(1993) - Centralized Power Control in Cellular Radio Systems

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4, NOVEMBER 1593

Centralized Power Control in Cellular Radio Systems

Sudheer A. Grandhi, Rajiv Vijayan, David J. Goodman, Fellow, IEEE, and Jens Zander, Member, IEEE

Abstract- This paper describes a centralized power control Base i Base j

scheme for cellular mobile radio systems. The power for the
mobiles in the scheme proposed here is computed based on signal
strength measurements. All the mobiles using the same channel
in this scheme will attain a common carrier-to-interferenceratio.
The proposed scheme is analyzed and shown to have an optimal


T RANSMITTER power is an important resource in cellu-

lar mobile radio systems. When used effectively it can
increase system capacity and quality of communications. A Mobile i Mobile j
commonly used measure of the quality of communications
is the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) at the receiver. The Fig. 1. Gain of the communication link between the zth base and the j t h
central idea in power control schemes is to maximize the min-
imum CIR in each of the channels in the system. Centralized
power control (CPC) schemes require some sort of central In Section I1 we present the system model. The proposed
controller which has knowledge about all the radio links in the power control scheme is presented and analyzed in Section 111.
system. Therefore, they are not easy to implement. However,
CPC schemes help in the design of distributed power control 11. SYSTEMMODEL
schemes that are easy to implement.
Early work on power control [1]-[3] centered on schemes We consider a cellular radio system with a finite channel (a
which kept the received power at a constant level. These frequency or a time slot) set of size N . The channels are reused
schemes have the advantage that the dynamic range require- in the system according to an arbitrary channel assignment
ments for the receiver are smaller, resulting in better adjacent scheme. M denotes the number of mobiles using a given
channel protection. These schemes indicate an increase of channel. The transmitter power of mobile i is denoted by Pi.
system capacity by a factor roughly equal to two, relative to The M dimensional vector P is the transmitter power vector
schemes with constant transmitted power. In [4] a CPC scheme for the mobiles in the given channel. We consider centralized
that achieves the same CIR in all the radio links is proposed power control for a given channel assignment.
for a nonfading spread-spectrum system. Fading is not accounted for in our model, though the
A CPC scheme is derived in [5]that has an optimal solution. proposed CPC scheme is still applicable when the fading
This scheme was used to construct a distributed power control factor is included. It is assumed that the system is interference
scheme [6], which converged to the optimal solution. In these limited, and, therefore, noise is ignored. A mobile i uses the
schemes the CIR is controlled directly instead of controlling base station i which is closest to it for communication. The
the received power. gain of the communication link between the ith base and the
In our work, we propose a CPC scheme that has the jth mobile is denoted by Gij. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. All
same optimal solution as the schemes in [5] and [6]. It lays the Gi,’s are greater than zero. The carrier to interference ratio
the foundation for a distributed power control scheme [7] (CIR) of mobile i at its base station i is then given by
that converges to the same optimal solution. We analyze the
scheme for the uplink (radio link from mobile to base). The
same procedure is applicable to the downlink (radio link from
base to mobile). Our scheme computes transmitter power to
affect the CIR directly. That is, each mobile is assigned a
transmitter power that adjusts its CIR to a common value.
We define the quantity y- presented in [5] here again as
Manuscript received November 9, 1992; revised January 19, 1993.
S. A. Grandhi, R. Vijayan, and D. J. Goodman are with WINLAB, Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ 08855-0909.
J. Zander is with Radio Communication Systems, Royal Institute of
Technology, ELECTRUM 207, S-164 40 KISTA, Sweden. where the notation P 2 o is used to denote that all the
IEEE Log Number 9209422. elements of the A4 dimensional transmitter power vector P
0018-9545/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN ENGINEERING. Downloaded on July 21, 2009 at 07:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

are nonnegative. We also define the quantity y+ as Proof: The matrix A by definition has all the elements
on its main diagonal equal to 0 and all other elements greater
(3) than 0. An M x M matrix B is reducible if there exists a
permutation matrix Q such that
The next section describes a CPC scheme that achieves the
same CIR for all the mobiles in each of the channels in the
W Q T (=o

with c T X T and E ( M - T )X ( M - r ) for 1 5 T 5 M - 1 . 0

POWERCONTROL is a matrix with all its entries equal to zero. Matrix A would
In this section, we describe a centralized power control be reducible only if it had at least one row with more than one
scheme that maximizes in a given channel the minimum of 0 element. So A is an irreducible nonnegative matrix.
the CIR's of all the mobiles using that channel. The CPC In the centralized power control (CPC) scheme proposed
scheme is described and analyzed here for the uplinks. For the here it is assumed that a central controller has knowledge about
downlinks a similar procedure can be followed. the signal strengths in all the radio links. In other words the
Equation (1) can be rewritten as central controller has knowledge of matrix A. It then computes
D the eigenvector of the matrix A as P*. The mobiles would then
(4) use the elements of P* as their transmitter powers to achieve
y* in the system. For the CPC scheme we have the following
where proposition.
Proposition 1: There exists a unique y* given by
y* = y- = y+ (9)
Note that GijlGii is always greater than 0. Let us define that may be achieved by all the M mobiles using a given
A as an M x M matrix that has Aij as its elements. The channel and is given by
A4 x M matrix A has a few important properties which are
described by the theorem and lemma that follow. The theorem
is originally due to 0. Perron and G. Frobenius [SI-[12] and
where A* is the largest real eigenvalue of the matrix A.
is stated here without proof.
The power vector P* that achieves y* is the eigenvector
Theorem 1: Let A be an M x M irreducible nonnegative
corresponding to A*.
matrix with eigenvalues {X,}E1.
Proof: Let us define the quantities
A has a positive real eigenvalue A * with A* =
max {IXiI),"=l.
A* above has an associated eigenvector P*with strictly
positive entries. We have
X* has algebraic multiplicity equal to 1.
All eigenvalues X of A other than A* satisfy 1x1 < IX*( if
and only if there is a positive integer k with all entries Using (4) we can rewrite the above as
of Ak strictly positive. M
The minimum real X such that the inequality

AP 2 AP (6)
The above can be expressed in matrix notation as
has solutions for P 2 o is X = A*.
The maximum real X such that the inequality

XP 5 AP (7) where
has solutions for P 2 o is X = X*. A=--. (15)
The notation A 2 B is used to imply that each element in 'Ymin

matrix A is greater than or equal to the corresponding element From Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 it follows that the minimum
in matrix B. real X such that the above set of inequalities will hold true is
We now present the lemma for the matrix A. A*, which is the largest eigenvalue of A that is positive and
Lemma 1: A is an irreducible nonnegative matrix. has P* as the corresponding eigenvector.

G= ( 1.0 x lop4
1.52416 x
7.67336 x 10-l'
4.82253 x
6.25 x
2.44141 x
lo-' 3.57346 x 10-l'
3.50128 x lo-'
1.23457 x

Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN ENGINEERING. Downloaded on July 21, 2009 at 07:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

We also have [8] B. Noble and J . Daniel, Applied Linear Algebra, 3rd ed. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1988, pp. 375-376.
[9] J . J . Hunter, Mathematical Techniques of Applied ProbabiliQ, vol. 1,
“Discrete Time Models: Basic Theory.” New York: Academic, 1983.
Following the same procedure as above, we have [lo] F. R. Gantmacher, The Theory of Matrices, vol. 2. New York: Chelsea,
XP 5 AP [11] R. Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill,
where 1960.
[12] Henryk Minc, Nonnegative Matrices. New York: Wiley, 1988.

Again from Theorem 1 and Lemma 1, the maximum real Sudheer A. Grandhi was born in Madras, India,
X such that the above set of inequalities hold true is X*. on September 25, 1965. He received the B.Tech.
So we have a y* that is achievable by all mobiles and and M.S. degrees from the Indian Institute of Tech-
nology, Madras, in 1986 and 1990, respectively.
y* = y- = y+. 0 He is currently working on the Ph.D. degree at
It also follows from Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 that A* > 0 the Department of Elec. and Camp. Eng., Rutgers
and, therefore, y* > 0. From the above proof for Proposition University, New Jersey.
From 1986 to 1987, he was a Programmer at Tata
1 we see that y* is achieved for the system with Consultancy Services, India. He was a Research
Scholar from 1987 to 1989 at the Indian Institute
X*P* = AP* (W of Technology, Madras, working on indoor wireless
communications. Since 1990 he has been a Research Assistant at the Wireless
which implies that all the mobiles in this case will have the Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB), Rutgers University, working on
same CIR, y*. resource allocation for multiuser radio networks.
The following example will illustrate the proposed CPC
scheme. Consider three mobiles using the same channel with
link gains given by the G matrix given at the bottom of the
Rajiv Vijayan, for a photograph and biography, please see page 356 of the
previous page. August 1993 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Using equal transmitter powers, we obtain the CIR’s of the
three mobiles using (1) as 42.85 dB, 25.23 dB, and 16.90
dB, respectively. We next use transmitter powers according to
the proposed CPC scheme (namely the elements of the eigen- David J. Goodman (M’67-SM’ECFW) received
vector P* of the corresponding A matrix) as 1 . 7 9 1 8 9 ~ 1 0 - ~ , the bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, the Master’s degree from New York
8.67402 x lop2 and 5.11641 x respectively. The cor- University, and the Ph.D. degree from Imperial
responding CIR’s of the three mobiles are all equal to 24.74 College, University of London. all in electrical
dB. We see an improvement of 7.84 dB in the minimum CIR. engineering.
He is Director of the Wireless Information
Network Laboratory (WINLAB), a National Sci-
IV. CONCLUSIONS ence Foundation Industry University Cooperative
Research Center at Rutgers, The State University
A centralized power control scheme which computes trans- of New Jersey. He is also a Professor of Electrical
mitter powers so as to have a common CIR for all the receivers and Computer Engineering at Rutgers. Prior to joining the University in 1988,
has been presented. It is analyzed and shown to maximize the he enjoyed a 20-year research career at ATBT Bell Laboratories, where he was
a Department Head in the Communication Systems Research Laboratory. His
minimum of the CIR’s and also to minimize the maximum of research has produced fundamental contributions to digital signal processing,
the CIR’s for all the mobiles using the same channel. speech coding, and wireless information networks.
Dr. Goodman is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (London).
W. Tschirks, “Effects of transmission power control on the cochannel
interference in cellular radio networks,” Electrotechnik und Informa-
tionstechnik, vol. 106, nr 5 1989. Jens Zander (S’82-M’85) was born in Lutjenburg,
T. Fujii and M. Sakamoto, “Reduction of cochannel interference in cellu- Germany, in 1955. He received the M.S degree in
lar systems by intra-zone channel reassignment and adaptive transmitter electrical engineering and the Ph.D degree from
power control,” in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Con$, VTC-88, 1988, pp. Linkoping University, Sweden, in 1979 and 1985,
668-672. respectively.
T. Nagatsu, T. Tsuruhara, and M. Sakamoto, “Transmitter power control From 1985 to 1989 he was a partner of SECTRA,
for cellular land mobile radio,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 1983, pp. a research and’development consultant firm, where
1430-1434. he managed several projects involving military and
R. W. Nettleton and H. Alavi, “Power control for spread-spectrum aerospace communication systems. In 1989 he be-
cellular mobile radio system,” in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. ConJ, VTC- came Professor of Radio Communication Systems
83, 1983, pp. 242-246. at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
J. Zander, “Optimum transmitter power control in cellular radio sys- Sweden. Since 1992 he has served as Senior Scientific Advisor to the Swedish
tems,” Internal Report TRITA-TIT-9101, Jan. 8, 1991. National Defense Research Establishment and on the board of TERACOM,
J. Zander, “Distributed cochannel interference control in cellular radio the main Swedish broadcasting operator. He also serves as consultant to
systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 41, Aug. 1992. government agencies and industry on spectrum allocation issues. His current
S. A. Grandhi, R. Vijayan, and D. J. Goodman, “A distributed algorithm research interests include high-capacity personal communication systems,
for power control in cellular radio systems,” presented at the 30thAnnual advanced HF-communication systems, and systems for digital broadcasting.
Allerton Conj Commun.,Control, Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Sept. Dr. Zander is an Associate Member of Sections C and GH of the Swedish
3“ 2. 1992. URSI Committee.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN ENGINEERING. Downloaded on July 21, 2009 at 07:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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