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3/2/2011 A R.O.C.K.

to lean on for Leesburg kids…

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A R.O.C.K. to lean on for Leesburg kids

W e dne sday, Mar. 2 by Laura Pe te rs | 1 com m e nts | Em ail this story

V alerie A lvarado, 5 ,
right, and Zohet
Ramirez, 7 , play with
hula hoops after s c hool
Feb. 1 8 during a
s es s ion of Rec reation
O utreac h to
C ommunity Kids ,
known as R.O .C .K., in
L ees burg. T imes - M irror
Staff P hoto/Beverly
D enny

Betsy Montgomery’s days revolve around the children in four local neighborhoods. She can
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remember every child’s name, who they’re related to, and the phone numbers for their parents.
She plans different activities, keeps them company and provides a familiar face. Frida y, Fe b. 25 | 7514 vie ws
T he Dock at Lansdowne restaurant
is closed
Recreation Outreach to Community Kids, or R.O.C.K, which Montgomery helps run, is an after-
school and summer program under the Town of Leesburg’s Outreach Department that offers Tue sday, Mar. 1 | 2035 vie ws
alternatives for kids in town. Authorities searching for m issing
Ashburn wom an
There are criteria for participants.. Children must live in one of the four designated areas – The Tue sday, Mar. 1 | 1599 vie ws
Fields, Heritage, Fort Evans Road near Meadows Lane, and Evans Ridge Apartments. It’s for Man stabbed, say s he was too
ages 5-12. The program is dedicated to families who live in low-to moderate-income housing. intoxicated to rem em ber h ow
It’s not a baby-sitting service, but an outlet for local children to get together in a contained, Thursday, Fe b. 24 | 1233 vie ws
supervised environment and have fun. Court rejects appeal of m an
spending life in prison for killing
Not only are you providing role models for children who may not have that, you’re providing girlfriend
consistency in their lives,” Montgomery said. “We’re going to show up there every day. We do Tue sday, Mar. 1 | 1213 vie ws
everything we can to make sure every kid has a chance – and an equal chance.” Police arrest final suspect in botched
Sterling Park hom e inv asion
Founded in 2005 as a joint effort of the Town of Leesburg and the Leesburg Police Department,
it’s funded through the town and grants. The R.O.C.K. team rotates in each location during the
week, making sure they see the kids every other day.

Each day has a different activity. The program offers a nature outing and camping trip each Stay
year, and children have the opportunity to go shopping with a football player from the
Washington Redskins. R.O.C.K. offers family nights, which can be movie nights or pool nights
at Ida Lee Park once a month.

As part of the Town of Leesburg, R.O.C.K. participants enjoy access to any of the parks or
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facilities in the town. on Twitter
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It’s a great program, and you don’t have to pay a dime for it,” Tony Conway, one of R.O.C.K.’s
program coordinators said. “We provide everything for them. A lot of the fee-based programs,
people can’t afford them.”

Even if it’s snowing outside, kids find things to do like crafts, board games, and indoor sports Like Us
on Facebook
inside the different apartment complexes’ recreational facilities. On nice days, they go outside to Ne ws | Spo rts…/a_r.o.c.k._to_lea… 1/2
3/2/2011 A R.O.C.K. to lean on for Leesburg kids…
play kickball, hula hoop and football.

It’s good to see the kids out because most would be sitting in apartments alone or getting into
trouble. They’re in a safe environment here,” Linda Fountain, R.O.C.K.’s youth services
supervisor said. Subscribe
via RSS
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C.F. Tidmore, Leesburg Police’s public liaison officer, said he tries to get out and be with the kids
as much as possible. He even drives them around in one of his big police vans to transport them
to field trips. He said one of the major goals of the program is to help the children see the police
as their friends, and not “scary” or one of “the bad guys.”
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I like how they have the program for the kids that don’t have a lot,” Tidmore said. “They teach Email List
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manners, like saying. ‘yes,’ ‘no’ and ‘please.’ I think it has a very positive effect on the we e k ly update s

Montgomery said being directly connected with the police department allows the kids to identify
with the officers, and maybe even help their community if a challenging situation comes up.

The police are there as their friends and it’s cool to talk to them,” Fountain said.
Sonia Alas, a parent of two children who go to R.O.C.K. every other afternoon said it’s great for
not only her kids, but also for her.
The Loudoun Tim e s-Mirror
They give us a lot of help, like with food and school supplies,” Alas said. “They have so much
fun. The kids get busy doing something else besides sitting around.”

Fountain said the interaction allows the kids form a relationship with an adult who isn’t their is an inte ractive , digital re plica
of the printe d ne wspape r.
parent. She sees this as a good way to benefit the community.
Open the e-edition now.

There’s nothing like pulling up in our R.O.C.K. van in the neighborhood and having kids come
up. It’s like Christmas showed up in a box,” Montgomery said. Vie w our othe r print publications available online .
To learn more, go to and click on the classes, programs and services tab.

W e e k ly He llo Loudoun Bridal Guide
W e d, Mar 02 at 01:31 PM by Sarah: Hom e s Guide C ounty 2010-11 2011

What a great program for these families!!

He alth and Sum m e r 2010 Taste

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