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System Requirements

SE Suite 2.1

DT21.E N 0002
Rev 06
SoftExpert Excellence Suite (SE Suite) is the most comprehensive corporate solution for integrated
management of excellence and business compliance.

SoftExpert Excellence Suite (SE Suite) offers a set of multilingual modules that are natively integrated and
fully Web-based to automate the processes required to improve and optimize the different business areas at
organizations. This boosts the quality of management, cuts operating costs and facilitates compliance with
the main market norms and regulations.

The solution also supplements and enhances the use of corporate management systems and is integrated
with main market ERPs through connectors that may be developed based on the company’s specific needs.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. If you find inconsistent information,
please report it in writing to our support.

The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this document remains with the user. Unless
otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people,
places, and events depicted in examples herein are fictitious. No association with any real company,
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respect to third-party content, products, and services. SoftExpert will not be responsible for any loss, costs,
or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.

C opyright © 2020 SoftExpert Software SA. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
.................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 - Available infrastructure
.................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3 - SE Suite general requirements
.................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 - Security ....................................................................................................................................
considerations 8
3.2 - Database considerations
Chapter 4 - Workstations
4.1 - Operating system
4.2 - Browser....................................................................................................................................16
4.3 - Additional requirements
4.4 - Hardware
Chapter 5 - Mobile devices
Chapter 6 - Servers
6.1 - Operating system
6.2 - Application server
6.3 - FileManager server
6.4 - Directory....................................................................................................................................
service 30
6.5 - Authentication service
6.6 - E-mail service
6.7 - Indexing....................................................................................................................................
service 33
6.8 - Additional requirements
6.8.1 - Specific requirements
6.8.2 - Linux dependencies
6.8.3 - Report fonts
6.9 - Database
6.9.1 - Database parameterization
6.10 - Hardware
Chapter 7 - Network
Chapter 8 - Localization
Chapter 9 - Additional information
Chapter 10 - ....................................................................................................................................
Document history 53
Introduction 4

Chapter I

This document covers all the software and hardware requirements necessary for the complete operation
of SE Suite 2.1, both for the workstations and the server.

Who should read this document

Any IT professional who needs to know the SE Suite software and hardware requirements, either for
environment planning, implementation of activities, updating, support or management, and monitoring.


Although providing support to recent versions of third-party software packages and patches, SoftExpert has no
control over those software updates and, thus, cannot ensure compatibility with their products. In any case,
contact the supplier for product specifications and further details regarding compatibility.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Available infrastructure 5

Chapter II

Available infrastructure
To use SoftExpert Excellence Suite, it is necessary to install the solution on a server. Below is a list of
the different ways to make the solution available according to customer needs.

Cloud modality (SaaS)

The solution is configured as a cloud service, including licensing and infrastructure. In this condition,
the access to the solution is configured according to the number of contracted users.

The solution is hosted in the SoftExpert Datacenter (Amazon AWS) running on Linux. The whole
infrastructure is managed by the SoftExpert team, not requiring the customer IT team to be involved
in the management of the environment.

License acquisition + Hosting modality

In this condition, the license is sold through a traditional model and the infrastructure is paid for as a
service according to the number of contracted user licenses.

Like the Cloud model, the solution is hosted in the SoftExpert Datacenter (Amazon AWS) running on
Linux. The whole infrastructure is managed by the SoftExpert team.

License acquisition + client installation modality

In this condition, customers acquire the license to use the product and install it in their own
datacenter, managed by their IT team. The application of system updates and maintenance
packages is the customer's responsibility.

We recommend contracting RSA (Remote system administration), which enables all the technical
administration (IT) of SE Suite to be performed remotely by the SoftExpert team. (Refer to the
service catalog for further details).

To scale-out the proper server to support the product, the number of acquired licenses must be the
basis. In the Hardware (Servers) section, it will be possible to identify the ideal size of the
application server to support SE Suite.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Available infrastructure 6

We recommend the application server to be dedicated to SE Suite only. See the certified operating systems,
characteristics, and restrictions in the Operating system (Servers).

We recommend the database server to be dedicated to the database. If the customer already has a database
server, it may be used to host the SE Suite database. See the certified database types, characteristics, and
restrictions in the Database section.

It is possible to use multiple instances running on the same server, respecting hardware requirements, using the
multi-base feature with a single installation of the solution, however, the following restrictions exist:

§ Installation of different versions of the solution on the same server is not supported.

§ Installation of production and release environments on the same server is not supported.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 7

Chapter III

SE Suite general requirements

For information about SE Suite, refer to the following documents:

§ SE Suite - System architecture overview: This document contains details of the SoftExpert
Excellence Suite architecture, as well as general information about SE Suite.

§ SE Suite - Release Notes: This document contains the new features and improvements added to
the SoftExpert Excellence Suite components.

See some considerations that should be analyzed in the implementation of SE Suite in the following

§ Security considerations

§ Database considerations

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 8

3.1 - Security considerations

The security information in this section is supplied to help the user in the security planning process.
Nevertheless, it does not contain the full description of any security resource or support level. For
general information about SE Suite security architecture, refer to the SE Suite - System architecture
overview document, in the "Security Architecture" section.

Version 2.1 requires the use of HTTPS to increase the security while using the solution. We suggest the use of a
valid digital certificate, issued by certifying authorities. If your organization does not have a valid digital
certificate available, it is possible to generate a self-signed certificate, keeping in mind that a self-signed
certificate is intended for testing only. To obtain a valid certificate, we recommend Let's Encrypt

§ Understanding the IIS access rights

SE Suite requires a local or domain user, Guests group member or any other group which allows the
execution of the PHP exec function.

The #exec function is required to enable Server-Side Include (SSI) in IIS. By default, this function is already
enabled. The group policy configuration in Windows may also disable the cmd execution.

§ Understanding the Firewall configuration

SE Suite uses services with specific functions, such as: generation of reports, activities execution,
among others. The communication between the application and those services is defined through the
communication ports that will be configured in the firewall. Thus, LAN or WAN workstations may access
those services.

For more information on the SE Suite network, refer to the SE Suite - System architecture overview document, in
the "Network Architecture" section.

SE Suite uses internal communication ports to access the services. If those services were installed on another
server, configure the firewall to allow access between the Web server and the server where these services are

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 9

§ Determine the navigator configuration security requirements

SE Suite requires the rights to download files, open popups, and execute ActiveX and scripts to be
enabled in your browser. We recommend adding the SE Suite URL to the Trusted Sites zone, and defining
the security level as Low for that zone.

§ Determine the Security Software configurations

SE Suite may have sessions, url content, popups, and file types blocked by a security software such as
Antivirus, URL Scan, Firewall, Proxy, among others. Please check whether your security software is
correctly configured and configure SE Suite as an exception in those programs if necessary.

§ Determine the e-mail server configuration security

SE Suite uses an external e-mail server to send notifications. Make sure your email server is configured
to accept emails sent from the Web server and that your e-mail account is configured in SE Suite.

Email filter rules may block the e-mails sent by SE Suite. Check whether the e-mail rules are configured correctly.

§ Understanding “Single Sign-on Authentication”

SE Suite is integrated with LDAP servers, especially with Microsoft Active Directory, by means of a
service. This service is responsible for user authentication in LDAP and for notifying SE Suite to allow
access to the system. It also synchronizes the user data between LDAP and SE Suite, allowing new
users to be imported, information to be updated, and/or deleted users to be disabled.

§ For information about how to configure the browsers for single sign-on, refer to the SE Suite - Installation

§ For information about the system configuration for single sign-on, refer to the SE Configuration component
documentation, in the "Configuration Authentication" section.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 10

3.2 - Database considerations

All Platforms

§ Determine which database type(s) you wish to use

Refer to the Database section for more information related to the database types compatible with SE

§ Note that SQL scripts will be executed during the Installation Process

A series of SQL scripts will be executed to create the objects in the database and enter the
configuration data. These scripts are executed automatically by the SE Suite installation tool. The SE
Suite installation will be concluded only if these scripts are successfully executed.

SQL Server

§ Configure SQL Server Collation

The collations that may be used in western languages for the SE Suite database in the SQL Server are:

§ SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

§ SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI

§ Latin1_General_CI_AS

§ Latin1_General_CI_AI

The CI (Case Insensitive) parameter of the collation must always be used. We recommend the use of the
AI (Accent Insensitive) parameter for new databases starting in 2.1. For eastern languages, contact
SoftExpert Support.

It is important to observe the Express version limitations, see further details in the Servers Database

§ "READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT" isolation level configuration

In order to prevent the occurrence of locks and deadlocks, in the reading operations in the SE Suite
database, it is possible to use the isolation by Snapshoot, which will version each record in the tempdb.
See more information in the following link

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 11

To enable this parameterization, it is necessary to execute the command below with no active
connection in the <Database>:




§ Determine your NLS and character-set requirements

As of version 2.0.13, SE Suite now has support for the WE8MSWIN1252 (non-unicode) and AL32UTF8
(unicode) character sets. However, we advise you to use AL32UTF8 only when there is a need for
languages that cannot be saved in non-unicode format.

§ Determine the NLS of Oracle client

After defining the character-set to be used by the Oracle database server, you must set the NLS_LANG
environment variable for the client installations that will connect to the server. The environment variable
must be in line with the server character-set. In an environment where the server is routing with
WE8MSWIN1252, for example, it is common to use the NLS_LANG configured with

§ Create/Manage your tablespaces

SE Suite uses one tablespace for data and one for indexes. The size required for an initial installation
should be 2GB (data) and 200MB (index). These numbers tend to increase according to the use of the
tool's functionalities, especially when including documents through the SE Document component or
inclusion through the forms. Therefore, constant monitoring of the growth of the tablespaces and
maintenance of the available size is required.

Important: We recommend the use of a controlled directory to store the files, which helps to slow the growth of
the database.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

SE Suite general requirements 12


§ Determine your encoding requirements

Server and client require UTF8 encoding for all languages.

When creating the database for SE Suite, select the UTF8 option in the Encoding field.

§ Network configuration

To access the PostgreSQL server, it is necessary to enter the client network configurations in the
pg_hba.conf and enable external access in the postgresql.conf file (it is necessary to reset the
PostgreSQL service). Refer to the SE Suite - Installation guide document, in the "Database configuration"
section, for more information about the PostgreSQL network configuration.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 13

Chapter IV

This section covers in detail the SE Suite software requirements for the workstations. This section
contains the following topics:

§ Operating system

§ Browser

§ Additional requirements

§ Hardware

§ SoftExpert ensures compatibility with the main versions of operating systems, databases, and other supported
third-party software. Consequently, service packs and patches made available for them during their life cycle
will be automatically supported by SE Suite.

§ If a problem occurs due to the installation of a service pack or patch, each case will receive an individual

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 14

4.1 - Operating system

This section lists the operating systems certified for the workstations.

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

Windows versions certified to execute SE Suite on the workstations:

Windows x86 x64

7 Home Premium

7 Business

7 Ultimate

7 Pro

Windows 8

Windows 8 Pro

Windows 8 Enterprise

Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 Pro

Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Windows 10 Home

Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Enterprise

GNU/Linux versions certified to execute SE Suite on the workstations:

GNU/Linux x86 x64

Debian GNU/Linux 7

Debian GNU/Linux 8

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 15

GNU/Linux x86 x64

Ubuntu 15.04

Ubuntu 15.10

CentOS 7

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 16

4.2 - Browser
See below the table with the browsers supported by SE Suite and their corresponding versions:


§ SoftExpert recommends using the Google Chrome browser.

§ The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 111

Microsoft Edge 20 (desktop)

Google Chrome 43 or later

1 - Internet Explorer compatibility mode should ALWAYS be "Edge" and with no compatibility with versions older
than IE 10.

SE Suite is certified only for the browsers listed in the table above, with their respective versions. SoftExpert
does not guarantee SE Suite will work correctly in other browsers.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 17

4.3 - Additional requirements

To use some SE Suite functionalities, specific requirements must be installed on the workstation. See
below the functionalities and requirements that must be installed on the workstation:

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

§ Used in SE Document for handling SolidWorks files when the category is configured with a complex file
container for SolidWorks connectors.

§ Used in SE Project to view and edit projects with Gantt chart.

Java versions certified for the workstations:


Java JRE / JDK 1.7

Java JRE / JDK 1.8

AdoptOpenJDK JRE / JDK 8 HotSpot

.NET Framework
§ Used in SE Document to view PDF files, DWG files, and images when SE PDFView or SE Viewer are
enabled in the general parameters.

§ Used in SE Document to print all the documents in the copy protocol when the copy distribution option
is enabled for the document category.

§ Used in SE Capture in the process of scanning and capturing documents.

§ Used in SE PDM to view PDF files, DWG files, and images.

Version of the .NET Framework released for the workstations:


.NET 3.5 SP11

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 18

.NET 4.52 or higher

1 - To use the SE viewer for DWG files.

2 - Mandatory to view electronic files, except for the browser native viewer and HTML5 PDF Viewer.

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Visio)

§ Used in SE Document to view files when the respective viewers (DocView, ExcelView, and VisioView)
are enabled in the general parameters.

§ Used in SE Document to print all the documents in the copy protocol when the copy distribution option
is enabled for the document category.

§ Used in SE PDM to view electronic files.

Microsoft Office versions certified for the workstations:


Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2016

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Visio 2013

§ Used in SE Document to view electronic files.

OpenOffice versions certified for the workstations:

Version 4.0

LibreOffice 5.2

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 19

LibreOffice 6

Other requirements
Third-party software versions certified for the workstations:

Type Version

Adobe Acrobat Reader X (10.1) for


Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 for Windows

PDF file reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4.2 for Linux

Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.1.7 for Linux

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2017.x

File decompressor Zip files decompressor

SolidWorks 20103

SolidWorks 20113

SolidWorks 20123

AutoCAD 2008

AutoCAD 2009
Connector and viewer of complex files
AutoCAD 2010

AutoCAD 2011

AutoCAD 2012

AutoCAD 2013

AutoCAD 2015

3 - These versions are certified for the use of CadConector with Solidworks. For viewing, any version may be
used, provided a default application is installed on the machine that will open the file extension.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 20

Plugins and additional tools

VectorDraw File Converter (Installed by SEPreview.msi)

§ Used in SE Document to view DWG files when SE Viewer (DWG viewer) is enabled in the general

§ Used in SE Document for DWG handling when the category is configured with a complex file container
(only for the AutoCAD connector).

§ Used in SE PDM for DWG handling, when the item type is configured with a complex file container (only
for the AutoCAD connector).

SoftExpert provides an MSI to install SE Preview on the workstation. This MSI (sepreview.msi) can be found,
compressed, within the SE Suite server directory, or downloaded via the SE Suite URL:

§ SE Suite server: <sesuite_directory>\web\wwwroot\generic\app\viewer\

§ SE Suite URL: https://<sesuite_domain>/se/generic/app/viewer/

Decompress it and run the installation. Remember that before executing the MSI, it is necessary to uninstall the
SE Viewer.


To use SE Viewer to view DWG files, it is necessary to install the VectorDraw component on the workstation (client
machine). The system will detect when the component is not installed or is outdated and will try to install the
latest version. If the user does not have permission on the client machine, the application will return an error; in
that case, the network administrator must execute the MSI.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Workstations 21

4.4 - Hardware
The table below lists the basic hardware requirements for the workstations:

§ The hardware recommendations contained in this document consider the use of software parameterization best

§ The hardware requirements are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

§ Likewise, the equipment is considered to be dedicated for the execution of SE Suite and its requirements
without concurrency of other software and DBMSs in the same equipment (if that occurs, consider the sum of
the requirements of each involved software).

Components Recommendation

Processor Intel Core i3-2120 3Mb cache or equivalent (2 cores)

Memory 2 GB

Disk space 1 GB of free disk space

Video 1280x768 24-Bit color

The minimum hardware requirements for using the SE-Identity component are listed below.

Components Recommendation

Processor Intel Core i3-2120 3Mb cache or equivalent (2 cores)

Memory 2GB

Disk space 100 MB of free disk space

Video 1280x768 24-Bit color

Connection Connection with SE Suite and the directory services LDAP.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Mobile devices 22

Chapter V

Mobile devices
SE Suite can be accessed on mobile devices in two ways:

§ SE Suite application: The application is available on Android and iOS devices.

§ Browser: SE Suite can be accessed from the browser on your iOS smartphone/tablet or Android
tablet. However, some features, such as Action plan structure, Project Gantt chart and Audit
execution may not be suitable for this device.

See, in this section, the minimum requirements the mobile devices (Smartphones and Tablets) must have
to access SE Suite.

Android operating system

Operating system Last two first digit releases; we recommend the use of the most recent
version version.

Browsers Google Chrome

RAM memory 2 GB

Processor 1.2 GHz

4'' (via application/smartphone)

Screen size
5'' (via browser/tablet)

640 x 1136 (via application/smartphone)

Screen resolution
720 x 1280 (via browser/tablet)

Internal memory 8 GB

iOS operating system

Operating system Last two first digit releases; we recommend the use of the most recent
version version.

Browsers Safari or Google Chrome

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Mobile devices 23

RAM memory 2 GB

Processor 1.2 GHz

Screen size 4.7''

Screen resolution 750 x 1334

Internal memory 8 GB

The use of the system on tablets occurs in the same way as in the Desktop version, however, some features, such
as Action plan structure, Project Gantt chart, and Audit execution may not be appropriate for this device. The SE
Suite application is compatible only with Android smartphones. Since the application does not have the same
features as the desktop version, it is not possible to install it on tablets. To use SE Suite on tablets, simply access
it using the internet browser.

It is always recommended using the most recent version of the browsers.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Mobile devices 24

Other recommendations

Some smartphones and tablets stand out in the market for having higher performance, thus offering a
better user experience.

Consequently, to enjoy a better experience while using SE Suite on mobile devices, it is recommended to
use some specific product lines (following the minimum requirements mentioned above).

Smartphones recommended for using SE Suite via application or browser:

§ Motorola Moto G 3rd Generation (or similar/later)

§ Google Nexus 5 (or similar/later)

§ Samsung Galaxy S5 (or similar/later)

§ Apple iPhone 5 (or similar/later)

Smartphones and tablets recommended for using SE Suite via browser:

§ Apple iPad 3 (or similar/later)

§ Samsung Galaxy Tab A (or similar/later)


All models mentioned above may be replaced by later or similar models, provided they meet the minimum working

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 25

Chapter VI

This section covers in detail the SE Suite software requirements for servers. This section contains the
following topics:

§ Operating system

§ Application server

§ FileManager server

§ Directory service

§ Authentication service

§ E-mail service

§ Additional requirements

§ Database

§ Hardware

§ SoftExpert ensures compatibility with the main versions of operating systems, databases, and other supported
third-party software. Consequently, service packs and patches made available for them during their life cycle
will be automatically supported by SE Suite.

§ If a problem occurs due to the installation of a service pack or patch, each case will receive an individual

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 26

6.1 - Operating system

This section lists the operating systems certified for the application server.


SoftExpert recommends using GNU/Linux 64-bit Operating Systems.

SE Suite
2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Server 2008 R2

Server 2012 Datacenter2

Server 2012 Standard2

Server 2012 Essentials2

Server 2012 Foundation2

Server 2012 R2

Server 2016 Datacenter2

Server 2016 Standard2

Server 2016 Essentials2

Server 2016 Foundation2

Server 2019 Datacenter2

Server 2019 Standard2

Server 2019 Essentials2

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 27

1 - Requires the installation of the Oracle Provider and OJDBC components if Oracle DBMS is used, in addition to
the components and standard resources of the database client.

2 - Windows Server 2012, 2016 and 2019 are executed only on x64 processors

Since SE Suite version 2.1.1, Windows Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported by SE Suite. Official reference

SE Suite
2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Debian GNU/Linux 7

Debian GNU/Linux 8

Ubuntu 14.10

Ubuntu 15.04

Ubuntu 15.10

CentOS 7

SUSE Enterprise Server 12

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 28

6.2 - Application server

Application servers certified and required to execute SE Suite:

Application server SE Suite

Platform Web server Application 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Apache Tomcat
Windows IIS(1 )

Apache Tomcat
Windows IIS(1 )
7.x(3 )

Apache Tomcat
Linux NGinx 1.9(2 )

Apache Tomcat
Linux NGinx 1.9(2 )
7.x(3 )

Apache Tomcat
Linux NGinx 1.14(2 )

Apache Tomcat
Linux NGinx 1.14(2 )
7.x(3 )

1 - Not compatible with the 32-bit emulation mode.

2 - Requires the compilation of this component during the installation (pre-compiled packages such as RPM and
DEB are not compatible).

3 - When installing SE Suite version 2.1.3 or higher, the use of Apache Tomcat 7.0.100 or higher will be required.
In SE Suite update processes, versions lower than 7.0.100 may still be used.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 29

6.3 - FileManager server

The FileManager server has the following prerequisites:

§ The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

§ FileManager must be installed on a dedicated server, i.e., the FileManager server must not have other services
installed on it.

FileManager server requirements

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP or later

Java Java 1.7 or later (32-bits)

Refer to the SE Suite - Installation guide documentation for details on how to configure this server.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 30

6.4 - Directory service

Directory services certified for user synchronization and authentication in SE Suite:

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.


Microsoft Active Directory (AD) - Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) - Windows Server 2012

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) - Windows Server 2016

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) - Windows Server 2019


The highest local security policy security level SoftExpert provides support for is "Send NTLMv2 response only".
Refer to the Directory and authentication service documentation for further details about this configuration.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 31

6.5 - Authentication service

An authentication service acts in the process of validating the identity of a user in the request of a
service. This procedure is usually based on the exchange of credentials (passwords, certificates, etc.).

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

It is an authentication service that provides a safe communication mechanism for the exchange of
information between different organizations (Client, Identity provider, and Service provider).

Versions certified for this authentication type:


SAML 2.0

Released SAML protocol providers:

§ Microsoft ADFS

§ Microsoft AzureAD

For more information on the several authentication types, refer to the Directory and authentication service

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 32

6.6 - E-mail service

E-mail protocols certified to be used by SE Suite:

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.




System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 33

6.7 - Indexing service

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

Elasticsearch is the service used by SE Suite to perform indexing and quick searches efficiently.

Released versions of Elasticsearch:




Necessary plugins for Elasticsearch:


Ingest Attachment Processor Plugin


On-Premise customers have an embarked Elasticsearch (in version 6.8.3), which is already configured correctly,
as well as having its life cycle controlled by SE Suite. It is recommended to use the Elasticsearch provided by SE
Suite, but it is also possible to use another one, external to the application.

Distributed Elasticsearch
To use Elasticsearch in SE Suite in a distributed way, the environment must have the following

Description Requirement

Operating system GNU/Linux

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 34

Container Docker

The Elasticsearch cluster is configured from a containerization of its nodes using the Docker tool.
Thus, the cluster architecture will be defined according to the needs of the customer.

Necessary computer resources

In the official Elasticsearch documentation, it is recommended for the RAM memory configuration for it
not to surpass 50% of the physical amount available in the machine. For more information, check:

The memory configurations recommended for the use of the indexing service with Elasticsearch are
displayed below.

Number of electronic files RAM memory necessary for FTS

From 0 to 50,000 Minimum of 2 GB

From 50,000 to 200,000 Minimum of 3 GB

From 200,000 to 500,000 Minimum of 5 GB

Over 500.000 Minimum of 7 GB


The table above represents an estimate of the memory necessary for FTS, but it is possible for the environment
to need more memory than the minimum required, depending on the content volume in the electronic files.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 35

6.8 - Additional requirements

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

SE Suite supports the Oracle Java platform, which will require a license key from 2019 onwards; see
further details on this link. The support is also extended to the AdoptOpenJDK implementation of the
open source version of Java, which can be accessed free of charge.

Version x64

Java JRE 1.8 (1 )

Java JDK 1.8 (1 )(2 )

AdoptOpenJDK 8 JRE HotSpot

AdoptOpenJDK 8 JDK HotSpot

1 - Java 7 is certified up to SE Suite version 2.0.7. Since version 2.0.8, it is necessary to install/update to Java 8
or later.

2 - Required only on Linux environments, because, on Windows, Java JRE may be used.



PHP 5.6 (3 )(4 )

3 - There should be no other PHP installations on the same equipment in the Windows environment.

4 - Installed automatically during the SE Suite installation in the Windows environment.



.Net 4.5 or higher

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 36

PDF converter (5)

Converter Version

LibreOffice(9 )
6(6 )


Microsoft Office Professional (7 )(8 )(9 )
2016(6 )

365 Pro

5 - We recommend configuring the PDF conversion in a specific server, as the performance of the application may
be affected when there is a high conversion volume or when large files are converted.

6 - Recommended version for PDF converter.

7 - Released only in Windows environments (Application or FileManager server). If the application server is
GNU/Linux and there is no server for FileManager, then you will need to install LibreOffice on the application

8 - It is necessary to perform the folder configuration according to the Windows Server architecture. Refer to the
"SE Suite - Installation guide (Windows)" document, in the "Additional procedures PDF Conversion PDF

conversion with Microsoft Office" " section.

9 - Due to incompatibilities between docvariables (Microsoft Office only) and variables (LibreOffice only), the
metadata (variables and docvariables) will not be filled out/updated if the document in a Microsoft Office format
(e.g.: .docx, .xlsx etc.) is converted by LibreOffice or if the document in a LibreOffice format (e.g.: .odt, .ods
etc.) is converted by Microsoft Office.


When using LibreOffice, the quality of Microsoft Office documents converted to PDF format may be lower than the
original due to some incompatibilities between the tools. In the Windows environment, it is possible to use
Microsoft Office, which keeps the quality of the converted documents. For Microsoft Office installation, the
condition must be met: the version of Microsoft Office installed on the server must be greater than or equal to the
version installed on the client machines, to ensure such quality in the conversion of documents.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 37

6.8.1 - Specific requirements

To use some SE Suite functionalities, certain requirements must be installed on the SE Suite server. See
below the functionalities and requirements that must be installed on the server:

The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

Index service (GdPicture + .Net Framework)

§ Used by SE Capture in the process of scanning and capturing documents.

§ For SE Capture, when using a PostgreSQL database, it will be necessary to add the database client
path to the Path variable of the SE Suite server Windows.

VectorDraw File Converter

§ Used by SE Document to generate miniatures (Thumbnail) of DWG files. For the thumbnail service, it is
necessary to install SE Preview (sepreview.msi) on the SE Suite server. This MSI may be found in
the following directory: <SE_Suite_installation_dir>\web\wwwroot\generic\app\viewer\.

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Visio)

§ Used by SE Document to convert files to PDF (may be replaced by OpenOffice).

§ Used by SE Document to convert files to PDF (may be replaced by Microsoft Office).

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 38

6.8.2 - Linux dependencies

This section covers the libraries required to install SE Suite on Linux environments. See below the table
which lists the main SE Suite requirements in GNU/Linux environments:

§ The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

§ Each library may require specific dependencies. If you have any questions, refer to the dependency
documentation or contact your Operating System administrator.

Components Version

automake 1.x

gcc 4.x

gcc-c++ 4.x

flex 2.x

byacc 1.x

libreadline6 1 6.x

libtool 2.x

libtool-dev 2 1.2.x

libtool-ltdl 3 2.x

libpng 1 1.x

libjpeg 1 6b

libxml2 1 2.x

freetype 1 2.x

gd 2.x

graphviz 2.x

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 39

graphviz-gd 3 2.x

mhash 1 0.9.x

libmcrypt 1 2.x

mcrypt 2.x

eaccelerator 0.9.5

zlib 1 1.x

openssl 4 0.9.x

libssl-dev 2 0.9.x

1 - Install the development package for those packages as well.

2 - Development package, needed only for Debian based distributions.

3 - Development package, needed only for CentOS based distributions.

4 - Install the development package of this library in CentOS based distributions.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 40

6.8.3 - Report fonts

This section covers in detail the required fonts to view the SE Suite reports. See below which fonts are

§ arialbd.ttf

§ arialbi.ttf

§ ariali.ttf

§ arial.ttf

§ arialuni.ttf

§ verdana.ttf

§ In Linux environments, if they do not exist, these fonts must be copied to the folder:

§ In Windows environments, if they do not exist, these fonts must be copied to the folder:

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 41

6.9 - Database

§ SoftExpert recommends using SQL Server Databases.

§ SoftExpert is not responsible for the database management.

§ From December 2019 onwards, Oracle 11g R1 is no longer supported by SE Suite. Official reference

DBMS certified to execute SE Suite:

Database server SE Suite

DBMS Version 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Oracle 11g

Oracle 11g R2

Oracle 12c

Oracle 12c R2

Oracle 18c

Oracle 19c

2012 Enterprise, BI, Standard,

SQL Server(3 )
Web, Express(1 )

2014 Enterprise, BI, Standard,

SQL Server(3 )
Web, Express(1 )

2016 Enterprise, BI, Standard,

SQL Server(3 )
Web, Express(1 )

2017 Enterprise, BI, Standard,

SQL Server(3 )
Web, Express(1 )

2019 Enterprise, BI, Standard,

SQL Server(3 )
Web, Express(1 )

PostgreSQL(2 ) 9.4

PostgreSQL(2 ) 9.6

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 42

Database server SE Suite

DBMS Version 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

PostgreSQL(2 ) 10.3

1 - SQL Server Express Edition may be used provided some requirements are met. See further details in "SQL
Server Express Edition Restrictions" below.

2 - Files larger than 30 MB must not be stored in the database; the controlled directory option must be used.

3 - The language of the user who will connect to the database must be "English".

SE Suite makes available the data source functionality, which allows the connection with other databases. Because
of the evolution of the tool, the supported DBMSs, such as PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle, will be compatible
in the data source only for the supported versions noted above.

The connection to the DBMSs via ODBC in the data source functionality is not supported by SE Suite.

SQL Server Express Edition Restrictions

If the requirements below are not respected, the application performance may be harmed:

§ The number of simultaneous users in the solution must be inferior to 15.

§ No other application may use the same database server.

Requirements to use SQL Server Express:

SQL Server Express 2012, 2014, and 2016

Database size 10 GB


CPU 1 CPU or 4 Cores

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 43

Recommended versions of Oracle Client

SoftExpert recommends the use of the Oracle Client version on the application server as shown in the
table below:

Server Client



12.1.0.X 12.1.0.X

12.2.0.X 12.2.0.X


If SE Suite is installed on a Windows server, it will be mandatory to install the 32-bit Oracle Client and the 64-bit
Oracle Client. If the 32-bit Client is installed first and the 64-bit Client is installed next, then it will be only
necessary to check the order of the parameters of the environment variables, because the configuration is
performed automatically. Otherwise, the configuration of the PATH variable should contain, as its first
parameter, the installation path of the 64-bit Oracle and then the installation path of the 32-bit Oracle.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 44

6.9.1 - Database parameterization

This section covers the database and the SE Suite database parameterizations. It is important to point
out that these parameters are only recommendations based on the experience obtained from customer

Database Type Parameter name Recommended value

Oracle Database cursor_sharing EXACT

Oracle Database open_cursors 500 (minimum)

Oracle Database optimizer_mode ALL_ROWS

Oracle Database pre_page_sga False

Oracle Database session_cached_cursors 50 (minimum)

Oracle Datafile SOFTEXPERT_DATA Autoextend on next 200M

Oracle Datafile SOFTEXPERT_INDEXES Autoextend on next 50M

SQL Server Server Use AWE to Allocate Memory False

SQL Server Server Boost SQL Server Priority False

SQL Server Server Implicit Transactions False

SQL Server Server nocount False

SQL Server Database Extend .mdf file 200M

SQL Server Database Extend .ldf file 50M

SQL Server Database Auto close False

SQL Server Database Auto create statistics True

SQL Server Database Auto shrink False

SQL Server Database Auto update statistics True

SQL Server Database Page Verify CHECKSUM

Refer to "Database considerations"

SQL Server Database Collation

SQL Server Database Compatibility level 2012 or higher

PostgreSQL Server effective_cache_size 3 GB (minimum)

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 45

Database Type Parameter name Recommended value

PostgreSQL Server shared_buffers 1 GB (minimum)

PostgreSQL Server checkpoint_segments 32

PostgreSQL Server checkpoint_completion_target 0.8

PostgreSQL Server work_mem 4 MB (minimum)

PostgreSQL Server max_connections 300 (minimum)

PostgreSQL Server wal_buffers 16 MB

PostgreSQL Server maintenance_work_mem 256 MB (minimum)

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 46

6.10 - Hardware
This section covers in detail the SE Suite hardware requirements for the application server and the
database server.


§ These hardware requirements are based on the normal use of the solution. If the Analytics module is being used
to analyze data from other databases or to create complex integrations in the BPM module, please contact
SoftExpert for a customized analysis of the requirements before implementation.

§ The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

Application server

Simultaneous users CPU Cores 1
(SE Suite 2.1)

0-25 6 12 GB

25-50 8 12 GB

50-100 12 16 GB

100-200 12 20 GB

200-400 12 24 GB

400-600 16 32 GB

Database server

Oracle 2 SQL Server 2 PostgreSQL 2

CPU Cores 1 Memory CPU Cores 1 Memory CPU Cores 1 Memory

0-25 8 16 GB 8 12 GB 4 6 GB

25-50 8 16 GB 8 12 GB 4 6 GB

50-100 12 22 GB 12 16 GB 8 8 GB

100-200 12 32 GB 12 22 GB 12 16 GB

200-400 12 40 GB 12 32 GB 12 22 GB

400-600 24 50 GB 24 40 GB 12 50 GB

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Servers 47

1 - Base processor: Intel Xeon Gold 5118 @ 2.30GHz

2 - Values considering a database with only the SE Suite base.

§ It is necessary for the server in which the installation or update of the SE Suite will be performed to
have at least 50 GB of free space.

§ Executing the application in a server with requirements below those recommended may result in an
inadequate performance.

§ SE Suite may be installed in a virtual server infrastructure, but the requirements described above
should be allocated to the VM (Virtual machine) on which the solution will be installed.

§ The network bandwidth and the disk IOPS must be compatible with a server environment. SoftExpert
suggests, for the application server, the use of 15k RPM SAS disks or SSD.

§ It is highly recommended that the database server is installed in a distinct server, that is, the
database must not be installed in the same server used by the application.

§ The performance of the database server will directly affect the performance of the application. Thus,
it is highly recommended to check if the database infrastructure will support the SoftExpert solution.

§ It is highly advisable for the user content (document files) to be stored on another server or in a NAS
(Network Attached Storage).

§ High network latency may result in a low navigation performance. The recommended value is 40 ms at

In the case of multiple SE Suite installations, the number of users of each installation must be added up. For
example, if for the same server there are two installations: one for the approval environment and another for the
production environment, the number of users in the two environments must be added to arrive at the server

The equipment is considered to be dedicated for the execution of SE Suite and its requirements, without
concurrency of other software and DBMSs on the same equipment (if that occurs, consider the sum of the
requirements of each software involved).

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Network 48

Chapter VII

This section covers the information regarding the SE Suite download and upload bandwidth consumption
according to the number of users in the system. It also contains information about the bandwidth
consumption when the data compressing resource is enabled and when it is not.


§ Consumption based on the normal use of the solution. For better dimensioning, we recommend a customized
analysis before the implementation.

§ The requirements mentioned in this section are applicable from version 2.1.0 of SE Suite to its latest version.

The table below shows the SE Suite download and upload bandwidth consumption when IIS compression
is and is not enabled:

Without IIS compression With IIS compression

Download Upload Download Upload

1-5 Users 250 Kbps 50 Kbps 100 Kbps 50 Kbps

6-25 Users 1.2 Mbps 300 Kbps 440 Kbps 256 Kbps

26-50 Users 2.5 Mbps 600 Kbps 880 Kbps 512 Kbps

51-100 Users 5 Mbps 1.2 Mbps 1.7 Mbps 1 Mbps

101-200 Users 10 Mbps 2.5 Mbps 3.5 Mbps 2.1 Mbps

201-600 Users 30 Mbps 7 Mbps 10.6 Mbps 6.5 Mbps

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Network 49

The table below shows the SE Suite download and upload bandwidth consumption when Apache
compression is and is not enabled:

Without Apache compression With Apache compression

Download Upload Download Upload

1-5 Users 250 Kbps 50 Kbps 70 Kbps 40 Kbps

6-25 Users 1 Mbps 300 Kbps 450 Kbps 256 Kbps

26-50 Users 2.1 Mbps 540 Kbps 885 Kbps 540 Kbps

51-100 Users 4.5 Mbps 1.1 Mbps 2.5 Mbps 1.5 Mbps

101-200 Users 8.6 Mbps 2.2 Mbps 3.5 Mbps 2.1 Mbps

201-600 Users 26 Mbps 6.5 Mbps 10.6 Mbps 6.5 Mbps

§ Available Internet bandwidth.

§ In an environment made up of various plants accessing SE Suite remotely, each plant must consider the number
of local users; whereas the plant in which SE Suite installation is located must consider the sum of users from
the remote plants.

§ For SoftExpert On Demand customers, consider this requirement only in the access source.

The required configurations to enable SE Suite data compression may be found in the SE Suite - Installation Guide.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Localization 50

Chapter VIII

The table below lists the languages in which SE Suite is available.

Refer to the Database considerations section for more details on some database configurations for Eastern

Language Database Encoding3

Portuguese (Brazil)1 ANSI or UTF-8

English (USA)1 ANSI or UTF-8

Spanish1 ANSI or UTF-8

Portuguese (Portugal)2 ANSI or UTF-8

English (United Kingdom)2 ANSI or UTF-8

French (France)2 ANSI or UTF-8

French (Canada)2 ANSI or UTF-8

Italian2 ANSI or UTF-8

Chinese2 UTF-8

Romanian2 UTF-8

Russian2 UTF-8

Turkish2 UTF-8

Slovak2 UTF-8

1 - Translated by SoftExpert.

2 - Translated by third-parties and/or automatic translation systems, such as Google Translate.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Localization 51

3 - In case of a new installation, when using UTF-8 encoding, all languages will be enabled, but in case of a
migration from an ANSI database to UTF-8, it will be necessary to contact SoftExpert to enable the other

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Additional information 52

Chapter IX

Additional information
This document describes the requirements in a simulation of regular use of the solution. It is important to
point out that projects with specific needs may require changes in the requirements or additional items.

To guarantee those needs are met, we suggest involving the service team in the certification of the
client environment.

For more information, contact SoftExpert support through our customer center
( or by calling +55 (47) 2101-9999.

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1

Document history 53

Chapter X

Document history
The table below describes the main changes made to this document.

Revision Version Change description

06 2.1.4 Dec/10/2020
ð Update of the display of released versions in 3rd digit SE Suite versions,
to facilitate the identification of requirements that are no longer
supported, in the following topics:
§ Operating system (Servers)
§ Application server
§ Database 264624
ð Addition of version 365 of Microsoft Office in the following topics: 268958
§ Additional requirements (Workstation)
§ Additional requirements (Servers)
ð Addition of note about updating metadata in PDF conversion, in the
Additional requirements (Servers) topic.
ð Addition of RedHat release for version 2.1.3 or higher, in the Operating
system (Servers) topic.

05 2.1.3 Sep/11/2020
ð C orrection in the detailing of the memory used by SE Suite, in the
Hardware topic.
ð C orrection of the GNU/Linux distribution mentioned in the Linux
dependencies topic.
ð Requirement update and addition of a note on PDF conversion in the
Additional requirements topic (Servers)
ð Update of the database certified versions in the Database topic.
ð Version update and addition of a note on Apache Tomcat in the
Application server topic.
ð Update of the released versions of Microsoft Active Directory in the
Directory service topic.
ð Update of the Mobile devices topic.

04 2.1.2 Apr/17/2020
ð Addition of Windows Server 2019 to the certified operating system list, in 239844
the Operating system topic (Servers).

03 2.1.2 Mar/13/2020
ð Update of the released versions in the following sections:
§ Operating system (Servers)
§ Application server (Servers)
§ Additional requirements
§ Database

02 2.1.1 Jan/16/2020
ð Removal of version 3.5 from the released .NET versions in the Additional 232639
requirements section.

01 2.1.1 Dec/13/2019
ð Update of the Hardware (Workstations) section. 220302
ð Addition of the sections: 227987
§ Indexing service ROM427
§ Localization

00 2.1.0 Sep/17/2019
ð C reation of the document for version 2.1 based on version 2.0.

Document update history

System Requirements — SE Suite 2.1


SoftExpert is a Market leader in software and services for enterprise-wide business process
improvement and compliance management, providing the most comprehensive application suite
to empower organizations to increase business performance at all levels and to maximize
industry-mandated compliance and corporate governance programs

Founded in 1995 and with more than 2,000 customers and 300,000 users worldwide, SoftExpert
solutions are used by leading corporations in all kinds of industries, including manufacturing,
government and public sector, pharmaceutical sector, hospitals and laboratories, financial
services, high tech and IT, education, energy and utilities, logistics, retail, services, among

Along with its extensive network of resellers spread across all continents, SoftExpert also
provides hosting, implementation, post-sales support, and validation services for its solutions to
ensure that customers realize the maximum value from their investments.

Copyright © SoftExpert Software - Software for Performance Excellence

All rights reserved.

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