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Quinn Walsh

ENG 102-110

Mr. Larry Neuburger

March 1, 2011

Work Cited

Austin, Ben S. "THE NUREMBERG LAWS." MTSU. Middle Tennessee State University, n.d.

Web. 1 Mar. 2011

This is an article detailing an overview of what the Nuremberg Laws are. This allows the

paper to go into detail about the Laws and the Nazi views. This is a very simple an useful source

for this project.

HOLOCAUST ENCYCLOPEDIA. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 6 Jan. 2011.

Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

This accounts the Jewish liberation from the concentration camps. The liberation was an

important part of World War Two. This is a very detailed source for holocaust information.

Holocaust Survivors. Ed. Dave Cash. Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, 1999. Web. 1

Mar. 2011.

This is a citation of primary sources. It is filled with testimony from holocaust survivors. These

primary sources are useful for gather information of every part of the holocaust from different

"Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Zvi Unger." Youtube. Yadvashem, 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 1 Mar.


This is video testimony from survivors. The testimony along with the visual aspect can be

placed in the paper to create a more sympathetic report on the events. Primary sources are always

very useful in a paper.

Kopolovich, Zvi. Yadvashem, "How Vast was the Crime.” N.p., 3 Mar. 2011.

This is a website dedicated to the holocaust. The article is an overview of World War 3.

This website and article would both prove themselves to be very useful in the writing of any

WW2 research paper.

Langbein, Hermann. Der Auschwitz Prozess. Vol. 1. NY City, NY: the Beate Klarsfeld

Foundation, 1989. 181. Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

This is testimony from a Nazi perpetrator. The article is an SS Officer recounting some of

his time during the war. This is useful o help the reader see what Nazi’s did during the war.

Lanzmann, Claude. Web. 1969.

A very interesting source which gives us an inside look at the mind of a Nazi. This is a video

source in which a journalist interviews a former SS Officer. The testimony in this video allows

the paper to explain the opposing opinion of the Second World War.

Rees, Laurence. "Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State." PBS. PBS, 2004. Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

The internet source is for an article. The article is about the killing methods of the Nazis.

This is useful by making the paper more visceral and detailed.

Stein, Stuart D. SOME NOTEWORTHY WAR CRIMINALS. N.p., 2007. Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

This is a list and description of war criminals and their crimes. It allows the paper to give

examples of what happened during the holocaust and who was behind it. This is important

because it gives the reader perspective on why the war was so gruesome.

"Timeline." USF. Florida Center for Instructional Technology, Col, 2005. Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

This web citation showcases a timeline of World War Two. It presents a very detailed

timeline of the events of the holocaust. It would be useful for any WW2 based project.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar.

This is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. which gives testimonial of

Holocaust survivors. This is easily used as a primary source in the paper.

Yom Hashoah- Holocaust Remembrance Day. The State of Israel, 2009. Web. 1 Mar. 2011.

Yom Hashoah is a day for Holocaust heroism remembrance. This source is about the

remembrance day. It shows how the Holocaust was not forgotten.

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