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First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 1 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 My __________ reaction to his letter was to phone him and complain, but in the end I
decided not to.
A innate B direct C obvious D initial

2 The food at the hotel was excellent and the __________ were friendly and polite.
A crew B staff C council D committee

3 When I visited Madrid for the first time, my __________ with the language meant that I
could communicate fluently with everyone I met.
A familiarity B knowledge C accomplishment D notification

4 I’m afraid you’ll have to make a decision at once. We have no time to __________.
A save B spare C draw D adjust

5 When Jason blamed Meg __________ stealing his bike, she became furious.
A on B over C about D for

6 There was a __________ change in our relationship after the argument – our friendship
was no longer the same.
A innate B negligible C faint D noticeable

7 Liz gave me Ben’s work number but forgot to __________ where he works.
A claim B suggest C mention D chat

8 It took my sister some time to get used to living on an island, but __________ she began
to like it.
A initially B instantly C eventually D constantly

9 After careful consideration, we’ve come to the __________ that we can’t afford to move
A intention B expectation C conclusion D prediction

10 He’s incredibly __________! He’d rather make a mistake than take someone else’s
A emotional B frustrated C sincere D stubborn

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 There were no ____________ to the plan so I went ahead and made all OBJECT
the necessary arrangements.
2 Trying to work with so many ____________ at home can be very DISTRACT
3 On the day of the ____________ everyone goes out to vote. ELECT
4 Why are you so ____________ of Susan? Why don’t you trust her? SUSPICION
5 They won’t let you into the club if you’re ____________ dressed – that APPROPRIATE
is, if you’re not wearing a tie.

First Certificate Masterclass

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Well, think about the advantages: if you don’t pass your driving test, you won’t have to buy
a car!
Well, _____________________ : if you don’t pass your driving test, you won’t have to buy a

2 I don’t care which film you go to. I’m not coming anyway!
I _____________________ which film you go to. I’m not coming anyway!

3 Are you sure Mike is old enough to take care of a pet?

Are you sure Mike is old enough _____________________ pet?

4 My son communicates with his girlfriend in New York by email.

My son _____________________ his girlfriend in New York by email.

5 Can we meet whenever it’s convenient to discuss the details of the trip?
Can we meet _____________________ to discuss the details of the trip?

Exercise 4
Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence below.

1 The trip to the mountains was great, but I picked on / up / off a terrible cold on our way
2 The school’s decision to change the date of the school dance brought over / round /
about many complaints.
3 I was sure the blue car was Karen’s, but in the end it turned on / off / out I’d made a
4 Children come up with / into / to incredible excuses when they’re late for school.
5 Parents are not always right and they should back off / down / up when they realise
they’ve made a mistake.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 10 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 Everything included, the cost of our new living room came to a __________ total of
₤ 10,000.
A grand B great C gross D full

2 The Best Invention __________ this year was given to Jason Mayers.
A Reward B Brand C Factor D Award

3 On Christmas Eve, the __________ family gathers for dinner, usually at my

grandmother’s house.
A mere B entire C total D complete

4 When the first Chinese restaurants opened in Greece, it was very difficult to get fresh
__________ of Chinese vegetables.
A provisions B materials C supplies D ingredients

5 I find mending old socks incredibly __________ – that’s why I always ask my mother to
do it for me.
A hilarious B tedious C furious D recreational

6 Megan solved her computer problem quite __________ – she happened to mention it to a
friend who had had the same problem and told her what to do.
A occasionally B clumsily C accidentally D attentively

7 Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful __________ in computer
A pioneer B navigator C generator D volunteer

8 My mother often __________ our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes
us for even the slightest one.
A passes B neglects C avoids D overlooks

9 When I joined the army, I found it difficult to __________ out orders from my superiors,
but I soon got used to it.
A call B carry C miss D take

10 Did you know that The Coca-Cola Company was __________ more than 100 years ago?
A formulated B funded C found D founded

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 It’s difficult to find a really ____________ book these days – most books ABSORB
seem really boring.
2 The little boy came ____________ into the room carrying his discovery: a TRIUMPH
dead rat from the garden!

First Certificate Masterclass

3 What I admire most about Ben is his ____________, which is something HUMBLE
rare in people with such excellent qualifications.
4 Our organisation welcomes people with ____________ ideas and gives INNOVATION
them full support.
5 The teacher gave out the new books and asked the students to have a look ILLUSTRATE
at the ____________ on the first page.

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 The hotel was superb, but, of course, it wasn’t cheap!

The hotel was superb, but, of course, _____________________ cheap!

2 When you are in a bad mood, things often seem worse than they really are. It’s important to
see things clearly and calmly.
When you are in a bad mood, things often seem worse than they really are. It’s important to

3 I had made the mistake of assuming that he would agree, but I was wrong.
I had made the mistake of ____________________ that he would agree, but I was wrong.

4 When we started exporting our products, it was a great success – orders have not stopped
coming in.
When we started exporting our products, we _____________________ – orders have not
stopped coming in.

5 I honestly don’t understand how he can work so hard and sleep for just four or five hours a
Honestly it is _____________________ how he can work so hard and sleep for just four or
five hours a day.

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 Liz was so carried _______ by the astounding scenery that she didn’t realise it was
getting dark.
2 The heavy rains last year were bad for farmers. Some of them had their crops completely
wiped _______.
3 We’d hoped the rain would keep _______ for another hour, but when the first drops
started falling, we decided we had to cut our walk short and go home.
4 I know the Christmas dance will be great, and I’d really hate to miss _______ on an
occasion like that, but I’ll be abroad then.
5 Robbie’s teacher told him he wasn’t doing very well in class and should try harder to
keep _______ with his classmates.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 11 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 Boots, the well-known chemist’s chain in the UK, sells virtually everything. On their
shelves you can find products __________ from medicine to sandwiches!
A fluctuating B rating C ranging D ranking

2 The little girl tripped and fell, __________ her arm against the edge of the brick wall.
A scraping B scratching C twisting D ripping

3 Although not confirmed, there was a __________ that the film star had been taken to
hospital seriously ill.
A rumour B fame C saying D reputation

4 The necklace was worthless because it turned out to be a(n) __________ after all.
A non-genuine B fake C artificial D fraud

5 Instinctively, people __________ when there is any sudden movement near their eyes.
A wink B yawn C peer D blink

6 Even though we go to school by bus in the mornings, our mother insists on __________
us in the afternoons.
A returning B collecting C gathering D picking

7 The man had a very strange __________, so I couldn’t tell where he was from.
A pronunciation B speech C accent D tone

8 Rich people often have bodyguards for their children, in case anyone tries to __________
them and then demand money for their release.
A rob B assault C kidnap D steal

9 I don’t like __________ people – they keep asking questions and embarrassing other
A reserved B Nosy C dull D humble

10 Liz deliberately told Andy some lies about his girlfriend, just to make him feel angry and
sad. What a __________ thing to do!
A tough B daft C fussy D wicked

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Cruelty to animals is ____________ condemned – yet nothing is done to UNIVERSE

stop it.
2 I can still remember the ____________ I said before going to bed when I PRAY
was a child.
3 My first glimpse of Chicago from a plane, with its huge skyscrapers LAST
reflecting the sunlight, really made a ____________ impression on me.
4 I think travelling to South America might be a great experience, but I still RESERVE

First Certificate Masterclass

have my ____________ about how safe the journey is.

5 In my opinion, Jake’s behaviour towards his brother is ____________ – he CONTEMPT
always tricks him into giving him all his money.

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Regarding the tickets, we should probably book seats on the bus in advance.
As far _____________________ , we should probably book seats on the bus in advance.

2 The boy could not explain why the money was missing from the draw.
The boy _____________________ why the money was missing from the draw.

3 It’s amazing how some comedians don’t laugh even though they say such funny things.
It’s amazing how some comedians _____________________ even though they say such
funny things.

4 The toy isn’t working because it needs new batteries – have you got any?
The toy isn’t working because these _____________________ – have you got any new ones?

5 A true friend is someone who supports you in difficult times.

A true friend is someone _____________________ in difficult times.

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 Lee was in such a hurry that she didn’t see the glass door, so she walked right _______ it,
banging her head really hard.
2 As brothers and sisters, our parents have taught us to stick _______ at all times.
3 The name of the town of Nabeul in Tunisia derives _______ the Greek words for ‘new
4 Young children are very persistent; when they find it difficult to do something, they stick
_______ it until they achieve it.
5 I’ve tried so many times to teach my daughter not to stick her tongue _______ when
she’s angry, but without success.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 2 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 You can increase your body’s __________ to colds and flu by drinking plenty of fresh
orange juice, which is a great source of Vitamin C.
A firmness B intake C resistance D restriction

2 Despite knowing that it was a bad thing to do, Sam felt a strong __________ to steal the
A obsession B compulsion C exaggeration D outlet

3 The police kept the suspect under __________ twenty-four hours a day as they were
afraid he would try and leave the country.
A observation B treatment C resistance D obsession

4 British Rail apologise for the delay to this service, which is __________ to the breakdown
of another train on the railway line ahead.
A resulted B owed C because D due

5 I can’t give you an answer on the __________ – I’ll have to think about it for a few days.
A place B minute C bet D spot

6 It’s difficult trying to work while you’re travelling. Why don’t you try buying a laptop –
that might do the __________.
A game B trick C spot D play

7 We were in a ‘No parking’ zone but Mark __________ the signs and parked his car
A ignored B refused C opposed D neglected

8 Her asthma means that she gets __________ of breath after even the slightest physical
exercise, such as climbing the stairs.
A short B half C narrow D weak

9 I’m afraid I’m addicted __________ coffee. I can’t wake up nor work without it.
A on B in C for D to

10 In the __________ of recent research, you should wear sun-cream on your face even in
A shadow B light C show D proof

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 I don’t know how far Madrid is, but if I have to make a ____________ SENSE
guess, it must be about three hours by plane.
2 The young boy was ____________ about not being allowed to play RESENT
3 I have a ____________ to make: it was me who broke your vase, I’m CONFESS

First Certificate Masterclass

4 Jamie disagreed with our plan and was ____________ to help us. WILL
5 Our new table folds up for easier____________. STORE

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 People believe Coca-Cola is the most popular drink in the world.

Coca-Cola _____________________ the most popular drink in the world.

2 Chinese dishes used to disgust me but now I’m a great fan of Chinese food.
Chinese dishes _____________________, but now I’m a great fan of Chinese food.

3 Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved cooking.

Ever since I was a teenager, I _____________________ cooking.

4 When I saw my son writing on the wall for the tenth time, I got very angry and started
When I saw my son writing on the wall for the tenth time, I _____________________ and
started shouting.

5 The pouring rain forced us to go back home before we had finished our picnic.
The pouring rain forced us to _____________________ and go home.

Exercise 4
Choose the word that best completes each sentence below.

1 I won’t earn much in this job, but I think I’ll go / get / run by until I find something better.
2 We must teach our children not to put / cut / look down on people who are poor.
3 If Stacey is a good friend, she certainly won’t give / tell / put away your secrets.
4 After working for years on the same salary, Mike decided to look / give / stand up for his
rights and demand a pay rise.
5 OK, I’ve decided which car I prefer – now I need to put / turn / work out how to pay for

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 3 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 The Greek islands are very __________ with tourists in the summer.
A keen B suited C popular D appealing

2 The school __________ students with the materials they need for artwork classes so you
don’t need to buy anything.
A provides B gives C points D indicates

3 The discovery of the steam engine was certainly a major __________ in science in the
eighteenth century.
A approach B breakthrough C expectation D outbreak

4 The doctor told us he’d have to stay in hospital longer because of unexpected
A aspects B factors C justifications D complications

5 This video __________ how you can record CDs using your PC.
A samples B surveys C determines D demonstrates

6 I’m looking for the __________ to open the wine. Have you seen it anywhere?
A corkscrew B screwdriver C spanner D lever

7 Playing sports is very important, of course, but students should take care not to
__________ their studies.
A decline B enhance C neglect D ignore

8 Walt Disney Productions has made some of the best __________ films in the history of
A motive B animated C active D amateur

9 The old airport will be __________ to a huge park and a playing field.
A converted B convicted C complemented D turned

10 The government issued a statement __________ the use of drugs in sports.

A convicting B complaining C condemning D sentencing

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 The broken air-conditioning in the theatre caused great ____________ to COMFORT

the audience.
2 Your son’s recent work, Mrs Perry, is an ____________ that he’s making INDICATE
good progress.
3 The school has set up an ____________ committee to help parents with ADVISE
particular problems.

First Certificate Masterclass

4 I’d never have imagined such an ____________ performance from such a AMATEUR
well-known cast!
5 The ____________ of the environment is something that concerns all of DESTROY

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 She was told off by her father when he discovered she had been staying out late.
She got _____________________ her father when he discovered she had been staying out

2 Neither of the twins resembles their mother – they both have black hair like their dad.
Neither of the twins _____________________ – they both have black hair like their dad.

3 The school hasn’t organised any outdoor activities until now, but they might do so this year.
The school hasn’t organised _____________________, but they might do so this year.

4 Although journalists need interesting stories, they should always print the truth.
Although journalists need interesting stories, they _____________________ print the truth.

5 The demonstration was peaceful at first, but eventually the police and the protesters began
to fight.
The demonstration was peaceful at first, but eventually _____________________ the police
and protesters.

Exercise 4
Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence below.

1 The first thing I do when I go home is to sort in / out / off any mail that has arrived.
2 The company was set up / off / out in 1993, and since then it has done business all over
the world.
3 The teacher pointed on / in / out that she wouldn’t accept any homework which was
handed in late.
4 OK, I shouldn’t have said all those things about your family – I take everything over /
back / off.
5 There is growing concern that a new war might break out / up / down in the Middle East.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 4 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 I’m afraid there’s no __________ of improvement in your work – you’ll need to try
harder than this.
A signal B sign C light D point

2 After olive oil is extracted from the olives, it is stored in metal or plastic __________.
A containers B spaces C boxes D cartons

3 I disagree with parents __________ their views on their children without giving them the
chance to think for themselves.
A pouring B imposing C straining D protesting

4 Pollution will __________ all of us sooner or later unless we do something about it.
A spoil B injure C harm D wound

5 When we decided to have our block of flats renovated, quite a few of the __________
complained about the high cost.
A inhabitants B hosts C members D residents

6 Before you accuse Brian of lying to you, you must __________ any doubts you may have.
A exploit B eliminate C shrug D notice

7 At first I refused to take part in the project, but Jake was so __________ that I finally
gave in and agreed to help him out.
A inclined B persistent C constant D continuous

8 He was always arguing with his colleagues, so eventually he was __________, but it was
entirely his fault.
A retreated B resolved C resigned D dismissed

9 As regards the colour of our new car, we were only given two __________: blue or green.
A objectives B makes C features D alternatives

10 Picasso’s painting ‘Guernica’__________ the Spanish Civil War – in a modern style, of

A depicts B features C imitates D establishes

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 The ____________ of sunlight in the deepest parts of the ocean means that ABSENT
only certain species may survive there.
2 ‘We regret any ____________ caused by the roadworks on the next three CONVENIENT
miles of the motorway.’
3 The area in the north of the city is quite ____________, with several INDUSTRY
factories and production plants.
4 The survey shows that British people have the highest ____________ of CONSUME
sugar compared with other Europeans.

First Certificate Masterclass

5 It’s ____________ talking to Joanna – she’ll never change her mind. POINT

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 If you bothered to read the reports I give you, you wouldn’t ask me such silly questions.
If you _____________________ the reports I give you, you wouldn’t ask me such silly

2 The old couple were deceived by the innocent look on the thief’s face and let him into their
The old couple _____________________ the innocent look on the thief’s face and let him
into their house.

3 I don’t expect you to solve the problem on your own, but it would help if you could think
think of some ideas.
I don’t expect you to solve the problem on your own, but it would help if you could
_____________________ some ideas.

4 Tim’s rude behaviour towards his parents is unacceptable – they really ought to do
something about it.
Tim’s rude behaviour towards his parents _____________________ – they really ought to do
something about it.

5 I think you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the job before you make
your decision.
I think you should consider _____________________ of the job before you make your

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 The thought of waking up at six in the morning put me _______ going on the excursion.
2 Don’t worry about the missing book. If it’s in the house, it’ll turn _______ somewhere
3 Susan, remember to lock up the house before you set _______ for the airport, OK?
4 I know it’s short notice, and I’m sorry for putting you _______ like this, but could you
babysit tonight instead of tomorrow?
5 It’s common practice for teachers to ask weaker students to team _______ with stronger
ones for better results.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 5 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 I was making my __________ home, when I realised I’d left my glasses at school.
A route B way C path D lane

2 In __________ of sightseeing, Egypt has some wonderful attractions, but getting around
can be difficult.
A terms B relevance C spite D way

3 If you don’t __________ staying in tonight, there’s a good film on at the Palladium
A desire B bother C mind D fancy

4 My friend Janet never took any notice of company regulations, which __________ led to
her dismissal from the job.
A momentarily B inevitably C unbearably D thoroughly

5 Your friends might be able to help, but I think you’d be __________ off trying to solve
the problem on your own.
A better B pretty C fast D well

6 The Athens 2004 Olympic Opening Ceremony was truly spectacular, and all the
spectators __________ and clapped with excitement.
A nodded B praised C cheered D banged

7 Unless you return the money immediately, you risk being __________ with theft and
getting into serious trouble.
A accused B charged C blamed D pointed

8 It is sad how __________ some people are nowadays – they don’t take a minute to think
about anyone else except themselves.
A inconsiderate B decent C unwise D inadequate

9 Don’t even think about coming into the house with those __________ shoes on, Rob!
Take them off before you come into my clean kitchen!
A shiny B spotless C rusty D filthy

10 Our car is quite old but in excellent __________ – it’s still very reliable.
A situation B position C condition D register

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Our travel agent called to let us know that the dates of our trip had HASTE
changed, but ____________ to add that we could get a refund if we didn’t
agree with the new dates.
2 It is ____________ to leave children playing on the beach without ADVISE
someone watching them.

First Certificate Masterclass

3 I always thought Ian was a sensible young man, so I was really surprised MATURE
at the ____________ of his views regarding the environment.
4 General Higgins has devoted his entire life to the army, and most young RESPECT
officers are ____________ of him and his achievements.
5 Despite what she said, Mum was ____________ shocked when I told her VISION
I’d failed the test.

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Do you mind if I don’t come to work next Monday?

Do you mind if I ____________________________?

2 To help us sell our house more easily, we decided to pay someone to redecorate it while we
were away.
To help us sell our house more easily, we decided ____________________________ while
we were away.

3 As we don’t know when we might be able to visit Tunisia again, let’s try to do as much as
we can.
As we don’t know when we might be able to come again, let’s _____________________ our
visit to Tunisia.

4 Tim was really lucky to avoid having an accident: if he hadn’t reacted so quickly, he would
have crashed.
Tim _____________________: if he hadn’t reacted so quickly, he would have crashed.

5 Would you like to choose what to have from the buffet, or would you like me to serve you,
Would you like _____________________ from the buffet, or would you like me to serve you,

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate verb.

1 It’s getting pretty late; why don’t you spend the night with us? Ben’s away so we can
_______ you up in his room.
2 OK, I’ll call the bus station and ask if there’s a bus to Hull tomorrow morning. I’ll
_______ up their number in the phone book.
3 To apply for the post you need to bring us a CV and _______ in this form with your
personal details.
4 In the USA, Halloween is a special day for children, when they _______ up as witches
and wizards and go out singing from house to house.
5 It was an hour later that it finally _______ on me that Mike wasn’t going to come after all.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 6 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 I really felt sorry for the poor dog __________ outside in the cold, so I let it in and gave it
some food.
A swinging B swaying C sweating D shivering

2 When I saw the toys __________ all over the boys’ bedroom, I went downstairs and
asked them to go and tidy up immediately.
A outstretched B dashed C scattered D exhibited

3 ‘And I’ll never come back again!’ she shouted and __________ the door as she left the
A stumbled B slammed C shrank D grabbed

4 We heard something coming our way so we __________ through the fog to see what it
was, but without success.
A peered B peeped C glared D saw

5 Students who don’t revise regularly are generally more __________ to making the same
mistakes again and again.
A prone B likely C attentive D capable

6 I’m not particularly fond of tennis so I don’t think I’ll join you this evening –
__________, it looks like it’s going to rain, so we wouldn’t be able to play anyway.
A beside B apart C besides D however

7 Don’t you just hate it when people you know __________ they don’t see you when you
run into them in the street?
A occur B appear C seem D pretend

8 If the weather __________ any further, we might not be able to get home, and we’ll have
to spend the night here.
A reinforces B spoils C deteriorates D harshens

9 The famous actress was annoyed at the press for ____________ her privacy by
photographing her on the beach.
A violating B interfering C cheating D attacking

10 It’s common for politicians to __________ their speeches before they make them in front
of the public.
A wave B rehearse C forecast D stimulate

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Matt is a very helpful person, which makes his ____________ to help us RELUCTANT
difficult to explain.

First Certificate Masterclass

2 Terry tried to prove that he was at work when the robbery took place, but DECEIVE
he had no witnesses. The police believed that it was an attempt at
3 And just as the doctors were losing hope, the boy made a ____________ MIRACLE
recovery to the amazement of everyone in the hospital!
4 Fay is so ____________ when it comes to clothes! It takes her ages to DECIDE
make up her mind!
5 Studying animals in ____________ may lead to the wrong conclusions. ISOLATE
It’s best if they are studied in their natural habitat.

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Before deciding, you should consider all aspects of the matter, not just the cost.
Before deciding, you should _____________________ all aspects of the matter, not just the

2 Why don’t you come to the cinema with us? It will help you forget all your worries.
Why don’t you come to the cinema with us? It will help _____________________ all your

3 I didn’t accept the job as I received a second offer from a different company with a much
better salary.
I _____________________ as I received a second offer from a different company with a
much better salary.

4 I took my revenge on Danny by telling Mum how he started a fight at school.

I got _____________________ Danny by telling Mum how he started a fight at school.

5 After she lost her job, Alice’s friends thought she was starting to go mad.
After she lost her job, Alice’s friends thought she was starting to _____________________.

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 When Jack finally turned _______ two hours late, he didn’t even apologise!
2 You put the milk and the other ingredients in the special metal container and then into the
freezer, where the mixture turns _______ ice-cream.
3 My daughter was so tired after the visit to the zoo that she dropped _______ in an
armchair as soon as we returned and slept for two hours.
4 If you print all those brochures, you’ll use _______ all the ink in the printer and we won’t
be able to print anything else tonight – leave them for tomorrow.
5 This English language course consists _______ a coursebook, a workbook and three class

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 7 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 Well, with a __________of luck and no traffic, we might get home before lunchtime.
A bit B part C tone D pack

2 As two schools in the area are closing down, quite a few teachers are going to be made
A dismissed B shattered C sacked D redundant

3 Don’t __________ your time trying to convince Janet – she’s made up her mind.
A waste B spend C throw D spare

4 In Paris, many parks use their surrounding walls or railings to __________ paintings or
photographs during exhibitions.
A handle B apply C display D locate

5 If you could __________ some of your time to our problem, we’d appreciate it very much.
A reserve B devote C spare D fit

6 Our teacher stressed that all students should be __________ for class, and that she
wouldn’t accept latecomers.
A occasional B punctual C flexible D timely

7 The cost of a new telephone line is __________ low, compared to the huge bills you get
once you start using the line!
A extensively B repetitively C inevitably D relatively

8 Matt now admits leaving his job was a(n) __________ decision – he really ought to have
thought about it more carefully as finding another job is very difficult.
A blatant B rash C intensive D hassle

9 The day care centre costs ₤150 per month, and there’s a ₤50 __________ if the child has
lunch at the centre as well.
A proportion B recharge C supplement D surplus

10 As far as I’m concerned, cooking is a real __________, but I can’t afford to eat out every
A bargain B wander C whiff D nuisance

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 In the evening, we arrived at a ____________ little village, where we DELIGHT

decided to spend the night.
2 Do you know how many of the ____________ will be arriving the day PARTICIPATE
before the opening ceremony?
3 We avoid eating sweets at home, but my husband ____________ brings OCCASION
some ice-cream for the children.
4 I allow some ____________ in my daughter’s bedtime hours, depending FLEXIBLE

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on whether she has slept in the afternoon or not.

5 The people in the village complained they’d been ____________ informed SUFFICIENT
about the new motorway and threatened to take the matter to court.

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Can you please watch the dinner while I have a shower?

Can you please _____________________ the dinner while I have a shower?

2 The club are organising a singing contest next month, why don’t we take part in it?
The club are organising a singing contest next month, why don’t _____________________ it?

3 Ben tried to explain but as I couldn’t understand his arguments, I put an end to the
Ben tried to explain but as his arguments didn’t _____________________, I put an end to the

4 After searching every single neighbourhood in the city, we decided to live in the centre.
After searching _____________________ of the city, we decided to live in the centre.

5 My uncle Nick said he started liking golf from the first day he attempted it, which I can’t
My uncle Nick said he _____________________ golf on the first day he attempted it, which I
can’t explain!

Exercise 4
Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence below.

1 A bowl of hot soup really set us on / off / up for our hunting trip in the mountains.
2 The newsagent told me ‘Down Town’ magazine comes off / out / on on Thursdays, not
on Fridays as it used to.
3 I’ve arranged to meet Sue for a cup of coffee and catch up / over / in on the latest news in
our neighbourhood.
4 Has it never occurred at / to / for you that some people might not want to go out every
single night?
5 Walking in the woods, I hit my head on the branch of a tree, and when I came out / over
/ round I was lying on the ground face down.

First Certificate Masterclass

Unit 8 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 The World around Us is a weekly current __________ programme hosted by a different

actor each time.
A cases B affairs C situations D terms

2 I don’t hate classical music. On the __________, I like it very much indeed!
A opposite B contrary C alternative D contrast

3 Although Vicky looked pretty much the same after all those years, I noticed __________
changes which made her look even more beautiful than I remembered.
A fair B sensitive C subtle D joint

4 After hours of bargaining with the salesman, Jake bought the jacket for a __________ of
the original price.
A fraction B piece C part D spot

5 The football match tomorrow evening will be broadcast __________ on TV and radio.
A simultaneously B communally C uniformly D jointly

6 Please fill in your employment history, including your __________ employer as well as
any previous ones you might have had.
A private B daily C constant D current

7 Most museums in the city __________ Day Passes at special rates for both pupils and
A issue B transmit C print D project

8 The woman __________ someone had stolen her purse, but, although they searched
everyone in the shop, it wasn’t found.
A accused B enforced C claimed D warned

9 Did you __________ the Eurovision song contest last night? It was great!
A grab B hold C catch D fetch

10 As I was __________ of the change in the programme, I arrived half an hour late for the
A unaware B unconscious C unable D unreasonable

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Just out of ____________, what were you doing all alone in the street at CURIOUS
2 Our headmaster is certainly the most ____________ presence in our DOMINATE

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3 The ____________ of the drug in curing the disease eventually led to its EFFECTIVE
withdrawal from the market.
4 Most children will listen to you if you try to talk to them ____________. REASON
5 We’ve decided to install a ____________ in our country house as power
cuts have become too frequent. GENERATE

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 We bought this beautiful kitchen table very cheaply because the shop was closing down.
We bought this beautiful kitchen table _____________________ because the shop was
closing down.

2 Mr Hayes is a caring teacher who notices his students’ slightest problems and helps them
Mr Hayes is a caring teacher who _____________________ slightest problems and helps
them out.

3 As soon as Aunt Emily arrives at the house, the children run to greet her.
As soon as Aunt Emily _____________________ the house, the children run to greet her.

4 On Sundays, the whole village woke up early in the morning listening to the church bells
On Sundays, the whole village woke up early in the morning _____________________ the
church bells.

5 Look, you can’t always have things as you want them – sometimes other people’s needs
might take priority.
Look, you can’t always _____________________ – sometimes other people’s needs might
take priority.

Exercise 4
Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence below.

1 Alice proudly showed on / up / off her engagement ring to everybody in the office.
2 After the accident, more than a year went off / by / over before I found the courage to
drive again.
3 Three years later, when we came back to Greece, we tried to track on / down / over our
old friends who we’d lost contact with.
4 Mike was very upset about my decision to change jobs, but when we talked it up / off /
over, he calmed down.
5 It’s no surprise that students don’t go along / over / through with the idea of taking more
exams than they already do.

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Unit 9 Vocabulary test

Exercise 1
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 After nine months without any rain, the country was facing one of the worst __________
in the last fifty years.
A draughts B floods C eruptions D droughts

2 What I like about this restaurant is that there is __________ parking space right outside it.
A plenty B ample C expanded D big

3 We decided to __________ Mr Peterson after he refused to pay the rent for the third
month in a row.
A enforce B evict C evacuate D discard

4 Since you’ve been working all day long, I __________ you’re too tired to go out tonight,
aren’t you?
A evaluate B detect C assess D assume

5 It is still a mystery how the __________ of the Mayan villages disappeared.

A inhabitants B tenants C citizens D lodgers

6 Normally, I take the meat out of the freezer and leave it to __________ overnight, so I
can cook it in the morning.
A de-ice B defrost C chill D melt

7 The roof of the living room was made of __________ materials to let in the sun and warm
the room on winter mornings.
A transparent B absorbent C subtle D receptive

8 Several months later, they discovered that the __________ businessman had robbed many
poor people of their life savings.
A unaware B ridiculous C unscrupulous D blatant

9 The school requires all teachers to hand in a detailed __________ of each of their students
at the end of term.
A orientation B assessment C admission D explanation

10 Terry paid a __________ price for his silly mistake and had to find another job.
A huge B fair C full D heavy

Exercise 2
Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Folic acid helps the quick ____________ of iron from food. ABSORB
2 Snakes are considered ____________ in the Western world, whereas in EAT
Asia some people eat them.
3 He’s promised to be here at ten o’clock ____________, not a minute later. PRECISION
4 No vehicles carrying ____________ materials are allowed to go through HAZARD
the city centre.

First Certificate Masterclass

5 The use of pesticides on crops ____________ the lives of both people and DANGER

Exercise 3
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 You should use your hazard lights to warn other vehicles if you have a breakdown at night.
You should use your hazard lights to warn other vehicles _____________________ a
breakdown at night.

2 To my surprise, after our fight, Jamie continued with the household chores as if nothing had
To my surprise, after our fight, Jamie _____________________ the household chores as if
nothing had happened.

3 The architect explained that the old shed in the garden should be taken down because there
wasn’t enough space for the new swimming pool.
The architect explained that the old shed in the garden should be taken down
_____________________ the new swimming pool.

4 The President’s speech greatly influenced the people who were present at the International
Conference last night.
The President’s speech _____________________ the people who were present at the
International Conference last night.

5 The sharp increase in the cost of renting over the last few years has made smaller businesses
move away from the city centre.
The sharp increase in the cost of renting over the last few years _____________________ of
the city centre.

Exercise 4
Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 Is this type of plant indigenous _______ this area or can it also be found in other parts of
the country?
2 Freddie was terribly big-headed _______ his success in the swimming competition.
3 The ruins of these old stone houses bear witness _______ the catastrophic earthquake in
Zakinthos which destroyed every single house in the area.
4 The museum’s contemporary collection is comprised _______ 300 paintings.
5 An effort is being made to predict possible problem areas prior _______ next week’s
discussions over new contracts.

First Certificate Masterclass

Vocabulary Tests – KEY Exercise 3

1 is regarded as (being)
2 used to turn me off
Exercise 1
3 have been keen on
1 D
4 lost my temper
2 B
5 cut our picnic short
3 A
4 B
5 D
Exercise 4
1 get
6 D
2 look
7 C
3 give
8 C
4 stand
9 C
5 work
10 D

Exercise 2 UNIT 3
1 objections Exercise 1
2 distractions 1 C
3 election(s) 2 A
4 suspicious 3 B
5 inappropriately 4 D
5 D
Exercise 3 6 A
1 look on the bright side 7 C
2 am not bothered 8 B
3 to look after a 9 A
4 keeps in touch with 10 C
5 at your convenience
Exercise 2
Exercise 4 1 discomfort
1 up 2 indication
2 about 3 advisory
3 out 4 amateurish
4 with 5 destruction
5 down
Exercise 3
UNIT 2 1 into trouble with
Exercise 1 2 takes after their mother
1 C 3 any outdoor activities to date
2 B 4 have an obligation to
3 A 5 a fight / fighting broke out between
4 D
5 D Exercise 4
6 B 1 out
7 A 2 up
8 A 3 out
9 D 4 back
10 B 5 out

Exercise 2
1 sensible
2 resentful
3 confession
4 unwilling
5 storage

First Certificate Masterclass

UNIT 4 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 1 take next Monday off
1 B 2 to have it redecorated
2 A 3 make the most of
3 B 4 had a lucky/narrow escape
4 C 5 to help yourself
5 D
6 B Exercise 4
7 B 1 put
8 D 2 look
9 D 3 fill
10 A 4 dress
5 dawned
Exercise 2
1 absence UNIT 6
2 inconvenience Exercise 1
3 industrialised/industrial 1 D
4 consumption 2 C
5 pointless 3 B
4 A
Exercise 3 5 A
1 took the trouble to read 6 C
2 were taken in by 7 D
3 come up with 8 C
4 is out of order 9 A
5 all the pros and cons 10 B

Exercise 4 Exercise 2
1 off 1 reluctance
2 up 2 deception
3 off 3 miraculous
4 out 4 indecisive
5 up 5 isolation

Exercise 3
UNIT 5 1 take into account/consideration
Exercise 1 2 you take your mind off
1 B 3 turned down the job / turned the job
2 A down
3 D 4 my own back on
4 B 5 lose her mind
5 A
6 C Exercise 4
7 B 1 up
8 A 2 into
9 D 3 off
10 C 4 up
5 of
Exercise 2
1 hastened
2 inadvisable
3 immaturity
4 respectful
5 visibly

First Certificate Masterclass

UNIT 7 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 1 for next to nothing
11 A 2 picks up (on) his students’
12 D 3 sets foot in
13 A 4 to the sound of
14 C 5 get/have your own way
15 B
16 B Exercise 4
17 D 1 off
18 B 2 by
19 C 3 down
20 D 4 over
5 along
Exercise 2
1 delightful UNIT 9
2 participants Exercise 1
3 occasionally 1 D
4 flexibility 2 B
5 insufficiently 3 B
4 D
Exercise 3 5 A
6 keep an eye on 6 B
7 we go in for/we have a go at 7 A
8 make (any) sense 8 C
9 the length and breadth 9 B
10 took a fancy to 10 D

Exercise 4 Exercise 2
1 up 1 absorption
2 out 2 inedible/uneatable
3 up 3 precisely
4 to 4 hazardous
5 round 5 endangers

UNIT 8 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 1 in the event of
1 B 2 went about
2 B 3 to make way for
3 C 4 had a great impact on
4 A 5 has driven smaller businesses out
5 A
6 D Exercise 4
7 A 1 to
8 C 2 about
9 C 3 to
10 A 4 of
5 to
Exercise 2
1 curiosity
2 dominant / dominating
3 ineffectiveness
4 reasonably
5 generator

First Certificate Masterclass

Exercise 1 Exercise 3
1 A 1 the tickets are concerned
2 D 2 couldn’t/could not account for
3 B 3 (can) keep a straight face
4 C 4 batteries are flat
5 B 5 who sticks up for you
6 C
7 A Exercise 4
8 D 1 into
9 B 2 together
10 D 3 from
4 at
Exercise 2 5 out
1 absorbing
2 triumphantly UNIT 12
3 humility Exercise 1
4 innovative 1 B
5 illustration(s) 2 B
3 D
Exercise 3 4 D
1 (it was) anything but 5 A
2 keep things in perspective 6 D
3 taking it for granted 7 C
4 struck gold 8 C
5 beyond my comprehension 9 A
10 C
Exercise 4
1 away Exercise 2
2 out 1 explosives
3 off 2 instability
4 out 3 offence
5 up 4 provocative
5 incriminated

UNIT 11 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 6 lay down the law
1 C 7 make her mind up/make up her mind
2 A 8 to take on
3 A 9 to make ends meet
4 B 10 is a cut above
5 D
6 B Exercise 4
7 C 1 in
8 C 2 up
9 B 3 out
10 D 4 over
5 away
Exercise 2
1 universally
2 prayer(s)
3 lasting
4 reservations
5 contemptible

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