVID-19 mandatory KSA ( MOH) and SA recommendations / Warning letter issued as an disciplinary action for not wearing mask and to not
600082426-13-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEALTH & WELFARE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Worker Bhupinder Singh K5004850 was not wearing a face mask at the flare and burn pits area. requirements that say everyone is to keep to social distancing and to wear a mask at all times repeat it again Closed
when in groups of 2 or more

600082426-14-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Scaffolding clips and fittings have been left unattended on the floor in the sand at the flare and burn pits area. As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffolding components strored in proper place in sacfoldig laydown area. Closed

As Per CSM 1 Machine Guarding 1.3.1 Machinery Guards A. Moving machinery parts shall be
Door latch to the cement mixer ( M55 GT4) being used at the flare and burns pit area is broken, therefor the door will not
600082426-16-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 guarded if located 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) or less above the floor or working surface. This includes
stay closed.
flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain drives.

As Per CSM 7. Cranes and Lifting Equipment 7.3.11 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and
600082426-17-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Crane ( 541843) at the flare and burns pit area had no barriers surrounding the lifting zone. secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs Crane lift areas are being barricaded and secured and required warning signs Closed
shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting posted proir to lifting

Contractor to enforce the COVID-19 mandatory KSA ( MOH) and SA recommendations /

600082426-18-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEALTH & WELFARE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 8 x workers gathered in a small rest shelter at the flare and burn pits area that were not adhering too the social distancing requirements that say everyone is to keep to social distancing and to wear a mask at all times Many campaigns for covid 19 precautions done to make awreness among the Closed
rules of 2 meters apart when in groups of 2 or more workers about the social distancing

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention During inspections check if extinguisher is in correct location, access
Fire extinguisher ( HGPE SP00803) located at the flare and burn pits area is showing the gage is over pressurized. Fire is unobstructed and extinguisher is clearly visible. Check contents gauges, where fitted, to see if
600082426-19-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 extinguisher with the cement mixer had no pressure and was unsafe for use at the flare and burn pits area. Fire All the damaged Fire extinguishers are replaced with new fire extinguishers Closed
extinguisher is usable. Check for signs of leakage, corrosion or physical damage. Check if seals are
extinguisher ( ID number GT04) has not been inspected since 24.05.2020 located at the GT8 area
unbroken and up-to-date inspection tag is fitted. If in doubt, contact your local Fire Control Unit.

A s Per CSM 11 Hand and Power Tools B. Tools that are not in proper working condition shall be
600082426-20-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & ELECTRIC 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Worker using a shovel with a broken handle inside the new chemical shelter building between GT7 and GT4 Immediately removed the damaged shovel from the site Closed
immediately removed from service and not used until properly repaired.

As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction 6.5.1 All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees All the protruding reinforcing steel around the chemical shelter has been
600082426-21-1 600082426 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020 Protruding reinforcing steel around the new chemical shelter building has not been guarded between GT7 and GT4 could fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement. guarded Closed

MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

UDHLPD- CSU HIP 30028783-Hawiyah

Field Safety Increment Projects
600082426-22-1 600082426 Inspection With Processor Div 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

UDHLPD- CSU HIP 30028783-Hawiyah

Field Safety Increment Projects
600082426-23-1 600082426 Inspection With Processor Div 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020

MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

UDHLPD- CSU HIP 30028783-Hawiyah

Field Safety Increment Projects
600082426-25-1 600082426 Inspection With Processor Div 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020

MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

UDHLPD- CSU HIP 30028783-Hawiyah

Field Safety Increment Projects
600082426-26-1 600082426 Inspection With Processor Div 7/13/2020 NIAZYAA 7/13/2020

Crane lifts shall not be performed in wind speeds exceeding 32 km/h (20 mph) (17.4 knots) (9
600083177-1-1 600083177 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/19/2020 NIAZYAA 7/19/2020 Multiple lifting activities performed at wind speed exceeding 9m/sec ( Crane ID # 058636 and 3472 RAA). m/sec), unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer.( Reference: CSM III-7.3.10) Status: Campaigns and TBT's conducted for the proper compliance of lifting activities Closed
Location: Green field- Sales gas area Closed when highlighted

Multiple Water tankers (2947 RBA and 3514 JRB) observed with: - Faulty recoiling mechanism pump as the rotating The pump guard shall be fixed and make the heavy equipment is inspected. Contractor shall The pump guard for the water tankers has been fixed and the heavy
600083177-2-1 600083177 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetWith Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/19/2020 NIAZYAA 7/19/2020 equipment of the pump has been observed without a guard. - No proof of daily inspection as no daily checklist available. verify that similar heavy equipment are free from same issue.( Reference: CSM III-1.3.1) Status: Closed
equipments are inspected.
Location: Green field- GT4 area Open

Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The
600083186-1-1 600083186 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/16/2020 NIAZYAA 7/16/2020 Closed
site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
As Per CSM 1 Excavation and shoring F. The perimeter of the pits shall be protected with solid
barriers to prevent personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be properly barricaded and
Access and egress to the fabrication area located between pipe rack 1 and pipe rack 12 was leading directly out onto a live warning signs posted. H. Warning signs shall be placed around the work area and at all
excavation, The excavation did not have any safety barriers in place. excavator operator Pawan Kumar ( CAH 016064) was approaches to the job site 4.3 General Requirements 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided with
operating excavator 01-21020 under excavation permit number 012232. safe means of entry and exit.

600083464-3-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020

AS PER CSM 8 TRAFFIC AND VEHICLE SAFETY 8.4.1 Drivers shall inspect vehicles on a monthly
Gopilal Kafle was driving diesel truck ( equipment no 24 XVX) with a cracked driver side mirror at the diesel generator basis using a detailed inspection checklist. The checklist items shall cover, but not be limited to,
building in between the two security gates. the availability and/or condition of: B. Windows, windshields, inside and outside rearview mirrors
Observation status: open and windshield wipers.

600083464-4-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 CLOSED Closed

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention During inspections check if extinguisher is in correct location, access
Fire extinguisher with Diesel flatbed truck 3739 EAB was not accessible and was tied to the truck with tie-in wire at the is unobstructed and extinguisher is clearly visible. Check contents gauges, where fitted, to see if
diesel generator building in between the two security gates. extinguisher is usable. Check for signs of leakage, corrosion or physical damage. Check if seals are
Observation status: closed unbroken and up-to-date inspection tag is fitted. If in doubt, contact your local Fire Control Unit.

AS PER CSM 1 MACHINE GAURDING 1.3.1 Machinery Guards A. Moving machinery parts shall be
600083464-7-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 the doors to the Diesel generators C71973 & 72424 have been left open exposing the engine and fans inside guarded if located 2.5 m (8.2 ft) or less above the floor or working surface. This includes Diesel generator doors has been closed and instructed crew foreman to keep Closed
Observation status : closed all machinery parts to be guarded always
flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain drives.

600083464-8-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 Scaffolding boards are being used as sills on scaffolding V 56977 outside of the electrical control center, substation 5 area. SAPMT HSE discussed with CSU Rep concerning the closure of the recommendation CLOSED Closed

Unsafe walkway spanning over an excavation, there are no hand rails attached located at the back of the electrical control
600083464-13-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 building main substation 5 As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided Walkways for excavation, provided hand rails and safe entry and exit. Closed
Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit.

AS PER CSM 11 HAZZARDOUS MATERIALS 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be
600083464-14-1 600083464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 Green drum located at the gantry area , substation 5 has no label to identify the contents properly labeled to indicate its contents and hazards Hazardous materials received at a facility or Each container of hazardous material has been properly labeled to indicate its Closed
Observation status: open project site without proper labels shall be set aside and not distributed for use until properly contents and hazards Hazardous materials
labeled. See GI 150.100 for typical hazardous chemical labels.

Nirmal Singh ( NO610174) was observed working under a suspended load (air cooler) weighing 45 ton, that was attached As Per CSM 8. Slings and Rigging Hardware 8.3.19 Standing or walking under a suspended load is
600083750-1-1 600083750 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 NIAZYAA 7/28/2020 Disciplinary action taken against Nirmal Singh Closed
to a crawler crane. prohibited.

Access stairs to the toilet located up against the perimeter fence behind pipe rack 22-25 are damaged and the access is
As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600083850-19-1 600083850 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 unsafe. Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
with safe means of entry and exit.
Observation status: open

600083850-21-1 600083850 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/27/2020 SALAMAMD 7/27/2020 MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection 5.4.1 A full-body harness with a shock-absorbing lanyard (see Figures
5.1 and 5.2) or self-retracting lifeline (see Figure 5.3) shall be continuously worn by personnel
Kamalji Jeeta ( L7084855) and Manjit Singh ( 2469299024) were working inside the PIB building on the top scaffolding working at heights when exposed to a fall hazard of 1.8 m (6 ft) or greater (e.g., unprotected
platform and did not have their safety harnesses tied off. Kamalji Jeeta ( L7084855) was stood at an area where there was elevated areas, yellow-tagged scaffolds, aerial lifts). The 1.8 m (6 ft) distance shall be measured
no second safety handrail. Manjit Singh ( 2469299024) was using a unsecured scaffolding plank laid across the hand rails from the grade, floor or lower surface to the worker’s feet. Disciplinary action issued against the violators for non compliance of work at
600084084-1-1 600084084 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 7/28/2020 NIAZYAA 7/28/2020 Closed
in order to reach further. Access to the top lift of the scaffolding was obstructed by recently installed containment holding As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding U. Safe landings shall be provided at the top of all ladders and at least height activity and TBT conducted for the safe working procedure
up the air conditioning ducts. Access in the event of an emergency is now very restricted due to the air conditioning ducts every 9 m (30 ft) of ladder height. Landings shall be closed planked and protected by a guardrail
being so close to the scaffolding. system. See Figure 2.25.
As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
with safe means of entry and exit.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 9 COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No
600084398-4-1 600084398 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/10/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/10/2020 Argon gas storage area located at pipe rack 1 has no signs saying full / empty bottles and no smoking signs. Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU Storage areas posted Arabic and English “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Closed
Observation status: open Storage Area” signs

600084398-6-1 600084398 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/10/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/10/2020 Steel re-bars left unprotected and not guarded on pre cast man holes under pipe rack 54. As Per CSM 6 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could fall has been Closed
Observation status: open could fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement

600084398-9-1 600084398 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/10/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/10/2020 Scaffolding clips and fittings have been left unattended on the floor in the sand at pipe rack 52-56 area. As Per CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffold components has been properly stored to prevent damage. Closed
Observation status: open

600084398-11-1 600084398 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/10/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/10/2020 MULTIPLE-to be discussed wit CSU Rep

Generator ( 4378-17-156 ) has no daily check sheet available. location: Sub Station 5 outside of switch gear and control AS PER CSM 2 MECHANICAL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be Pre-use inspections have been conducted on all mechanical and heavy
600084765-1-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAVY EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Closed
room Observation status: open conducted on all mechanical and heavy equipment. equipments and the checklists posted

Yellow scaffolding tag is out of date. scaffold number ( B05008) location: Sub Station 5 outside of switch gear and control As Per GI 8.001SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR SCAFFOLDS 9.4.3 Subsequent inspection of the Scaffold tag updated and the crew instructed for revalidating the scaffolding
600084765-2-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Closed
room Observation status: open scaffold shall occur within the two week period in order to revalidate the integrity of the scaffold. tag every two weeks after inspection.

AS PER CSM 2 Scaffolding C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm (1 1/2
Scaffolding number ( B05008) is sitting on scaffold planks and the required sills. location: Sub Station 5 outside of switch in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement, wooden
600084765-3-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 gear and control room Observation status: open floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used where Open
base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as sills.

Rubbish bin is positioned in front of the ladder access. Scaffolding number (B05008) Location: Sub Station 5 outside of As Per CSM 3 Ladders and Step ladders 3.5.1 Safe clearances shall be maintained to prevent
600084765-4-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 switch gear and control room Observation status: open personnel from bumping into or snagging onto projecting objects while ascending or descending a removed rubbish bin which was infront of ladder access Closed

600084765-5-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Various open unprotected holes were observed around the sub station 5 area. Location: Sub Station 5 outside of switch be per Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated Holes and openings in elevated walking and working surfaces have been Closed
gear and control room Observation status: open walking and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely guarded by a complete guardrail system

Various open unprotected holes were observed inside the switch gear and control room Location: Sub Station 5 inside be per Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated Holes and openings in elevated walking and working surfaces have been
600084765-6-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Closed
switch gear and control room Observation status: open walking and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely guarded by a complete guardrail system

600084765-7-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Scaffolding planks used as a step are not fixed at the entrance to the switch gear and control room. Location: Sub Station 5 AS PER CSM TEMPORARY WALKING AND WORKING SURFACES 4.3.1 Work locations shall be Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
entrance to switch gear and control room Observation status: open provided with safe means of entry and exit.

600084765-8-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Various trip hazards observed inside the switch gear and control room, scaffolding planks and wood flooring are raised. AS PER CSM TEMPORARY WALKING AND WORKING SURFACES 4.3.1 Work locations shall be Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
Location: Sub Station 5 inside switch gear and control room Observation status: open provided with safe means of entry and exit.

As Per GI 8.001 Safety Requirements for Scaffolding 4.20 Scaffold Tag: A standard SA holder with
inserts (restricted only for use on SA facilities and project sites) for clearly showing whether or not
Scaffolding inside the switch gear and control room has not got a scaffolding tag attached. Location: Sub Station 5 inside a scaffold meets SA’s requirements. The Scaffold Erector shall purchase, provide, and use only
600084765-9-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Provided the scaffolding tag inside the switch gear and control room Closed
switch gear and control room Observation status: open authentic SA-approved scaffold tags obtained from an authorized supplier, unless it is explicitly
stated in the contract that scaffold tags will be provided by the proponent. Scaffold tags are color
coded as follows:

AS PER CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3 general requirements 4.3.3 Good
House keeping is poor at the sub station 5 area. Location: Sub Station 5 at the back of the switch gear and control room
600084765-10-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 housekeeping shall be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Oil spills, mud, scrap and Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
Observation status: open
other debris shall be cleaned up immediately.

Walkway at sub station 5 area is made up of 4 scaffolding planks nailed together with pieces of thin wood and has no hand be per Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated Holes and openings in elevated walking and working surfaces have been
600084765-11-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 rails. Location: Sub Station 5 at the back of the switch gear and control room Observation status: open walking and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely guarded by a complete guardrail system Closed

As Per CSM 7. Cranes and Lifting Equipment 7.3.11 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and
Crane ( 7920 DAB ) was carrying out a lift without the area barricaded off. Location: near to the 230 KV switch yard area. secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs Crane lift areas have been barricaded and secured. Only authorized personnel
600084765-12-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Closed
Observation status: open shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting is permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs also placed at barricaded
perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting activities.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

AS PER CSM 11 Hand And Power tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they
are not likely to be damaged (e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage
600084765-13-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Cooling fan cable unsafely joined to electric mains. Location: Sub Station 5 inside switch gear and control room (e.g., running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Cable for the cooling fan is properly positioned where they are not likely to be Closed
Observation status: open get damaged
Defective electrical equipment and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed
from the job site.

As Per CSM 8 Slings and Rigging hardware 8.3.9 SAPOs and contractors shall maintain a job-site Sling log available with all the riggers working at the site with ID number, sling
600084765-14-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Sling log was not available when requested. Location: near to the 230 KV switch yard area. Observation status: open log of slings containing the following information: sling ID number, sling description, date placed description, date placed in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and Closed
in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and full details of periodic inspections (e.g.,
full details of periodic inspections
completed SA 9657 forms).

As Per CSM 8 Slings and Rigging hardware 8.3.9 SAPOs and contractors shall maintain a job-site
Sling log available with all the riggers working at the site with ID number, sling
600084765-15-1 600084765 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 No inspection recorded available for the 4 ton slings being used Location: near to the 230 KV switch yard area. log of slings containing the following information: sling ID number, sling description, date placed
description, date placed in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and Closed
Observation status: open in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and full details of periodic inspections (e.g., full details of periodic inspections
completed SA 9657 forms).

STOP WORK On August 12th 2020 at 11.30 am the following observation was noticed,this resulted in the works being
stopped until safe to continue. Location: GT7 south, at the end of pipe rack 04 60 ton Grove crane ( 3472 RAA) was set up
and about to lift a 13 ton concrete block from the back of a lorry into a OWS trench line running parallel to the crane.
Sukhwinder Singh ( L3444524) was working inside the excavation at the time. The excavation was 1.3 meters in depth, the As Per CSM 1 Excavations and Shoring 1.11.3 Motor vehicles, cranes and heavy equipment shall
600085233-1-1 600085233 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 outrigger of the crane was sitting 1.8 meters from the edge of the excavation. the out rigger should of been a minimum 2 be kept away from the edge of the excavation a distance of 2 m (6.5 ft) or the depth of the Immediate preventive action was implemented on site. Closed
meters from the edge of the excavation. excavation, whichever is greatest, unless the excavation is in stable rock or is protected against
It is worth noting that the activity had already been stopped by the on site safety advisor because there was only a rigger collapse by shoring that has been designed or approved by a degreed civil/structural engineer (
III available and a rigger II was required as the load was over 10 ton in weight, had the rigger been a certified rigger III then
the lift would of been carried out as planned.

Housekeeping is poor, timber, blocks and wooden crates are creating a trip hazard. Location: Inside OME Building GT4 As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3 general requirements 4.3.3 Good
600085238-1-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
Observation status: open housekeeping shall be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls.

As Per CSM 1 Excavation and Shoring F. The perimeter of the pits shall be protected with solid Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The
600085238-2-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 No edge protection surrounding the RTR trench Location: Inside OME Building GT4 Observation status: open barriers to prevent Personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be properly barricaded and Closed
site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
warning signs posted

Steel rebar mesh left without any barriers surrounding it or protection to the ends of the steel. Location: Inside OME As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 6.5 All protruding reinforcing steel onto All the protruding reinforcing steel around the chemical shelter has been
600085238-3-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Building GT4 Observation status: open which employees could fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement guarded Closed

As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600085238-4-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Walkways made of scaffolding planks are not safe or fixed. Location: Inside OME Building GT4 Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit. Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed

600085238-5-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Housekeeping is poor, timber, blocks and wooden crates are creating a trip hazard. Location: Inside OME Building GT4 As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3 general requirements 4.3.3 Good Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
Observation status: open housekeeping shall be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls.

As Per CSM 1 Excavation and Shoring F. The perimeter of the pits shall be protected with solid
Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The
600085238-6-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 No edge protection surrounding the RTR trench Location: Inside OME Building GT4 Observation status: open barriers to prevent Personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be properly barricaded and Closed
site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
warning signs posted

As Per CSM 11 Hazardous Materials 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be properly Containers of hazardous materials are properly labeled to indicate its contents
600085238-7-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Yellow bottle containing a mixture of water and diesel had no label on. Location: OME Building GT4 Observation status: labeled to indicate its contents and hazards Hazardous materials received at a facility or project and hazards, Hazardous materials received at a facility or project site without Closed
open site without proper labels shall be set aside and not distributed for use until properly labeled. See proper labels have been set aside and not distributed for use until properly
GI 150.100 for typical hazardous chemical labels. labeled.

600085238-8-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Damaged and dirty harness was found inside lock box. Location: Outside of OME Building GT4 Observation status: open As Per CSM 5 Fall protection F. Ensure fall protection equipment is inspected by a competent Removed immediately from the site Closed
person at least monthly and is properly cleaned and maintained.

As Per CSM 11 Hazardous Materials 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be properly Containers of hazardous materials are properly labeled to indicate its contents
labeled to indicate its contents and hazards Hazardous materials received at a facility or project and hazards, Hazardous materials received at a facility or project site without
600085238-9-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Silver tin containing a substance had no label on. Location: Outside of OME Building GT4 Observation status: open Closed
site without proper labels shall be set aside and not distributed for use until properly labeled. See proper labels have been set aside and not distributed for use until properly
GI 150.100 for typical hazardous chemical labels. labeled.

Containers of hazardous materials are properly labeled to indicate its contents

Yellow drum filled with water had no label attached. Location: Outside of OME Building GT4 next to scaffolding V56210 As Per CSM 11 Hazardous Materials 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be properly and hazards, Hazardous materials received at a facility or project site without
600085238-10-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Closed
Observation status: open labeled to indicate its contents and hazards. proper labels have been set aside and not distributed for use until properly

As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm (1 1/2
Scaffolding planks are being used as sills on scaffolding V56210 Location: Outside of OME Building GT4 Observation status: in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement, wooden
600085238-11-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 open floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used where Instructed the crew to not use Scaffold planks as sills. Closed
base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as sills.

Discussed in the MTBT that cranes and heavy equipment should be kept away
As Per CSM 1 Excavations and Shoring 1.11.3 Motor vehicles, cranes and heavy equipment shall
Sukhwinder Singh (L3444524) was working inside an excavation with a 60 ton crane positioned only 1.8 meters away. be kept away from the edge of the excavation a distance of 2 m (6.5 ft) or the depth of the from the edge of the excavation a distance of 2 m (6.5 ft) or the depth of the
600085238-12-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 excavation, whichever is greatest, unless the excavation is in stable rock or is Closed
Location: Between the PIB and OME Building GT4 Observation status: open excavation, whichever is greatest, unless the excavation is in stable rock or is protected against
protected against collapse by shoring that has been designed or approved by a
collapse by shoring that has been designed or approved by a degreed civil/structural engineer
degreed civil/structural engineer

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 1 Excavation and Shoring F. The perimeter of the pits shall be protected with solid
600085238-13-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 No edge protection surrounding RTR trench. Location: Outside of PIB Building GT4 Observation status: open barriers to prevent Personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be properly barricaded and Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The Closed
site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
warning signs posted

As Per CSM 11 Hand And Power tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they
600085238-14-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Cables crossing trench OMH 14 are unprotected and buried in the sand. Location: Outside of PIB Building GT4 Observation are not likely to be damaged (e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed
status: open
(e.g., running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads).

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection 5.4.3 Lanyards shall be attached (i.e., “tied off”) to an anchor point or
600085238-15-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Worker ( Majid Ali Saraj 2343930372) working on a yellow tagged scaffolding was not tied off. Location: Inside of PIB horizontal/vertical lifeline that is high enough to prevent the worker from free falling more than Final warning issued to the highlighted violator as a disciplinary action so that Closed
Building GT4 Observation status: open 1.8 m (6 ft.) or striking any lower level during a fall (e.g., shock-absorbing lanyards are to be he do not repeat and TBT given for safe working procedure
attached at least 5.5 m [18 ft.] above the impact surface). See Section 5.6.

600085238-16-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Scaffolding access to the building is not fixed and is unsafe. Location: entrance to PIB Building GT4 Observation status: open As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
with safe means of entry and exit.

As Per CSM 5 Fall protection Anchor points and lifelines B. Not be guardrails, standpipes, vents, Final warning issued to the highlighted violator as a disciplinary action so that
600085238-17-1 600085238 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/16/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Worker Sant Sant Pal ( 2388330900 ) was working on top scaffold level and was tied off to the cable tray. small diameter piping systems, cable trays, electrical conduit or other structures that cannot Closed
he do not repeat and TBT given for safe working procedure
safely support 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) dead weight (e.g., about the weight of a car).

As Per GI 8.001 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR SCAFFOLDS 4.20 Scaffold Tag: A standard SA holder
with inserts (restricted only for use on SA facilities and project sites) for clearly showing whether
Scaffolding did not have the required scaffolding tag attached while erecting scaffolding and tap polling covers. Location: or not a scaffold meets SA’s requirements. The Scaffold Erector shall purchase, provide, and use Scaffold tag updated and the crew instructed for revalidating the scaffolding
600085801-1-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Closed
SDCT laydown area. Observation status: open only authentic SA-approved scaffold tags obtained from an authorized supplier, unless it is tag every two weeks after inspection.
explicitly stated in the contract that scaffold tags will be provided by the proponent. Scaffold tags
are color coded as follows:

As Per CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING K. Scaffold planks shall not be used as concrete forms, excavation
shoring or as sills for scaffolds. C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm
(1 1/2 in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement,
600085801-2-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Scaffolding planks were being used as sills. Location: SDCT laydown area. Observation status: open wooden floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used Instructed the crew to not use Scaffold planks as sills. Closed
where base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as
sills. If timber sills are being used then identifying marks should be in place to assure they are not
re used at platform planks.

Scaffolding components ( fittings and base plates) were not correctly stored at the work site. Location: SDCT laydown area.
600085801-3-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Observation status: open As Per CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffold components have been properly stored to prevent damage. Closed

AS PER CSM 5 FALL PROTECTION 5.3.17 Rescue capabilities shall be immediately available for Suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups)have been provided with each
600085801-4-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Bel Bahadur Karki did not have the required trauma straps for his harness. Location: SDCT laydown area. Observation personnel involved in a fall. Suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups) shall be provided with full-body harness to ensure that personnel involved in a fall can stand up in Closed
status: open each full-body harness to ensure that personnel involved in a fall can stand up in their harness to
their harness to prevent loss of circulation until they can be rescued.
prevent loss of circulation until they can be rescued.

Finding AS PER CSM 5 FALL PROTECTION E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean,
600085801-5-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Fall protection equipment is properly stored Closed
5 harnesses were observed lying on the floor in the sand. Location: SDCT laydown area. Observation status: open dry environment away from direct sunlight.

AS PER CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING G. Planks shall be inspected for defects, including damage, decay
600085801-6-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Damaged sawn planks were being used as a scaffolding platform on the first lift. Location: SDCT laydown area. and warping, prior to each use. Planks that are split, warped, twisted (more than allowed in All the damaged planks used for scaffolding platforms are discarded Closed
Observation status: open Section 2.4.3 F), saw-cut, drilled, worn, decayed, broken or damaged shall not be used.

600085801-7-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Nails were observed protruding from scaffolding planks. Location: SDCT laydown area. Observation status: open AS PER CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING N. Platforms shall be kept free of obstructions, unnecessary Nails protruding from scaffolding planks are removed. Closed
materials, projecting nails and other unnecessary tripping hazards (including uneven decking).

AS PER GI 8.001 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR SCAFFOLDS 6.6 Falling object protection shall be in
place during scaffold erection, use, alteration and dismantling. Personnel not directly involved in
600085801-8-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 The scaffolding erection area was not completely barricaded. Location: SDCT laydown area. Observation status: open scaffolding erection area have been barricaded Closed
scaffold activities shall be kept away from the area through the use of barricade tape or fencing to
prevent personnel to enter the hazard area.

600085801-9-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 No warning signs in place at the confined space entrance. Location: storage tank area Observation status: open Notification of personnel in the immediate area before work begins, including the posting of Warning signs posted at all the confined space entrance Closed
warning signs and/or barricades.

Wooden man made ladder access in to confined space had no safety handles. Location: storage tank area Observation AS PER CSM 4 TEMPORARY WALKING AND WORKING SURFACES 4.3.1 Work locations shall be
600085801-10-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 status: open provided with safe means of entry and exit. Immediately removed the wooden ladder from the confined space Closed

AS PER CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING K. Scaffold planks shall not be used as concrete forms, excavation
shoring or as sills for scaffolds. C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm
(1 1/2 in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement,
600085801-11-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 scaffolding planks were being used as sills. Location: Temporary storage DD area Observation status: open Instructed the crew to not use Scaffold planks as sills. Closed
wooden floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used
where base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as

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proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600085801-12-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Large pile of waste concrete was observed Location: storage tank area Observation status: open be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Oil spills, mud, scrap and other debris shall be Concerte waste is being removed to construction waste yard Closed
cleaned up immediately.

As Per GI 8.001 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR SCAFFOLDS 4.20 Scaffold Tag: A standard SA holder
with inserts (restricted only for use on SA facilities and project sites) for clearly showing whether
600085801-13-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 scaffolding did not have the required scaffolding tag attached. Location: storage tank/D D area man hole number 16 or not a scaffold meets SA’s requirements. The Scaffold Erector shall purchase, provide, and use Scaffold tag updated and the crew instructed for revalidating the scaffolding Closed
Observation status: open only authentic SA-approved scaffold tags obtained from an authorized supplier, unless it is tag every two weeks after inspection.
explicitly stated in the contract that scaffold tags will be provided by the proponent. Scaffold tags
are color coded as follows:

600085801-14-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Steel bars surrounding the top of man hole were not covered. Location: storage tank/D D area man hole number 16 AS PER CSM 6 Concrete Construction All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could fall has been Closed
Observation status: open fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement

600085801-15-1 600085801 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/18/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/23/2020 Lengths of steel, large rocks and timber left on the access to the confined space man hole. Location: storage tank/D D area be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Oil spills, mud, scrap and other debris shall be Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
Observation status: open cleaned up immediately.

Unsafe walkway spanning over an excavation,there are no hand rails attached Observation location: back of sub station 5 As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided Holes and openings in elevated walking and working surfaces have been
600086578-1-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Closed
building Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit. guarded by a complete guardrail system

As Per CSM Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3.2 Elevated work platforms shall be per Holes and openings in elevated walking and working surfaces have been
600086578-2-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Unprotected open holes were observed. Observation location: back of sub station 5 building Observation status: open Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated walking Closed
guarded by a complete guardrail system
and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely covered.

Cooling fan cable unsafely joined with electrical tape to mains. Location: Sub Station 5 inside switch gear and control room As Per CSM 11 Hand And Power tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., Defective electrical equipment
600086578-3-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Observation status: open and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the job site. Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed

600086578-4-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Various scaffolding tubes and clips left in the sand. Location: at the rear of the SGR Sub Station 5 Observation status: open As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed

600086578-5-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Flooring is uneven and not fixed correctly in areas. Location: Sub Station 5 inside switch gear and control room As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working Surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit.

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away
600086578-6-1 600086578 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/24/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/24/2020 Harness left on the floor. Location: Sub Station 5 inside switch gear and control room Observation status: open Closed
environment away from direct sunlight. from direct sunlight.

600086903-1-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Red drum full of rubbish had no label attached. location: Sales gas area Observation status: open As Per CSM 11 Hazardous Materials 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be properly Each container of hazardous material has been properly labeled to indicate its Closed
labeled to indicate its contents contents and hazards Hazardous materials

As Per CSM 11 Hand and Power Tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they
are not likely to be damaged (e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage
600086903-2-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Cables from generator 300373 were buried in sand. 7 cables in front of the entry to pipe rack 1 are not protected. (e.g., running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed
location: Sales gas area Observation status: open Defective electrical equipment and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed
from the job site.

As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walkway and Working Surfaces I. Have sloping handrails with a
600086903-3-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 No safety hand rails on raised walkway behind scaffolding V56417 location: Sales gas area Observation status: open Safety hand rails on raised walkway behind scaffolding V56417 provided Closed
circumference that provides an adequate handhold for personnel

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.11 When regulators are removed from the cylinders,
No cap on argon gas cylinder not being used at pipe rack 12 No cap on argon gas cylinder not being used at pipe rack 1
600086903-4-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 they shall be considered “not in use” or “stored” and cylinder valve caps shall be put back in Provided caps for argon gas cylinders Closed
location: Sales gas area under pipe rack 12 Observation status: open

Wooden ladder with damaged rungs was being used. location: Sales gas area south side of pipe rack 12 Observation As Per CSM 3Ladders and Step ladders. 3.3.4 Portable ladders and stepladders shall be inspected
600086903-5-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 status: open before each use. Damaged or weakened ladders shall be immediately removed from Saudi Removed immediately from the site Closed
Aramco (SA) property or project sites. Examples of unacceptable damage include:

As Per CSM 13 Heat Stress. Workers shall be advised to drink one cup of water every 10 minutes.
Each worker shall be provided with his own personal water bottle/insulated container (2 liter
600086903-6-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAT STRESS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Workers using empty milk bottles for drinking water. location: Sales gas area under pipe rack 12 Observation status: open Provided water cups and distributed personel water bottles Closed
capacity) and have it with him at all times. A “no water, no work” policy shall be strictly adhered

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600086903-7-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Scaffolding plank on walkway has slipped and came lose and is now a trip hazard. location: Sales gas area pipe rack 1 As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided Safe means of entry and exit provided Closed
Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit.

AS PER CSM 1 MACHINE GAURDING 1.3.1 Machinery Guards A. Moving machinery parts shall be
600086903-8-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Both doors to generator 19487 were left open while the generator was running. location: Sales gas area pipe rack 1 guarded if located 2.5 m (8.2 ft) or less above the floor or working surface. This includes Instructed the crew do not keep open any moving machinery parts Closed
EQUIPMENT Observation status: open
flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain drives.

600086903-9-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Generator 19487 had not had the daily checks carried out location: Sales gas area pipe rack 1 Observation status: open AS PER CSM 2 MECHANICAL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be Diesel generator doors has been closed and instructed crew foreman to keep Closed
EQUIPMENT conducted on all mechanical and heavy equipment. all machinery parts to be guarded always

600086903-10-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 4 harnesses were left on the scaffolding platform. location: Sales gas area pipe rack 12 Observation status: open As Per CSM 5 FALL PROTECTION E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away Closed
dry environment away from direct sunlight. from direct sunlight.

600086903-11-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Scaffolding tubes and clips left on the floor and in the sand. location: Sales gas area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open As Per CSM 2 SCAFFOLDING G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffold components have been properly stored to prevent damage. Closed

House keeping around the site needs improving, various pieces of wood, plastics, scaffolding clips etic are being left. As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.3 Good housekeeping shall be
600086903-12-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Oil spills, mud, scrap and other debris shall be Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
location: Sales gas area Observation status: open
cleaned up immediately.

As Per CSM 7 Fire prevention D. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. “No Smoking”
Implemented a strong disciplinary policy to those who found smoking in
600086903-13-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 Evidence around the site of cigarette ends was observed throughout. location: Sales gas area Observation status: open signs shall be prominently displayed, particularly where flammable or combustible materials are undesignated smoking area. Closed

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.11 When regulators are removed from the cylinders,
they shall be considered “not in use” or “stored” and cylinder valve caps shall be put back in
Argon gas bottle left with no cap and positioned in direct sun light location: Sales gas area pipe rack 6 Observation status: place. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or locations that could result in the Argon gas cylinders has been provided with shaded shelter and keep away
600086903-14-1 600086903 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 8/28/2020 ARFAAM0E 8/30/2020 open temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside cylinder storage areas shall have from direct sunlight. Closed
protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to prevent cylinders from reaching 54 °C
(130 °F).

600087154-1-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Protruding re-bar steel from a man hole was not capped or covered. Observation location: storage tank area behind pipe As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could All the protruding reinforcing steel around the chemical shelter has been Closed
rack 54 Observation status: open/ repeat fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement guarded

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.16 Empty and full cylinders shall be stored separately
with empty cylinders plainly marked to avoid confusion. 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and
No identification marks on Argon gas cylinders stating if they were full or empty bottles. Argon gas cylinders were being English “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-
stored in direct sun light. full and empty Argon gas cylinders were not being stored separately. Observation location: Proper shaded shelter provided for the compressed gas cylinders along with
600087154-2-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 067 and CU 22.01. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or locations that could Closed
storage tank area pipe rack 54 Observation status: opened / repeat Argon gas cylinder was left in exposed direct sun light sinages
result in the temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside cylinder storage areas
with no safety cap in place Observation location: storage tank area pipe rack 54
shall have protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to prevent cylinders from
reaching 54 °C (130 °F).

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.7 transportation 9.7.2 All cylinders being transported Advised crew that cylinders being transported by vehicle shall
600087154-4-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 LPG being transported by vehicle 6728 ZRB ( operator id T4879467) was not secured in the back of the lorry. Observation by vehicle shall have cylinder valve caps in place, be positioned in an upright position and be have cylinder valve caps in place, be positioned in an upright Closed
location: storage tank area pipe rack 54 Observation status: opened firmly secured to prevent movement. position and be firmly secured to prevent movement.

600087154-5-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Najeey-Khan was driving boom truck 6728 ZRB without a operators license. Observation location: storage tank area pipe As Per CSM 7 CSM Cranes and Lifting Equipment 7.3.2 All crane operators shall be properly Final warning issed to najeev khan for non compliance of defensive driving Closed
rack 54 Observation status: opened licensed and certified per GI 7.025 for the crane type/model they are using.

AS PER CSM 11 Hand And Power tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they
Welding machine 31069 was operating using a badly damaged cable. Observation location: storage tank area pipe rack 54 are not likely to be damaged (e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage
600087154-6-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 (e.g., running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed
Observation status: open/ repeat
Defective electrical equipment and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed
from the job site.

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention During inspections check if extinguisher is in correct location, access
Fire extinguisher was showing to much pressure over on the gage. Observation location: storage tank area Observation
is unobstructed and extinguisher is clearly visible. Check contents gauges, where fitted, to see if Expired or distorted fire extinguishers removed from the site and replaced with
600087154-7-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 status: opeFire extinguisher with the crane had no inspection sticker/ tag in place. Observation location: storage tank area Closed
extinguisher is usable. Check for signs of leakage, corrosion or physical damage. Check if seals are good ones
Observation status: open/ repeatn/ repeat
unbroken and up-to-date inspection tag is fitted. If in doubt, contact your local Fire Control Unit.

AS PER CSM 7 Cranes And Lifting Equipment 7.3.11 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and
Insufficient barricades were observed around crane. Observation location: storage tank area Observation status: open/ secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs Crane lift areas are been barricaded and secured. Only authorized personnel
600087154-8-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 repeat shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting are permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs are placed at Closed
activities. barricaded perimeters.

As Per CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.14 Equipment operators shall have 360-
Crane operator did not have 360 vision due to card board and paper in the cab windows. Back hole excavator 9188 SAA degree visibility when operating equipment (e. g., curtains/cardboard shall not obstruct the All the card boards and paper in the cab window removed from all the heavy
600087154-9-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 did not have 360 degree vision with cardboard in the cab. Observation location: storage tank area Observation status: operator’s view). Cabs shall be kept clean and clear of items such as rubbish and loose tools. Closed
open/ repeat Windows shall be kept clean at all times and shall be replaced if the glass becomes pitted,
cracked, or broken.

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proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 1 Emergency Reporting And Response 1.4 Emergency Reporting 1.4.2 Signs shall be
conspicuously posted at the work site with the emergency telephone numbers and reporting
600087154-11-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TCF & SUPPORT FACILITIES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Emergency contact details and emergency reports instruction were not conspicuously posted at the work site. instructions. Contractors shall provide home and mobile telephone numbers (and those of Emergency Reporting Signs have been posted at the work site with the Closed
Observation status open / repeat replacements) to the SAPO for emergency contact after hours for incidents involving the emergency telephone numbers and reporting instructions.
contractor’s job, personnel or equipment. These telephone numbers shall be kept current and
posted at the job site.

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention. D. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. “No Smoking”
600087154-12-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Evidence was observed that workers have been smoking in the rest shelter area Observation location: storage tank area signs shall be prominently displayed, particularly where flammable or combustible materials are Implemented a strong disciplinary policy to those who found smoking in Closed
Observation status: opened undesignated smoking area.

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection 5.3.17 Rescue capabilities shall be immediately available for
Suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups)have been provided with each
600087154-13-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Harness observed inside the man lift with no trauma straps. Observation location: storage tank area Observation status: personnel involved in a fall. Suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups) shall be provided with
full-body harness to ensure that personnel involved in a fall can stand up in Closed
open / repeat each full-body harness to ensure that personnel involved in a fall can stand up in their harness to their harness to prevent loss of circulation until they can be rescued.
prevent loss of circulation until they can be rescued.

As Per Contractor Safety Administrative Requirements C. Access road planning shall include, but
600087154-14-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRAFFIC CONTROL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 There are no speed limit signs located on the main construction road behind GT8/4 and GT7 Observation location: haulage not be limited to: traffic flow, loadbearing capacities, traffic signs and controls, road striping, Speed limit signs located on the main construction road behind GT8/4 and GT7 Closed
road Observation status: opened parking areas, road intersections and multiple-use roads.

1.)Protruding re-bar steel from a man hole was not capped or covered. Observation location: storage tank area behind 1.)As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could fall has been
600087154-15-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 Closed
pipe rack 54 Observation status: open/ repeat could fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement

2.) As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.16 Empty and full cylinders shall be stored
2.) No identification marks on Argon gas cylinders stating if they were full or empty bottles. Argon gas cylinders were being separately with empty cylinders plainly marked to avoid confusion. 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have
stored in direct sun light. full and empty Argon gas cylinders were not being stored separately. Observation location: Arabic and English “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per Argon gas cylinders has been provided with shaded shelter and keep away
600087154-16-1 600087154 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/3/2020 SAES-B-067 and CU 22.01. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or locations that from direct sunlight and storage areas posted Arabic and English “No Smoking” Closed
storage tank area pipe rack 54 Observation status: opened / repeat Argon gas cylinder was left in exposed direct sun light
could result in the temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside cylinder storage and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs
with no safety cap in place Observation location: storage tank area pipe rack 54 areas shall have protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to prevent cylinders
from reaching 54 °C (130 °F).

Five rubbish bins overflowing, and surrounded by rubbish bags on the floor. Observation location: Saipem lay down yard As Per CSM 7 fire prevention 7.1 Housekeeping 7.11.1 Waste shall be removed from the work site
600088464-1-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Observation status : open at regular intervals and at the end of each work day. All waste is being removed from the job site at the end of each shift. Closed

House keeping inside the large rest area is very poor, items such as paper, cardboard, plastic trays and empty milk bottles As Per CSM 7 fire prevention 7.11.1 Waste shall be removed from the work site at regular
600088464-2-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 are scattered around the floor. Observation location: Saipem lay down yard Observation status : open intervals and at the end of each work day. Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed

As Per CSM 7 Fire Protection 7.4.1 Combustible materials shall be neatly stacked, taking into
600088464-3-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 3 extremely large piles of combustibles materials, including, wooden pallets, cardboard, sheets of ply wood and tar poling consideration the stability of the stack (pile) and shall in no case be higher than 6 m (20 ft). 7.4.2 Combustible materials have been removed from the fab shop to prevent any Closed
Observation location : 3 separate areas within the lay down area. Observation status: open fire hazard.
Solid combustible materials shall be separated into stacks not larger than 141 m3 (5,000 ft3).

As Per CSM 7 Fire Protection D. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. “No Smoking”
No smoking signs are not prominently displayed around the combustible storage areas. Observation location : 3 separate
600088464-4-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 signs shall be prominently displayed, particularly where flammable or combustible materials are No smoking signs are displayed around the combustible storage areas. Closed
areas within the lay down area. Observation status: open

600088464-5-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Compressor ( 226660), was not grounded during dust blowing operations. Observation location : Saipem lay down area. As Per CSM 2 Mechanical and Heavy Equipment. 2.6 Portable Electrical Generators 2.6.7 The TBT conducted to inform All Mechanical and Heavy Equipment,Portable Closed
EQUIPMENT Observation status: open generator shall be properly grounded during use. Electrical Generators should be properly grounded during use.

As Per CSM 13 Heat Stress. Workers shall be advised to drink one cup of water every 10 minutes.
600088464-6-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAT STRESS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Worker Muhammad Sarfraz Khan 2356824942 has not been issued with his own personnel water bottle. Observation Each worker shall be provided with his own personal water bottle/insulated container (2 liter Worker Muhammad Sarfraz Khan 2356824942 has been issued with his own Closed
location : Saipem lay down area. Observation status: open capacity) and have it with him at all times. A “no water, no work” policy shall be strictly adhered personnel water bottle

Rest area partially blocked by scaffolding tubes and access is restricted to one of the areas Observation location : Saipem As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600088464-7-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEALTH & WELFARE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
lay down area. Observation status: open with safe means of entry and exit.

As Per CSM 8 Slings and Rigging hardware 8.3.9 SAPOs and contractors shall maintain a job-site
Sling log available with all the riggers working at the site with ID number, sling
various lifting slings are being stored on the floor and have no identification tags attached. Observation location : Saipem log of slings containing the following information: sling ID number, sling description, date placed
600088464-8-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 description, date placed in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and Closed
lay down area rest shelter area. Observation status: open in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and full details of periodic inspections (e.g.,
full details of periodic inspections
completed SA 9657 forms).

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on
Lorry reg 1447 EGA had not carried out the required daily inspections. Observation location : Petrojet lay down area. all mechanical and heavy equipment. Operators performing these inspections shall ensure the Disciplinary action taken against the driver and instructed all the vehicle drivers
600088464-9-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Observation status: open following, at a minimum, prior to operating the equipment: E. Fire extinguisher(s) available, should do Pre-use inspections before start the work Closed
inspected, tagged, and operable

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on
Fire extinguisher with 55 ton Grove crane with no registration number attached had not been inspected. Equipment all mechanical and heavy equipment. Operators performing these inspections shall ensure the
600088464-10-1 600088464 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Fire extinguisher on 55 ton Grove crane has been inspected Closed
number 2653 Observation location : Petrojet lay down area. Observation status: open following, at a minimum, prior to operating the equipment: E. Fire extinguisher(s) available,
inspected, tagged, and operable

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proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 3 Electrical Equipment 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they are
not likely to be damaged (e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage (e.g.,
600089097-1-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Welding and electrical cables are running across the site unprotected, some cables are knotted. Observation location: running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Defective Cables for welding and electrical is properly positioned where they are not Closed
storage tank area fabrication tent. Observation : status open likely to be get damaged
electrical equipment and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the job

As Per CSM 11 Hand Tools And Power Tools 11.8.9 Portable grinders may only be used without
safety guards when the work location makes it impossible to use a grinder equipped with a safety
guard (e.g., internal grinding inside a small diameter pipe). In this case, the employee’s supervisor
shall approve such use, the second handle shall be on the grinder and used, and the guard shall
600089097-2-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Electric grinder ( 955SHN) has no second safety handle in place, a badly damaged/ split cable and has an out of date be immediately replaced afterwards. 11.5 Portable Power Tools – General Requirements 11.5.9 Removed from the site immediately Closed
ELECTRICAL TOOLS inspection sticker. Observation location: storage tank area fabrication tent. Observation : status open Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they are not likely to be damaged (e.g., run
overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage (e.g., running them inside impact
resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). 11.8.3 Grinding tools shall be inspected
prior to use and shall be replaced immediately if found to be defective. Electrical wiring and other
associated parts shall also be inspected.

As Per CSM 13 Heat Stress. Workers shall be advised to drink one cup of water every 10 minutes.
600089097-3-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor HEAT STRESS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Raman Khumar ( M1374779 and Pankas Mishra N2542506) have not been issued with their own personnel water bottle. Each worker shall be provided with his own personal water bottle/insulated container (2 liter Removed from the site immediately Closed
Observation location: storage tank area pipe rack 53 Observation : status open capacity) and have it with him at all times. A “no water, no work” policy shall be strictly adhered

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection 5.3.16 Fall protection equipment shall be kept clean, in good repair
600089097-4-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Two harnesses were observed lying in a wheel barrow amongst sharp tools. Observation location : crane area Observation and stored properly when not in us E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away Closed
status : open clean, dry environment away from direct sunlight. 5.3.8 E. Ensure fall protection equipment is from direct sunlight.
properly stored in a clean, dry environment away from direct sunlight.

As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection 5.3.16 Fall protection equipment shall be kept clean, in good repair
Two harnesses were observed lying in a wheel barrow amongst sharp tools. Observation location : crane area Observation and stored properly when not in us E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away
600089097-5-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Closed
status : open clean, dry environment away from direct sunlight. 5.3.8 E. Ensure fall protection equipment is from direct sunlight.
properly stored in a clean, dry environment away from direct sunlight.

6 workers were not signed out on the confined space entry log register Observation location : crane area ( man hole OMH As Per CSM 6 Confined Spaces C. Maintain a confined space entry log and maintain a continuous Disciplinary action taken for the violators for the non compliance of confined
600089097-6-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Closed
9008 ) Observation status : open count of entrants space activity

Stand by man was not located at the entry/exit to the confined space Observation location : crane area ( man hole OMH As Per CSM 6 Confined Spaces H. Remain at the confined space entry point until relieved by Disciplinary action taken for the violators for the non compliance of confined
600089097-7-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 9008 ) Observation status : open another designated standby man or until all entrants have exited the confined space. space activity Closed

Stand by man was not located at the entry/exit to the confined space Observation location : crane area ( man hole OMH As Per CSM 6 Confined Spaces H. Remain at the confined space entry point until relieved by Disciplinary action taken for the violators for the non compliance of confined
600089097-8-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 9008 ) Observation status : open another designated standby man or until all entrants have exited the confined space. space activity Closed

As Per CSM 6 Confined Spaces 6.3.13 The completed work permit(s) (e.g., confined space entry, confined space warning signs and barricades has been posted outside the
600089097-9-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Confined space entry sign is upside down and not clearly visible. Observation location : crane area ( man hole OMH 9008 ) hot work), confined space warning signs and barricades shall be posted outside the confined confined space to notify personnel that a confined space entry is in progress Closed
Observation status : open space to notify personnel that a confined space entry is in progress and to prohibit entry by
and to prohibit entry by unauthorized personnel.
unauthorized personnel.

TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 2.5 meter deep trench with no edge protection. Observation location : crane area near to ( man hole OMH 9008 ) As Per CSM 1 Excavation And Shoring 1.11.6 Pedestrian barricades shall be placed no less than 1 Pedestrian barricades has been placed with no less than 1 m (3 ft) from the
600089097-10-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Closed
HORING Observation status : open m (3 ft) from the edge of the excavation. edge of the excavation.

600089097-11-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Scaffolding tubes left on the floor buried in the sand. Observation location : crane area near to ( man hole OMH 9008 ) As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffold components have been properly stored to prevent damage. Closed
Observation status : open

As Per CSM 2 Mechanical and Heavy Equipment 2.3.2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
600089097-12-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 welding machine ( 31078) has no tuv sticker in place Observation location : crane area near to ( man hole OMH 9008 ) inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the Welding machine was stopped till it was provided with tuv sticker Closed
Observation status : open manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

As Per CSM 1 Excavation And Shoring 1.8.1 Stairways, ladders, ramps and/or other safe means of
TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S Only one access/egress point at fire water line excavation ( permit number 003532) the trench exceeds 7.5 meters in egress shall be located in excavations that are 1.2 m (4 ft) or more in depth so as to require no Stairways, ladders, ramps and/or other safe means of egress have been
600089097-13-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 Closed
HORING length considerably Observation location : crane area near to ( man hole OMH 9008 ) Observation status : open more than 7.5 m (25 ft) of lateral travel distance for personnel (i.e., ladders shall be spaced at provided in excavations that are 1.2 m (4 ft) or more in depth
least every 15 m [50 ft] along a trench).

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention D. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. “No Smoking” TBT conducted and made awareness about Smoking in designated areas and
Evidence of smoking at the rest area was observed. Observation location : crane area near to ( man hole OMH 9008 )
600089097-14-1 600089097 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 9/13/2020 ARFAAM0E 9/13/2020 signs shall be prominently displayed, particularly where flammable or combustible materials are “No Smoking” signs shall be prominently displayed, particularly where Closed
Observation status : open
stored. flammable or combustible materials are stored.

600092333-1-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-2-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

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proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600092333-3-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-4-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-5-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-6-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-7-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-8-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-9-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/4/2020

600092333-10-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-11-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600092333-13-1 600092333 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/1/2020 TAMBARJR 10/20/2020

600093183-1-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 Repeated: Mini compactors observed faulty recoiling mechanism as the rotating equipment not guarded. Location: Green The rotating equipment guard shall be fixed and verify that similar heavy equipment are free Removed from the site immediately Closed
Field-MS-5 from same issue.( Reference: CSM III-1. 3.1)

600093183-2-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 Bolting activity with two manlift, 28880 and 28870, observed with unavailability of Stand by operator. Contractor shall make sure that certified standby man is available on the ground to operate the Standby man is arranged on the ground to operate the lower man lift controls Closed
Location: Green Field- Storage tank area lower man lift controls in case of an emergency.( Reference: CSM III-2.13.5) in case of an emergency

Lifting activity done by crane 2558 observed with: - Lifting area not barricaded. - The trailer plate# 8679 RRA driver Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted Crane lift areas are being barricaded and secured and required warning signs
600093183-3-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 observed inside the cap during the lifting. inside the barricaded area. Warning signs shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site Closed
posted proir to lifting
Location: Green Field-GT 8 personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting activities. (Reference: CSM III-7.3.7&11)

Personnel entering/exiting a confined space shall sign a log in/out sheet. ( CSM I-6.3.21)
Confined space(CS) activity observed with following: - Several worker observing inside CS and the entry log was not filled. -
600093183-4-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 Contractor shall comply with all safety requirements and work permit requirement to ensure safe TBT conducted for the crew for the compliance of confined space activity Closed
The crew without the required H2S monitor.
operation. (Reference: GI 2.100)

The excavation shall maintain the 7.5 walking distance requirements. CSM II-1.8.1 - For
Pipe fitting activity inside deep excavation, 4 meter deep, observed with following discrepancies - The excavation not excavations greater than 2.4 m (8 ft) deep in Type B or C soil, an excavation plan (e.g., shoring
maintaining the 7.5 travel distance requirements. - Unavailability of excavation plan. - No specific confined space entry design calculations and drawings) shall be developed by a degreed civil/structural engineer. A confined space entry plan have been developed by the contractor prior to
600093183-5-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 plan, only rescue plan observed. (Reference: CSM II-1.3.4 (A)) - A confined space entry plan shall be developed by the contractor entry into a confined space and arranged the 7.5 mts walking distance for the Closed
Location: Green Field- Modular area(MH-9905 and 9906) prior to entry into a confined space (see Section CSM I- 6.5 for confined space entry plan excavation

600093183-6-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 Passenger of the vehicle PJ# 24 not wearing seat belt. Drivers and passengers shall wear seat belt at all time.( Reference: CSMI-8.3.5) Disciplinary action taken for the violators. Closed

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600093183-7-1 600093183 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor AIR COMPRESSORS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/14/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/15/2020 Jubilee clamp hose fitting observed of chemical mixer equipment. Screw-type (“Jubilee”) hose clamps (see photo) shall not be used to secure compressed air hoses jubilee clamps are replaced by crimped clamps Closed
Location: Green Field- MS 5 to fittings/couplers. (Reference: CSM I-11.6.5)

600095094-1-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

600095094-2-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

600095094-3-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

600095094-4-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

600095094-6-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

600095094-7-1 600095094 LPD- CSU SAIPEM Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/19/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020

AS PER CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3 general requirements 4.3.3 Good
600095723-1-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 House keeping in and around GT8 area is of a poor standard inc, wooden planks, scaffolding material and piles of steel. housekeeping shall be maintained to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Oil spills, mud, scrap and Daily basis housekeeping maintained to prevent slips trips and falls Closed
other debris shall be cleaned up immediately. Location: crane area Observation status: open

Campaigns and TBT's conducted for all the heavy equipment operators to CLOSED AS PER
600095723-2-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Excavator ( YN1040332) has tape covering the back window and no 360 degree vision. OBSERVATION
remove the curtains and card boards obstructing visibility. STATUS BY CSU REP

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention. Inspection: Inspections of fire extinguishers shall be performed
Fire extinguisher with excavator ( YN1040332) had not been inspected for the month of October. Fire extinguisher with monthly by the SA proponent organization in compliance with GI 1781.001, Inspection, Testing
600095723-3-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Inspection done and sticker provided Closed
man lift ( 824) has no inspection tag Fire extinguisher with Generator ( 19388 )did not have an inspection tag and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment, Supplement 1. Contractor shall perform
inspections if proponents are not normally on-site. Location: crane area Observation status: open

As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction 6.4.19 Stripped forms and formwork shall be stockpiled
600095723-5-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Wooden planks, and timber strips were seen inside man hole 24 with nails protruding out. promptly after stripping. Protruding nails, wire ties, etc., shall be bent over, pulled, cut or other All the protruding nails from the wooden planks and timber strips removed. Closed
means taken to eliminate the hazard. Location: crane area Observation status: open

600095723-6-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Access to man hole 24 is poor and unsafe. Access into the area underneath pipe rack 6 is unsafe. @ Safe access provided Closed

600095723-7-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PPE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Autar Singh Dass ( id number 2476481723) was driving a lorry and has not been issued with safety boots, safety shoes provided Closed

As Per CSM 11 Road Works 11.3.7 Activities that produce dust shall be kept to a minimum. If dust
cannot be avoided and presents a hazard to traffic or nuisance to nearby facilities or residences,
600095723-8-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ENVIRONMENTAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 There is no dust suppression at the crane area, and there is a lot of heavy plant movement. Effective dust control measures taken for the dust suppression Closed
effective dust control measures (e.g., wetting of top soil) shall be implemented. Location: crane
area Observation status: open

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on Made an awareness program to all the drivers to understand about the
600095723-9-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 ARFAAM0E 10/21/2020 No daily checks had been carried out on FLT 8875 all mechanical and heavy equipment. Location: crane area Observation status: open importance of pre inspection before start Closed

As Per CSM 1 excavation and shoring 1.11.4 Hard barricades (e.g., concrete or water-filled plastic
TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S No hard barriers were surrounding a deep excavation beside a road, excavation had no identification No hard barriers “jersey” barriers, metal fencing) shall be used to keep motor vehicles, cranes and heavy Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The
600095723-10-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Closed
HORING surrounding an unidentified man hole. Damaged barriers were observed being used at GT8 area. equipment at the proper distance away from the excavation Location: GT8 area Observation site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
status: open

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As Per CSM 1 Excavation And Shoring Safety Recommendations F. The perimeter of the pits shall
600095723-12-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Open edges observed under pipe rack 6 with no edge protection. be protected with solid barriers to prevent Personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be Pits has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling in. The Closed
HORING site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
properly barricaded and warning signs posted. Location: GT8 area Observation status: open

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.11 When regulators are removed from the cylinders,
they shall be considered “not in use” or “stored” and cylinder valve caps shall be put back in
600095723-14-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Argon gas bottle not in use being stored in direct sun light and no safety cap in place. place. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or locations that could result in the Argon gas cylinders has been provided with shaded shelter and keep away Closed
temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside cylinder storage areas shall have from direct sunlight.
protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to prevent cylinders from reaching 54 °C
(130 °F). Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open

AS PER CSM 1 Machine Guarding 1.3.1 Machinery Guards A. Moving machinery parts shall be
600095723-15-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Generator 19388 was left unattended while in operation with the door left open, the lock on the door is broken. guarded if located 2.5 m (8.2 ft) or less above the floor or working surface. This includes Instructed foremen about the observation and instructed not to repeat and Closed
flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain drives. Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: closed the doors which were open

As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could
600095723-16-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Steel re-bar in various locations at GT8 did not have any protection caps in place. fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement. Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could fall has been Closed
Observation status: open guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No
600095723-17-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Safety signs at the Argon gas storage area are not written in Arabic. Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU warning signs provided in both english and arabic Closed
22.01. Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention 7.8.3 Storage, handling and use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 58 and Chapter I-9, Compressed Gas Cylinders, of
this manual. As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.16 Empty and full cylinders shall be
stored separately with empty cylinders plainly marked to avoid confusion. 9.4.6 Storage areas
shall have Arabic and English “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently
600095723-18-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 LPG gas bottle was stored in a cut pipe and had no labels to identify its contents. warning signs provided in both english and arabic Closed
displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU 22.01. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or
locations that could result in the temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside
cylinder storage areas shall have protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to
prevent cylinders from reaching 54 °C (130 °F). Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status:

As Per CSM 2 Scaffolding C. Timber sills (sole boards) at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm (1 1/2
in) thick shall be used to spread the load on sand, made-up ground, asphalt pavement, wooden
600095723-19-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Scaffolding ( N56870) has scaffolding planks as sills. floors and other soft or slippery surfaces. See Figure 2.15. Timber sills shall also be used where Instructed the crew to not use Scaffold planks as sills. Closed
base plates may be exposed to corrosive materials. Scaffold planks shall not be used as sills.
Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open

As Per CSM 1 Excavation And Shoring 1.11.3 Motor vehicles, cranes and heavy equipment shall be
kept away from the edge of the excavation a distance of 2 m (6.5 ft) or the depth of the
600095723-20-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Implementation Approver TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/SH 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/4/2020 Man lift ( 28866) was positioned within 1.4 meters of a deep excavation. excavation, whichever is greatest, unless the excavation is in stable rock or is protected against TBT conducted for the safe working procedure Closed
collapse by shoring that has been designed or approved by a degreed civil/structural engineer
(see Section 1.7 and Figure 1.10). Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open

As Per CSM 1 Excavation and Shoring see pre excavation inspection checklist Is the excavation
600095723-21-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Implementation Approver TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/4/2020 Evidence was observed of a excavation sidewall collapse at the same area as a man lift that was parked 1.4 meters from free of tension cracks or other evidence of sidewall failure? Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Immediately removed excavator parked beside the excavation area and Closed
HORING the edge of the excavation. instructed to follow pre excavation checklist
Observation status: open

As Per CSM 12 Material Handling 12.5.6 Structural steel, poles, pipe, bar stock and other
600095723-22-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MATERIAL HANDLING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Large pipes stored do not have sufficient safety blocks in place cylindrical materials, unless racked, shall be stacked and blocked so as to prevent spreading or All pipes stacked so as to prevent spreading or lifting Closed
tilting. Location: GT8 area pipe rack 6 Observation status: open

600095723-23-1 600095723 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/20/2020 TAMBARJR 10/22/2020 Water tanker ( 6514 JRB ) was observed driving on the wrong side of the road during damp down operations. As Per CSM 8 Traffic And Vehicle Safety A. Abide by all SAG traffic regulations and SA traffic Violation issued for the water tanker driver for the unsafe driving Closed
requirements at all times in all locations. Location : main site road Observation status: open

As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No
Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU
The following observations were seen at two separate locations during the site inspection, both north side and south side 22.01. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or locations that could result in the
600097083-1-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 of pipe rack 6. Argon gas storage area had no safety signs in place. Argon gas storage area was positioned in direct sun temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside cylinder storage areas shall have Argon gas cylinders has been provided with shaded shelter and keep away Closed
light. Argon gas storage area had not identified the full and empty bottles. Argon gas storage area contained a bottle with protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to prevent cylinders from reaching 54 °C from direct sunlight.
no safety cap in place. observation status: open observation location: GT7 (130 °F). 9.4.16 Empty and full cylinders shall be stored separately with empty cylinders plainly
marked to avoid confusion. 9.6.2 A protective cap shall remain on the valve when the cylinder is
not in use.

As Per CSM 7 Cranes And Lifting Equipment 7.3.11 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and
secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs Crane lift areas are being barricaded and secured and required warning signs
600097083-2-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Crane ( 058623) was not 100% barricaded. observation status: open observation location: GT7 Closed
shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting posted proir to lifting

As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction 6.4.19 Stripped forms and formwork shall be stockpiled
There were wooden pallets and lengths of timber inside the crane lilting area with nails protruding out. observation
600097083-3-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MATERIAL HANDLING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 promptly after stripping. Protruding nails, wire ties, etc., shall be bent over, pulled, cut or other All the protruding nails from the wooden planks and timber strips removed. Closed
status: open observation location: GT7
means taken to eliminate the hazard.

As Per Csm 3 PPE 3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 3.3.2 At a minimum, hard hats, safety
glasses, and safety shoes shall be worn in SA restricted areas and project work sites. Additional
Moustafa touton was not wearing his safety glasses whilst working on the site. observation status: open observation PPE shall be selected and used based upon the results of a documented risk-based PPE needs
600097083-4-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PPE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 location: GT7 analysis, which shall consider the exposure hazards, materials handled, and activities performed Warning letter issued for not wearing his safety glasses Closed
by personnel. Contractor’s documented PPE needs analysis shall be made available to the SA
proponent organization (SAPO) upon request

As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3.10 Electrical cords, welding cables,
Cables under pipe rack 6 are trailing along the floor and hanging down at head height. observation status: open hoses, etc., shall not create trip hazards on walking and working surfaces. Whenever possible,
600097083-5-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed
observation location: GT7 cords, cables and hoses shall be supported at least 2.4 meters (8 ft) above walkways and
platforms by nonconductive material(s).

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

600097083-6-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Multiple safety harnesses were observed throughout the site, hanging from steel beams, placed in buckets containing As Per CSM 5 Fall Protection E ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away Closed
sharp tools and left unattended inside man baskets. observation status: open observation location: GT7 environment away from direct sunlight from direct sunlight.

As Per CSM 11 Hand And Power Tools 11.7.4 Portable electric power tools shall not be altered
600097083-7-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & ELECTRIC 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Grinder ( 57208) was observed being used with no safety handle in place, and a badly damaged/defected cable in 4 from their original manufactured state. Power tools are certified by an independent testing and Removed from the site immediately Closed
places. Grinder ( 568794) was observed with no safety handle in place. observation status: open observation location: GT7
certification service as a complete unit; alteration is prohibited.

As Per CSM 11 Hand And Power Tool 11.7.13 RCDs shall be tested every three months by a
600097083-8-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & ELECTRIC 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Makita grinder ( 146570) had no identification to say it had been inspected/ tested. observation status: open observation competent person using appropriate electrical test equipment (i.e., an RCD tester that simulates a PTJ removed uninpected grinders from the site and provided the good quality Closed
location: GT7 ground/earth fault current to trip the device under test) of the grinders.

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on
600097083-9-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Pre use daily checks had not been carried out on Concrete lorry ( 2285 KAA ). observation status: open observation all mechanical and heavy equipment. Operators performing these inspections shall ensure the Pre-use inspections have been conducted on all mechanical and heavy Closed
EQUIPMENT location: GT7 following, at a minimum, prior to operating the equipment: E. Fire extinguisher(s) available, equipments and the checklists posted
inspected, tagged, and operable

Sherif Ahmed ( A19483904) and Ibrahim Elkenan 2466593502) were working on concrete pouring activities without As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction. 6.6.10 Personnel shall wear appropriate personal protective
600097083-10-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor PPE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 equipment (PPE), including eye protection, when placing or working with uncured concrete. See Warning letter issued for not wearing Safety hand gloves Closed
wearing gloves. observation status: open observation location: GT7
Chapter I-3, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

As Per CSM 7 Fire Prevention F. Work sites shall be provided with the numbers and types of fire
There was no fire extinguisher available with hot work permit 0014567. observation status: open observation location: extinguishers suitable for the hazards, and as needed to meet the requirements of NFPA 10 and
600097083-11-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Fire extinguisher provided at PR-001 -B Closed
PR001- B SAES-B-019. Fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment locations shall be clearly marked
on site layout plans. See Section 7.9.

As Per CSM 6 Concrete Construction 6.3.5 All concrete construction activities covered by this
There was no supervisor available at the work site where a concrete pour was being carried out. observation status: open chapter shall be supervised by a competent person(s) who is knowledgeable and experienced in Shared in the TBT that strict action will be taken against construction crew
600097083-12-1 600097083 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/27/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 observation location: PR001- B the type of work to be performed, including potential hazards of that work and associated hazard members who will work without proper supervision Closed
control measures.

There were multiple heavy plant and equipment operating at the area with no dust suppression being carried out. As Per CSM 11 Road Works 11.3.7 Activities that produce dust shall be kept to a minimum. If dust
600097201-1-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ENVIRONMENTAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area cannot be avoided and presents a hazard to traffic or nuisance to nearby facilities or residences, Effective dust control measures taken for the dust suppression Closed
effective dust control measures (e.g., wetting of top soil) shall be implemented.

600097201-2-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Concrete lorry ( 2280 KAA) was left unattended with the engine running. Observation status: open Observation location: As Per the Saudi Aramco safety hand book Safe operations Heavy equipment shall not be left Issued warning letter as an disciplinary action for leaving the lorry unattended Closed
EQUIPMENT Sales Gas Area running unattended with the enginerunning

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment. 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on
MECHANICAL/HEAVY Concrete lorry ( 7136 ABA ) had not carried out the daily pre inspection checks. Observation status: open Observation all mechanical and heavy equipment. Operators performing these inspections shall ensure the Pre-use inspections have been conducted on all mechanical and heavy
600097201-3-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Closed
EQUIPMENT location: Sales Gas Area following, at a minimum, prior to operating the equipment: E. Fire extinguisher(s) available, equipments and the checklists posted
inspected, tagged, and operable

As Per CSM 1 Machine Guarding 1.3.1 Machinery Guards A. Moving machinery parts shall be
600097201-4-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Concrete pump lorry has a missing side panel and the pulleys and chains are not guarded. Observation status: open guarded if located 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) or less above the floor or working surface. This includes Concrete pump lorry with a missing side panel and the pulleys and chainshave Closed
EQUIPMENT Observation location: Sales Gas Area flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain drives. been guarded

600097201-5-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Sarwan Singh was driving Concrete lorry ( 2280 KAA) and was not wearing his seat belt. Observation status: open As Per CSM 8 Traffic And Vehicle Safety B. Wear seat belts at all times and ensure that all Issued warning letter as an disciplinary action for not wearing seat belt Closed
Observation location: Sales Gas Area passengers wear their seat belts as well.

AS PER CSM 2. Mechanical and Heavy Equipment 2.3.2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the
600097201-6-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPM30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Generator ( 30889) has an out of date inspection sticker. Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area Generator ( 30889) was stopped till it was provided with tuv sticker Closed
manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

Harness ( STR 133) was left unattended on steel bolts at a concrete Colum Observation status: open Observation location: AS PER CSM 5 Fall Protection E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry Fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry environment away
600097201-7-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Closed
Sales Gas Area environment away from direct sunlight. from direct sunlight.

As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3.10 Electrical cords, welding cables,
multiple cables creating trip hazards were observed at the sales gas area. Observation status: open Observation location: hoses, etc., shall not create trip hazards on walking and working surfaces. Whenever possible,
600097201-8-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Sales Gas Area cords, cables and hoses shall be supported at least 2.4 meters (8 ft.) above walkways and Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed
platforms by nonconductive material(s).

As Per CSM 10 Welding Cutting And Brazing 10.3.4 Fire extinguisher(s) shall be readily available
600097201-9-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor FIRE PREVENTION 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 No fire extinguisher available at the welding area. Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area PTJ provided the fire extinguisher cylinder at welding area. Closed
near the hot work area.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

AS Per CSM 8. Slings And Rigging Hardware 8.3.9 SAPOs and contractors shall maintain a job-site
600097201-10-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING/RIGGING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 No log sheet available for 4 ton sling ( s-74154 ) Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area log of slings containing the following information: sling ID number, sling description, date placed Provided the lifting gears job site log with folowing information, sling ID Closed
EQUIPMENT in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and full details of periodic inspections (e.g., number, sling description, date placed in service
completed SA 9657 forms).

AS Per CSM 8. Slings And Rigging Hardware 8.3.9 SAPOs and contractors shall maintain a job-site
600097201-11-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field SafetyWith Processor CRANE & LIFTING/RIGGING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 No job-site log sheet available for 4 ton sling ( s-74154 ) Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area log of slings containing the following information: sling ID number, sling description, date placed Provided the lifting gears job site log with folowing information, sling ID Closed
EQUIPMENT in service, SWL as stated in proof load certificate, and full details of periodic inspections (e.g., number, sling description, date placed in service
completed SA 9657 forms).

As Per CSM 7 Cranes And Lifting Equipment 7.3.11 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and
600097201-12-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor CRANE & LIFTING/RIGGING E 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Area surrounding Liebherr crane ( 045997) was not completely barricaded Observation status: open Observation location: secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the barricaded area. Warning signs PTJ baricaded the lifting area and provided the warning signs in sales gas area. Closed
Safety Inspection Sales Gas Area shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the hazards of overhead lifting

As Per CSM Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3.2 Elevated work platforms shall be per
600097201-13-1 600097201 UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field With Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Open trench with no barricades was observed near to scaffolding ( B03506) Observation status: open Observation Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated walking Provided the barrrication around the trench in sales gas area. Closed
Safety Inspection HORING location: Sales Gas Area and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely covered.

As Per CSM 11 Hand And Power Tools 11.7.4 Portable electric power tools shall not be altered
from their original manufactured state. Power tools are certified by an independent testing and
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field Makita grinder ( 102907 ) was being used with no second safety handle and a badly damaged cable in 4 places. certification service as a complete unit; alteration is prohibited. As Per CSM 3 Electrical
600097201-14-1 600097201 With Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & ELECTRIC 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Equipment 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Removed from the site immediately Closed
Safety Inspection Observation status: open Observation location: Sales Gas Area
(e.g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from damage (e.g., running them inside
impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply leads). Defective electrical equipment
and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the job site.

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field There are no safety/warning signs located at the compressed gas storage area. Observation status: open Observation As Per CSM 9 Compressed Gas Cylinders 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No PTJ provided the safety/warning signs “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage
600097201-15-1 600097201 With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU Closed
Safety Inspection location: Sales Gas Area Area” in sales gas area.

As Per CSM Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3.2 Elevated work platforms shall be per
UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S Un protected edges surrounding various trenches were observed. Observation status: open Observation location: Sales
600097201-16-1 600097201 Safety Inspection With Processor HORING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Gas Area, inside the OME building. Chapter II-2, Scaffolding, and Chapter II-5, Fall Protection. Holes and openings in elevated walking Provided the barrrication around the edge of all trenches in sales gas area. Closed
and working surfaces shall be guarded by a complete guardrail system or securely covered.

UDHLPD- CSU HIP Field Unstable concrete blocks are being used as access to the building Observation status: open Observation location: Sales As Per CSM Temporary Walking And Working Surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided with
600097201-17-1 600097201 Safety Inspection With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 10/29/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/1/2020 Gas Area, OME building safe means of entry and exit. Ladders used to access elevated work locations shall be per Chapter PTJ removed unstable concrete block and provided the proper access. Closed

During lifting activities, loading or unloading onto a trailer, the trailer's driver must not stay or
600098368-1-1 600098368 2020-1-11, Field Safety With Processor CRANE & LIFTING/RIGGING E 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/3/2020 A crane was found unloading piping at the pipe yard while the low-bed trailer's driver was sleeping inside the cabin. remain inside his cabin. The driver shall secure his trailer by having all necessary breaks on and Issued warning letter as an disciplinary action to that driver for sleeping inside Closed
Inspection at HI Recently, the company has experienced an incident of similar condition. the trailer cabin during unloading.
stay in the safe zone until the activity is completed.

The same crane's outriggers were not properly extended onto a proper mat, rather one of the outriggers was extended
onto several wooden pieces used to balance. This is dangerous and unsafe behavior of the rigger and crane operator. It is Re-evaluate the rigger's and operator's certificate and provide them with refreshing course to
2020-1-11, Field Safety Issued warning letter as an disciplinary action to riggers and operators and
600098368-2-1 600098368 With Processor CRANE & LIFTING/RIGGING E 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/3/2020 important to note that enough area was available to situate the crane to have proper extension of the outriggers. ensure such behavior doesn't occur. Additionally, work permit receiver shall as well be Closed
Inspection at HI provided the refresher training.
However, the operator and the rigger failed to do that since it would take time. Additionally, work permit receiver was reminded/retrained on hazard recognition mandatory course and his rules and responsibilities.
onsite and didn't identify such hazard.

600098368-3-1 600098368 2020-1-11, Field Safety With Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/3/2020 Multiple exposed rebars were noted at various locations of the HIP including STR-1-3-1, oil skid, northside. Ensure all protruding rebars are safely secured by steel reinforced caps or removed. Provided the rebar caps at all protruding rebars. Closed
Inspection at HI

Have certified electricians carry out inspections and ensure all cables are organized in a manner
600098368-4-1 600098368 2020-1-11, Field Safety With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/2/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/4/2020 Electrical cables all over STR-1-3-1 area need immediate attention and correction. All cables are not well organized and are that prevent them from being run over or cut. Head clearance must also be given if the cables are Cords, cables,are properly organized where they are not likely to be damaged. Closed
Inspection at HI prone to be cut, which could cause electrocution. elected to be hung from the ceiling/platform. There are other ways of protecting cables that can
be found in SA CSM.

Mohamed Mahmou ( id GHPE-SC01794) was operating Doosan DL 420a and not wearing his seat belt. Observed by : Marc Warning letter issued to the highlighted violator as a disciplinary action so that
600099077-1-1 600099077 2020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Fiel
With Processor VEHICLE SAFETY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 As Per CSM 8 traffic and vehicle safety B. Wear seat belts at all times Closed
Williams location GT8 status open he do not repeat this act.

Mohamed Mahmou ( id GHPE-SC01794) was operating Doosan DL 420a with a fire extinguisher that was not inspected. As Per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment General requirements E. Fire extinguisher(s)
600099077-2-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor FIRE PREVENTION
30028783-Hawiyah Increment Projects Div
11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Provided the inspected fire extinguisher cylinder in Doosan DL 420 in GT8 area. Closed
Observed by : Marc Williams location GT8 status open available, inspected, tagged, and operable.

There was no confined space entry supervisor at confined space number 9017 Observed by : Marc Williams location As Per CSM Confined spaces 6.3.5 Every job that requires a confined space entry shall have a
600099077-3-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor CONFINED SPACE30028783-Hawiyah Increment Projects Div
11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Dehydration area status open designated confined space entry supervisor (CSES). See Section 6.4.1 for CSES responsibilities. PTJ assigned a confined space entry supervisor on CS number 9017 for activity. Closed

As per CSM 6 confined spaces 6.3.9 At least one fire extinguisher (30 lb) shall be provided near
There was no fire extinguisher available at the entrance to confined space number 9017 Observed by : Marc Williams each designated confined space entry point if the space is within process equipment (e.g., vessel, PTJ provided a fire extinguisher at the entrance to confined space number
600099077-4-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Closed
location Dehydration area status open column, tank) or where combustible or flammable material may be present (including residue). 9017.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) type fire extinguishers shall not be used inside enclosed confined spaces.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

There were various materials inside the confined space area that could potentially cause an accident, un used scaffolding As per CSM 6 Confined spaces 6.9.1 Confined spaces shall be cleaned and decontaminated of
600099077-5-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor CONFINED SPACE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 tubes, steel beams and bars as well as timber card and cut off scaffold boards. Observed by : Marc Williams location hazardous materials. Cleaning and decontamination shall be performed to the maximum extent PTJ removed unused material inside the confined space. Closed
Dehydration area status open feasible before entry by personnel.

1. Various scaffolding components inc tubes, fittings and base plates were observed lying directly on the sand. 2. Various
600099077-6-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 scaffolding components inc tubes, fittings and base plates were observed lying directly on the sand. Observed by : Marc As per CSM 2 Scaffolding G. Scaffold components shall be properly stored to prevent damage. Scaffolding components strored in proper place in sacfoldig laydown area. Closed
Williams location Dehydration area near to confined space 9017 and the scaffolding lay down area. status open

600099077-7-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 3 harnesses were observed on top of scaffolding components,on the floor in the sand and in direct sun light. Observed by : As per CSM 5 Fall protection E. Ensure fall protection equipment is properly stored in a clean, dry PTJ strored fulbody harness and scaffolding components at proper place in Closed
Marc Williams location Dehydration area near to confined space 9017 status open environment away from direct sunlight. sacfoldig laydown area.

As per CSM 1 Excavations and shoring. 1.11.4 Hard barricades (e.g., concrete or water-filled
600099077-8-1 600099077 2020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW With Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Deep excavation was not completed barricaded off. Observed by : Marc Williams location Dehydration area near to plastic “jersey” barriers, metal fencing) shall be used to keep motor vehicles, cranes and heavy Excavation has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel falling Closed
Field Safety Insp HORING confined space 9017 status open equipment at the proper distance away from the excavation. 1.11.6 Pedestrian barricades shall in. The site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
be placed no less than 1 m (3 ft) from the edge of the excavation.

2020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW PORTABLE TOOLS & Hammer was observed inside confined space with a broken/ damaged handle. Observed by : Marc Williams location As per CSM 11 Hand and power tools. B. Tools that are not in proper working condition shall be
600099077-9-1 600099077 With Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Damage hammer removed from the site immediately Closed
Field Safety Insp ELECTRICAL TOOLS Dehydration area inside confined space 9017 status open immediately removed from service and not used until properly repaired.

Genie man lift ( 28873) had a damaged unsafely repaired electrical cable powering the light. Observed by : Marc Williams Genie man lift (28873) a damaged unsafely repaired electrical cable powering
600099077-10-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment. C. All lights and warning devices operate properly. Closed
location Storage tank area. status open the light has changed.

Cables connected to welding machine ( 30852) were running across site unprotected and partially buried in sand. As per CSM 10 Cutting, welding and brazing. J. When feasible, welding cables shall be elevated or
600099077-12-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Observed by : Marc Williams location Storage tank area. status open protected by nonconductive cable covers. Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to be damaged Closed

As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment. 2.3.2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
MECHANICAL/HEAVY The 3rd party inspection sticker to welding machine ( 30852) is out of date. Observed by : Marc Williams location Storage inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the
600099077-13-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor EQUIPMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 tank area. status open manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a Open
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

As per CSM 9 Compressed gas cylinders. 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No
600099077-14-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 There are insufficient safety signs in place at the argon gas storage area. Observed by : Marc Williams location Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU PTJ provided “No Smoking” and “Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs in PR8 DD6 Closed
Dehydration area pipe rack 8 status open area.

Not all the argon gas bottles were correctly secured at the storage area. Observed by : Marc Williams location Dehydration As per CSM 9 compressed gas cylinders. 9.4.8 Cylinders shall be chained or otherwise secured in
600099077-15-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 PTJ secured gas cylinder in an upright position in PR8 DD6 area. Closed
area pipe rack 8 status open an upright position; use bottle/cylinder racks wherever possible.

As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment. 2.3.2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
600099077-16-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY EQUIPMENT
30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Generator with no identification tag or number has no inspection sticker in place. Observed by : Marc Williams location inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the Provided a identification tag or number and inspection sticker on the Closed
Dehydration area pipe rack 8 status open manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a generator.
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

AS PER CSM 2 Mechanical And Heavy Equipment 2.3.3 Pre-use inspections shall be conducted on
600099077-17-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 There is no evidence of daily checks being carried out on large green generator ( generator has no form of identification). all mechanical and heavy equipment. Operators performing these inspections shall ensure the Open
EQUIPMENT Observed by : Marc Williams location Dehydration area pipe rack 8 status open following, at a minimum, prior to operating the equipment: E. Fire extinguisher(s) available,
inspected, tagged, and operable

MECHANICAL/HEAVY There is no evidence of daily checks being carried out on large green generator ( generator has no form of identification.) As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment. E. Personnel inside a manlift, whether operator
600099077-19-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 or passenger, shall wear full body harnesses and lanyards attached to the anchor point within the Open
EQUIPMENT Observed by : Marc Williams location dehydration area pipe rack 8 status open
basket of the manlift (see Chapter II-5, Fall Protection).

As per GI 8.001 4.20 Scaffold Tag: A standard SA holder with inserts (restricted only for use on SA
facilities and project sites) for clearly showing whether or not a scaffold meets SA’s requirements.
The scaffolding inside the OME building has no tag attached to it. Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 OME building Scaffolding supervisor checked the scaffolding and provided the tag in OME
600099077-20-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 The Scaffold Erector shall purchase, provide, and use only authentic SA-approved scaffold tags Closed
status open building GT4..
obtained from an authorized supplier, unless it is explicitly stated in the contract that scaffold tags
will be provided by the proponent. Scaffold tags are color coded as follows:

Multiple re bars were observed with no safety caps in place Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 OME building status As per CSM 6 Concrete construction. 6.5.1 All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees All protruding reinforcing steel onto which employees could fall has been
600099077-21-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor CONCRETE WORK 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 open could fall shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement. guarded to eliminate the hazard of implement Closed

s per CSM 3 personal protective equipment. 3.3.2 At a minimum, hard hats, safety glasses, and
safety shoes shall be worn in SA restricted areas and project work sites. Additional PPE shall be
selected and used based upon the results of a documented risk- based PPE needs analysis, which
600099077-22-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor PPE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 1 worker was not wearing his hard hat at the site. Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 OME building status open PTJ issued the warning letter to that employe and give the TBT to all crew. Closed
shall consider the exposure hazards, materials handled, and activities performed by personnel.
Contractor’s documented PPE needs analysis shall be made available to the SA proponent
organization (SAPO) upon request.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment. A. A standby man, who is a certified manlift
600099077-23-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 There was no stand by man available with man lift ( 28872) Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 area status open operator (per GI 7.025), shall be available on the ground to operate the lower manlift controls in Open
case of an emergency.

As per CSM 11 Hand tools and power tools B. Ear, eye, hand (thick gloves to minimize vibration)
600099077-24-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor PPE 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 worker was using a jackhammer ( pneumatic drill ) with out the correct safety footwear. Observed by : Salem Alaqeel and foot protection (e.g., safety shoes with metatarsal guards) shall be worn by all personnel PTJ provided the proper PPE's to the jackhammer operator. Closed
location GT4 area status open working with or near jackhammers and concrete breakers. See Chapter I- 3, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).

As per CSM 10 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 10.4.4 Each container of hazardous material shall be
600099077-25-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor MATERIAL HANDLING 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 A yellow container was observed on site with no label to identify its contents. Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 properly labeled to indicate its contents and hazards Hazardous materials received at a facility or PTJ removed this container from the site. Closed
area OME building status open project site without proper labels shall be set aside and not distributed for use until properly
labeled. See GI 150.100 for typical hazardous chemical labels.

600099077-26-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor MECHANICAL/HEAVY 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 cement mixer and drill both observed on site with a trigger lock in place. Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 area As per CSM 11 Hand tools and power tools 11.5.2 Power tools shall not be equipped with trigger Open
EQUIPMENT OME building status open locks.

access to the sub station has a broken scaffolding plank Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 area sub station As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600099077-27-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Open
building status open with safe means of entry and exit.

access to the sub station has a broken scaffolding plank Observed by : Salem Alaqeel location GT4 area sub station As Per CSM 4 Temporary Walking and Working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600099077-28-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 Open
building status open with safe means of entry and exit.

600099077-29-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 test test

600099077-30-1 6000990772020-11-05-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/8/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/8/2020 NO OBSERVATION NO RECOMMENDATION

As per CSM 1 Excavation and shoring 1.11.4 Hard barricades (e.g., concrete or water-filled plastic
600099661-1-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 No barricades surrounding trench location: sub station 5 status:open “jersey” barriers, metal fencing) shall be used to keep motor vehicles, cranes and heavy PTJ provided the hardbarication around the trench to prevent personnel falling Closed
HORING equipment at the proper distance away from the excavation. 1.11.6 Pedestrian barricades shall in and all area MS 5 has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.
be placed no less than 1 m (3 ft) from the edge of the excavation.

As per CSM 3 ladders and step ladders 3.7.1 Stepladders shall have folding cross-braces
600099661-2-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Spreader beams were not being utilized correctly. location: sub station 5 status: open (spreaders) that are hinged. Both sections shall be fully opened with hinged braces flat and taut Open
before use to ensure stability.

As per CSM 4 temporary walking and working surfaces 4.3.1 Work locations shall be provided
600099661-3-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor WASTE MANAGEMENT 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 There is a lot of waste un used tools being stored on scaffolding ( X62377) location: sub station 5 status: open with safe means of entry and exit. Ladders used to access elevated work locations shall be per PTJ removed unused material from the scafolding plateform. Closed
Chapter II-3, Ladders and Stepladders, of this manual. Entry and exit points at elevated work
locations shall be per Chapter II-2, Scaffolding.

600099661-4-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor PORTABLE TOOLS & 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Hilti gun T8-170 was being operated with a trigger lock location: GT4 south status: open As per CSM 11 Hand and power tools 11.5.2 Power tools shall not be equipped with trigger locks. Open

As per CSM 2 Mechanical and heavy equipment .2 Mechanical and heavy equipment shall be
MECHANICAL/HEAVY inspected on a regular basis by a competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic as per the
600099661-5-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Welding machine NO 1622- serial number 211461 has an expired tuv sticker location: GT4 south status: open Open
EQUIPMENT manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall have a
valid inspection sticker issued by SA or an SA-approved third-party inspection agency.

As per CSM 11 Hand tools and power tools 11.5.9 Cords, cables, etc., shall be positioned where
they are not likely to be damaged (e. g., run overhead) or shall be otherwise protected from
PTJ removed damage Cords, cables,are positioned where they are not likely to
600099661-6-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 The plug end to a cable connected to the generator is damaged. location: GT4 south status: open damage (e.g., running them inside impact resistant conduit or using abrasion resistant supply Closed
be damaged
leads). Defective electrical equipment and tools shall not be used and shall be immediately
removed from the job site.

As per CSM 3 Ladders and step ladders. 3.7.1 Stepladders shall have folding cross-braces
600099661-7-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 The spreader beams on the step ladder were not being used. location: GT4 PIB building status: open (spreaders) that are hinged. Both sections shall be fully opened with hinged braces flat and taut Open
before use to ensure stability.

As per CSM 2 Scaffolding A. Toeboards shall be installed along all edges of scaffold platforms and
600099661-8-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Scaffolding ( V5325) has missing toe boards on the top level. location: GT4 PIB building status: open stair/ladder landings that are more than 1.8 m (6 ft) above a lower level, unless personnel access Scafolder erector provided the missing toe board on top level in PR GT4. Closed
to the lower level is physically prevented.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use


proponent on BY(CSU Rep):

As per CSM 4 Temporary walking and working surfaces. 4.3.10 Electrical cords, welding cables,
600099661-9-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor ELECTRICAL 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 2 cables were observed hanging down from the scaffolding at head height. location: GT4 PIB building status: open hoses, etc., shall not create trip hazards on walking and working surfaces. Whenever possible, These cable removed and arranged properly in PIB Building GT4. Closed
cords, cables and hoses shall be supported at least 2.4 meters (8 ft) above walkways and
platforms by nonconductive material(s).

As per CSM 2 Scaffolding 2.3.1 The types of scaffolds covered in this chapter are those commonly
600099661-10-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SCAFFOLDS & LADDERS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Mobile scaffolding has not got a scaffolding tag in place location: GT4 PIB building status: open used within SA, including tube- and-coupler, system, fabricated tubular frame, bracket, Provided a scaffolding tag on mobile scaffolding in PIB building. Closed
underhung and mobile scaffolds, and they shall be designed, constructed, inspected, tagged and
used per GI 8.001.

AS PER CSM 1 EXCAVATION AND SHORING F. The perimeter of the pits shall be protected with
600099661-11-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor TRENCHING/EXCAVATION/S 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 There is no edge protection surrounding a open hole about 3.5 meters deep. There is no edge protection surrounding a Deep excavation has been protected with solid barriers to prevent personnel Closed
solid barriers to prevent Personnel or animals from falling in. The site shall be properly barricaded
HORING trench under pipe rack 6 location: GT4 outside of PIB building status: open and warning signs posted. falling in. The site has been properly barricaded and warning signs posted.

600099661-12-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor FALL PROTECTION/PFAS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Harness number ( 0410) was observed having paint all over, and therefore any defects on the harness would not be As per CSM 5 Fall protection. F. Ensure fall protection equipment is inspected by a competent PTJ removed the fullbody harness (0410) from the outside of the PIB building Closed
identified. location: GT4 outside of PIB building inside man basket 28872 status: open person at least monthly and is properly cleaned and maintained. GT4 area.

As per CSM Compressed gas cylinders. 9.4.13 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures or
locations that could result in the temperature of the cylinder exceeding 54 °C (130 °F). Outside
600099661-13-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor COMPRESSED GASES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Argon gas bottle left unattended in direct sun light location: under pipe rack 6 'status:open PTJ placed the Argon gas cylinder in shaded area. Closed
cylinder storage areas shall have protective enclosures or sun shelters installed as needed to
prevent cylinders from reaching 54 °C (130 °F).

As per CSM 9 Gas cylinders. 9.4.6 Storage areas shall have Arabic and English “No Smoking” and
600099661-14-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor SIGNAGES 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 No safety signs posted at the gas cylinder shelter. location: under pipe rack 6 'status: open PTJ baricaded the gas cylinder area and provided the warning signs in PR6. Closed
“Gas Cylinder Storage Area” signs prominently displayed per SAES-B-067 and CU 22.01.

AS per CSM 11 Hand and power tools 11.7 Portable Electric Power Tools and Extension Cords
PORTABLE TOOLS & 11.7.4 Portable electric power tools shall not be altered from their original manufactured state.
600099661-15-1 6000996612020-11-10-GFB-HIP-MJW Field Safety Insp With Processor ELECTRICAL TOOLS 30028783-Hawiyah Incremen 11/11/2020 ARFAAM0E 11/11/2020 Makita grinder ( 59053) was observed with no second safety handle. location: fabrication area GT4 . 'status: open Power tools are certified by an independent testing and certification service as a complete unit; PTJ removed this grinder from the site immediately Closed
alteration is prohibited.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use



# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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