Nutrition - die-WPS Office

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Nutrition : dietary reference value

Dietary reference value

Dietary Reference Values (DRV) is the name of the nutritional requirements system used by the British
Ministry of Health and the European Union Food Safety Authority.

DRV can be divided into three types: [1] [2]

RNI - Reference Nutrition Intake (95% of population needs are met)

EAR - Estimated Average Need (50% of population needs are met)

LRNI - Recommended Lower Nutrition (5% of population needs are met)

Some foods have health benefits and help to prevent disease

Meat and eggs

Meat is one of the healthy foods that contain lots of nutrients. Lean beef is a source of protein and iron
that is higher than other meats. While eggs are classified as one of the most nutritious food ingredients
because they are high in protein.

Nuts and seeds

This food group is a type of healthy food that is crispy and full of nutrients, including magnesium and
vitamin E.

Fish and other seafood

types of healthy foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine. Research shows that people who
eat fish often tend to live longer and have a lower risk of many diseases, including heart disease.


Milk is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein and healthy fats. In addition, milk is one of
the best sources of calcium.


because they contain lots of fiber, vitamin C, and other antioxidants.

Oranges, which are high in vitamin C.

Avocados, which are rich in healthy fats, potassium and vitamin C.

Bananas, as one source of potassium.

Berries, like blueberries and strawberries. Besides being low in calories, it is also rich in antioxidants and

Benefits of Nutritious Food

1. Maintaining the Body's Metabolic Balance

The body's metabolic process requires a variety of nutritional intake with a balanced portion, because
metabolism must involve all organs of the body.

2. Maintaining Weight Stability

Maintaining a stable body weight does not mean that you should avoid carbohydrates and fats, because
your body weight can remain stable when consuming balanced portions of food.

3. Maintaining Healthy Organ Function

The organs of the body can experience decreased function with age. Decreased organ function will be
faster if you rarely eat nutritious foods.

4. Improve the Immune System

The immune system is very important for you, because a good immune system will make you not easily
get sick

Poor eating patterns and low physical activity can cause a number of chronic conditions

Obesity is a disorder that involves excessive body fat increase the risk of health problems. Obesity often
occurs because of calories more incoming than was burned through sports and activities normal
everyday. The problem of overweight or obesity arises when we are consume foods with levels of
calories and fat in excess of the amount needed. Calories that do not turn into energy and are not used
will be stored in the form of fat leading to excess body weight up to obesity. In addition to unhealthy
eating patterns and less active body moves also a factor in obesity.

-This accumulation of body fat increases the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease,
diabetes, or hypertension. Obesity can also cause quality of life disorders and psychological problems,
such as lack of confidence to depression.

nutritional component and the need for the body.


Protein intake needed for adult men is about 56 grams in a day. Meanwhile, adult women need it as
much as 46 grams a day, or 71 grams if they are pregnant or breastfeeding

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that you infiltrate as much as 45% - 65% of
carbohydrates from your total calorie intake in a day.


Based on guidelines from the Institute of Medicine, an adult woman will need 25-28 grams of fiber every
day, while an adult male needs 33 - 38 grams of fiber per day.


The recommended intake of vitamin B-12 person for adults is 2.4 micrograms.

The recommended intake of vitamin C for each person is 90 mg for adult men, and 75 mg for adult

The amount of vitamin E needed for each needed is 15 mg.

vitamin D 600 IU (international units) at each meeting.


First, you need 1000 mg of calcium every day. You also need 18 mg of iron for adult women, and 8 mg
for men. In addition, you need 300-400 mg of magneisum, 700 mg of phosphorus, and 4,700 mg of
potassium every day. Especially for sodium, you should limit the intake as much as possible, which is no
more than 2,200 - 2,300 mg every day.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans only recommend 20 - 35 kcal of daily fat intake, and no more than
10% of your daily calorie intake comes from saturated fat.

Nutrient has particular functions

Carbohydrates (energy substances): as a source of energy, and as a food reserve protein (builders):
protect damaged parts of the body and to replace skin that is no longer functioning fat: as a
counterweight (fat should not be too much) vitamins (regulatory substances): as a protector for the
body minerals and water: as ions for the body and dissolve food scraps

-Researchers in China are testing the effects of vitamin C to counter corona viruses. This research was
conducted to see whether high doses of vitamin C can fight the corona virus. The research team from
Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University examined the effects of vitamin C in 120 patients infected with
the corona virus. The patients were given 24 grams of vitamin C intake during the visit. The dose used
was at least 60 times higher than the recommendations given by the NHS, and 24 times higher than the
study by Cochrane.

-The benefits are qualified in improving the immune system. Vitamin C can actually work against almost
all viruses, if given at sufficient concentrates.
-vitamin C does play an important role in the body's immune response to fight infections or viruses such
as flu. This nutrient will help increase the production of white blood cells that are in charge of fighting
disease, killing microbes that attack the body.

-The dose used was at least 60 times higher than the recommendations given by the NHS, and 24 times
higher than the study by Cochrane. However, the results of these studies are not yet known. In tests
conducted by Cochrane, vitamin C can actually work against almost all viruses, if given at sufficient

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