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Uptake of oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and ketoconazole from fertilised

soils by plants

Article  in  Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment · September 2012
DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2012.725479 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Chitescu carmen lidia Anca Nicolau

Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati


A.A.M. Stolker
Wageningen University & Research


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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

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Uptake of oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and

ketoconazole from fertilised soils by plants
a a b
Carmen Lidia Chitescu , Anca Ioana Nicolau & Alida Adriana Maria Stolker
Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, University Dunarea de Jos Galaţi, Galaţi,
RIKILT – Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Accepted author version posted online: 29 Aug 2012.Version of record first published: 21
Sep 2012.

To cite this article: Carmen Lidia Chitescu, Anca Ioana Nicolau & Alida Adriana Maria Stolker (2012): Uptake of
oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and ketoconazole from fertilised soils by plants, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A,

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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A
2012, 1–9, iFirst

Uptake of oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and ketoconazole from fertilised soils by plants

Carmen Lidia Chitescua*, Anca Ioana Nicolaua and Alida Adriana Maria Stolkerb
Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, University Dunarea de Jos Galat¸i, Galat¸i, Romania; bRIKILT – Wageningen
University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
(Received 29 June 2012; final version received 26 August 2012)

This study was performed to investigate the potential for a set of two antibiotics and one antifungal compound
to be taken up from the soil by plants. Plants are used for animal or human consumption, and so the measured
concentrations in the plant material will be used to model potential human exposure to these compounds.
The uptake by two types of plants (grass and watercress) from two types of soil was studied. The compounds
used for these experiments were sulfamethoxazole, oxytetracycline and ketoconazole at concentrations of 5 and
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

10 mg kg1 in the soil. The compounds of interest were extracted out of the plant matrix by applying accelerated
solvent extraction. Analyses were carried out by a LC–MS/MS. From the results, it was concluded that the plant
materials used for this study were able to take up sulfamethoxazole and ketoconazole when the soil was
contaminated with these compounds at a concentration ranging from 5 to 10 mg kg1. Sulfamethoxazole was
detected in all samples, at levels ranging from 7 to 21 mg kg1 for grass and 4 to 7.5 mg kg1 for watercress.
For ketoconazole, the results showed low absorption. Oxytetracycline was not detected in any sample.
A partition-limited model approach was applied for the comparison of experimental and estimated data, and the
relationship between physicochemical properties of the compounds and plant uptake was highlighted.
Keywords: plant uptake; antibiotics; antifungal; partition model; passive transport

Introduction detected in soils, surface waters and groundwater

Veterinary medicines are widely used in livestock (Hirsch et al. 1999; Thiele-Bruhn 2003; Fatta-
treatment and are released in the fields either directly Kassinos et al. 2011). Humans may be exposed to
in faeces or urine or indirectly through the application residues of veterinary medicines in the environment
of manure as a fertiliser (Kumar, Singh, et al. 2005). (i.e., soil, water, sediment). One possible exposure
Veterinary and human medicines are increasingly being route is the consumption of crops that have accumu-
monitored in slurry, soils, surface waters and ground lated substances from soils as a result of exposure
water. In Austria, concentrations up to 46 mg kg1 to contaminated manure and slurry. A second route of
chlortetracycline, 29 mg kg1 oxytetracycline and exposure of human to residues of veterinary medicines
23 mg kg1 tetracycline in pig manure were reported is the consumption of meat, eggs, milk, water and so
(Martinez-Carballo et al. 2007). The concentration of on contaminated with veterinary medicines through
sulphonamides in manure ranged between 10 and the food chain (Boxall et al. 2006).
91 mg kg1 (Pfeifer et al. 2002; Jacobsen and Halling- Although according to Council Directive 96/23/EC
Sørensen 2006; Martinez-Carballo et al. 2007). (European Commission 1996), veterinary medicines
In sludge, sulphonamides were also detected at are routinely monitored in food materials from treated
concentrations up to 197 mg kg1 for sulfapyridine and animals to ensure that concentrations are below the
73 mg kg1 for sulfamethoxazole in Swiss wastewater maximum residue limits, the sum of the exposure via
treatment plants (Gobel et al. 2005). Sukul and different routes and the health impact of such exposure
Spiteller (2006) proposed that with manure slurry have not been extensively quantified.
being applied in the field as fertiliser at a maximum At present, statements about the behaviour of
dose rate of 50 m3 ha1, sulphonamide residues in soil veterinary medicines/pharmaceuticals in soil are highly
could reach 1 kg ha1, which is of the same order of speculative. Evaluation of data on biodegradation
magnitude as the application rate of modern pesticides. is very difficult as kinetics are mostly unknown
A large range of veterinary medicines such as (Winker 2009). Therefore, future investigations are
macrolides, sulphonamides, quinolones, penicillin, necessary. The uptake of veterinary and human med-
tetracyclines and antifungals have already been icines by plants, and their effects, is of major interest

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1944–0049 print/ISSN 1944–0057 online

ß 2012 Taylor & Francis
2 C.L. Chitescu et al.

for agriculture areas, with regard to fertilisation and used by veterinary practitioners and prescribed by drug
the problem of antimicrobial resistance. Several studies producers for poultry (Rochette et al. 2003).
have recently demonstrated that plants can take up While the plant uptake of tetracyclines or sulpho-
pharmaceutical compounds from the growth media namides has been investigated in several studies
via their roots (Kumar, Gupta, et al. 2005; Boxall et al. (Boxall et al. 2006; Dolliver et al. 2007), ketoconazole
2006; Dolliver et al. 2007; Herklotz et al. 2010). has never been evaluated from this point of view,
The objective of this research was to evaluate although the tendency of azole to persist in soil is well
the plant uptake of three medicines (human and known (Huang et al. 2010). While many studies were
veterinary): oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and mainly focused on different plant species designed for
ketoconazole. The substances were selected (Table 1) human consumption such as potatoes (Dolliver et al.
to cover different pharmaceutical classes (sulphona- 2007), cucumbers (Shenker et al. 2011), lettuce
mides, tetracyclines and antifungals) and different (Dolliver et al. 2007), carrots (Boxall et al. 2006) or
environmental properties (hydrophobicity, soil absorp- cereals (Dolliver et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2010), this
tion potential and soil persistence). Oxytetracycline experiment also considers grass, a plant for animal
and sulfamethoxazole are widely used in veterinary consumption, regarding a future evaluation on the
and human practices, and both have a high potential indirect contamination of animal food.
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

to be released into the environment. Tetracylines are

the most frequently used antibiotic within the porcine
and chicken farms; sulphonamides are used for cattle
Materials and methods
and swine (Kumar, Singh, et al. 2005). Ketoconazole is
a synthetic antifungal drug used to prevent and treat Concentrations of pharmaceuticals
skin and fungal infections. Ketoconazole is licensed as Considering the available data (Martinez-Carballo
a human medicine but – like many of those antifungals et al. 2007) on tetracycline and sulphonamides’
available for the treatment of mycoses in humans – is contamination levels in sludge or soil, a 5 mg kg1

Table 1. Selected physicochemical properties of target compounds.

Compound (g/mol) pK1a log K2ow K3ch K4oc (l/kg) Structure Reference
1(a, b, c)
Oxytetracycline 460.434 pKa(1) ¼ 3.3 0.95 0.1 27792–93317
pKa(2) ¼ 7.3
pKa(3) ¼ 9.1
4(e, c)

1(f, c)
Sulfamethoxazole 253.279 pKa(1) ¼ 1.85 0.89 0.2 30–500
2(g, c, h)
pKa(2) ¼ 5.6

Ketoconazole 531.431 pKa(1) ¼ 6.51 4.34/3.84 3 4897–12,882
pKa(2) ¼ 2.94
4(j, k, l)

Notes: aChen and Huang (2009); bTrapp (2000); cTOXNET (2005); dLi et al. (2005); eJones et al. (2005); fQiang and Adams
(2004); gTeira-Esmatges et al. (2010); hHansch et al. (1995); iSangster (1997); jDoucette (2000); kDoucette (2003); lGerstl (1990).
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 3

concentration was selected as the worst-case scenario organic matter (SOM) was considered for both sandy
for the range of veterinary medicines measured in soils. soils. After collection, the soil was air dried and
As a comparison, the concentration of 10 mg kg1 was passed through a 3-mm sieve and mixed to ensure
also used. homogeneity.
There is no available data on ketoconazole con-
tamination of sludge or soil. According to the VetPec
model approach (Equations (1) and (2)) (Montforts Tested plants
2006), the following estimated concentrations were A commercially available mixture of grass species seeds
obtained: (75% English Ray Grass, Lolium perenne, 25% Field
Meadow Grass, Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis) and
Qexcreted ¼ Qc Ttrat Fexcr Manim Ncyclus ð1Þ
watercress (Nasturtium officinale) seeds were selected
Qexcr kdeg manure Tstorage for the study. The plants were planted from the seeds.
Cmanure ¼ e ð2Þ
where Qexcreted is the quantity of active substance Tested chemicals and soil spiking
excreted in faeces and urine, Qc is the dosage of the The sources of the test pharmaceuticals were as
active substance used, Ttrat is the duration of treat-
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

follows: Sigma-Aldrich Chemie B.V. (Zwijndrecht,

ment, Fexcr is the fraction of active substance excreted The Netherlands) for oxytetracycline and sulfameth-
in faeces and urine, Manim is the animal-averaged body oxazole and EDQM (Strasbourg, France) for ketoco-
weight, Ncyclus is the number of cycles per storage nazole. Individual stock solutions of 10 mg ml1 of the
period, Pmanure is the total quantity of manure per test substance were prepared in distilled water for each
storage period, kdeg manure is the degradation rate compound. Proper quantities of each stock solution
constant for manure, and Tstorage is the storage time were mixed, diluted to 50 ml in pure water and added
of manure. For oral dosage, a 38% rate removal as to 2 kg of air-dried soil to give a nominal substance
parent drug was considered (McEvoy 2006). The concentration of 5 and 10 mg kg1 of dried weight.
manure production by an animal in stable was 10 kg Additional distilled water was added to the soil to give
place1 year1 (Teira-Esmatges et al. 2010). The a moisture content of 20% w/w.
degradation rate constant for manure used in this
prediction was calculated by using Equation (3)
(Boxall et al. 2006). Uptake studies
lnð2Þ For this study, plastic containers filled with soil were
kdeg manure ð3Þ used. To each 2.5-L plastic container (Ø ¼ 18.5 cm),
2 kg of soil was added. The experiment was designed in
where DT50 is the half-life of the active drug in manure duplicate. For each soil sample-plant combination,
(in days). Thirty days was considered the DT50 for three pots were prepared (two spiked and one control
ketoconazole (no available data). soil), which resulted in a total number of 24 pots.
For a treatment dosage of 30 mg day1 (Rochette Separate pots for watercress and grass were used.
et al. 2003), for 7 days for chicken, for two storage To prevent salt damage to germinating seeds, a thin
periods (winter and summer) of manure, a maxi- layer of fresh soils was added to the surface of each
mum concentration of 11.7 mg kg1 in manure and pot. Finally, 50 ml of demineralised water was added to
5 mg kg1 in soil can be achieved. The spiking concen- enhance the germination of seeds. Approximately 1.5 g
trations of pharmaceuticals used in this experiment are of grass seeds and 1 g of watercress seeds were sown on
consistent with these estimated values. the soil surface, according to the recommended quan-
tities. A polyvinylchloride tube with a diameter of 2 cm
and a length of 20 cm was vertically introduced into the
Tested soil centre of each pot. The first 6 cm of the tube below
Two sandy soils were used in the study. The soil, the soil surface had small holes for watering the soil.
characteristic sandy arable land in the agricultural area The pots were irrigated to maintain a water content
of the Netherlands, was highly homogeneous, with of about 50% to 60% of the pot’s water-holding
a relatively high organic carbon content because of capacity.
organic fertilisation and crop residues. The soil was In general, germination occurred very fast, and
collected in the summer of 2011 from two farms visible shoots appeared after 2 days in the case of
located close to Harskamp and Wageningen, The watercress and after a week for grass.
Netherlands. The pH of the soils was 4.5 and 5.5, The experiment was conducted in a laboratory of
respectively. According to RIVM report 2008 on RIKILT, Wageningen University and Research, from
‘‘Soil ecosystem profiling in The Netherlands’’ June to August. Temperature was kept constant at
(Rutgers et al. 2008), an average value of 5.2% soil 20 C, and humidity was maintained at 70%. Pots were
4 C.L. Chitescu et al.

watered every 2 days with demineralised water and coupled to an ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatogra-
rotated to equalise exposure to light. phy chromatograph (Accela, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
After 8 weeks for grass and 6 weeks for watercress, system. The resolution was set at 50,000 full width
the plants were harvested from approximately 1.5 cm at half maximum. Full-scan acquisition of m/z ranged
above the soil’s surface. After chopping and homo- from 100 to 1000; the scan rate used was 2 scans/s;
genising, the fresh plant material from each pot was heated electrospray ion source was operated in the
stored in the freezer at 20 C in plastic tubes until the positive mode.
analyses were performed. For separation, an Acquity ultrahigh-pressure
liquid chromatography column C18 (100  2.1 mm,
Compounds analysis 1.8 mm) (Waters, Etten-Leur, The Netherlands) was
Sample preparation used. A flow rate of 0.4 ml min1 was set for the
separation of the selected compounds. The mobile
Extraction was performed on an accelerated solvent
phase consisted of eluent A (100% water containing
extractor, ASE 350 system equipped with a solvent
2 mM ammonium formate and 160 ml formic acid) and
selector (Dionex, ASE 350, USA). The optimised
eluent B (100% methanol containing 2 mM ammonium
operating conditions were as follows: extraction tem-
formate and 160 ml formic acid) (pH 3.5). The column
perature, 50 C; extraction pressure, 1500 psi; two
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

temperature was set at 40 C. The step gradient was as

cycles of 5 min each, static extraction; 50% flush
follows: 0 to 1 min, 100% A; 1 to 2.5 min, linear
volume; and a 60-s purge with nitrogen. The extraction
increase to 40% B; 2.5 to 10 min, linear increase to
solvent used was methanol/citric acid (0.2 M, 50:50, pH
100% B and hold 3 min; 13 to 13.2 min, decreasing
adjustment at 4.5 with sodium hydroxide). After the
to 0% B; and 13.2 to 15 min, 100% A.
extraction, 100 ml Na2EDTA (1 M) was added to each
Detection was based on the calculated exact mass
sample extract and Milli-Q water was added until a
and on the retention time of target compounds. Data
final volume of 50 ml was reached. The sample was
were evaluated by the Quan Browser Xcalibur 0606
centrifuged for 15 min at 2800 g (Falcom 6/300 MSE
(Thermo Fisher) and Thermo ToxID (Thermo Fisher).
Refrigerated Centrifuge, London, UK). An aliquot of
the final extract, corresponding to 1 g of the sample
(16.6 ml), was diluted with Milli-Q water to a final Confirmatory analysis
concentration of 10% organic solvent (85 ml). The sample extracts were (re)analysed by LC–MS/MS
A solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure was for the confirmation of the proposed identity. Triple
applied in order to clean and concentrate the extract by quadrupole-based precursor scans were performed
using Strata X, 200 mg/6 ml, reverse-phase, SPE car- on a Micromass Quattro Ultima MS/MS (Waters,
tridge. The cartridge was previously preconditioned Milford, MA) equipped with an electrospray interface
with 6 ml methanol followed by 6 ml water. Before coupled to an LC-20AD (Shimadzu, USA). The same
loading the cartridge, the sample pH was adjusted to 3 analytical column and gradient solvents were used for
with acetic acid. After sample application, the cartridge separation. For the confirmation of the identity,
was rinsed with 6 ml water, followed by 6 ml methanol/ the criteria described in EU decision 2002/657/EC
water (30% v/v), and vacuum dried for 1 min. The (European Commission 2002) were applied, including
analytes were eluted with 6 ml methanol. The eluate the detection of two fragment ions with the appropri-
was concentrated by evaporation under flow of high- ate ion ratio. The linearity of the analytical method
purity nitrogen in a water bath at 42 C (Turbo Vap LV was good (R 4 0.99) within 0 to 50 mg kg1. The
Evaporator, Zymark, Hopkinton, MA) and dissolved detection limits for sulfamethoxazole, oxytetracycline
in 25 ml methanol and 225 ml Milli-Q water. and ketoconazole, based on calibration curves, were
The validated procedure is described in a method 4.4, 2.6 and 1.1 mg kg1, respectively.
development study (Chitescu et al. 2012) performed
at RIKILT Institute, Wageningen, The Netherlands,
for the same group of compounds on soil and plant Results
material matrix. Recovery of the three compounds Experimental uptake by plants
investigated by spiking plant material was 53% for The uptake of selected test pharmaceuticals by plants
oxytetracycline, 59% for ketoconazole and 60% for was evaluated by extraction and analysis of fresh
sulfamethoxazole. plant material. Both grass and watercress took up
sulfamethoxazole and ketoconazole (Figure 1).
Full-scan analysis Sulfamethoxazole was detected in all samples, at
One LC–full-scan MS configuration was used: levels ranging from 7 to 21 mg kg1 for grass and
exactive high performance benchtop LC–MS mass from 4 to 7.5 mg kg1 for watercress. No major
spectrometer powered by Orbitrap Technology from differences were observed between the uptake at the
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Breda, The Netherlands) two spiking levels. Watercress had a lower absorption.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 5

U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
4.94 531.14 > 488.93
3.95 5.21 6.59
2.62 3.10 3.22 3.30 3.89 4.38 7.41
4.65 5.34 5.67 5.83 6.28 7.72
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
6.50 531.14 > 82.09

3.12 3.23 4.75 4.96 5.04 5.58 5.71

3.77 4.08 4.43 6.13 6.39 6.83 7.06 7.38 7.57 7.98
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
4.28 461.1 > 337
3.21 4.23 5.28 6.12 6.67e3
3.61 4.41 4.80
3.19 3.67 5.60 6.00 6.20 7.58
5.11 7.08
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

5.81 6.46 6.75 7.56 7.98
7.13 7.70
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
3.23 461.1 > 201
6.97 2.07e4
4.01 4.43
3.19 5.74 5.79 6.63
4.41 7.02

3.52 3.74 4.71 4.82 5.01 6.38

5.48 7.53 7.83 7.95
2.98 6.75
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
3.58 254 > 108

3.20 3.45 4.00 4.23 4.52 4.78 4.86 5.26 6.26 6.55 7.79 7.92
5.71 6.15 7.19 7.26
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
U1_110826_028 MRM of six Channels ES+
3.58 254 > 92.2

3.29 3.88 4.17 4.58 4.82 5.03 5.78 5.87 6.17 6.78 7.04 7.47 7.82
0 Time
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50

Figure 1. Chromatogram of a grass sample grown in contaminated soil (5 mg kg1). From the top to the bottom: ketoconazole:
m/z 531.14 ! 82.09, RT ¼ 6.5, m/z 531.14 ! 488.93, RT ¼ 6.5; oxytetracycline: m/z 461.1 ! 337, RT ¼ 3.6, m/z 461.1 ! 201,
RT ¼ 3.6; sulfamethoxazole: m/z 254.10 ! 92.20, RT ¼ 3.5, m/z 254.10 ! 108, RT ¼ 3.5. For LC–MS–MS conditions, see
Compounds analysis. RT, reaction temperature.

For ketoconazole, the results were less homogeneous. fungicides, antibiotics and pharmaceuticals, via soil/
For two samples of grass and five samples of water- pore water plants (Chiou et al. 2001; Montforts
cress, the compound was not detected. The rest of the 2006). The uptake process is considered as a series of
samples showed low absorption. Oxytetracycline was partitions of small molecules (contaminant) between
not detected in any sample. Antibiotics were not plant water, carbohydrates and lipids fraction.
detected in any of the unexposed (blank) samples. The model is expressed as follows:
Detailed uptake data for plants exposed to 5 and
10 mg kg1 antibiotics are presented in Table 2. Csoil
Cw ¼ ð4Þ
Foc soil Koc
Comparison of experimental results with predicted where Cw is the contaminant’s concentration in exter-
values of uptake concentration nal water, Csoil is the contaminant’s concentration in
The partition-limited model considers the passive the soil, Foc soil is the fraction of organic matter in the
transport of small molecules, such as pesticides, soil (SOM) and Koc is the contaminant’s partition
6 C.L. Chitescu et al.

Table 2. Experimental values of plant uptake for selected compounds.

Compounds’ concentration (mg kg1a)

Sample Sulfamethoxazole Oxytetracycline Ketoconazole

Grass in soil 1_spiked at 5 mg kg1 21.5 54 51

Grass in soil 1_spiked at 5 mg kg1 10.5 54 1.7
Grass in soil 1_spiked at 10 mg kg1 17.5 54.4 2.9
Grass in soil 1_spiked at 10 mg kg1 12.9 54.4 1.7
Grass in soil 2_spiked at 5 mg kg1 7.1 54.4 51
Grass in soil 2_spiked at 5 mg kg1 6.8 54.4 2.0
Grass in soil 2_spiked at 10 mg kg1 14.5 54.4 1.7
Grass in soil 2_spiked at 10 mg kg1 5.0 54.4 1.9
Watercress in soil 1_spiked at 5 mg kg1 4.9 54.4 2.4
Watercress in soil 1_spiked at 5 mg kg1 4.1 54.4 51
Watercress in soil 1_spiked at 10 mg kg1 7.0 54.4 51
Watercress in soil 1_spiked at 10 mg kg1 4.2 54.4 51
Watercress in soil 2_spiked at 5 mg kg1 7.6 54.4 7.0
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Watercress in soil 2_spiked at 5 mg kg1 – 54.4 51

Watercress in soil 2_spiked at 10 mg kg1 4.5 54.4 51
Watercress in soil 2_spiked at 10 mg kg1 7.5 54.4 7.1

Note: aThe concentrations for contaminants are corrected for the recovery values.

coefficient between SOM and water. Table 3. Comparison of experimental results with estimated
values of plan uptake.
Cpt ¼ pt Cw ½ fpw þ fch Kch þ flip Klip  ð5Þ
Experimental Estimated
where Cpt is the concentration of the contaminant concentration concentration
in the plant on a fresh-weight base; fpw, fch and flip are Compound (mg kg1) (mg kg1) log Kow
the weight fraction of water, lipids and the sum of Oxytetracycline 54.4 0.10–0.15 0.95
carbohydrates, cellulose and proteins in the plant that Sulfamethoxazole 7–21.5 15–50 0.89
are assumed to have approximately the same partition Ketoconazole 1.7–4 50–73 3.84
coefficient (Kch); Klip is the partition coefficient for
the lipids fraction of the plant, which is assumed to be
equal to Kow, octanol-water partition coefficient; pt is transport model is not applicable for a quasi-
the quasi-equilibrium factor, defined as the ratio of the equilibrium factor of 1.
respective concentrations in plant water and external
water, with pt ¼ 1 denoting an equilibrium state. Discussion
Basically, with passive transport, if the concentrations The behaviour of veterinary medicines in the environ-
in whole plant and external water are at equilibrium, ment is related to a range of factors including the
all parts of the plant must be at equilibrium (Chiou H-bonding potential, cation exchange, cation bridging
et al. 2001). Approximate values for Kch are available at clay surfaces and complexation (Tolls 2001).
according to Kow (Hung et al. 2010). Previous studies have shown that plants take up
Weight composition of grass and watercress shoots less than 2% of the pharmaceuticals applied to soil
was supposed to be comparable with that of ryegrass (Kumar, Gupta, et al. 2005; Dolliver et al. 2007). In
shoots: 88.8% water, 0.97% lipids and 10.2% carbo- this study, two test compounds were able to transfer
hydrates (Li et al. 2005). into plant tissues from soils but their uptake behaviour
Estimated plant uptake values obtained for plant was compound specific. The root uptake of non-ionic
contamination in the case of 5 mg kg1 concentration organic chemicals from soil solution is considered to be
of test pharmaceuticals in soil following the partition- a partition-related process and generally increases with
limited model ranged from 15 to 50 mg kg1 for the increase in a compound’s hydrophobicity (Wu et al.
sulfamethoxazole, from 0.09 to 0.15 mg kg1 for oxy- 2010). The uptake of ionisable compounds can be
tetracycline and from 50 to 75 mg kg1 for ketoconazole affected by hydrophobicity as well as pKa and substrate
(using the estimated value of Kow ¼ 3.84). pH conditions (Trapp 2000). With soils’ pH ranging
On comparing the estimated concentration with between 4.5 and 5.5, sulfamethoxazol was predomi-
the experimental concentration (Table 3), for highly nantly in neutral form, oxytetracycline was 50% in
lipophilic compounds, it was found that the passive neutral form and ketoconazole was 70% to 80% in
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 7

ionisation form (MarvinSketch software). For ionisa- organic matter content, with the maximum absorption
ble organic compounds, their neutral form generally observed for log Kow value of 1 to 1.2.
favours root uptake, whereas ionisation can reduce Compounds with increased polarity are taken up
their bioaccumulation in plants (Rabølle and Sqliid less well by shoots, and the uptake of highly lipophilic
2006). compounds (log Kow 4 4.5) is low. Considering the
The result obtained for oxytetracycline, consistent pH of the soil (4.5–5.5), ketoconazole is ionised in
with estimate values, can be explained by its propri- proportion of 70% to 80% and the partition model
eties. Oxytetracycline has three pKa values: 3.3, 7.3 and is based on passive transport. Ketoconazole’s low
9.1; hence, it can exist as a cationic, zwitterionic and absorption can also be explained by a relatively high
anionic species under acidic, moderately acidic to Koc (low availability), and its highly lipophilic charac-
neutral and alkaline conditions (Thiele-Bruhn 2003; ter, determining strong associations with the organic
Kong et al. 2007). The uptake of oxytetracycline is matter in soil (Kipopoulou et al. 1999). Based on
pH dependent, which is the lowest at pH 5.0 and experimental results, the calculated value of the quasi-
the highest at pH 7.0. This trend is related to the equilibrium factor derived from Equation (2) is
dissociation of oxytetracycline under different pH pt  0.1.
conditions and the zwitterion form favouring uptake
Downloaded by [Wageningen UR Library] at 02:10 10 October 2012

(Kong et al. 2007). The ionisation feature of oxytetra-

cycline can also significantly influence its behaviour, Evaluation of risks for the consumer
including hydrolysis in water and sorption onto soil The ingested dose due to the plant contamination is sig-
components (Chen and Huang 2009). Doi and nificantly lower than the acceptable daily intake (ADI)
Stoskopf (2000) found that the half-lives of oxytet- (0.03 mg kg1 day1 for oxytetracycline; 0.2 mg kg1
racycline in water were 46 days at pH 3 and 9 days day1 for sulfamethoxazole) or the minimum oral
at pH 10. daily dose (3.3 mg kg1 for ketoconazole) and, there-
Oxytetracycline can form strong complexes with fore, do not cause an acute risk for humans.
metal cations through its multiple O- and N-functional
groups, thus influencing its sorption to the soil
components (minerals and organic matter) (Jones
et al. 2005; Andreu et al. 2009). Once adsorbed
onto the soils, oxytetracycline is hardly desorbed This study demonstrates the ability of plants to uptake
(suggested by Koc value), with only 0.5% to 2.3% pharmaceutical compounds from fertilised soils.
released from sandy loam and loamy sand soils The effective concentration of the pharmaceuticals
(Rabølle and Sqliid 2006). available for plant uptake is considered to be the con-
Sorption coefficients of sulphonamides are very centration in soil’s interstitial (pore) water, which can
low in soil (Boxall et al. 2002), which indicates that be estimated and calculated. Soil composition influ-
sulphonamides are more bioavailable. At soil pH of 4.5 ences by SOM the concentration of the pharmaceutical
to 5.5, sulfamethoxazole is almost completely in in pore water.
neutral form, which means that absorption and trans- The partition-limited model gave satisfactory
port in the plant is a passive transport following the results for the passive transport of sulfamethoxazole.
partitioned model (quasi-equilibrium factor pt ¼ 1). Taking into account the capacity of oxytetracycline to
Within an order of magnitude, the results obtained are form strong complexes with the soil mineral or with
consistent with the estimated value. hydroxy groups at the surface of the soil particles as
The uptake of ketoconazole, in a range of 2 to well as the soil pH, no absorption of oxytetracycline
5 mg kg1, is not consistent with predicted values, can be explained. In the case of highly lipophilic
suggesting that ketoconazole absorption and translo- compounds such as ketoconazole, there is a reverse
cation in the leaves by water mass flow is low. This correlation between the quasi-equilibrium factor ( pt)
statement is supported by studies of translocation and the Kow value, and, therefore, low absorption
of chemicals into shoots, indicating that uptake is from the soil. The experimental values of the quasi-
related to log Kow by a Gaussian curve distribution equilibrium coefficient, expressing the equilibrium
(Briggs et al. 1982). Maximum translocation was between pharmaceuticals’ concentration in plant
observed at a log Kow of 1.8. water and external water, are 1 for oxytetracycline
Hsu’s studies (Hsu and Kleier 1990) on xenobiotic and sulfamethoxazole and less than or equal to 0.1 for
absorption and translocation in plants established a ketoconazole.
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content of the soils. In hydroponic conditions, the additional experiments have to be set up – for the
maximum absorption of xenobiotics is observed for a validation of the model to come to a final conclusion
log Kow value of 3 to 3.2. In normal plant growth regarding the applicability of the model to predict the
conditions, absorption decreases with an increase in uptake of pharmaceuticals by plants.
8 C.L. Chitescu et al.

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