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2016 (8) Devices sll be permitted to be installed in the suetion supply piping or stored water supply and arranged to 2¢- tate a signal ifthe pump suction pressure or water Tevel falls below a predetermined miniatumn (4) Suetion strater shall be permite be insalled in the suetion piping where required by other sections of this standard, (5) Other devices specifically permitted or required by this standard shall be permite. 414.10 Vortex Plate. For pump(s) taking suction fiom a sored water supply, a vortex plate shall be installed atthe tetrance tothe suction pipe, (So Figure A.6.3.1(2)] 44.15 Dischange Pipe and Fittings. 4.15.1 The discharge components shall consist of pipe, Yale, and tings extending from the pump discharge Nange to the sistem side ofthe discharge valve 4.15.2. The pressure rating ofthe discharge components shall bbe adequate for the maximum toal discharge head withthe amp operating at shutoff and rated speed but shall not be fees than the rating ofthe fre protection sytem, 4.15.5" Steel pipe with anges, serewed joints, or mechanieal ‘grooved joint shall be used above ground, 4.154 All pump discharge pipe shall be hydrosttcaly tested jn accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Dualetion of ‘Spsioms, and NEPA 24, Standard forthe Enstaltation of ‘vat Fie Servite Mates oud Their Appstenance, 4.15.5" The sizeof pump discharge pipe and be less than that given in Section 4.2. 4.15.6" A listed check valve or bacon preventer shall be n= stalled in the pump discharge assembly 4.15.7 A listed indicating gate or butterfly vale shall be ins slled on the fie protection sytem side of the pump dis ‘charge check ave, 4.15.8 Where pumps are installed in series, buterty valve sal nat be installed between pumps. 4.15.9 Low Suction Pressure Controls 4.15.1. Low suction throwing valves or variable speed suc= ‘ion limiting controls for pump drivers that are listed for Hire pump service and that are suction pressure sensitive shall be permitted where the authority having jurisdiction requires positive presse to be maintained on the suction piping. When a low suetion throwing valve is used, i shall be insalled according to manufacturers recommendations in the piping between tte pump and the diseharge check valve. 4.15.93" The size ofthe low suction throting vahe shall not be less than that given for diecharge piping in Section 4.20, 4.15.10" Pressure Reulating Devies. No pressure regulating tlevices shall he installed in the dicharge pipe except as per: ‘ited in this standard 4.16 Vaio Supervision 4.18.1 Supersised Open. Where provided, che suction vale, discharge male, bypae valves, and folaion valves on the back flow prevention device or asembly shall be supervised open by one ofthe following methods (1) Cental station, proprietary, or remote station signaling 1 Shall not 2010 Eaton Licensed to Hil Co. LID. 2013-08-08. Any form of reproduction and redistribution are strictly prohibited. INSTALLATION OF STATIONARY PUMPS FOR FIRE PROTECTION (2) Local signaling service that will cause the sounding ofan alle signal ata constantly attended point (8) Locking valves open () Sealing of vahes and approved weekly recorded inspec: ‘don where ves ate located within fenced enclosures un- fer the control af the owner 4.16.2 Supervised Closed, The test outlet control valves shall be supervied closed, 4.17 Protection of Piping Against Damage Due to Movement, ‘Aclearanee of not les than I in. (25 mm) shal be provid around pipes that past through walls or oors, 4.18 Retief Valves for Centrifugal Pumps. 4.18.1¢ General, 4:18.11 Where a diesel engine fre pump is installed and winere'a total of 121 percent ofthe net rated shutoff (churn) pressure plus the maximum ste suction pressure, adjusted for elevation, exceeds the pressure for which the system cam ponents are rated a presse relief vale shall be installed,¢ Pressure relief valves shall be used only where pe cifically permitted by this standard Where an electric viable speed prestare limiting control driver is installed, and the maximum total discharge hhead adjusted for elevation with the pump operating at shut- ‘off and rate speed exceeds the pressure rating ofthe stem ‘components, a presse relief vale shall be installed. 4,182 Size. The relief yavesze shall be determined by one of the methods specified in 4182.1 or 4.1822. 418.2.1* The velief valve shall be permited to be sized Iy-

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