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Korean War learning map

Background Key terms

 The status of Korea in 1950 38th parallel
 The ‘threat’ to the USA of China NSC-68
becoming communist in 1949 containment
domino theory
The outbreak of war
 Tension between North and South Korea Key places
 Stalin’s support for North Korea Inchon
 North Korea invaded the South Pyongyang

Involvement of the USA

 Belief in domino theory and NSC-68
 Concerns over Japan

Involvement of the United Nations

 Boycott by USSR avoided veto of
 Memory of League of Nations’ failure

Key events of the war

 Initial success of NKPA Key people
 Intervention by US and UN forces Kim Il Sung
 Intervention by Chinese ‘volunteers’ Syngman Rhee
 American talk of ‘rollback’ and use of Stalin
nuclear weapons Truman
 Dismissal of MacArthur MacArthur
 Stalemate and ceasefire Eisenhower

Key debates and analysis Outcomes

 Why did the USA get involved, considering
 USA achieved aim of
its isolationism before the Second World
 38th parallel still in force
 How big a role did the USSR play in the
 Communism and capitalist
democracies could fight without
 How and why did the USA’s intentions
a superpower nuclear war
change during the war?
 10% of Korean population killed
 Why do some historians say that the war
 1.2 million soldiers killed
achieved very little?

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