Jonathan Carson - Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Questions

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Guided Reading netw rks

Ancient Egypt and Kush

Lesson 4  The Kingdom of Kush

Why do civilizations rise and fall?

The Nubians

Evaluating  Use your textbook to determine whether each

statement is true or false. Write T or F in the blank next to the
statement. If the statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.

1. Nubia is located north of Egypt, along the Nile River.
nubia is located south of egypt, along the nile ri ver

2. L
 ike the Egyptians, the Nubians relied on the Nile
River for their water.
unlike the egyptians, they had fertile lands witho ut the nile

3. The Nubians of Kerma grew wealthy from
farming and mining gold.

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies.

4. Nubian kings were buried with their treasures,
like the Egyptian kings.

5. Egyptian culture had no influence on the
Nubians, who had their own religion, system
of writing, and tool-making skills.
after being invaded by egypt they adopted egypts b eliefs

6. Identifying  How and why did Nubians and Egyptians

they did trade at first but soon egypt conquered the nubians after a 50 year war.

Guided Reading  Cont. netw rks

Ancient Egypt and Kush

The Kushite Kingdom

7. Sequencing  Use the information in your textbook to
complete the time line below. Write the events that
occurred on the dates shown.
nubians had an independent kingdom
850 b.c.:                            
the king invaded egypt
750 b.c.:                            
25 dynasty that governed egypt and kush
728 b.c.:                            
the assyrians invaded egypt
671 b.c.:                            
kush's ruler moved to the capital of the city mero e
540 b.c.:                            
the armies of axum invaded kush and destroys meroe
a.d. 350:                            

8. Explaining  Why was the city of Meroë important to the


9. Assessing  Identify one characteristic that made the city of

Meroë different from Egyptian cities.

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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