Uso de Tecnologías Móviles para Mejorar La Accesibilidad e Inclusión en El Aprendizaje Basado en El Campo

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26–30 October, GSA 2020 Connects Online

VOL. 30, NO. 9 | SEPTEMBER 2020

Using Mobile Technologies

to Enhance Accessibility
and Inclusion in Field-
Based Learning
Using Mobile Technologies to
Enhance Accessibility and Inclusion
in Field-Based Learning
Steven J. Whitmeyer*, Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, USA;
Christopher Atchison, School of Education and Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, USA; and
Trevor D. Collins, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK

ABSTRACT may be considering a geoscience career, but it field-based education and research using
The relevance of field education in the geo- has become clear that many others are disen- mobile technologies. The context of this
sciences has been subject to increasing scru- franchised by these restrictions. work is presented, followed by short
tiny, in part due to the exclusionary nature of Field mapping and data collection are descriptions of field trips and a summary of
traditional field practices that require inde- often viewed as individual experiences, the contrasting uses of technology across
pendent work and physical agility. As an alter- where a geologist collects data in the field these trips. Opportunities and challenges
native, this article presents strategies for without much, if any, contemporaneous with integrating technology and teaching
increasing accessibility and inclusion in col- input from other field workers. However, strategies intended to improve access and
laborative field-based education through the field-based investigations by a group of par- inclusion are discussed, concluding with
use of mobile technologies. We present a ticipants have been demonstrated to build recommendations for practitioners.
series of examples to show how the use of strong ties and increase morale within stu-
mobile technologies in the field can enable dent peer groups through collaborative strat- APPROACH
collaborative observation, data collection, egies that enhance learning in the field Our approach to enhancing accessibility
data sharing, and interpretation. The strate- (Mogk and Goodwin, 2012; Kelley et al., and inclusivity in the field focused on pair-
gies developed in these examples provide 2015). In addition, collaborative fieldwork ing students with physical (mobility) dis-
equitable access to instruction, peer engage- can yield high-density geologic maps, which abilities with students who were fully
ment, and participation in every field exercise. can facilitate improved geologic interpreta- ambulatory on a variety of projects that rep-
We suggest that technological approaches to tions (Whitmeyer et al., 2019). Thus, collab- licated field exercises in an undergraduate
accessibility and inclusion in the field can orative fieldwork can be an important geoscience curriculum. The student cohort
facilitate opportunities for all students to gain approach to effective field data collection consisted of six students who self-disclosed
field experiences that are an important com- and field-based learning experiences. various mobility disabilities and six stu-
ponent of geoscience education. Mobile devices provide new methods of dents who did not disclose any mobility dis-
communication and interaction in field set- abilities. In the first year of the project, field
INTRODUCTION tings and are now commonly used for field exercises were located at several sites in
Field investigations are often a component data collection and even data analyses (Pav- Arizona, while the second year focused on
of geoscience research, and consequently lis et al., 2010; Collins, 2015; France et al., sites in western Ireland. Project outcomes
field-based education has been included in 2015; Allmendinger et al., 2017; Walker et subsequently were disseminated on three
geoscience curricula. However, the relevance al., 2019). In addition, mobile technologies accessible field trips at Mount St. Helens
of field education has been subjected to can enhance real-time communication in the National Volcanic Monument (2017), Mam-
increasing scrutiny (Drummond, 2001; field, facilitating a level of interaction and moth Cave National Park (2018), and Petri-
Dohms, 2011), partly due to an increased collaboration that was previously unattain- fied Forest National Park (PEFO; Atchison
focus on lab-based research. Another concern able. Real-time communication can increase et al., 2019b). Field trip participants (n ≈ 80)
has been the “exclusivity” of traditional field- participation for people with physical dis- included several project participants, along
work, where independence (Healey et al., abilities by enabling collaboration with peers with undergraduate and graduate geology
2001; Maskall and Stokes, 2009) and physical and engagement with field locations that are students with disabilities, and geoscience
conditioning (Kirchner, 1994; Maguire, 1998; remote and inaccessible (Coughlan et al., instructors, some of whom had disabilities.
Feig, 2010) were lauded (Hall et al., 2002; 2011; Stokes et al., 2012; Collins et al., 2016). Mobile communication and data collection
Atchison et al., 2019a; Stokes et al., 2019). The In this paper we outline a strategy for devices (see Supplemental Table SD11) facili-
attributes cater to outdoor enthusiasts that increasing accessibility and inclusion in tated interaction among project students

GSA Today, v. 30, Copyright 2020, The Geological Society of America. CC-BY-NC.


Supplemental Material: Table SD1 and Figures SD1, SD2, and SD3. Please visit to access the supplemental material, and
contact with any questions.

4  GSA Today | September 2020

(during the project exercises) and field trip Accessibility: Equitable access to the site; summit from two approaches. One trail
participants (during the dissemination field paved and packed dirt paths available for all wrapped around the mountain and ascended
trips) across sites that were easy to access to explore the park, but cliff outcrops were the back side, and the other took a direct path
(roads, well-groomed paths, etc.) and loca- only viewable from a distance (~500 m). up the front of the mountain. Students used
tions with more challenging terrains. Field two-way radios to communicate during the
environments ranged from arid, dry condi- 2. The Grand Canyon hike. However, students who hiked around
tions (Arizona, PEFO) to colder and wetter This exercise focused on the Trail of Time the back of the mountain lost line-of-sight
conditions (Ireland, Mount St. Helens). (ToT), a 1.6 km paved trail along the south rim and radio contact with their partners at the
of the Grand Canyon, with tactile exhibits that vehicles, while those who took the front path
EXAMPLE FIELD TRIPS document two billion years of regional geo- to the top maintained line-of-sight and com-
logic history (Karlstrom et al., 2008). Students munications with the group at the base. Once
Arizona Field Sites, Year 1 worked in teams across ability levels to visit at the top of the mountain, all students were
We visited field locations in central Ari- sites along the ToT that displayed rock sam- able to communicate with their partners at
zona in May 2015, including Slide Rock ples obtained from deep within the canyon, the base using two-way radios as well as the
State Park in Oak Creek Canyon, The Trail which illustrate the classic stratigraphy of the Livestream app for real-time video broad-
of Time on the south rim of the Grand Can- Grand Canyon. Student teams used the Strat- casts of the summit views.
yon, and SP Crater north of Flagstaff. These Logger app to record lithologic descriptions Technology used: Two-way radios, GoPro
trips paired undergraduate-level geoscience and construct a stratigraphic column of the video cameras, iPad cameras, and Livestream
students with and without physical (mobility) Grand Canyon units. app.
disabilities on shorter duration (single day) Technology used: iPad cameras and Accessibility: A physically inaccessible
field exercises. A variety of communications StratLogger app. field site where several students remained
and technology devices enhanced collabora- Accessibility: Equitable access to the with the vehicles at the base of the moun-
tive inclusion and access to the field sites. ToT, although the distance traveled along tain, while others climbed the mountain via
Summaries of each exercise follow, includ- the ToT proved challenging for some stu- the steep, loose-cinder front, or a longer
ing objectives, technology used, and an over- dents with disabilities. Students traveled path around the back; communication was
view of site accessibility. chronologically along the ToT, starting at hindered by loss of line-of-sight and a sig-
the Grand Canyon Village Visitor Center nificant (1–2 min) delay in the Livestream
1. Slide Rock State Park and heading toward the Yavapai Point Visi- video relay from the summit.
The geologic features of interest at Slide tor Center. Traveling in this direction
Rock State Park (see Supplemental Fig. SD1 included a slight incline in elevation, and, Western Ireland Field Sites, Year 2
[see footnote 1]) consist of 50–100 m cliffs of depending on the number of visitors, few Year 2 focused on field sites in western
horizontal, layer-cake stratigraphy of the available benches for seating. With the Ireland, where challenges to field access
Colorado Plateau transition zone. This intro- exception of the powered wheelchair users, and participation were very different from
ductory exercise introduced student teams to students with mobility disabilities were Arizona. Field sites in western Ireland were
using iPads to record observations and anno- negatively impacted by the length and typically windy, cold, and often rainy. The
tate photos of the layered stratigraphy. Goals incline of the trail. Hot and dry conditions field exercises during the second year fea-
included team-building, effective recording were an issue for all participants. tured the same cohort of students and
of observations, and interpretations of unfa- expanded on the experiences of the previ-
miliar geology. The exercise concluded with 3. SP Crater ous year. Exercises were longer, more
a full group discussion of the geology, fol- SP Crater is an ~1000 m cinder cone involved, and often incorporated different
lowed by discussions on the accessibility of located north of Flagstaff (Fig. 1; Ulrich, technological solutions.
the site and collaborations between student 1987). Student teams were separated during
team members. this activity: those with disabilities stayed 1. Kilkee, County Clare
Technology used: iPad cameras and with the vehicles at the base of the mountain, This half-day exercise focused on describ-
Evernote app. while those without disabilities hiked to the ing and interpreting sedimentary structures

Figure 1. The SP Crater cinder cone that was only accessible to half of the cohort (left), the group that remained at the base used two-way radios (middle)
and a Livestream video broadcast (right) to communicate with students at the top of the cinder cone.  5
Figure 2. Students at the exposed seaside cliffs near Kilkee (left) using the camera and Skitch application on the iPads (middle) to record and annotate the
sedimentary structures and deformation features (right) to share with their peers who did not access this location.

and deformation features in rocks exposed mobility disabilities mapped outcrops along Accessibility: Exposures of glacial till were
along seaside cliffs near the town of Kilkee the gravel road, while mobile students mapped only accessible by climbing down large, wet
(Fig. 2). Most of the features, such as ripple outcrops in more distant and less accessible boulders along the shore. Rainy and windy
marks, cross-beds, and soft-sediment defor- locations. Students communicated in real weather made outdoor audio communications
mation structures (Martinsen et al., 2008) time via two-way radios and iPads using the difficult.
were viewable by all participants from a AirBeam app. Photos were shared in near real
paved path along the top of the cliffs. Some time with the PhotoSync app. Videos were TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE FIELD
smaller-scale features, such as sand volca- recorded asynchronously with GoPro cam- ACCESS AND INCLUSION
noes and fault surfaces, required descending eras and shared between team members upon
steps to an eroded cliff platform and thus reconvening in common locations. Synchronous and Asynchronous
were not accessible to everyone. Students Technology used: Two-way radios, GoPro Communication
used iPad cameras and the Evernote and cameras, iPad cameras, FieldMove, AirBeam, We used both synchronous (real-time
Skitch apps to record, sketch, and describe and PhotoSync apps, with real-time commu- sharing of audio or video) and asynchronous
features; remote communications were facil- nications facilitated by a LAN. (delayed sharing) methods of communica-
itated with two-way radios. A full group dis- Accessibility: Outcrops along the gravel tion while in the field. Synchronous commu-
cussion of the exercise occurred indoors later road were accessible to all students; remote nications were facilitated by a cell network at
in the evening. outcrops were not accessible to students SP Crater to broadcast a video stream from
Technology used: iPad cameras, Ever- with mobility disabilities due to intervening the summit to students at the base of the hill.
note and Skitch apps. uneven bogs. Rainy and cold weather nega- We used the Livestream web broadcasting
Accessibility: Paved paths did not extend tively impacted all participants. app, but the 1–2-minute delay between trans-
onto cliff exposures, which were only acces- mitting and receiving the video stream made
sible by stairs. Foot paths were narrow and 3. Renvyle Point, County Galway synchronous interactions between team
steep in locations, inaccessible to wheelchair The coastal bluff at Renvyle Point con- members challenging. Students found the
users. High winds made group communica- sists of an ~15 m vertical exposure of gla- discrepancy between the faster audio com-
tions difficult. cial till that lies unconformably on a wave munications and the slower video transmis-
cut platform of Dalradian Schist. The bluffs sions awkward. Students ascending the hill
2. Lough Derryclare, Connemara are not visible from the parking area and also used two-way radios for audio commu-
This three-day exercise focused on bedrock can only be reached after descending an nications with team members at the base,
mapping in a boggy field area along the south- uneven field of beach cobbles and boulders which had no time lag as long as line-of-sight
ern shore of Lough Derryclare in Connemara. (see Supplemental Fig. SD2 [see footnote was maintained. Two-way radios typically
Geological features included folded schists 1]). The half-day exercise focused on exam- have a strong signal across distances of
and quartzites of the Connemara Dalradian ining and interpreting deformation and flu- 2–3 km and were frequently used by student
sequence (Leake and Tanner, 1994). Outcrops idized flow features within the glacial till teams when WiFi was not functional. In
along a gravel road were accessible to all stu- in order to determine the movement of the locations where a LAN was available, the
dents; other outcrops required traversing glacier. Due to the challenging terrain of AirBeam app was used for synchronous
boggy fields and were not accessible to stu- the field area and the rainy weather, stu- video streaming, and PhotoSync was used
dents with mobility disabilities. Cell signals in dents with mobility disabilities remained in for photo sharing.
the area were weak and ineffective, so a local the vehicles and collaborated with their In field settings where cell signals or a
area network (LAN) was set up to facilitate peers using two-way radios and iPads via LAN were not available, data sharing
real-time communications between team a LAN. among participants across field sites was
members (see Network Connectivity section). Technology used: Two-way radios, GoPro accomplished with asynchronous methods,
Students recorded field data (lithologic cameras, iPad cameras, AirBeam and Photo- although real-time communication could
descriptions and orientation measurements) Sync apps; real-time communications and still be accomplished with two-way radios.
with the FieldMove app in order to create a data exchange with iPads were facilitated by Participants asynchronously recorded video
collaborative geologic map. Students with a LAN. with GoPro or iPad cameras and collected

6  GSA Today | September 2020

field data with a variety of iPad apps. Data using the Notes, Evernote, or Notability perspectives of an individual field site (close-
were shared when participants were once apps, and photos were annotated with the up, from a distance, through aerial imagery),
again in close proximity. Once a cell or Skitch app. Orientation measurements were including the ability to discuss disparate
WiFi signal was available, participants collected and geologic maps were con- observations across distances for the purpose
uploaded their field data to Dropbox so that structed using the FieldMove app. Two apps of developing collective interpretations,
others could view and download it. were used to construct stratigraphic sections: strengthened the overall understanding of the
StratLogger was used in year one, and Strat entire group (see Atchison et al., 2019a).
Network Connectivity Mobile was used at PEFO (see Atchison et
The level of connectivity between partici- al., 2019b). Dropbox was used to share files Inclusive Collaboration through
pants distributed across a field site can deter- among participants and between the iPads Technology
mine the degree of synchronicity available when connected to the Internet. Flyover We addressed data collection and com-
for interactions. Typically, cable or fiber con- Country was used on the PEFO field trip to munication in the field with both synchro-
nections are not practical in the field, cell bring geologic maps and information into the nous (real-time connectivity) and asynchro-
network coverage can be unreliable, and sat- field as reference materials. Many of these nous (delayed) solutions. In many situations,
ellite connections are expensive. A more field mapping and data collection applica- asynchronous solutions were used as a
manageable communications solution is to tions can now be accomplished with the backup when real-time solutions were inef-
“bring your own network” to the field in the StraboSpot app and database system (Walker fective—such as the time delay (buffering
form of a LAN using battery-powered out- et al., 2019). However, that was not available delay) between broadcast and reception
door WiFi routers. The local topography, and to us during the period that we conducted when using the Livestream app at SP Crater,
the distribution and mobility of students the project exercises. or when a WiFi network was unavailable
across the site, affects the number of routers (e.g., Kilkee). In the discussion of technol-
required to provide effective connectivity. DISCUSSION ogy that follows we consider both success-
Panel and omni-directional antennas are The primary objective of this project was ful and less successful solutions, in the hope
used to target the WiFi signal in a directed to determine ways to enhance collaboration that others can make use of, and expand on,
beam or over a local area (respectively) and across instructional activities in field sites our experiences.
moved as needed to maintain coverage with limited accessibility. Challenging ter-
across the site. The routers are configured as rain and changing environmental condi- Geologic Mapping and Data
access points, providing connectivity for tions impacted participation in field activi- Collection
local devices, or in a chain of point-to-point ties across a spectrum of physical abilities. We used the StratLogger app for the ToT
links to connect field site locations (Collins We attempted to mitigate the issues of exercise at the Grand Canyon to record litho-
et al., 2010). Some knowledge of computer accessibility in field-based teaching and logic and stratigraphic data. After an intro-
networking is required, but once configured, learning through the integration of technol- duction to using the app, students were fairly
a LAN can be used flexibly in a range of ogy and collaborative strategies that pro- efficient in recording data and building their
field scenarios. mote full inclusion. The sociotechnical stratigraphic columns. We switched to the
The LAN was used at the Lough Derryclare solutions highlighted in this paper resulted Strat Mobile app for the PEFO field trip after
and Renvyle Point field sites to stream video from the usability of mobile technologies, we found that StratLogger did not work with
between iPads using the AirBeam app and levels of social and academic engagement, the latest operating system of the iPads.
share photos using the Photosync app. At and environmental conditions. Often, the most effective software for geo-
Lough Derryclare, as students were distrib- science fieldwork is developed by tech-savvy
uted across the field site, up to six WiFi rout- Inclusion and Accessibility geoscientists, but it can be a challenge for
ers were used in a network as line-of-sight Accessibility and inclusion are not synony- geoscientist developers to keep their soft-
signal repeaters to maintain connectivity mous terms but are often used as such (Cara- ware compatible with continuous updates to
across the rough and hilly terrain. This con- bajal and Atchison, 2020). In this project, operating systems. Commercial software
figuration provided network coverage of up to accessibility and inclusion were both partially solutions are usually up-to-date with operat-
two square kilometers of the field area. At addressed through the use of technology. Par- ing systems but are often less effective for
Renvyle Point, access points were used at the ticipants with disabilities achieved better specialized field tasks.
two student locations (the car park and shore- access to less-accessible field sites through We used the FieldMove app for geologic
line) connected by a 40-m network cable. photo and video imagery from peers and col- mapping in the field. FieldMove includes a
leagues and imagery from apps such as Field- digital compass that records orientation mea-
iPad Apps Move and Flyover Country. Inclusion, how- surements and plots them in real time on a
Fieldwork activities were supported ever, deals with the group dynamic, social basemap of the area (road map, terrain map,
through a range of iPad apps (see Supple- engagement, and collaborative nature inher- or aerial photo). Alternatively, a hand-held
mental Table SD1 [see footnote 1]). Photos ent in most field activities. The use of technol- compass can be used to take measurements
and videos were captured asynchronously ogy in this sense enables participants to col- and entered manually in FieldMove. Con-
using iPad or GoPro cameras. Photos were laborate through real-time video and photo cerns have been expressed about the accu-
shared with the PhotoSync app, and synchro- sharing and two-way radios to share observa- racy and precision of measurements taken by
nous video feeds were attempted with the tions and interpretations with peers and col- digital compasses. However, recent analyses
Livestream and AirBeam apps. Field notes leagues. The opportunity for the entire suggest that digital compasses, such as those
and students’ reflections were recorded learning community to draw from multiple in FieldMove, can produce results at a  7
similar level of accuracy and precision as precluded effective video links, students Student Engagement
analog compasses, as long as the digital used the PhotoSync app to share still images This study was initially focused on evaluat-
compass is calibrated correctly (Novakova and discussed the geologic features in the ing learning outcomes related to geoscience
and Pavlis, 2017; Whitmeyer et al., 2019). We photos using two-way radios. field content, but soon expanded to identify
noted an advantage to using the iPads for Even with our attempts to secure robust overall collaborative inclusion and engage-
measurements when several of the students wireless signals for real-time communica- ment of field activities in sites with limited
with mobility disabilities had difficulty get- tions, we still encountered many situations physical accessibility. Engagement and over-
ting close enough to utilize a handheld com- where asynchronous methods of data collec- all enjoyment were palpable, mostly because a
pass on an outcrop surface. tion were necessary. Students always had the geoscience field study of this kind, which
Field geologists who predate the mobile option of taking photos or recording videos included multiple students with similar physi-
technology revolution are accustomed to using the iPad’s native camera, which could cal disabilities, was designed specifically to
using paper field books for notes and be shared with their team members at a later address student needs. All students realized
sketches, and often find note-taking apps for time. GoPro wearable video cameras were they were part of a foundational study to
mobile devices less intuitive to use. How- extensively used to record traverses across a enhance access to field learning and were
ever, students who are accustomed to using field area and to highlight important geo- aware that their personal well-being was con-
mobile devices for communications and logic features. Photos and recorded videos sidered in the design. The study remained
social interactions easily adapted to using served as important field data that were used flexible to enable their voices to drive the
apps like Notability, Evernote, and Skitch to to both complete field exercises and to docu- direction of the activities, especially when
record field observations. Students appreci- ment field experiences. unavoidable changes in environmental condi-
ated the capability of these apps to import tions (e.g., daily weather) caused us to reeval-
pictures taken with the iPad cameras, mak- Facilitating Connectivity in the Field uate our plans. Taken as a whole, students
ing it easy to associate field photos with text As with any field equipment, there is a were not used to having an opportunity that
annotations and explanations, and to draw degree of contingency planning needed was meant to include them, their strengths
interpretive sketches on photos. when introducing mobile technology. Most and abilities, which undoubtedly impacted
Another advantage of mobile devices is crucial is the time taken to set up equipment overall engagement and enjoyment. However,
the ability to preload data and maps on the in the field or fix problems that could not everything was enjoyable and engaging
device for later asynchronous use. Mapping impact students’ learning experiences. Pre- all of the time. The students without disabili-
apps like FieldMove allow users to preload configuring the LAN (e.g., connecting the ties, who generally had more field experience
georeferenced aerial photos or topographic routers, testing them, and packing them than their disabled peers, were often left feel-
base-maps for fieldwork. Geologic reference ready for deployment) helps minimize the ing as if they were only being used to collect
data and information can be preloaded on setup time in the field. Knowledge of the data in sites that their colleagues could not
iPads with an app like Flyover Country. We field sites and the activities at each site is access. Additionally, switching between tech-
used this app to load state-level geologic crucial to ensure that network coverage is nologies that were new to most of the students,
maps and information for southern and east- sufficient (while minimizing redundancy). and the occasional lag-time between audio
ern Arizona for our journey from Phoenix to Revisiting known sites enables the re-use communication and photo/video sharing, neg-
Holbrook during the PEFO field trip. This and rapid deployment of effective technol- atively impacted engagement and collabora-
provided participants with background geo- ogy configurations. Bringing spares of tive outcomes overall.
logic and cultural information for reference essential components (e.g., batteries, cables)
as they traveled through a region of interest. into the field enables faulty equipment to be CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS
easily replaced. Also important is to pre- The integration of mobile communication
Audio and Video Communications in pare alternate resources (e.g., two-way and data collection technologies can have a
the Field radios) and activities to be used in the case positive impact on teaching and learning in
We experimented with video broad- of technology failure. field-based activities. Increased collaborative
casting apps that were less successful Effective use of a LAN in larger field engagement and social inclusion in the learn-
(e.g., Livestream), prior to settling on the areas usually requires the services of a field ing community is achievable, even when stu-
AirBeam app for video streaming with a technology expert. The expert not only con- dents are separated across field sites with
LAN. This facilitated video communica- figures the network, but also tests it and variable accessibility. Real-time communica-
tions among team members with a minimal deploys it in the field prior to the arrival of tion between groups enables data sharing,
delay (<5 seconds). At both the Lough students. Invariably, unforeseen challenges shared observations, and interpretations that
Derryclare and Renvyle Point field sites, stu- occur during a field session, and it is essen- are not commonly done when working groups
dents with mobility disabilities found that tial to have the tech expert available in the are separated. This social inclusion and col-
video communications with their partners field to troubleshoot problems that develop. laboration is important because it gives stu-
provided a level of accessibility to remote We often used two-way radios for commu- dents ownership in the learning environment.
outcrops that would not have been possible nication between participants and the expert However, the integration of technology can
without the technology. In some situations, in order to resolve issues. Some technologi- introduce additional challenges to the student
near real-time transfer of photos and still cal challenges were not solvable in the field field experience. Students often have varying
images between team members effectively and necessitated the development of new levels of field experience, geology content
substituted for video communications. solutions after returning from the field in knowledge, and comfort with using technol-
Where weather or connectivity challenges order to mitigate future problems. ogy to collect data and communicate. Varying

8  GSA Today | September 2020

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10  GSA Today | September 2020

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