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 Abstract: Kabaddi is the national sport of Bangladesh. We have to look back

four thousand years to know the birth mystery of this game. The game is popular
in the Indian subcontinent. The present Indo-Pakistani border state of Punjab is
considered to be the birthplace of this game. It is known that the scope of playing
Kabaddi was mainly among the relatively indigent families in the rural areas due
to its low cost and no need for special equipment. The game has been known by
different names in different parts of India for a long time since its inception.
Although known as Kabaddi to the people of Punjab and the northern part of the
Indian subcontinent, the people of southern India call the game hu-tu-tu, or dakat
chengdu. The game was popularly known as Hadudu in eastern India and
present day Bangladesh and its adjoining states. It is difficult to get an accurate
idea of when Kabaddi was introduced in Bangladesh.

However, the game was very popular with the general public, as evidenced by
the recognition of Kabaddi as a national sport immediately after independence.
The Bangladesh Amateur Kabaddi Federation was formed in 1973 with the aim
of officially sponsoring the game. The federation makes various rules of the
game. In 1974, he played his first Kabaddi Test with the visiting Indian Kabaddi
team in Bangladesh. Once played in rural India, the game is now popular in
countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. Interestingly,
students from elite educational institutions such as Imperial College, London
School of Economics are now joining the UK Kabaddi team. Kabaddi is a contact
team sport of Indian-origin. It is a highly strategic game and generates a
significant amount of data due to its rules. However, data generated from
Kabaddi tournaments has so far been unused, and coaches and players rely
heavily on intuitions to make decisions and craft strategies. This paper provides a
quantitative approach to the game of Kabaddi. The research derives outlook from
an analysis performed on data from the 3rd Standard-style Kabaddi World Cup
2016, organized by the International Kabaddi Federation. The dataset, which
consists of 66 entries over 31 variables from 33 matches, was manually curated.
This paper discusses and provides a quantitative perspective on traditional
strategies and conceptions related to the game of Kabaddi such as attack and
defense strategies.
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Table of Contents

Contents Page no.

Title 1

Abstract 2

Introduction 4

Literature Review 5

Objectives 5-6

Research Method 6

Conceptual framework of the covid19 7

METHODOLOGY: Sample and Data 7-10

Conclusion, Limitations, 11

Reference 12

Appendix 13-23
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 Introduction: Sport is a major contributor to economic and social development.

Its role is well recognized by Governments, including in the Political Declaration
of the 2030 Agenda, which reflects on “the contribution sports make to the
empowerment of women and of young people, individuals and communities, as
well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives. “Since its onset, the
COVID-19 pandemic has spread to almost all countries of the world. Social and
physical distancing measures, lockdowns of businesses, schools and overall
social life, which have become commonplace to curtail the spread of the disease;
have also disrupted many regular aspects of life, including sport and physical
activity. These policy brief highlights the challenges COVID-19 has posed to both
the sporting world and to physical activity and well-being, including for
marginalized or vulnerable groups. It further provides recommendations for
Governments and other stakeholders, as well as for the UN system, to support
the safe reopening of sporting events, as well as to support physical activity
during the pandemic and beyond.

The World Health Organization declared that the COVID-19 novel coronavirus
had become a global pandemic. By the current date, 28thMay, health systems
innumerous countries are still being overwhelmed by the impact of the outbreak
and over 350,000people have lost their lives to the virus. Many countries are now
entering exceptionally sudden and deep economic recessions due to the
measures being taken to suppress or mitigate the pandemic. The focus here is
on the early outbreak period of the virus in India and Bangladesh.
Now it’s increased day by day in the India. Analysis looks at stadium attendance
data from elite-level association Kabaddi matches, which is the India and
Bangladesh traditional sport. In the midst of a global pandemic this severe, a
focus on sport may seem trivial, or even in poor taste. However, the demand for
attending sports events in these countries may tell us something about how
populations respond to a public health emergency, especially one which requires
social distancing, under different policy regimes. There is also little doubt that
sport in particular Kabaddi. Forms a central part of the social fabric of the mildest
country regions most affected by this pandemic .So many Kabaddi match
suspend in the India and Pakistan causes of covid19.
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 Literature Review: Kabaddi is a contact team sport played between two teams

of seven players each. Otherwise we know that anybody can be infected by
breathing in the virus if anyone within close proximity of someone who has
COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface eyes, nose or mouth. The
objective of the game is for a single player on offense, referred to as a raider to
run into the opposing team's half of a court, tag out as many of their defenders as
possible, and return to their own half of the court, all without being tackled by the
defenders, and in a single breath. So, our group analysis that it is impossible
for Kabaddi to maintain social distance. It is big impact for this game. For
this reason, in pandemic playing Kabaddi is not started. But many games like
cricket, hooky is already started.  
 Objectives: 

 Staying active during a pandemic requires smart tactics. 

 As the team physicians, describe the strategies balancing infection control vs.

sports during COVID-19 in the professional league training. 

 Contact sports, even without spectating crowds, pose an infection risk; while
exercising with face-masks significantly increase in physiological demand.  

 Wining celebrations should be avoided. 

 Equipment should not be shared, and all equipment should be regularly


 The overall group size of those training, including coaches, should be limited
to 30 people. 

The WHO recommended social distancing and human-to-human contact was

discouraged to control the transmission. It is impossible for Kabaddi to
maintain social distance. As noted above rules can control transmission of
coronavirus. Must be wear mask. Because 70% transmission can be
controlled by wearing facial mask. In our research we analysis that if
Equipment should not be shared, and all equipment should be regularly
cleaned and the overall group size of those training, including coaches,
should be limited to 30 people the players can save from the transmission of
coronavirus. Do not spit in the field players must be minting the rules. It is not
possible to controlled 100% transmission of coronavirus. But taking all these
steps the players can be save from the coronavirus. Players and staff would
not be allowed to travel in the team bus. All the teams to use extended
dressing rooms in order to minting social distancing. The physics and
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masseurs should wear PPE kits when they need to get in contract with
players. Players and match officers have also been advised to go back to
their hotel and take shower after match days. Visitors and are not allowed into
the sports venues. It is not possible to controlled 100% transmission of
coronavirus taking all these steps hopefully the players can be save from the

 RESEARCH METHOD: The objective of this research is to build a model to

predict the outcome of the game while validating the established claims and
strategies. Research methodology consists of curating the dataset and
performing a variety of analytics on it to provide insights. The dataset is
processed to produce a descriptive statistical sum-Mary along with visualization
to improve the understanding of the dataset. Multiple hypotheses are validated
using parametric hypothesis test. The predictive model building includes deriving
multiple models and later choosing them based on performance parameters. The
research method applied here is the most common method employed by
analytics practitioners.
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 Conceptual framework of the covid19:

Player Safety

Kabaddi game in Supporter

In pandemic situation

Changing game
strategy. New strategy for

The objective of this research is to build a model to predict the Kabaddi game in the
covi19 situation .On the back could Kabaddi game rule is unique rule from
other sports.covid 19 time player safety is essential during this time because its
contract game. Pandemic situation playing suspended causes there might be loss many
tournament are stop causes for covid19 virus. We get by the our survey question
supporter are positive reaction. People think Kabaddi game popularity are not
decreasing. We come an alternative solution for supporter without come stadium they
can enjoy the Kabaddi game by the broadcast.

We are collected data by Google online form. We are Analysis the data by statics
method. This analysis we are used excel and Minitab.


Sample and Data Collection

The population of this study we are get consists of all many level people there most of
people twenty two .Most of The total number of response are Male and there majority
response are student. Twenty eight percent student is job sector are doing business.
Twenty one percentage are student.

Table 1:The main characteristics of participants.

Characteristic Frequency Characteristic Frequency Perchantag
s s e
Age Field sector
Less than 02 7.4 Government 8 13
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19 less than 17 30.94 Non- 6 25

22 Government

More than 08 22.02 Ngo 3 8

Sex Student 5 33
Male 21 77.8 Business 2 21
Female 06 22.2 Income(Taka)
Prefer not to 0 0 Less than 20 74
say 15000)
Education 15001 less 03 15
than 20000
41 20001 and 04 11
Undergraduat more over
Graduate 9 33
MBBS 2 07
MBA 2 08
PH.D 3 11

Study: thirty point nine four percent reposonser are nineteen to twenty two age. That
age are main characteristics of the participants.

Measure: To gather the information about the topic we have designed a questionnaire
which consists two parts. In the first part we have asked the responders about their age,
gender, income and education. The second part consists full of survey questions
regarding Kabaddi in terms of economic point of view, social viewpoint about Kabaddi
match in pandemic situation, future prospect of Kabaddi after post covid19 situation etc.

Analysis: We used descriptive statistical analysis to present the main characteristics of

the survey sample. In addition, means, standard deviations, intercorrelations, one-way
ANOVA, and t-test were calculated.

Table:2 Menas,standard deviation,min,max,variance/Descriptive statistics

Mean Median Mode Standard Variance Min Max

Q1 5.4 5.5 4 1.673320053 2.8 4
Q2 5.4 5.5 0 6.542170894 42.8 0
Q3 5.4 5.5 5 1.816590212 3.3 3
Q4 4 5 #N/A 2.738612788 7.5 0
Q5 3.8 5 5 3.271085447 10.7 0
Q6 4.6 5.5 #N/A 2.966479395 8.8 0
Q7 5.4 5.5 #N/A 2.966479395 8.8 2
Q8 5.4 5.5 4 1.949358869 3.8 4
Q9 5.4 4.5 4 2.607680962 6.8 4
Q10 5.4 6.5 #N/A 3.049590136 9.3 2
Q11 5.4 5 #N/A 4.615192304 21.3 1
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Q12 5.4 6 #N/A 5.029910536 25.3 0

Q13 5.4 7 #N/A 4.979959839 24.8 0
Q14 5.4 6.5 0 6.066300355 36.8 0
Q15 5.4 6.5 4 3.507135583 12.3 1
Q16 5.4 6.5 #N/A 5.504543578 30.3 0
Q17 7 9.5 #N/A 5.338539126 17.3 1

Result interpretation: descriptive statistics we take twenty seven population.Q17 data

give higher mean from the other data and Q4 less data in this table.midain

Interco relation: By the correlation we understand how close your data from other data
set and correlation is significant value is 0.01. The Interco relations among the
Predictors are useful for identifying multicollinearity in the egression. Variables that are
highly correlated ill lead to unstable regression estimates. However, due into their high
+correlation, mitting one them from the model ionlyiminimallyiaffects prediction.iThe
variance in the response that +iliac be explained byitheiomitted invariable is
istilliexplained ibyitheiremaining correlated invariable. However,izero-order
+i+icorrelations are isensitiveito outliers iandialso cannot identify imulticollinearity due
into a high correlation between ia is +i+ipredictoriand is combination if other predictors.

Q Q Q Q Q Q 1
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 8 Q9 Q 10 11 12 Q 13 14 15 16 7
Q1 1
Q2 0.87 1
Q3 -0.8 -0.6 1
Q4 -0.5 -0.5 0.704 1
Q5 -0.4 -0.3 0.353 9 1
Q6 -0.8 -0.8 0.455 5 0.76 1
Q7 0.41 0.39 -0.41 7 0.63 0.11 1
Q8 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 4 0.68 0.77 0.53 1
Q9 0.13 -0 -0.15 5 0.77 0.38 0.88 0.6 1
Q10 -0.7 -0.3 0.415 9 0.61 0.71 0.09 0.6 0.04 1
0.63 0.14
Q11 0.17 0.22 0.006 3 0.78 0.22 0.9 0.4 0.9 6 1
0.34 -
Q12 0.48 0.53 -0.27 5 0.55 0.09 0.94 0.2 0.8 -0.03 0.94 1
0.27 -
Q13 0.55 0.65 -0.24 5 0.44 0.24 0.87 0.1 0.68 -0.08 0.88 0.98 1
0.21 -
Q14 0.65 0.64 -0.38 1 0.37 0.28 0.89 0.1 0.73 -0.23 0.86 0.98 0.98 1
0.65 0.49
Q15 -0.1 0.19 0.361 1 0.77 0.26 0.63 0.2 0.55 6 0.84 0.74 0.75 0.61 1
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0.59 -
Q16 -0.1 0.26 0.505 7 0.55 0.04 0.39 0.2 0.3 0.36 0.67 0.6 0.67 0.51 0.93 1
0.19 -
Q17 0.62 0.67 -0.36 8 0.39 0.27 0.9 0.1 0.7 -0.13 0.86 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.67 0.57 1

Table:3 Result of one way nova test.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Strongly Agree 17 88 5.176470588 6
Agree 17 151 8.882352941 8
Neutral 17 109 6.411764706 1
Disagree 17 65 3.823529412 5
Strongly Disagree 17 35 2.058823529 9

Source of
Variation SS do MS F P-value F crib
455.011 12.6785772
Between Groups 8 4 113.7529412 8 4.88272E-08 2.485884938
Within Groups 7 80 8.972058824

Total 6 84        

The higher the F score gets, the lower will be the significant score. The lower the p-
value is, the greater will be the statistical significance of the observed difference. We
know that if P-value is higher than .05 then there is no statistically significance
difference available. In this case P value is too higher than .05. So it is not statistically
significant, and data analysts should not try to pretend otherwise.
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 Conclusion: Kabaddi is considered a native Bangladesh and Indian game

devoid of any technology-led augmentation so far. The research aims at breaking
this stereo-type and provides evidence that Kabaddi can Benet from applying
analytics. Research method and its endings are cutting-edge and have the
potential to change the future of the game. Detailed and dedicated research is
necessary to deepen the understanding of the game and to extract further beets.
Predictive models combined with hypotheses and visualization are the essential
takeaways from the studyCovid19 impacts on all games not only Kabaddi.
Starting in mid-march in this year all domestic and international Kabaddi
competitions cross the world were suspended or postponed due to the global
spread of the covid19 pandemic and measures taken by governments to combat
it. This should be interesting. India is starting its 2020 season on time and
planning to play a complete schedule amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In
Bangladesh cricket is already started. In our research we discover that If Kabaddi
team minting all guideline for covid19 our Bangladesh government can be
approval for starting Kabaddi.

Limitations: Our research field is unique. We don’t know before any one doing
research or not. So we are facing many problems to making questioner. The
research we are not getting significantly public responses so there population
size is smal.that is why we are not getting significant data. Population small
causes we can’t say that is real. Personal view causes its Barry one survey
question to another survey question. Just we are prediction data. Our research
has deadlines that are why might not be reach mass people. We are doing our
research by excel. Internet slow and other problem causes we are not download
other statistic software.covid19 causes we are not want people to talking face to
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face the survey question we are only assuming what people say that
is true but may be in the real its opposite of the our research.

Recommendations: The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will continue to have
very considerable effects on the sporting world as well as on the physical and
mental well-being of people around the world. The following recommendations
seek to both support the safe re-opening of sporting events and tournaments
following the pandemic, as well as to maximize the benefits that sport and
physical activity can bring in the age of COVID-19 and beyond.

 Reference:
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 Appendix:
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