Lesson Plan: Week 11-1, 11-2 "Quantitative Data Collection 2: Validity and Reliability and Sampling"

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Lesson Plan

Week 11-1, 11-2

“Quantitative Data Collection 2: Validity and Reliability and sampling”
・Instructor : Leng Socheat
・Date :
・Subject :  Research Methods in Education
・Textbook : ‘‘Chapter 11: Establishing validity and reliability of a research instrument’ and ‘Chapter 12:
Selecting a sample’ in Kumar,R. (2014) Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners(4th
Edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.

‘Chapter 24 Questionnaires’ and ‘Cahpter22: Action research’ in Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrisn, K.
(2017) Research Methods in Education (8th ed). London: Routledge.・Grade:

・Theme: Quantitative data collection 2: Validity and reliability and sampling

・Duration: 2 hours

1. Aim: In this lesson, students will learn about validity and reliability of measurement through thinking
about scales and sampling.
2. Objective: After completing work for this class, students will be able to explain reliability of measurement.

3. Teaching materials:

‘‘Chapter 11: Establishing validity and reliability of a research instrument’ and ‘Chapter 12: Selecting a
sample’ in Kumar,R. (2014) Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners(4th Edition).
SAGE Publications Ltd.

4. Points of instruction:
After completing work for this class, students will be able to:

. explain most of the variables “constructed concept”, measurement it by employing psychological measures
and explain validity and reliability of the measurement
5. Procedure:
Teachers’ Activities Content Students’ Activities
Step 1

Greeting and attendance. Teacher greets students, checks attendance, and Respond to the teacher.

Step 2
Review the old lesson
Students will answer the
・check whether students understand form questions individually or
hypotheses from their research questions. students can review the point
Ask the students to answer ・ask students to explain the different types of of the previous lesson in
the key points of the previous data that should be used for hypothesis small groups, answering the
lesson verification. questions asked by the
Step 3
Introducing new lesson
Ask the students to answer and Students talk about the
the questions which are Learning activity essence of making interview
prepared in advance by the The students will must read chapter 11 and 12 plans in small groups and
students before class. Kumar,R. (2014) Research deepen their understanding.
・which scales should you
use for good measurement? Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for
Beginners(4th Edition).
. Which survey sample
should you use for good Students are divided into
measurement? Using two questions that students prepare in small groups.
advance, this lesson firstly have students think
about the scales and survey sample for good Students develop their own
Encourage them to discuss measurement. understanding with defining
the issues the scales and survey
In this main activity, students are divided into 3 sample for good
Divide the students into small or 4 small groups to discuss about the scales for measurement
groups to work on the activity good measurement and survey sample for good
measurement. In the activity, students define
about validity and reliability of the measurement, After discussion, the students
the process of the validity and reliability. In can define about the scales
addition to, they will define how to use idea and and survey sample for
methods for sampling and the process of ensuring good measurement well.
validity and reliability with a model case.

Step 4
Evaluation and wrap up
This lesson is concluded by the scales and survey
Stress the points of sample for good measurement. Listen and note.
explaining the scales and
survey sample for good In order to know about the scales and survey
measurement. sample for good measurement, they must define
key terms related to Validity and reliability and
Step 5
Lets students to summarize Understand what to do by
the lesson in notebooks, and As an assignment, the students need to make the next lesson.
read the next lesson. questionnaires for research by next week.
The teacher makes an
announcement that students
need to make questionnaires
for research

5. Blackboard layout
The main points of the lesson will be written on the board.

6. Lesson Evaluation 
The students’ participation in a discussion, the presenters’ presentation.

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