Personal vs. Professional: An Essay On Personal Values

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Personal vs.


An essay on personal values

Decision-making is an essential part of mundane life. As we grow as individuals, we

are met with situations that require making choices, regardless of whether it leads to a

desirable outcome or not. Perhaps, these choices are reflections of our personal values as

individuals which help in our growth and development. However, there are times in which

we have to make decisions that contradict our personal beliefs. Such an instance is referred

to as an ethical dilemma.

Personally, a value I hold closest to my heart is loyalty. As an individual who puts

great importance in the relationships I have with my family, friends, and colleagues, I

believe that building trust is an important part of life. Oftentimes, people mistake loyalty

for codependence, but that isn’t necessarily the case. For me, loyalty allows an individual to

break down his walls in order to form relationships that could become mutually beneficial

for both parties. Of course, there is no question of one’s loyalty when it comes to his family.

The relationship is obvious—my parents have been committed to raising me while I am

committed to taking care of them as they grow older. In terms of friends and colleagues,

loyalty plays an important role in building connections that could later on prove to be

essential for both parties. In line with this, I also feel secure while having my friends and

colleagues around me. Knowing that with their loyalty, they would never fail me, I am

confident that when things get rough, there will be people who will comfort me and make

me feel better.
Dilemma: Agency Problem

Luther was a firm believer of freedom among all individuals—may it be male,

female, or non-binary. However, the ethical dilemma arises here because freedom may lead

to adverse effects when abused. In real life, the freedom to choose may lead to an awful lot

of consequences and agency problems within an organization.

The agency problem, by definition, is a conflict of interest inherent in any

relationship where one party is expected to act in another’s best interests. In every aspect

of life agency problems may arise, especially in the professional field. This can be explained

as a conflict of interest taking place between colleagues, management, and customers.

When this type of ethical dilemma arises in the workplace, an individual’s loyalty

can be detrimental. In an instance where there is a misunderstanding among colleagues, it

is possible for an individual who values loyalty to side with someone he trusts even if the

said person is morally wrong. To the public, the individual would be seen as unprofessional

and biased. Aside from conflicts arising from colleague relationships, people may also

experience a dilemma when it comes to dealing with external parties such as clients.


Indeed, life presents to us a series of unfortunate events where we are met with ethical

dilemmas that will challenge our personal values and beliefs. This is why it is essential to gain a

deeper understanding of ethics and morality in order to come up with rational decisions that

could greatly affect the way an individual grows as a person and as a professional.

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