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Miner Node and its functionality

There are three most important components of Minemeld, referred to as node.

1. Input (Miner)
Miner Node contacts with the external entity for threat Indictors. Threat Indicator may
include bad IPs, Malware hashes, bad domains, malicious code etc. It can fetch
threat feed by using URL or API. Threat Indicators can also be uploaded from a local
2. Processor (Aggregator)
Problems with Threat Data Feed:
- May contain errors
- Redundancy in data when received from multiple external entities
- False positive
Processor Node solves the above cited issues. It receives indicators from Miners,
aggregates them, eliminates redundancy, and merges different sets of metadata for
the same indicator. For example, a common type of processor is one that receives
only IPv4 indicators.
3. Output Node
It receives indicators from Processors, formats the indicators and allows MineMeld to
dynamically send the indicators to its subscribers.


Threat Subscriber
Miner Processor Output
Intelligence Node Node Node (Firewall)
Basic Steps for the creation of Miner Node:
1. Create prototype
2. Create Miner and link it with the prototype created in step 1
3. Link the Miner with the Processor Node (Aggregator)
Step 1:
First we need to create a prototype that will later be used in Minor node.
Config → →Click any prototype of your choice → New →

There are two important fields in the above figure: Class and Config.
Class is predefined and it defines what type of processing is applied to the
indicators. The parameters for this class are supplied by Config attributes.
Class url:
Step 2:
New prototype created for use in Miner creation:

-Press clone to create the corresponding Miner:

Step 3.
Now connect this Miner to Processor.

-Press Commit to have this effect.

The Minor Node is attached with the Processor Node. Now Threat Data Feed
can pass from Miner to the processor and to the output node for the consumption by
the subscriber.

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