Subject To: Salutation/Greeting: OR A Name If You Can Find One. CC: Closing

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IEW Email Requests for Materials

Task: Prepare a formal email to the embassies of countries represented at EPI for tables at
International Education Week (IEW).

Steps to follow:
1. Use Google to find the appropriate contact person, minister, ministry, office,
department, desk, and/or email address at the embassies in the countries assigned
to you. Try to find a name, but this may not be possible.
What is appropriate? Look for the person or organization in charge of
cultural affairs, marketing, foreign affairs, education, or a similar
responsibility that is most likely to provide country-specific materials that
are designed to help promote the country and to inform Americans about
the country.
2. Use First Class (required so they can see it’s a legitimate request from .edu) to
set up a formal business email. Type the following information into the
appropriate places in the email.

Subject: Materials Needed for International Education Week, 11/15/19

To: [Use the email address you find in Step 1.]
Salutation/Greeting: To Whom It May Concern: OR a name if you can find
Cc: Terry Goodfellow
Closing: Thank you so much for your consideration and cooperation,
your full name, English Programs for Internationals (EPI) Student
Writing for Terry Goodfellow, Community Outreach Coordinator
3. Paste in the text which you will find below. Your teacher has sent this text to you
in an email.
4. YOU MUST ask a teacher to check the email before sending it. Check for
misspellings, typographical errors, alignment, uneven spacing, type font, and any
other inaccuracies.
5. After you have your teacher’s approval, send the email.

Text below:
To Whom it May Concern:

The International Education Week (IEW) is sponsored by both the U.S. Department of State and
the U.S. Department of Education. This special annual event is observed across the United States
and in over 100 countries worldwide. According to the IEW website, its purpose is to “prepare
Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and
exchange experiences in the United States.”

So in the spirit of international cooperation and education, the University of South Carolina and
the English Programs for Internationals, an intensive English program with approximately 140
full time language students, are participating in IEW for the tenth year the week of November

On Friday, November 15, 2019, there will be an International Festival on Greene – a sort of
world Bazaar - in front of the university’s student center, The Russell House, to put an
exclamation mark on the week of international activities. For this festival, some students wear
native dress, some prepare special food treats to distribute to visitors, but ALL students have
table displays. In this way, students from your country will be representing your nation to the
faculty, students, and staff on the USC campus. The table displays would be greatly enhanced if
you would kindly mail a packet of whatever promotional materials you have available, such as
brochures, flags, maps, pamphlets, posters, pencils, etc. These materials would help your
students to represent your country, its people and culture, more effectively and colorfully!
Here is a link to a video of a past festival to give you an idea:

This opportunity can only serve to enhance the understanding between our great countries and
the opportunities for business and tourism in your country in the future. Due to the time
proximity of this special event, we would greatly appreciate it if you would mail your materials
to the following address as soon as possible, sent to the special attention of Terry Goodfellow.

Terry Goodfellow, Instructor/Community Outreach Coordinator
English Programs for Internationals
University of South Carolina
1705 College Street
Close-Hipp Suite 433
Columbia, SC 29208


[This text was sent to you in an email. Open that email and copy and paste the text into
each new email you prepare. ]

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