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51. Which of the following assertions is FALSE about the Internet Protocol (IP) ?
GATE CSE Resources
a. It is possible for a computer to have multiple IP addresses Questions from Previous
year GATE question papers

b. IP packets from the same source to the same destination can take di erent routes in the network
UGC NET Computer
UGC NET MCQs science Resources
c. IP ensures that a packet is discarded if it is unable to reach its destination within a given number of hops UGC NET Previous year
Networking MCQ questions and practice
d. The packet source cannot set the route of an outgoing packets; the route is determined only by the routing tables in the
Software Engineering MCQ
routers on the way
NET General Paper
Systems Programming MCQ
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questions and practice
Answer: (d). sets
Neural Networks MCQ
The packet source cannot set the route of an outgoing packets; the route is determined only by the routing tables in the routers
Fuzzy Systems MCQ on the way
GATE CSE MCQs Attempt a small test to
analyze your preparation
Computer Architecture MCQ 52. Routers forward a packet using forwarding table entries. The network address of incoming packet may match multiple level. This GATE exam
entries. How routers resolve this? includes questions from
DBMS MCQ previous year GATE
a. Forward it the the router whose entry matches with the longest pre x of incoming packet
Networking MCQ
UGC NET practice
b. Forward the packet to all routers whose network addresses match Test
C Programs Practice test for UGC NET
c. Discard the packet Computer Science Paper.
C - Arrays and Pointers The questions asked in
this NET practice paper
C - Stacks and Queues d. Forward it the the router whose entry matches with the longest su x of incoming packet are from various previous
year papers.
C - Linked Lists
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C - Matrices

Answer: (a).
Forward it the the router whose entry matches with the longest pre x of incoming packet

53. Which one of the following elds of an IP header is NOT modi ed by a typical IP router?

a. Checksum

b. Source address

c. Time to Live (TTL)

d. Length

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Answer: (b).
Source address

54. In the network, the fourth octet (in decimal) of the last IP address of the network which can be assigned to a
host is ________.

a. 158

b. 255

c. 222

d. 223

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Answer: (a).

55. If a Company require 60 hosts then What is the best possible subnet mask?





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Answer: (b).

56. In class C , if subnet mask is, then calculates number of subnet?

a. 6

b. 8

c. 4

d. None of the Above

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Answer: (a).

57. A subnet has been assigned a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts that can belong to this

a. 14

b. 30

c. 62

d. 126

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Answer: (c).

58. A host is connected to a Department network which is part of a University network. The University network, in turn, is part of
the Internet. The largest network in which the Ethernet address of the host is unique is:

a. the subnet to which the host belongs

b. the Department network

c. the University network

d. the Internet

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Answer: (d).
the Internet

59. In TCP, a unique sequence number is assigned to each

a. byte

b. word

c. segment

d. message

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Answer: (a).

60. Which of the following objects can be used in expressions and scriplets in JSP (Java Server Pages) without explicitly declaring

a. session and request only

b. request and response only

c. response and session only

d. session, request and response

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Answer: (d).
session, request and response

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