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-Aryendra Shrestha

Ullens School



Terrorism is the act of scaring and terrorising people into submission and scaring

them to a point of hopelessness so they follow your orders and listen to you and your

opinions.Terrorism is an social evil it affects people worldwide and can cause lots of trust

issues as they are one of us , human . Terrorists keep 1uping themselves and now people

can only wonder what they are truly capable of .Terrorism has changed humanity forever

we did not suffer from such things before , it is only in the 21st century we are facing

these problems , we have suffered countless casualities with events such as 9/11 , boston

bombing , many suicide bombings, massive shootings they changed how we are to many

people . There are many radical islamic groups like the taliban , they helped many

minorities get opportunities , they aren't exactly good nor bad . Rahim Khan, Amir's

father's business partner, says, 'When the Taliban rolled in and kicked the Alliance out of

Kabul, I actually danced on that street...And, believe me, I wasn't alone. People were

celebrating...greeting the Taliban in the streets, climbing their tanks and posing for

pictures with them.This implies that some benifited from the taliban and some did

not.Terrorism can cause racism as most terrorist attacks have been muslim and stupid

people think all muslims are terrorists and they discriminate them . terrosism has brought

a bad image to middle eastern countries.The book describes many realistic scenarios like

when Amir's wall blew up when a bazooka hit it. Due to terrorism there have been many

child fighters fighting with and agaisnt terrorist groups , the americans are trying to stop

that.The book shows the impact of the taliban greatly and it shows the life and

environment in place filled with violence .The hazaras were affected the most , Hassan

was shot with wife this shows how life is like under a radical islamic group .The Taliban

ruled with an iron fist on most of the reigons and were a unstoppable force.

About the Author

Khaled Hosseini was an author based in Afghanistan . He was born in March

4th 1965 , Kabul,Afghanistan , Afghan-conceived American author who was

known for his distinctive portrayals of Afghanistan, most outstandingly in The

Kite Runner. . He spent his childhood in Afghanistan and then moved to

California after the Soviet Union invaded it in 1979. Whilst studying and

practising medicine he wrote ‘The Kite Runner’ which was published via

Riverhead books in 2003.As of now he works as the United Nations altruism

minister. He has written two books both of them being very successful ‘The

Kite Runner’ and the ‘The Thousand Splendid Suns’.


I read many articles about Terrosim in ‘The Kite Runner’ , I also reread some

of the chapters in the book. I watched a documentary about the Taliban to get a

better understanding.I watched and observed how the locals react to it and how

they overcome it . I also read articles that helped me understand and know

more about the situation . I watched documentaries on how life is at a warzone

to get a better view on their lives

Result and Discussion

The main things i found in the research are that terrorism and violance are very

big problems in places like Afghanistan. War is a huge problem and should be

taken care of . War money is huge and companies that make weapons should be

restricted.I learnt war can affect us even if we are thousands of miles away.

There are many kids and children involved in war and it affects them a lot.The

many documentaries I’ve seen have proved that the children are very affected

and are scared for life.They’re basic necessities for life have not been fulfilled.

They are struggling and they need help. In the videos I saw many kids had guns

and were saying they can fight . War in such a young blooming mind is

terrible .Many have even lost their lives in battle or were just collateral

damage.The human mind in such an age is very soft and fragile it defines who

you will be as a man or a woman in the future. The people also get very creative

to distract themselves from the war or to distract their child from the chaos and

mayhem outside.


Terrorism is the act of scaring and terrorising people into submission and

scaring them to a point of hopelessness.Terrorism affects people worldwide. It has

killed many people over the years and it has caused countless problems. The many

radical isamic groups have caused much trouble . The Taliban gave girls a few

opportunities but they also murdered many minorities. The place is filled with

violence and it affects the locals a lot.The author has experience in places like that as

he grew up there so we can trust the book for a realistic approach .






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