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Mycobacterium marinum

Article  in  Microbiology Spectrum · April 2017

DOI: 10.1128/microbiolspec.TNMI7-0038-2016

27 3,705

4 authors, including:

Alexandra Aubry
Sorbonne Université


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Mycobacterium marinum
Centre National de Référence des mycobactéries et résistance des Mycobactéries aux antituberculeux;
Sorbonne Université, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, AP-HP Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière;
Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, Team 13, INSERM U1135, Paris, France; 4Laboratoire de
Bactériologie, AP-HP Hôpital Lariboisière; 5Université Paris Diderot, IAME UMR 1137 Inserm, Paris, France

ABSTRACT Mycobacterium marinum is a well-known lous lesion in a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (1).
pathogenic mycobacterium for skin and soft tissue infections M. marinum was then originally isolated and identified
and is associated with fishes and water. Among nontuberculous
from marine fish at the Philadelphia Aquarium (2).
mycobacteria (NTM), it is the leading cause of extrarespiratory
human infections worldwide. In addition, there is a specific
M. marinum was initially thought to infect marine
scientific interest in M. marinum because of its genetic fishes only and was named accordingly, but it is now
relatedness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and because known to be a ubiquitous species. The above-mentioned
experimental infection of M. marinum in fishes mimics original freshwater isolate of M. piscium could be a
tuberculosis pathogenesis. Microbiological characteristics M. marinum variant. In the early literature, several other
include the fact that it grows in 7 to 14 days with marine Mycobacterium species were described, such as
photochromogenic colonies and is difficult to differentiate from M. platypoecilus, M. anabanti, and M. balnei. Compar-
Mycobacterium ulcerans and other mycolactone-producing
ative sugar fermentative reactions together with pub-
NTM on a molecular basis. The diagnosis is highly suspected
by the mode of infection, which is related to the hobby of lished morphological, cultural, and pathogenic data
fishkeeping, professional handling of marine shells, or swimming suggested that they were all synonymous with M. mari-
in nonchlorinated pools. Clinics distinguished skin and soft tissue num (3) even if M. piscium has not been recognized as a
lesions (typically sporotrichoid or subacute hand nodules) and species since its type culture is no longer available.
lesions disseminated to joint and bone, often related with the Human infection due to M. marinum was reported as
local use of corticosteroids. In clinical microbiology, microscopy a tuberculoid infection in people using public swimming
and culture are often negative because growth requires low
pools in Sweden (1939) and in the United States (1951)
temperature (30°C) and several weeks to succeed in primary
cultivation. The treatment is not standardized, and no
(4). Linell and Norden identified the causative organism
randomized control trials have been done. Therapy is a in 1954 after 80 persons had shown the same granulo-
combination of surgery and antimicrobial agents such as matous skin lesions (4).These early findings led to the
cyclines and rifampin, with successful outcome in most disease’s name of “swimming pool granuloma.” Today,
of the skin diseases but less frequently in deep tissue however, due to sanitary chlorination practices, these
infections. Prevention can be useful with hand protection kinds of outbreaks have disappeared. The names “fish
recommendations for professionals and all persons
manipulating fishes or fish tank water and use of alcohol Received: 24 December 2016, Accepted: 13 February 2017,
disinfection after contact. Published: 7 April 2017
Editor: David Schlossberg, Philadelphia Health Department,
Philadelphia, PA
INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Citation: Aubry A, Mougari F, Reibel F, Cambau E. 2017.
Mycobacterium marinum. Microbiol Spectrum 5(2):TNMI7-0038-
The first report of a mycobacterium isolated in fish, 2016. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.TNMI7-0038-2016.
supposed to be Mycobacterium marinum, has been at- Correspondence: Emmanuelle Cambau, emmanuelle.cambau@
tributed to Bataillon et al. (1897), who isolated acid-fast
© 2017 American Society for Microbiology. All rights reserved.
bacilli named Mycobacterium piscium from a tubercu- 1
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Aubry et al.

tank granuloma” and “fish handler’s disease” are now M. marinum shares more than 98% nucleotide se-
used because of the association with home aquaria and quence identity with the M. ulcerans genome. On the
water-related activities such as swimming in natural out- basis of sequences of the housekeeping and structural
door waters, fishing, and boating (5). genes used for species identification, such as those of
Scientific interest in M. marinum is mainly due to the ribosomal operon and those encoding RNA poly-
its genetic relatedness to M. tuberculosis and because merase (rpoB), DNA gyrase (gyrA and gyrB), and the
experimental infection of M. marinum in the goldfish 65-kDa heat shock protein (hsp65), M. marinum cannot
(Carassius auratus) mimics tuberculosis pathogenesis be differentiated from M. ulcerans, the nucleotide dif-
(6). More recently, M. marinum interest was linked with ferences observed in some of these genes being related to
the emergence and burden of the M. ulcerans infection. strain variation (17–19). The major conclusion is that
Lastly, clinical interest in M. marinum infections may M. marinum seems to be an M. ulcerans ancestor (17,
eventually emerge due to the expansion of aquarium- 20). Divergence would have occurred along with the
related activities. gain by M. ulcerans of genes (grouped on the virulence
pMUM megaplasmid) encoding the virulence factor
mycolactone (21) and of copies of the insertion se-
FUNDAMENTAL BIOLOGY OF M. MARINUM quences IS2404 and IS2606 (20, 22). IS2404 expansion
Taxonomy in the M. ulcerans genome has led to the inactivation of
M. marinum is one of the >150 species of the genus many genes through disruption of coding and promoter
Mycobacterium (7–9), the only genus of the Myco- sequences and has mediated the deletion of approxi-
bacteriaceae family. M. marinum is one of the non- mately 1 Mbp of DNA from M. ulcerans compared to
tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), called also atypical M. marinum (20).
mycobacteria or mycobacteria other than M. tubercu- Mycobacteria that contain genes for the production of
losis. According to Runyon’s classification, it belongs mycolactone were designated “mycolactone-producing
to group I, composed of photochromogenic species. mycobacteria” (MPM). These strains are all closely re-
Although it can grow in less than 7 days, its character- lated, and there is some justification for considering
istics are far different from those of the so-called rapidly them to form the M. marinum complex or group (23).
growing species of mycobacteria, such as M. chelonae or All these MPM are specialized variants of a com-
M. abscessus. Since it carries a single rRNA operon (10) mon M. marinum progenitor and were adapted to live
and its 16S rRNA sequence contains the molecular sig- in restricted environments (24). M. pseudoshottsii,
nature of slow-growing mycobacteria (11), it definitely M. shottsii, M. shinshuense, and M. liflandii are MPM
belongs to the slow-growing group of mycobacteria. described for fishes only (25). Although M. marinum is
M. marinum is a pathogenic mycobacterium, which devoid of the mycolactone-producing coding sequences
sets it, along with the related species M. ulcerans, apart as the one found in M. ulcerans, another mycolac-
from the other NTM that are opportunistic pathogens tone (mycolactone F) has been isolated from strains of
(12). M. marinum that have produced disease in fishes of the
From phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA, Red Sea (26, 27).
rpoB, and hsp65, M. marinum appears close to the branch The molecular biology of M. marinum has been de-
of the M. tuberculosis complex (13). DNA-DNA hybrid- veloped because it is less pathogenic and grows faster
ization and mycolic acid studies confirm that M. marinum than M. tuberculosis, whereas it is a suitable model for
is one of the two species (along with M. ulcerans) most tuberculosis pathogenesis (6, 28). Genetic manipulations
closely related to M. tuberculosis (14, 15). such as transformation and transposition have been
successful (29, 30). Virulence genes have been studied by
Genetics gene expression in cultured macrophages or in in vitro
The M. marinum genome (strain M) was one of the models of granuloma (6, 29, 31). Mutations in the vir-
genomes of major mycobacteria being sequenced. The ulence genes were often complemented by the corres-
length of the M. marinum genome is 6.5 Mb, which is ponding gene of M. tuberculosis that demonstrated
larger than that of M. tuberculosis (4.4 Mb), that of the high relatedness of the genomes of the two species.
M. leprae (3.3 Mb), and that of M. ulcerans (5.8 Mb) (for Genome sequencing revealed that region of difference 1,
specific searches, see which contains the ESAT-6- and CFP-10-encoding genes
.html). The M. marinum genome is comparable to the in M. tuberculosis, does exist also in M. marinum (32).
M. ulcerans (16) and M. tuberculosis (17) genomes. The ESAT-6-like secretion system is probably a major

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Mycobacterium marinum

secretion pathway for M. marinum, and this system is ous genetic and pharmacologically induced macrophage
responsible for the secretion of recently evolved PE_ deficiencies try to explain the susceptibility of humans
PGRS and PPE proteins, which are especially abundant with mononuclear cytopenia to mycobacterial infec-
in M. marinum. The Esx secretion system is critical for tions and highlight the therapeutic potential of myeloid
virulence of both M. tuberculosis and M. marinum and growth factors in tuberculosis (48). Moreover, the vir-
is highly conserved between the two species (17). ulence and immunomodulatory factors that were iden-
tified may constitute novel targets for antimycobacterial
Pathogenesis drugs (49). It has been also shown recently that EsxA
The availability of fish models (goldfish and zebrafish) contributes to mycobacterial virulence with its mem-
mimicking a natural mycobacterial infection (28, 33, 34) brane-permeabilizing activity required for cytosolic
enables the study of the pathogen-host interaction. translocation (50).
New models of infection have been described such as Experiments involving infection of zebrafish with
Drosophila melanogaster (in which M. marinum infec- different strains of M. marinum showed that strains
tion is lethal at a low dose [35]), intraperitoneal infection can be divided into two types based on genetic diver-
of adult leopard frogs (Rana pipiens), and infection of sity and virulence. Cluster I contains mainly the strains
embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio) (36). Infections in isolated from humans with fish tank granulomas,
these animals are highly similar to M. tuberculosis in- whereas the majority of cluster II strains were isolated
fection in the human host. In particular, the formation of from poikilothermic species. Acute disease progression
granuloma-like lesions in the host and the ability to was noted only with cluster I strains, whereas chronic-
cause both acute and chronic diseases are conserved (37, disease-causing isolates belonged to cluster II (51).
38). However, these models were mostly used as
surrogates for studying tuberculosis physiopathology or
for screening new antituberculosis drugs (39) and, MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
rarely, M. marinum infection itself (40). OF M. MARINUM
M. marinum is an intracellular pathogen that pro- Microscopy and Cell Wall
liferates within macrophages in a nonacid (pH 6.1 to
Under the microscope, M. marinum cannot be distin-
6.5) phagosome that does not fuse with the lysosome
guished from M. tuberculosis. It is a pleiomorphic rod
(41). Taking into account that the two species are also
(1.0 to 4.0 μm by 0.2 to 0.6 μm), not motile, true
genetically related, it is probable that analogous molec-
branching, and difficult to stain by usual methods but
ular mechanisms are involved in the survival of these
appears as an acid-fast bacillus after staining by the
organisms in a hostile cell environment. M. marinum is
reference carbol fuchsin or Ziehl-Neelsen method (52).
therefore a very useful model system for studying in-
The formation of microscopic cords has been de-
tracellular survival of mycobacteria and possibly other
scribed for M. marinum as classically described with
host-pathogen interactions associated with tuberculo-
M. tuberculosis, and a link between cording and viru-
sis (34, 42), including innate susceptibility (43). Ultra-
lence was observed in both species (53, 54).
structure studies have shown that M. marinum remains
The cell wall of M. marinum is mainly composed
within activated macrophages in granulomas. Some of
of keto-mycolates and methoxy-mycolates that differ-
the genes that seem important in the capacity to replicate
entiate it from those of M. tuberculosis and of other
in macrophages and to explain the persistence in gran-
mycobacteria except M. ulcerans (15, 55).
ulomas are homologous to the PE_PGRS family of genes
discovered in the M. tuberculosis genome (31, 44).
The organism is able to survive, replicate in macro- Specific Characteristics of M. marinum
phages, and even escape from the phagosomes into the Culture
cytoplasm, where it can induce actin polymerization Like other mycobacteria, M. marinum is a strict aerobe.
leading to direct cell spread (45, 46). It was shown re- Its preferred carbon sources are glycerol, pyruvate, and
cently that M. marinum bacteria are ejected from the glucose, but ethanol can be also used by M. marinum.
cell through the ejectosome, an actin-based structure M. marinum has an optimal growth temperature of
spreading mechanism that requires a cytoskeleton reg- 30°C, whereas small colonies or no growth is observed
ulator from the host and an intact mycobacterial ESX-1 at 37°C.
secretion system (46, 47). Recent findings using the In primary culture, the growth rate might be low and
zebrafish model infected by M. marinum but with vari- positive culture may be obtained only after several 3
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weeks’ incubation. In subculture, the growth rate is be- lar methods are an alternative for species identification
tween 1 and 2 weeks but can reach 4 to 5 days because of offering the advantages of being rapid and accurate.
its rapid ability to adapt to laboratory conditions. PCR-based methods have been developed, and two of
M. marinum is less exigent than M. tuberculosis for them are commercially available: INNOLiPA Myco-
growth. It grows in all the media used for mycobacterial bacteria v2 (Innogenetics), based on the amplification of
growth (egg based, broth, or agar based) without any the ribosomal gene spacer (16S-23S), and GenoType
additives or only 2 to 5% oleic acid-albumin-dextrose- Mycobacteria CM/AS (Hain Lifescience), based on the
catalase instead of 10% for M. tuberculosis, and it amplification of the 23S rRNA gene (57, 58). Both use
also grows on blood-containing agar. After subcultures, PCR coupled with reverse hybridization. So far, they
some of the strains may even grow on ordinary culture cannot differentiate M. marinum from M. ulcerans since
media. the rRNA sequences are similar (see “Genetics” above).
Although its growth is dependent on oxygen like Specific PCR protocols have been described for de-
for other mycobacteria, 2% to 5% carbon dioxide in tection in fishes (59).
the gas phase above the medium improves the growth
of M. marinum. Genotyping
Although infection due to M. marinum is not contagious
Phenotypic characteristics between humans, strain genotyping has been undertaken
Colonies of M. marinum are typically smooth or inter- for three reasons: first, to relate environmental strains
mediate, white or beige when the media is kept in the to strains isolated in infected humans; second, in aqua-
dark, and yellow to orange after exposure to light (pho- culture, to differentiate strains isolated among fishes
tochromogenic) (52) (Fig. 1). It is included in group I of or water-living animals (26); and third, to demonstrate
Runyon’s classification along with M. kansasii. Differ- relapse or reinfection (60). The technique used was
entiation between these two pathogenic NTM is mainly pulsed-field gel electrophoresis since PCR-based
done classically on the basis of biochemical character- methods showed low discriminative properties (61).
istics. The absence of nitrate reductase production and Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit–variable-
growth on medium containing thiacetazone is in favor of number tandem-repeat typing, which is one of the ref-
M. marinum. erence typing methods for M. tuberculosis, has been
Photochromogenicity is due to the active production applied to M. marinum and M. ulcerans. Unlike for
of beta-carotene mediated by the gene crtB and can be M. ulcerans, the M. marinum genotypes were not clearly
inhibited by chloramphenicol (56). related to the geographic origins of the isolates, and
genotyping does not discriminate between relapse and
Molecular identification reinfection (62).
Molecular biology techniques have been successfully Multilocus sequence analysis applied to 22 M. mari-
applied for the identification of mycobacteria. Molecu- num strains showed that the level of intraspecies nucle-
otide sequence divergence was higher than in M. ulcerans
strains (20). M. marinum isolates from humans and
FIGURE 1 Typical photochromogenic colonies of Mycobac-
fishes have also been compared by sequencing of the
terium marinum grown on Lowenstein-Jensen solid medium.
16S rRNA and hsp65 genes, restriction mapping, and
amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (63).
In that study, significant molecular differences separated
clinical isolates from water-related isolates.

Manifestations of M. marinum Disease
Fish disease
M. marinum disease in fishes is very common, especially
in aquarium fishes. There is some evidence that the
gastrointestinal tract could be the primary route of in-
fection (64), and it has been demonstrated that poor
diet and stress exacerbate mycobacterial infections in

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Mycobacterium marinum

zebrafish (64–66). The severity of the infection ranges extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma (74) as well as severe
from chronic infection associated with a low mortality osteomyelitis (87).
rate to a more acute form in which the entire popula- Deep infections result from the extension of a cuta-
tion died. The acute fulminating disease is rare and is neous infection or direct inoculation of the organism
characterized by rapid morbidity and mortality with (88). Systemic dissemination is exceptional and has been
few clinical signs. M. marinum infection is more often reported to occur only in immunocompromised patients
a chronic progressive disease that may take years to (e.g., solid-organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant
develop into a noticeable illness. Affected fishes show recipients or those on anti-TNF treatment [74, 89–91]),
comportmental changes, such as separating from other and general symptoms are lacking. Localized adeno-
fishes and refusing food. They may have skin ulcerations pathy is rare (15% of the cases in reference 80), and
or pigment alterations and develop spinal curvature. infection of deep organs, such as the lungs, is exceptional
Unilateral or bilateral exophthalmia is also a typical (92). In these cases, identification of M. marinum should
feature. In fish, M. marinum infection is a systemic dis- be carefully checked.
ease that can affect virtually any organ system but es- There is often a several-month delay between the
pecially the spleen, kidneys, and liver (67, 68). onset of the lesions and the patient’s seeking medical
care (93, 94) because the lesions are subacute or chronic
Human disease and usually painless, as for M. ulcerans. Moreover, the
Due to the optimal growth at 30°C and poor growth at lesions can be self-limited and may heal spontaneously,
37°C, human infections with M. marinum are localized though healing can take months to several years. Initial
primarily to the skin. Infection in HIV-positive patients misdiagnosis of osteoarticular form of M. marinum
is usually not different from infection in HIV-negative infection can lead to intralesional injection of cortico-
ones. Scarce cases of M. marinum infection occurring steroid that favors local dissemination (83). These forms
in patients treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha are often associated with a poor prognosis (8).
(TNF-α) inhibitor therapy have been reported since Extremities of the upper limbs, such as a finger or
2002; cutaneous lesions displaying rapid sporotrichoid hand, are the most common site of infection in relation
extension are more frequent than among other patients of fish or water animal exposure (94). Patients with skin
(69). Given the small number of cases reported (about lesions on the lower limbs are swimming pool cases or
30), it is not possible yet to draw any conclusions re- indirect cases. M. marinum is assumed to be introduced
garding the frequency or the severity of M. marinum in the skin accidentally through preexisting wounds or
infection in this population (70–79). Nevertheless, these abrasions. History of preceding minor trauma is com-
medicines should be stopped during the course of an- mon, and an occupation or hobby that resulted in a
tibiotics. If not, the lesions may rapidly extend as already likely environmental water exposure is the rule. How-
described (78). We also recommend applying preventive ever, since the incubation period is very long, on average
strategies (see “Prevention Strategies” below) especially 3 weeks up to 9 months (80, 95), minor abrasions or
for those patients. wounds preceding the inoculation usually do not remain
M. marinum infection has different clinical presenta- at the time of the diagnosis.
tions (Table 1). Most commonly, as described for about
60% of the cases, M. marinum is a cutaneous disease Immunity
manifesting as a solitary papulonodular lesion on a Tuberculin skin testing is usually positive because of
finger or hand (80). In 25% of the cases, M. marinum cross-reaction with M. tuberculosis (96). It may sug-
disease takes on a sporotrichoid form (80, 81) (Fig. 2). gest a mycobacterial infection but does not distinguish
This occurs when the infection spreads along the lym- M. marinum from tuberculosis or other mycobacterial
phatic vessels to the regional lymph nodes, producing infections and is therefore of little utility in the workup.
multiple nodules resembling sporotrichosis. Occasion- False positivity of the interferon gamma release assays
ally, skin lesions appear as pustular, nodulo-ulcerative, performed today for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis
granulomatous, or verrucous plaques. infection have been also reported with M. marinum in-
Deep infections, such as tenosynovitis (the most fre- fection (76). Indeed, as noted above, M. marinum shares
quent), osteomyelitis, arthritis, and bursitis, occur in with M. tuberculosis the specific antigens (ESAT-6 and
20 to 40% of the cases (80–85). Unusual clinical pre- CFP-10) used in these tests. However, interferon gamma
sentations have also been reported, such as epididymo- release assays were not found to be useful as a diagnostic
orchitis (86) or destructive nasal lesions mimicking method for M. marinum infection (97, 98). 5
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Aubry et al.
TABLE 1 Published studies of M. marinum infections that include more than 10 patientsa

Antibiotic treatmenta

No. patients
(no. with deep Fish Duration No. of Antibiotic and no. of Combination Surgery
Reference infection) exposure (%) Cure (%) (mo) (mean) patients patients (% cured) therapy (no.) (% cured)
Even-Paz, 1976 (106) 10 (0) 0 44 NA NA NA NA
Chow et al., 1987 (122) 24 (24) 87.5b 83 9 0 24 10 (70)
Bonafe 1992 (145) 27 (1) 93 >74 3.8 NA NA NA
Kozin and Bishop, 1994 (124) 12 (6) 100 100 6 7 D = 5 (100), Co = 2 (100), R = 1 (100) 5 12 (100)
Edelstein 1994 31 (0) NA 81 4 19 M = 14 (71), D = 3 (67), T = 1 (100), 10 NA
Co = 1 (100)
Ang et al., 2000 (5)c 38 (NA) 45 81 3.5 22 Co = 19 (93), M = 3 (100) 12 1 (100)
Casal et al., 2001 (139) 39 90 99 2–4 20 M = 12 (NA), R = 8 (NA) 7 NA
Aubry et al., 2002 (80) 63 (18) 84 87 3.5 23 M = 19 (100), C = 4 (100) 40 30 (16)
Ho 2006 (146) 17 (NA) 24 94 4.5 16 D = 4 (NA), Co = 1 (NA), M = 11 (NA) 1 0
Johnson and Stout, 2015 (88) 28 (19) 20 95c 5 2 NA 15 22 (79)
Sia et al., 2016 (94) 29 (7) 19 100 NA 3 NA 25 16 (100)
Blanc 2016 (147) 23 (5) NA 91c 3 11 C = 9 (NA), Z = 1 (NA), D = 1 (NA) 6 5

aNA, not available; M, minocycline; C, clarithromycin; R, rifampin; D, doxycycline; T, tetracycline; Co, co-trimoxazole; Z, azithromycin.
b100% swimming pool exposure.
cPatients lost to follow-up were not assessed for the outcome.

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Mycobacterium marinum

Clinical significance
Isolation of M. marinum has a clinical significance
whatever the number of colonies or the smear positivity
of the specimen, since it usually does not grow from the
laboratory environment or from the uninfected human
body. This important point differentiates M. marinum
infection from infections due to other NTM such as
M. abscessus or M. chelonae (100). Thus, correct iden-
tification is required (8, 52).

Bacteriological findings
Microscopic examination of the specimen after Ziehl-
Neelsen staining is positive in only 30% of the cases.
Even when positive, smear microscopy cannot distin-
guish M. marinum from other mycobacteria, including
species of the M. tuberculosis complex.
A definite diagnosis is obtained by a positive culture.
Cultures are reported as positive in 70 to 80% of the
cases, but this number could be increased with attention
paid to the specimen collection and proper temperature
for incubation. The microbiologist should be aware of
suspicion of M. marinum infection in order to perform
cultures at 30°C.

Collection of specimens
Specimens containing M. marinum are taken from the
skin, either as a skin biopsy sample or as aspirate pus.
FIGURE 2 Sporotrichoid form of skin lesions typical of Swabs should be avoided for many reasons (81, 88).
M. marinum infection. (Courtesy of Hervé Darie, Noisy le Other specimens are articular fluids or subcutaneous
Grand, France.) tissues and exudates often obtained via surgery (85,
87). Specimens must be collected before chemother-
apy begins. The container should be sterile and should
Diagnosis not contain any fixative or preservative. The collected
Diagnosis can be difficult for the clinician (84) because specimen should be kept at 4°C if there are delays in
the presentation is often insidious and nonspecific. delivery to the laboratory. Since M. marinum infection is
If key historical information, such as fish exposure, is not a multibacillary infection, it is necessary to collect
not obtained, the diagnosis is commonly delayed (95). the largest possible volume, especially in the case of skin
Diagnosing an infection due to M. marinum requires a biopsy or surgery.
high index of suspicion, a properly obtained exposure
history, and knowledge of the laboratory growth char- Isolation procedures
acteristics of the organism (94). Laboratory processing for M. marinum disease diagno-
Differential diagnosis includes infection due to other sis is not an emergency. A level 2 laboratory might be
NTM known to cause cutaneous infection (M. chelonae, sufficient for isolation and identification, although level
M. ulcerans, M. ulcerans subsp. shinshuense [99], 3 might be required for studies requiring large-volume
M. haemophilum, M. fortuitum, and M. tuberculosis), subcultures (52).
sporotrichosis, and noninfectious diseases such as sar- Safety measures are required for handling specimens
coidosis, skin tumors, and foreign-body reactions. and cultures—wearing gloves, disinfection of the mate-
Though the diagnosis can be suspected clinically, rial and benches, and avoiding the use of needles—so
especially when exposure is established, the diagnosis that accidental inoculation does not occur.
relies on isolation of a mycobacterium subsequently Skin biopsy or wound fluids might be contaminated
identified as M. marinum. with skin flora, such as staphylococci, and consequently 7
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Aubry et al.

require a decontamination procedure (standard N- of cases, and they may be confused with rheumatoid
acetyl-L-cysteine 2% NaOH procedure or 4% HCl de- nodules (105). During the first months, there is a non-
contamination) prior to culture. Specimens from sterile specific inflammatory infiltrate. Later, granulomas with
deep structures (i.e., articular fluid) can be inoculated multinucleated giant cells are common findings (Fig. 3).
directly without decontamination (52, 101). Fibrinoid necrosis, but not true caseation, can be ob-
Since M. marinum grows poorly at 37°C, the aspirate served. Langhans giant cells are seen only occasionally.
or biopsy should be cultured at 30 to 32°C. Colonies Hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis, hyperplasia,
grow within 5 to 14 days, but primo-culture requires a and liquefaction degeneration of the basal layer can be
longer time and cultures should be kept for 6 to 12 observed (88, 106, 107). Although acid-fast bacilli are
weeks. Because other NTM can be responsible for the seldom seen in the histological sections (67), staining
infection, specimens should also be incubated at 37°C. should be attempted.
After successful isolation of a photochromogenic my- Importantly, in one case out of five, the infiltrate
cobacterium, further differentiation between M. marinum suggested no infectious origin, although deep skin bi-
and other organisms of Runyon group I is required opsies and synovial biopsies provided more informa-
(see “Microbiological Characteristics of M. marinum” tion. Therefore, for all forms of necrotic granuloma,
above). whether or not accompanied by collections of neutro-
Methods based on molecular biology are limited by phils, a culture should be carried out in a specific me-
the high homology between M. marinum and M. ulcerans dium, even in the absence of microscopic evidence of
(see “Molecular identification” above). Matrix-assisted bacilli (105).
laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spec-
trometry cannot distinguish these two species but can be
performed as a rapid screening method before accurate ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITIES
identification (102). Neither the commercial INNO- AND TREATMENT
LiPA v2 assay kits nor the GenoType Mycobacteria Mode of Action and Resistance
CM/AS allow differentiation between M. marinum, Mechanisms in M. marinum
M. ulcerans, M. ulcerans subsp. shinshuense, M. shottsii, The permeability of the M. marinum cell wall has not
and M. pseudoshottsii (103). been investigated, but it has been shown to vary at
Molecular identification using the analysis of con- least 10-fold between mycobacterial species, M. tuber-
served genes or DNA regions (hsp65, gyrA, rpoB, and culosis being 10-fold more permeable than M. chelonae
16S-23S internal transcribed spacer) associated with a (108). Considering the natural multidrug resistance of
7-day culture of a photochromogenic colony is required M. marinum (see below), the permeability of its cell
to identify M. marinum. However, in the case of absence wall could be close to that of M. chelonae. This low
of photochromogen colonies or culture in broth, a gene
sequence belonging to M. marinum or M. ulcerans
(18, 19) coupled to the absence of IS2404 and IS2606 FIGURE 3 Active-disease histopathologic section of tissue
from a patient with a M. marinum infection. The lesion shows
(22) may indicate M. marinum (104). We do recommend granulomatous infiltrate with epithelioid and giant cells.
waiting for the colony morphology to confirm the iden- (Courtesy of Bernard Cribier, Strasbourg, France.)
tification. In the past few years, a mycolactone-producing
subgroup of the M. marinum complex has been identi-
fied and analyzed. These IS2404-positive strains cause
pathology in frogs and fish, but not in humans so far (25)
(see “Fundamental Biology of M. marinum” above).

Histological findings
Tissue biopsy for histopathology is important but pro-
vides diagnosis of mycobacteriosis in only half of the
cases, since histological findings depend on the age of the
Granulomas suggest diagnosis but are not patho-
gnomonic and are also present in other mycobacterial
infections. They are present in less than two-thirds

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permeability probably allows survival in unfavorable and modal MIC are very close (109, 111). This con-
environments. stitutes the natural or intrinsic susceptibility pattern of
In the genome, several genes encoding antibiotic re- M. marinum (Table 2).
sistance mechanisms have been reported. Genes en- Acquired resistance has not been described in
coding enzymes known to hydrolyze antibiotics were M. marinum so far for any of those antibiotics, even
found for β-lactams (blaC), aminoglycosides (aac2′), and in relapsed cases. Slight differences from the above-
chloramphenicol (cph). Many potential efflux pumps described pattern of natural antibiotic susceptibility
and ABC transporters have been also described, includ- that might be observed are usually due to misidentifi-
ing potential extruders for cyclines, macrolides, and cation or differences in the method or the technique of
aminoglycosides (17). antibiotic susceptibility testing (115).

In Vitro Susceptibility to Antibiotics Susceptibility Testing

From the studies dealing with a large number of strains Etest has been shown to be an accurate and precise
and applying a standard method of testing, M. marinum method of MIC determination for bacteria other than
has a natural multidrug resistance pattern (109, 110). mycobacteria, for rapidly growing mycobacterial spe-
Indeed, M. marinum has shown resistance to the anti- cies, and even for some of the slowly growing myco-
tuberculosis drugs isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazin- bacterial species (116–118). Different authors have
amide in most studies. Rifampin and rifabutin are the questioned the reliability of the Etest for M. marinum
most active drugs in term of MICs. MICs of minocy- and also for other mycobacteria, claiming that it may
cline, doxycycline, clarithromycin, linezolid, sparfloxa- cause reports of false resistance (109, 111). Agreement
cin, moxifloxacin, imipenem, sulfamethoxazole, and between MICs, yielded by either the Etest method or
amikacin are close to the susceptibility breakpoints, and the agar dilution method used as a reference, depends
thus, these drugs may have moderate activity. MICs of on the antibiotic and have been shown to be 83% for
trimethoprim, azithromycin, telithromycin, quinupristin- minocycline, 59% for rifampin, 43% for clarithro-
dalfopristin, ciprofloxacin, gemifloxacin, ofloxacin, and mycin, and 24% for sparfloxacin (109, 119). Moreover,
levofloxacin are above the concentrations usually ob- reproducibility with the Etest was low, in contrast to
tained in vivo, and consequently, M. marinum may be that with the agar dilution method. In conclusion, Etest
considered resistant to them (111–114). is not recommended for M. marinum; antibiotic sus-
All the strains have similar susceptibility patterns ceptibility testing and the agar dilution method remain
since for each drug the MIC50, geometric mean MIC, the methods recommended.

TABLE 2 MICs of 17 antibiotics against 54 strains of Mycobacterium marinum determined by the agar dilution methoda

MIC50 (μg/ml) MIC90 (μg/ml) Modal MIC (μg/ml) Geometric mean ± SD (μg/ml) Range (μg/ml)
Rifampin 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.24 ± 1.7 0.125–4
Rifabutin 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 ± 1.8 0.015–1
Isoniazid 4 8 4 5.6 ± 1.5 4–16
Ethambutol 2 4 2 1.7 ± 1.6 1–4
Amikacin 2 4 4 1 ± 1.7 1–8
Doxycycline 8 16 8 5.7 ± 2 0.5–16
Minocycline 2 4 2 2.9 ± 1.7 0.5–8
Clarithromycin 1 4 2 1.2 ± 2.3 0.5–4
Azithromycin 32 128 32 NA 8→128
Ofloxacin 4 16 4 6.1 ± 1.7 2–32
Ciprofloxacin 4 8 4 3.8 ± 1.8 1–16
Levofloxacin 4 8 4 4.5 ± 1.7 2–32
Sparfloxacin 1 2 1 1 ± 1.8 0.5–4
Moxifloxacin 0.5 1 0.5 0.6 ± 1.7 0.25–4
Sulfamethoxazole 8 128 8 NA 4→128
Trimethoprim 64 128 128 67.4 ± 2.3 16–512
Imipenem 2 8 2 2.6 ± 2.6 0.5–16
Linezolid 1 2 NA NA 0.5–4
aData from references 109 and 120. NA, not available. 9
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were reported separately in the literature, (ii) no thera-

peutic trial has been carried out, and (iii) M. marinum
infection may be cured spontaneously (12, 106, 121).
A variety of antibiotics have been used, including
cyclines, co-trimoxazole, rifampin plus ethambutol, and,
more rarely, clarithromycin, levofloxacin, and amikacin
(83, 121–123). Cure as well as failure has been described
with all of these drugs (83, 121, 124). Overall, most of
the patients are cured after therapy that includes cyclines
or clarithromycin and rifampin, but failure cases have
been also observed. Failure cases have rarely been ob-
served with cyclines, but most of the patients treated with
cyclines, and especially cyclines alone, have had mild
infection limited to skin and soft tissues. In contrast, ri-
fampin and rifabutin, which are the only antibiotics with
low MICs close to those found for M. tuberculosis, were
usually given in complicated cases with extension of the
infection to the deeper structures, such as tenosynovitis
and osteoarthritis, and failed to cure all cases. In our
study, failure was related to deep infections (only 72%
were cured) and to ulcer lesions (80).
Although MICs of the new fluoroquinolones, moxi-
floxacin and gatifloxacin, are lower than those of clas-
sical fluoroquinolones, and these compounds are very
potent antituberculosis drugs, their in vivo activity
against M. marinum has yet to be demonstrated. The
FIGURE 4 Microbiological diagnosis of human infection due efficacy of linezolid, also with low MICs, needs also to
to M. marinum. be tested in vivo.
We currently need results of in vivo experiments
with an animal model or therapeutic trials with humans
Broth microdilution susceptibility testing is recom- showing evidence of efficacy of some antibiotics. Until
mended by the CLSI and may use the commercially these are obtained, it is reasonable to recommend
available Sensititre MIC plates (120). Although for cyclines for M. marinum infection limited to the skin
M. marinum it may be recommended to use the MIC and the combination of rifampin and clarithromycin for
plate for slow-growing mycobacteria, we think that test- infection extended to deeper structures.
ing antibiotics contained in the MIC plate for rapidly In the literature, the duration of antimicrobial ther-
growing mycobacteria may be more appropriate with apy in M. marinum infection varies from 2 weeks to
regard to the antibiotics with low MICs (Table 2). 18 months, depending on several factors, such as the
Since no primary (acquired) resistance has been de- extension and severity of infection, the presence of un-
scribed so far, routine susceptibility testing seems un- derlying disorders, and the clinical response (83, 84).
necessary except for relapsed cases as recommended for In many patients with mild disease, infection mostly re-
other atypical mycobacteria (80, 100). solves spontaneously, although complete resolution may
take up to several years (81, 83). In our study (80), the
Antimicrobial Therapy of duration of therapy ranged from 1 to 25 months and the
M. marinum Infections median was 3.5 months. This duration was significantly
Patients infected with M. marinum are usually treated longer for cases with infection spread to deeper struc-
with antibiotics (Table 1). Different antibiotic regimens tures except for the failure cases.
have been reported (83). The choice of the regimen We may recommend to continue with antibiotherapy
appears to reflect more the personal experience and at least until the lesions heal and then for 2 additional
preference of individual authors than demonstrated months, especially in cases of infection extended to
efficacy. Antibiotic efficacy is unknown since (i) cases deeper structures.

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Mycobacterium marinum

Surgery invertebrate organisms, such as shellfishes or water fleas,

The place of surgery is controversial. For some authors, have been shown to play a role in the transmission of this
surgical debridement along with antimicrobial therapy agent.
is usually required for control (81). For others, surgical Findings of genetic studies comparing M. marinum
debridement should be limited to the cases with criteria isolates from humans and fish suggest that clinical cases
known to be associated with a poor prognosis, including may have derived from the ornamental fish trade asso-
steroid injections into the lesion, a persistent drainage ciated with home aquaria and that only certain strains
sinus tract after several months of antimicrobial therapy, of M. marinum have zoonotic potential (63, 129).
and persistent pain (122). Most of the infections spread The prevalence of NTM was evaluated in the envi-
to deeper structures are treated with surgery, which ronment of a swimming pool in Italy. M. marinum was
seems reasonable (125). For infections limited to skin isolated in only 4.5% of the water samples and pool
and soft tissue, there is no clear benefit of surgery and edges, although 88.2% of pool water samples were pos-
surgical side effects are unknown. itive for M. gordonae, M. chelonae, and M. fortuitum
Other therapies, such as cryotherapy, X-ray therapy, (130).
and electrodessication, have been reported but have not In addition to fish and fish tanks, reptiles and related
been evaluated (83). poikilothermic animals and the vivaria in which such
It should also be recommended to stop TNF-α in- animals are maintained could be sources of M. marinum
hibitor or other immunosuppressive therapy during the exposure. With millions of poikilothermic animals, such
course of antibiotics when M. marinum infection occurs as tropical reptiles, being kept in close contact with
in patients treated with these medications. Indeed, de- people worldwide as new companion pets, one could
spite the small number of cases described, it seems that predict that an increasing number of “vivarium granu-
the lesions may progress if these medications are not loma” cases are likely to be diagnosed. Therefore, doc-
discontinued (78). tors should be aware that vivaria, in addition to fish
tanks, are a source of M. marinum exposure for patients
Natural Habitats of M. marinum Epidemiology of M. marinum Infections
M. marinum has been reported to affect a wide range of Like infections with other NTM, M. marinum infections
freshwater and marine fish species, suggesting an ubiq- are not contagious from human to human.
uitous distribution. M. marinum is the main mycobac- Before 1962, most cutaneous M. marinum infec-
terium isolated from fish, although very little is known tions reported in the literature involved swimming
about its prevalence and impact on fisheries (126). pool-associated injuries, including two large outbreaks
Zanoni et al. reported that mycobacteria were found in involving almost 350 patients (4, 93). A possible ex-
46.8% and 29.9% of the fishes imported into Italy and planation of the decline in pool-associated cases is
which died and that M. marinum represented 2.4 to the improvement in swimming pool water disinfection
5.3% of the isolates (127), whereas Slany et al. reported practices in recent decades. M. marinum survives only
the presence of M. marinum DNA in 41.7% of orna- briefly after exposure to free chlorine concentrations
mental fishes of which 23.6% were culture positive in of ≥0.6 μg/ml. There can be unexpected sources of ex-
the Czech Republic (128). posure, such as coal mine water (132). Furthermore,
M. marinum is transmitted in fishes through the con- outbreaks resulting from a common source of contami-
sumption of contaminated feed, cannibalism of infected nation have been described (94, 133).
fish, aquatic detritus, or release of pathogens into the M. marinum skin infection is now often acquired
water due to gut or skin lesions or disintegration of from aquarium maintenance and is called fish tank
infected fishes (67). In this respect, potential sources granuloma (134). Since M. marinum infection is an im-
of infective material are numerous and include the soil portant zoonosis, there is a significant risk to all per-
and water, in which the bacterial cells remain viable for sonnel working with fishes, water-living animals, or
2 years or more (67). aquaria. M. marinum infection may be an occupational
M. marinum infection in other aquatic vertebrates hazard for certain professionals (for example, for pet
may be a source of infection to fishes. Frogs, snakes, and shop workers), but many infections occur in fish fanciers
turtles may become involved in the transmission cycle. who keep an aquarium at home, hence the name “fish
Snails are also thought to be a reservoir (67). Other fanciers’ finger syndrome.” Although infection may be 11
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caused by direct injury from fish fins or bites, most are holic solutions may be used instead of hand
acquired during the handling of an aquarium, such as washing.
cleaning or changing the water (95, 96). Indirect infec- • Do not swallow aquarium water when checking
tion due to a bath that was used to clean out fish tanks for salinity or siphoning water.
has also been described (80, 135, 136). • Do not overcrowd aquaria, since this favors the
It is foreseen that the incidence of fish tank granuloma multiplication of mycobacteria.
will increase (135) due to the extension of fishkeeping
• UV germicide lamps to treat aquarium water
as a hobby and aquarium tourism. Fishkeeping is one of
are efficient for mycobacteria as long as they are
the most popular hobbies in many countries, such as
used in clean conditions at the correct flow rate
Germany, the United States, and France, where about
10% of the population has an aquarium at home and
business related to fishkeeping has increased every year. • Do not transfer tank filters or fishes in the bath
The frequency of M. marinum isolation in laborato- that is used for humans, or carefully clean it with
ries is low, and M. marinum accounts for less than 1% of sodium hypochlorite (143).
the mycobacterial clinical isolates (137). A recent survey • The exposed population should be educated in
in Europe showed that M. marinum represents about order to recognize signs of M. marinum disease in
1.3% of NTM isolated (138). In Spain, 39 cases were fishes and in humans so they can inform medical
reported from 1991 to 1998 involving 21 laboratories staff, a point that will expedite the diagnosis.
(139). Less than half of the cases of M. marinum in- • Fish salespersons should be educated. Indeed,
fection are bacteriologically confirmed. The incidence many tropical fish salespersons ignore warnings
of M. marinum infection was estimated to be around about fish tank granuloma. In France, although
0.09 case per 100,000 inhabitants per year in France and 20% of them are at risk of M. marinum infection,
between 0.05 and 0.27 in the United States. 95% of them immerse their hands without gloves
in the fish tanks every day (144).
Prevention Strategies
Some authors recommend against installing orna-
For the prevention of swimming pool granuloma, the
mental aquaria in hospital units, particularly units likely
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend
to receive immunocompromised patients.
that concentrations of free chlorine be kept between
0.4 and 1 mg/liter in swimming pool water and between
2 to 5 mg/liter in spa and hot tub water (93).
Sanitation, disinfection, and destruction of carrier
fishes are the primary methods of controlling M. mari- Treatment evaluation requires large-scale trials, proba-
num infection in fishes. This practice is mostly pursued bly at an international level. Infections limited to the
for the food fish; however, with expensive fish species, skin and soft tissue should be distinguished from in-
this practice may be difficult to apply. Antimicrobial fections extended to deeper structures. Antibiotics such
treatment is not able to eliminate M. marinum from as cyclines, rifampin, and clarithromycin need to be
affected fishes (140). Regarding importation of orna- evaluated along with the new fluoroquinolones and
mental fish, there exists great variation in policy. For linezolid. Surgery needs subsequent evaluation.
example, Europe decided on an EU Directive 2003/858/ Surveillance of M. marinum infection, which is ex-
EC health certificate-derived template for all imported pected to increase due to fishkeeping as a hobby and
live fish (including tropical ornamentals) (141). aquarium tourism, should be undertaken at least in
Individual prevention is the first line of defense for some highly exposed countries. A simple surveillance
anyone involved with aquaria or anyone working or could be based on culture-confirmed cases. Bacteriol-
recreating in a marine environment. Preventive strategies ogy laboratories, dermatologists, and infectious disease
should be developed for fish tank activity, such as physicians should play a crucial role in case finding.
wearing gloves when cleaning the tank (95). Common- Since there is no human-to-human transmission of
sense measures include the following: M. marinum infection, the prevention of inoculation
from the environment is the main strategy for eradicat-
• Bandage or dress any open wound or cut before ing the disease. Simple recommendations such as hand
exposure. protection and hygiene measures and fish tank and
• Clean hands thoroughly before and after exposure aquarium maintenance seem worthy of being largely
to aquarium water and components. Hydroalco- disseminated and evaluated.

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Mycobacterium marinum

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MA, Parkhill J, Cole ST. 2008. Insights from the complete genome se-
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cal analysis; (iii) inform the laboratory that there is a tuberculosis. Genome Res 18:729–741.
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19. Dauendorffer JN, Guillemin I, Aubry A, Truffot-Pernot C, Sougakoff
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