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The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07)



Seok-Joong Heo, Hyung-Suk Noh Jong-Seon No Dong-Joon Shin
Department of EECS, INMC Department of EECS, INMC Division of ECE
Seoul National University Seoul National University Hanyang University
Seoul, Korea Seoul, Korea Seoul, Korea
Email: {hsjbest, imeanu} Email: Email:

A BSTRACT cording to whether they are multiplicative or additive, where

PAPR reduction is carried out in the OFDM modulator. Se-
In this paper, we propose a new peak-to-average power ra-
lected mapping (SLM) and partial transmit sequence (PTS) be-
tio (PAPR) reduction scheme of orthogonal frequency division
long to the multiplicative class because the phase sequences are
multiplexing (OFDM) system, called a modified selected map-
multiplied to the input symbol sequences or OFDM signal se-
ping (SLM) scheme, which considerably reduces the computa-
quences [1, 3, 5]. On the other hand, tone reservation (TR) and
tional complexity with keeping the similar PAPR reduction per-
clipping are additive schemes due to the addition of reference
formance compared with the conventional SLM scheme. The
signals [4, 6, 7]. Second, the PAPR schemes can be classified
proposed scheme is analytically and numerically evaluated for
according to whether they are deterministic or probabilistic.
the OFDM system specified in the IEEE 802.16 standard. For
Deterministic schemes, such as clipping [8], limit the PAPR of
the OFDM system with 2048 subcarriers, the proposed scheme
the OFDM signals below a given threshold level. Probabilistic
with 4 binary phase sequences can reduce the complex multi-
schemes, however, statistically improve the characteristics of
plications by 63.5% with the similar PAPR reduction compared
the PAPR distribution of the OFDM signals without signal dis-
with the SLM scheme with 16 binary phase sequences.
tortion [9]. SLM and PTS belong to the probabilistic class be-
cause several candidate signals are generated and the one with
the minimum PAPR is selected for transmission.
Recently, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) It is well known that SLM is more advantageous than PTS
has been regarded and used as one of the core technologies if the amount of side information is limited, but the computa-
for the communication systems. Especially, OFDM has been tional complexity of SLM is larger than that of PTS. In order to
adopted for various wireless communication systems such as improve the PAPR reduction performance of SLM scheme, we
wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless metropolitan have to increase the number of phase sequences. The com-
area networks (WMANs), digital audio broadcasting (DAB), putational complexity of SLM scheme linearly increases as
and digital video broadcasting (DVB). OFDM is an attractive the number of phase sequences increases, which corresponds
technique for achieving high data rate in the wireless commu- to the number of IFFTs required to generate the alternative
nication systems and it is robust to the frequency selective fad- OFDM signals. Even if the SLM scheme is simple and dis-
ing channel. However, an OFDM signal can have very high tortionless, sometimes its computational complexity is burden-
peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) at the transmitter, which some. In this paper, we propose a modified SLM scheme which
causes the signal distortion such as the in-band distortion and has lower computational complexity with keeping the similar
the out-of-band radiation due to the nonlinearity of high power PAPR reduction performance compared with the conventional
amplifier (HPA), and induces the degradation of bit error rate SLM scheme.
(BER). Thus, the PAPR reduction is one of the most important This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the conven-
research interests for the OFDM systems. tional SLM scheme is explained. In Section III, a new PAPR
Several schemes have been proposed for reducing the PAPR reduction scheme is proposed and its computational complex-
of OFDM signals, which can be classified in terms of two cri- ity is compared with that of the conventional SLM scheme. In
teria [1, 8]. First, the PAPR schemes can be classified ac- Section IV, simulation results are given to compare the PAPR
∗ This work was supported by the Seoul scholarship program, by the ITRC
reduction performances of the proposed scheme and the con-
program of the MIC, Korea, and by the MOE, the MOCIE, and the MOLAB, ventional SLM scheme. Finally, the concluding remarks are
Korea, through the fostering project of the Lab of Excellency.

The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07)

given in Section V. IFFT should be performed for each of U input symbol se-
quences {A1 , A2 , · · ·, AU } to generate U alternative OFDM
II. A C ONVENTIONAL SLM S CHEME signal sequences as
Let A = [A0 A1 · · ·AN −1 ] denote an input symbol sequence
au = IFFT(Au ) = IFFT(A ⊗ Pu ), 1 ≤ u ≤ U, (3)
in the frequency domain, where Ak represents the complex
data of the k-th subcarrier and N the number of subcarriers which bear the same input symbol sequence. Then, the OFDM
of OFDM signal. Let T be a period of input symbol and N T signal sequence aũ with the minimum PAPR among U alterna-
a period of OFDM signal. The OFDM signal is generated by tive OFDM signal sequences au , 1 ≤ u ≤ U , is selected and
summing all the N modulated subcarriers each of which is sep- transmitted.
arated by 1/T . Then the complex OFDM signal in the time Clearly, as U increases, the amount of PAPR reduction for
domain is expressed as the OFDM signal sequence becomes larger. But, for large U ,
N −1
the computational complexity becomes too high mainly due to
1  n
the U IFFTs.
at = √ An ej2π N T t , 0 ≤ t < N T (1)
N n=0
where t is a continuous time index [2]. The OFDM signal sam-
pled at the Nyquist rate can be written as In this section, a modified SLM scheme is proposed and shown
to have lower computational complexity than the conventional
N −1
1  n
ak = √ An ej2π N k , k = 0, 1, · · ·, N − 1, SLM scheme when both schemes have the similar PAPR re-
N n=0 duction performance.
which can also be expressed in the vector form, called an
A. A Modified SLM Scheme
OFDM signal sequence, as a = [a0 a1 · · ·aN −1 ]. In fact, a
In order to achieve large PAPR reduction in the conventional
corresponds to the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) of A.
SLM scheme, we have to generate a sufficiently large number
The PAPR of OFDM signal sequence a is defined as the ra-
of alternative OFDM signal sequences, that causes high com-
tio between the maximum instantaneous power and its average
putational complexity because IFFT should be performed to
power, which can be written as
generate each alternative OFDM signal sequence. Therefore,
max |ak |2 it is desirable if we can reduce the number of IFFTs without
. 0≤k≤N −1
PAPR(a) = compromising the PAPR reduction performance.
E [|ak |2 ]
Let ai and ak be the alternative OFDM signal sequences,
where E[·] denotes the expectation operator.
which are generated by the conventional SLM scheme as in
The conventional SLM scheme is one of the well known
(3). Using the linear property of Fourier transform, the linear
PAPR reduction schemes for the OFDM system, which does
combination of these two sequences can be given as
not cause the in-band distortion and the out-of-band radiation
[1]. In this scheme, U alternative input symbol sequences ai,k = ci ai + ck ak
Au , 1 ≤ u ≤ U, are generated by the component-wise vec- = ci IFFT(A ⊗ Pi ) + ck IFFT(A ⊗ Pk )
tor multiplication of the input symbol sequence A and U phase
= IFFT(A ⊗ (ci Pi + ck Pk )) (4)
sequences Pu = [Pu,0 Pu,1 · · ·Pu,N −1 ], 1 ≤ u ≤ U , that is,
where ci and ck are some complex numbers. If each ele-
Au = [Au,0 , Au,1 , · · ·, Au,N −1 ] ment of the sequence ci Pi + ck Pk in (4) has unit magnitude,
= A ⊗ Pu ci Pi + ck Pk can also be a phase sequence for the SLM scheme
= [A0 Pu,0 , A1 Pu,1 , · · ·, AN −1 Pu,N −1 )], 1 ≤ u ≤ U and ai,k can be considered as the corresponding OFDM signal
(2) sequence. Therefore, if we have OFDM signal sequences ai
and ak , another alternative OFDM signal sequence ai,k can
where ⊗ denotes the component-wise multiplication of two be obtained without doing IFFT. Note that the phase sequence
vectors. The phase sequence Pu is generated by using the ci Pi +ck Pk is not statistically independent to Pi and Pk . Now,
unit-magnitude complex number, that is, Pu,n = ejφu,n , where we will investigate how to make each element of ci Pi + ck Pk
φu,n ∈ [0, 2π). In general, binary or quaternary elements are to have unit magnitude under the condition that each element

used for Pu,n , that is, {±1} or {±1, ±j}, where j = −1. of the phase sequences Pi and Pk has unit magnitude. Clearly,
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07)

N-point a1data
N-point a data aindex
Input A IFFT ¦
data 1st pair sequence
aUindex au
with the
2nd pair minimum
 2 l 1 PAPR
l-th pair aU  2l 1 among
# §U ·
¨ ¸
… +
a1 ~ aU 2
# # pairs 1/ 2
+ aU  2l
N-point a
U j/ 2
§U ·
¨ ¸ -th


Figure 1: Block diagram of the modified SLM scheme of OFDM systems.

the elements of the sequence ci Pi + ck Pk have the unit mag- sequences is negligible compared with that of IFFT. The com-
nitude if the following conditions are satisfied: putational complexity of the proposed scheme is considered in
the next subsection.
i) Each element of Pi and Pk takes the value in {+1, −1};
Next, we have to select and transmit the alternative OFDM
ii) ci = ± √12 and ck = ± √12 j. signal sequence aũ with the minimum PAPR among the alter-
native OFDM signal sequences in S, together with the index ũ.
Since two alternative OFDM signal sequences generated
When M -ary symbols are used, logM U 2  symbols should be
from the phase sequences ±(ci Pi + ck Pk ) have the same
allocated to transmit the side information corresponding to ũ,
PAPR, we only consider the case of ci = √12 and ck = ± √12 j.
which is denoted by Aindex
u .
Since |ci |2 = |ck |2 = 12 , the average power of ai,k is equal to
A portion of subcarriers of the OFDM signal is assigned
one half of the sum of average powers of ai and ak . From U
  for transmission of the index sequence Aindex , that is, some
binary phase sequences, we can obtain 2 · U2 additional phase u
  part of the input symbol sequence A should be assigned for
sequences with U2 = U (U − 1)/2 and, thus, total U 2 phase
u . Thus, the input symbol sequence A and the alternative
sequences such as
OFDM signal sequence au can be split into the data parts Adata
1 1 and adata and the index parts Aindex and aindex , respectively.
{P1 , P2 , · · · , PU , √ (P1 ± jP2 ), √ (P1 ± jP3 ), u u u
2 2 The alternative OFDM signal sequence with the index signal
· · · , √ (PU −1 ± jPU )}. aindex
u = IFFT(Aindexu ) can be written as, for 1 ≤ u ≤ U ,
A modified SLM scheme can be explained as follows. By au = IFFT(Adata ⊗ Pu ) + IFFT(Aindex
u )
combining each pair among U alternative OFDM signal se- = adata
u + aindex
u (6)
quences au obtained by using U binary phase sequences as
and for U + 1 ≤ u ≤ U 2 ,
the above, a set S of U 2 alternative OFDM signal sequences
1 b
is generated as au = √ IFFT(Adata ⊗ Pi ) + j √ IFFT(Adata ⊗ Pk )
2 2
S = {au | 1 ≤ u ≤ U 2 } +IFFT(Aindex
u )
1 1
= {au | 1 ≤ u ≤ U } ∪ √ (ai + jak ), = √ adata
i + jbadata
k + aindex
u (7)
2 2

√ (ai − jak ) | 1 ≤ i < k ≤ U (5) where b ∈ {+1, −1} and 1 ≤ i < k ≤ U .
2 We may compare the proposed scheme with U binary phase
where only U IFFTs and additional summations of U 2 − U sequences with the conventional SLM scheme with U 2 binary
pairs of OFDM signal sequences are needed. However, the phase sequences. These two schemes show the similar PAPR
computational complexity for the summations of OFDM signal reduction performance for small U . However, as U increases,
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07)

the PAPR reduction performance of the proposed scheme be-
Original OFDM
comes worse than that of the conventional SLM scheme with Conventional SLM U=4
Conventional SLM U=8

U 2 binary phase sequences, because U 2 phase sequences of the

Conventional SLM U=9
-1 Conventional SLM U=16
10 Conventional SLM U=25
Modified SLM OFDM (U=3)
proposed scheme are statistically correlated. Modified SLM OFDM (U=4)

Modified SLM OFDM (U=5)
For example, when U = 3, let the set of three binary phase -2
sequences be given as {P1 , P2 , P3 }. In the proposed scheme,
the set of nine phase sequences is {P1 , P2 , P3 , √12 (P1 ±
jP2 ), √12 (P1 ± jP3 ), √12 (P2 ± jP3 )}. The PAPR reduction 10

performance of the proposed scheme with U = 3 is similar to

that of the conventional SLM scheme with U = 9 as shown in -4
Fig. 2. 6 8 10 12

B. Computational Complexity (a)

In the proposed scheme, the reduction of the computational Original OFDM

complexity comes from the generation of the additional U 2 −U

Conventional SLM U=4
Conventional SLM U=8
Conventional SLM U=9

alternative OFDM signal sequences from U IFFTed alternative

-1 Conventional SLM U=16
Conventional SLM U=25
Modified SLM OFDM (U=3)
OFDM signal sequences without performing IFFT, whereas the
Modified SLM OFDM (U=4)
Modified SLM OFDM (U=5)

PAPR reduction performance of the proposed scheme with U 10


binary phase sequences is similar to that of the conventional

SLM scheme with U 2 binary phase sequences. The com-
plex multiplications and additions are required in IFFT and the
complex additions are required for combining the alternative
OFDM signal sequences. In this paper, we consider the com- 10

putational complexity of the PAPR reduction schemes in terms 8 10 12

of complex multiplication and complex addition.
When the number of subcarriers is N = 2n and U the total
Figure 2: PAPR reduction performance of the conventional
number of IFFTs, the numbers of complex multiplications and
SLM scheme with U = 4, 8, 9, 16, 25 and the proposed
complex additions required for U IFFTs in the conventional
scheme with U = 3, 4, 5 for 16-QAM; (a) N = 256, (b)
SLM scheme are (N/2)nU and N nU , respectively. We also
N = 2048.
need additional N U 2 complex multiplications for peak power
search for U 2 alternative OFDM signal sequences. Thus, the
tions. When N = 2048, the proposed scheme with U = 4 can
total number of complex multiplications is (N/2)nU + N U 2 .
reduce the complex multiplications by 63.5% with keeping the
In the proposed scheme, additional N (U 2 − U ) complex addi-
similar PAPR reduction performance compared with the con-
tions are needed to generate the additional U 2 − U alternative
ventional SLM scheme with U = 16.
OFDM signal sequences as in (5). In order to generate U al-
ternative input symbol sequences Au , we need N (U − 1) most
significant bit (MSB) inversions, which can be negligible.
The computational complexity reduction ratio (CCRR) [3] The numerical analysis for the proposed and the conven-
of the proposed scheme over the conventional SLM scheme is tional SLM schemes is performed for the OFDM system and
defined as OFDMA downlink system specified in the IEEE 802.16 stan-
  dard, which use 256 and 2048 subcarriers, respectively, and
complexity of the proposed scheme
CCRR= 1 − ×100 (%). QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM modulations. The OFDM sys-
complexity of the conventional SLM
(8) tem use the 200 subcarriers for data transmission and the re-
The CCRR of the proposed scheme over the conventional SLM maining 56 subcarriers are set to zero to shape the power spec-
scheme with typical values of U and N is given in Table 1, tral density of the transmit signal. The OFDMA system uses
which tells us that the proposed scheme becomes computation- 1702 subcarriers for the data transmission and 346 subcarri-
ally more efficient as the N or U increases. Note that the com- ers as guard carriers. In our numerical analysis, we ignore the
plex multiplication is more complicated than the other opera- guard subcarriers and the number of subcarriers for the input
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07)

WHEN N = 256, 512, 1024, AND 2048

Conventional Modified Conventional Modified

SLM, U = 9 SLM, U = 3 SLM, U = 16 SLM, U = 4
# IFFTs 9 3 16 4
N = 256
# Complex multiplications 11,520 5,376 53.3% 20,480 8,192 60.0%
# Complex additions 18,432 6,400 65.3% 32,768 11,264 65.6%
N = 512
# Complex multiplications 25,344 11,520 54.5% 45,056 17,408 61.4%
# Complex additions 41,472 16,896 59.3% 73,728 24,576 66.7%
N = 1024
# Complex multiplications 55,296 24,576 55.6% 98,304 36,864 62.5%
# Complex additions 92,160 36,864 60.0% 163,840 53,248 67.5%
N = 2048
# Complex multiplications 119,808 52,224 56.4% 212,992 77,824 63.5%
# Complex additions 202,752 77,872 61.6% 360,448 81,920 77.3%

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reduction of OFDM system, which considerably reduces the
computational complexity while it maintains the similar PAPR
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