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1. Add the vowels to complete the objects.

1. b__k
2. t _ bl _
3. gl _ ss _ s
4. ch _ _ r
5. n_t_b__k
6. k_y
7. t _ bl _t c _ mp _ r
8. b_x
9. c_p
10. p_n

2. A Complete the conversation with this, that, these or those.

Jan: Maria, this__ is my husband, Carlos. Carlos, ______ is my friend from school, Maria.
Carlos: Hello, Maria. Nice to meet you.
Maria: You too. Are _______ your children?
Carlos: Yes, _______ is my daughter, Ana, and _______ my son, Paolo.
Maria: Hi.
Carlos: Say hi to Maria.
Ana and Paolo: Hi.
Carlos: Is _______ your car over there?
Maria: Yes, it is. And _______ are my children in the car. Come and say hi.

3. A Put the letters in the correct order to make four clothes and four colours. The first letter is

1. rewetsa 5. tajeck
2. klabc 6. renge
3. Ibeu 7. retsours
4. thirs 8. Norbw

B Write three more clothes and three more colours.

4. A Complete the captions with a name from the box.

Mozart Ronaldo Taylor Swift Picasso Serena Williams Michael Jackson

1. ____________ piano
2. ____________ guitar
3. ____________ brush
4. ____________ tennis racquet
5. ____________ football
6. ____________ glove

6. A Add words to make a conversation.

A: help / you?

Can I help you?

B: egg sandwich

A: White / brown?

B: White

A: else?

B: mineral water

A: Still / sparkling?

B: Sparkling. How much / that?

A: $ 6.90

B: here / are

7. A Complete the pairs with your ideas.

1. coffee / tea____

2. cappuccino / __________

3. still / ___________

4. euros / ___________

5. black / ___________

6. pen / ___________

7. trousers / __________

8. trainers / _____________

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