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 Are there animal rights groups where you live?

 Can you name some endangered species?
 Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
 Do you ever go bird watching?
 Do you ever talk to your pet? If so, what do you say?
 Do you have any pets?
o If not, would you like to have a pet?
o Have you ever had a pet?
 Do you know anyone who has a horse?
 Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?
 Do you prefer dogs or cats?
 Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?
o How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?
 Do you think it is okay to eat meat?
o Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?
 Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?
 Do you think it's okay to free animals that have been in captivity all their lives? Why or why
 Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?
 Do you think that animals dream?
 Do your pets have special behavior problems?
o How do you deal with those problems?
 Have you ever been to a farm? What animals did you see there?
 Have you ever been to a horse race? Have you ever gambled on a horse race?
 Have you ever eaten rabbit meat?
 Have you ever ridden a horse? How about a camel?
 Have you ever seen a dog race?
 Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to help a blind person?
o If so, what did you notice about the dog?
o How do you think that dog was trained?
o Have you ever seen a "therapy dog?"
 If you could be an animal, what would you (choose to) be? Why?
 What are some popular pets?
 What are the most popular pets in your country?
 What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
 What can children learn by having a pet?
 What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?
 Do you think animals have souls?
 Would you want to see aggressive dogs muzzled or banned?


 as free as a bird = free, without worries

 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando
 the early bird catches the worm = al que madruga Dios lo ayuda
 birds of a feather flock together = Dios los cría y ellos se juntan
 to kill two birds with one stone = matar dos pájaros de un tiro
 to eat like a bird = eat very little
 an early bird = a person who arrives or gets up early
 a bird of ill omen = un pájaro de mal agüero
 a little bird told me something = expression used to say that you know something but you
will not say how you found out  = me contó un pajarito

1.. Thomas is never late at work. He always arrives at 9 o'clock, I guess he really is

2. I need to go to the bank. I think I will also go to the post office on my way. I want to 

3. Sheila was offered a better salary at a new company, but she's afraid of changing. She said to me,

4. You are really ! Yesterday you said Paul was going to have an accident and
he was hit by a car! Unbelievable!

5. Tina and Mary are all the time together chatting about other people. You know the saying, 

6. Now that I retired, I feel .


 a cock and bull story = an absurd and improbable story, used as an excuse or explanation =
un cuento chino
 to take the bull by the horns = face a difficulty boldly
 like a bull in a china shop = a rough and clumsy person
 like a red tag to a bull = likely to cause anger
 don't mess with the bull, you'll get the horns! = if you look for trouble, you'll find it

1. This is a difficult situation, be we will have to  .

2. She broke three glasses while she was washing them up. She's .

3. I don't believe you are late because you the bus driver forgot the way. That is

 curiosity killed the cat = it may be dangerous to be too curious

 to fight like cat and dog = to fight a lot
 has a cat got your tongue?
 to let the cat out of the bag = to reveal a secret carelessly
 like a cat on hot bricks = very nervous
 when the cat's away, the mice will play

 it's raining cats and dogs = it's raining a lot


1. The thief went away with all the money but he was   because
the police was after him.

2. Shh! This is a surprise, don't  .

3. Charles decided to go to work by car today because  .

4. You always want to know everything about other people. Be careful, 


5. When the boss isn't at his office, everyone stops working. It's true,


 never count your chickens before they are hatched = no cantes victoria antes de tiempo
(lit. nunca cuentes tus pollos antes de que nazcan)
 to chicken out = to decide at the last moment not to do something because you are
 chicken pox = illness which causes fever and spots on your skin = varicela
 to behave like a hen mother = to be very protective
 a hen party = party for women only, usually the night before one of them gets married
 a stag party/night = party for men only, usually the night before one of them gets married

1. As Louise is getting married, the girls are having on Saturday.
2. You didn't get that job yet, .

3. Come on, you said you wanted to go bungee jumping. Don't


 a dog's life = constantly worried, troubled or miserable

 every dog has his day = everyone can succeed sooner or later
 to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy
 to go to the dog = (an organization) become less eficient
 to work like a dog = to work a lot
 to treat somebody like a dog = to treat somebody with no respect at all
 barking dogs seldom bite = people who look aggressive are not really too bad
 you can't teach an old dog new tricks = it's difficult for an old person to change or do new

1. I think you are very tired because you . Your shouldn't worry so much.
2. Grandpa doesn't like computers, he's not very interested in them either. You know what they say...


3. I'm poor and I have no job, but I don't care. I know that  .

4. Ellen works hard everyday and at weekends she has to take care of her family. She never goes

out, I think she has .


 an ugly duckling = a person who at first seems unpromising but later becomes
 like a duck to water = without fear, naturally
 a lame duck = a person/organization in trouble that needs help
 to duck a subject/question = to avoid a difficult or unpleasant subject/question

 1. He wasn't afraid at all, he jumped from the plane 

2. Tamara looks very pretty now! She wasn't that pretty some time ago. She's like

3. When the issue  was mentioned, and everyone wanted to know, Norbert 


 like a fish out of water = strange, different to the rest = como sapo de otro pozo
 a big fish (in a little pond) = an important person (in a small comunity or a restricted
 an odd fish = an eccentric person
 to drink like a fish = to drink a lot of alcohol
 there are (plenty of) other fish in the sea = there are (many) other


1. John's brother is a bit of . He's never gone out of his house for years.

2. Being the only man here, I feel .

3. I know you love him, but he doesn't love you! Come on, don't worry,


 not to say boo to a goose = to be very timid or gentle

 to get goose pimples/flesh = to get small raised spots on your skin when you are cold or

 to eat like a horse = to eat a lot

 to be/get on one's high horse = to act proudly, be arrogant
 to hold your horses = to do something more slowly
 never look a gift horse in the mouth = a caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes
 straight from the horse's mouth = from a reliable source = de buena fuente
 you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink = you can give a person the
chance to do something, but he may still refuse to do it
 a dark horse = someone mysterious, who doesn't tell others about himself, but has surprising
abilites or qualities

1. I know that he will not accept your suggestion. You know, 

2. If you don't like what Aunt Mollie gave you, don't say it. 

3. Did you know that Isabelle is going to be fired next week? I know it


 to make a pig of oneself = to eat a lot = comer en gran cantidad, darse un atracón
 a guinea pig = somebody used in a scientific test = un conejillo de las Indias
 to pig out = to eat a lot all at once 
 to sweat like a pig = to sweat a lot


 to smell a rat = to guess that something wrong is happening = oler a gato encerrado
 the rat race = competition to keep one's position in work/life
 like rats leaving/deserting the sinking ship = expression used to describe
people who leave a place when it is in trouble
 like a drowned rat = soaking wet and miserable

1. Now that the company is about to go bankrupt all the shareholders are leaving, just

2. It was raining so hard that when Lisa arrived home, she looked .

3. Nobody wanted to tell me the news, but as soon as I entered the room I looked at their faces and I
said: 'I here'.
 a wolf in sheep's clothing = somebody who appears friendly or harmless but is really an
 the black sheep (of the family) = somebody regarded as a failure or embarrassment
 like a lamb (to the slaughter) = without realising that something dangerous is going to
 as meek as a lamb = humble, obedient

1.. Don't trust Rob. He looks good but I think he's .

2. Sharon and Carol are about to graduate, but Bob, our youngest son, isn't. He is
……………... studying for the moment. I think he is .
3. Ron is very good and obedient, he's really .


 donkey's years = a very long time

 donkey-work = the hard part of a job
 to talk the hind legs off a donkey = to talk a lot
 a scapegoat = chivo expiatorio
 a red herring = something that attracts people's attention
 a white elephant = possession that is useless and expensive to maintain
 to have a frog in one's throat = to have a phlem
 to come out of one's shell = to become less shy
 to learn/say something parrot-fashion = to learn/say sth by heart, from memory
 to be a busy bee = to enjoy being busy or active
 to have a bee in one's bonnet (about something) = to be obsessed, mad with
 monkey business/tricks = dishonest or bad behaviour
 to have ants in one's pants = to be very restless
 to be packed like sardines = estar como sardinas enlatadas
 to shed crocodile tears = llorar lágrimas de cocodrilo
 to be like a bear with a sore head = be rude, in a bad mood

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