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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Being sensitive and appreciative of the feelings of others is relatively simple. Gender

sensitivity in that context is about being considerate concerning feelings of the opposite

gender. Men and women think differently for they have different beliefs. In a classroom,

teachers encourage and empower the students, but they can also discourage and enforce

restrictions regardless of whether they are consciously trying doing so. The role of teachers

in perpetuating or actively fighting gender inequality is particularly critical in Asia, where

millions of girls are either on the side-lines of education or completely excluded. This role of

teachers is of paramount importance when it comes to combating gender disparities in

education (UNESCO Bangkok, 2017).

In the Philippines, the national government allocates funds to develop policies and

programs aimed at gender equality, empowerment of women, anti-discriminatory initiatives

and similar opportunities for sexes, all related to the concept of human rights. Despite these

efforts, recurrent gender issues still prevail in Philippine society. Gender issues resulting

from men-women power relations have a negative impact on achieving genuine social

growth especially in classrooms. Schools may portray a significant role in increasing

awareness to the sexes in student’s manners. A gender sensitive school needs to be created in

which the learning, social and physical environment and its surrounding take into account the

specific demands of men and women.

School is one of the areas where gender issues can be seen. Some studies show various

discrimination issues, both for boys and girls, and a great deal of change is still required if

there is to be equality between or equal opportunities, particularly in the strategies to be used.

It’s a big challenge for teachers to fulfill the different needs of students. Teachers often forget

to give attention to the gender of their students.

In Trento National High School, one of the secondary schools in Trento, Agusan del

Sur, the researchers observed that the female students are expected to excel in classroom than

the male learners. Boys have a higher level of physical activity and develop later self-control

than girls. In classroom, girls tend to possess greater verbal skills and show empathy more

readily than boys. Boys are more physical, need more space to learn and not as good at

reading and writing as girls. While girls tend to multitask better and write with more detail.

It was crucial for educators and guardians to recognize that they are taking advantage

of what we already know about how boys and girls learn and use it for the benefit of the

child. It would mean engaging girls in math, science, and technology while encouraging

reading and writing literature to boys in the classroom. Gender-based classes are not meant to

have a specific curriculum for boys and girls. It does not give preference to one trace over

another, and it is not discrimination. Teachers must build a gender-free school or classroom

atmosphere and allow both male and female to understand their true potential. While

teaching them basic knowledge and skills, students are also expected to be socially and

emotionally educated and cared for in their physical and mental well-being.

1.2 Conceptual Framework

The main objective of this study is to determine the differences between male and

female students and their personality types to create a gender sensitive classroom. Dr. Joyce

Bishop who developed Personality Spectrum states that it helps you identify the kinds of

interaction that are most, and least, comfortable for you and appreciate how you respond to

the world around you including information.


Gender Sensitive

Personality Types

Figure 1.2.1 Relationship of Sociodemographic Profile, Personality Types in Gender

Sensitive Classroom

The figure above shows the dependent and independent variable. The independent

variable is the sociodemographic profile of the students which are the age and sex while the

dependent variable is the personality types of the respondents: organizer, adventurer, giver,

and thinker. The age and sex may have an influence to the personality types of the

respondents to create a gender sensitive classroom.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the differences between male and

female students and their personality types to create a gender sensitive classroom.

Specifically the study sought to answer the following question:

1. What are the sociodemogaphic profile of the respondents in terms of age and sex?

2. What are the personality types of the respondents?

3. Is there a significant difference between the age and sex of the respondents and their

personality types?

Null Hypothesis

Based on the problems above, the following null hypothesis is made:

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the age and sex of the respondents and

their personality types.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the differences between male and female

students and their personality types to create a gender sensitive classroom. Moreover, this

study is beneficial to the following:

Students. They will be able to identify what kind of personality do they have and will

understand their selves and other people that surround them.

Teachers. It will help them employ a creative and effective learning strategy by

understanding the different personality types between students to create a gender sensitive


Future Researchers. This research will serve as baseline information when they are

going to conduct the same research like this one.

School Administrator. They can employ seminars to further reinforce gender sensitive

in teaching practices and they can provide a gender- sensitive, good- quality education.

Parents. They will be able to determine the personality types of their children and

guide them for self-improvement.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study was conducted in Trento National High School, Trento, Agusan

del Sur during the 2nd semester of the S.Y 2019-2020. The study are only limited to 407

Grade 8 students.

The main objective of this study is to determine the differences between male and

female students and their personality types to create a gender sensitive classroom. The

variables included in this study are age and sex. Other factors not stated in this section are

beyond the scope of this study.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Adventurer – a person, who looks for environments that encourage non-traditional

approaches, find hands-on ways to learn and seek people whom they find stimulating.

Gender Sensitive Classroom- classroom environment that are free of gender bias and shows

open-mindedness to one another.

Giver – a person who study with others teach material to others, seek out tasks, groups, and

subjects that involve helping people.

Organizer – a person who tries to have tasks defined in clear, concrete terms so that they

know what is required, look for a well-structured, stable environment and request


Personality Spectrum – a personality test that helps the respondents understand how they

respond to the world around them—including information, thoughts, feelings, people,

and events.

Thinker – a person who finds time to reflect independently on new information, learn

through problem solving and design new ways of approaching issues.

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