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A Condition Survey of the Ceramics Collection at the Ulster Museum - Victoria and Al...

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JULY 1995: NUMBER 16

A Condition Survey of the Ceramics Collection at the Ulster

Victoria Oakley Head of Ceramics Conservation, Conservation Department

Jim McGreevy Keeper of Conservation, The Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum (UM), Belfast, is a national museum charged with responsibility for,
amongst other things, the preservation of objects in the fields of archaeology, ethnography,
industrial archaeology, history (archives, numismatics and photographs), botany, zoology,
geology, and fine and applied art. As with other national institutions, the UM is subject to
scrutiny by Government Auditors. In 1989, a review by the Northern Ireland Audit Office 1
(#1) contained a firm recommendation 'that the UM should take steps to quantify and cost all
outstanding conservation work and set specific targets for dealing with the backlog in this
important area'.

Such steps are now being taken in the form of condition surveys. Unfortunately, however, not (
all the media represented in the diverse collections are catered for by existing conservation -popup.html)
staff. For instance, in ceramics (applied art) there is no specialist conservator in-house. Any Fig.1. The Ulster Museum.
Reproduced with permission
proposal to employ such a person on either a temporary or permanent basis must be firmly from the Ulster Museum. (click
related to identified needs. Faced with these circumstances, the UM decided to request advice image for larger version)
and assistance from the Conservation Department at the V&A, a decision based on an
awareness of its tradition of expertise, not only about ceramics 2 (#2) , but also about surveys
(#3) . This request was viewed sympathetically and arrangements made, on an appropriate cost basis, for Victoria Oakley
to undertake the required survey.

The Collection
The collection comprises approximately 2000 objects which are grouped into four main
sections. The historic section covers most areas in ceramic history with particular emphases
on tin-glazed earthenware and eighteenth and nineteenth century British/European pottery
and porcelain. Complementing this is a comprehensive collection of Irish and Irish-related
wares dating from the late seventeenth century onwards. A small but representative selection
of Oriental ceramics, ranging from the Chinese Tang period (seventh to tenth century)
through to early twentieth century Japanese, is also held. Finally, there is an important and
growing collection of contemporary British, Irish and European work.

The bulk of the collection is housed in a small store which was recently refurbished and fitted
with a moving aisle storage system. It was recognised that such a system is not particularly
appropriate for ceramics but its choice was dictated by an overriding need to maximise the
use of limited space.
The Survey -popup.html)
Fig.2. The Ceramics Storage Area.
It was important that the survey should be clearly defined and focused. Consequently, an Reproduced with permission
from the Ulster Museum. (click
initial visit was made to the UM in June 1994 in order to view the collection, meet the image for larger version)
curators and discuss what was required. Following this, it was agreed that the survey would
be carried out during August 1994 and that its aims should be as follows: to find out the
condition of the collection; to highlight those objects in need of conservation, suggesting some level of priority; and to make
recommendations for the general care and storage of the objects.

Despite ttie number of recent condition surveys that have been completed in the V&A Conservation Department, there is
still no common approach. Different sections have independently developed their own methods, some employing simple
paper records and others using various computer programs. The Ceramics Conservation section itself has used at least three
different computer programs for surveys in twice as many years. For this survey it was decided to use a program developed
in Microsoft Works, by Suzanne Keene whilst at the Museum of London 4 (#4) . This seemed to offer a simple, quick and
friendly methodology suited to the type of total survey that was required. Information recorded included the identification
number, the location, a simple name, the materials involved, damage categories, condition grade, time code for treatment
required and any additional comments. The now widely accepted four condition grades (good, fair, poor and unacceptable)
were used. In addition, the incorporation of a time code for conservation suggested the approximate amount of time
treatment could be expected to take. A combination of the condition grade and treatment time code can be very helpful in
prioritising work programmes.

A total of five days were devoted to the survey, with a further two days to compile the report. Fortunately most of the objects
are stored in one location which meant that access was relatively straightforward. On average just under 400 objects were
examined each day. A recent school leaver on work experience provided valuable assistance with inputting data.

In order to write the report, the amassed raw survey data had to be sorted into a form which would allow clear
interpretation. Using the computer, it was possible to generate data from the survey in different ways: objects were listed in
the order in which they were entered, and also sorted according to their condition grade and by the anticipated treatment 31/01/2011
A Condition Survey of the Ceramics Collection at the Ulster Museum - Victoria and Al... Página 2 de 2

time. For the purposes of the report, it was important to keep the information clear and simple. Tables were included which
showed statistics for the categories of damage, levels of priority for treatment of objects, and an assessment of the work that
would be required. These could be linked together to give a realistic picture of how much conservation might be required on
priority objects and, consequently, an indication of future requirements (such as for a contract conservator). Various simple
recommendations were made to improve the storage area. These suggestions included basic preventive measures that
would involve little or no outlay other than time, for example: re-assessing the use of the shelves so that lower shelves were
used in preference to upper shelves; positioning delicate vulnerable objects on the shelves at a readily accessible height; and
avoiding the practice of overstacking flat objects such as plates. Other recommendations included simple measures to make
the mobile shelves safer: attaching restraining lips to the edge of each shelf; placing small items in padded trays and lining
the shelves with polyester film.

Many of the recommendations made will cost nothing, or relatively little, to implement yet they will achieve much. Others
will carry a cost in terms of staffing, materials and equipment - resources for which bids must be made. Against a backdrop
of financial stringencies and competing museum priorities (including conservation), there can be no guarantee that the
requisite funding will become available. However, the survey has provided a credible and justifiable basis for seeking
additional resources.

Though undeniably hard work, the project proved a very rewarding experience. It offered a chance to use and assess a
relatively new survey method, some aspects of which could be appropriate to future V&A surveys. In addition, the
opportunity to exchange information and consolidate contacts, whilst allowing another national museum to borrow
expertise, can only be a healthy process for both organizations.

Northern Ireland Audit Office, 'Management of the Collections held by the Ulster Museum and the Ulster Folk and
Transport Museum', HMSO,London 1989.
Buys, S. and Oakley, V., 'The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics', Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1993.
Oakley, V.L., 'Vessel glass deterioration at the Victoria & Albert Museum: surveying the collection', 'The Conservator', 14,
1990, pp. 30-36.
Keene, S., 'Audits of care: a frameworkfor collections condition surveys', Storage, papers given at a UKIC Conference:
Restoration '91, London, October 1991.pp.6-15. 31/01/2011

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