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Shelby Turner

Dr. Kaninjing


28 February 2021

Journal Week #6
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Amy, Clay and I had two meetings together today. We are working on getting the

webpage done before the end of the week. During our first meeting, we went over how my

design looked and if I wanted to make changes. We adjusted a few things, but most of the layout

stayed how I imagined. Before our second meeting I was instructed to go through the website

and start picking the images for each content block.

During our second meeting, I showed Clay and Amy what pictures I wanted and where I

wanted them. Clay is leaving for California tomorrow, so we went ahead and set up meeting

times to go over updates for the webpage. For the rest of my day we all worked together to edit

some of the content and figure out where it is needed in the campaign.


Today I mainly worked on closed captions for videos we will be using for the WWD

campaign. This took a long time because my computer kept crashing. One I finally figured out

how to make closed captions on a different software, it was a lot better.

I also was in touch with their graphic design person. She is creating images for us for

WWD. I was in charge of emailing her our ideas. I also worked on the content calendar today.

This entailed me reading over Amy’s copy for social media. She also wanted me to make sure

the story flowed well with our plan.


Today was a really fun day. Amy and I left at 11:00am for the Halycon. This is an

outdoor shopping and food area. We worked at a coffee shop for two hours then had a casual

meeting during lunch. She asked me what I was hoping to get out of this internship because she
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wants to make the most of the time I have. I am going to give her a list of all the things I want to

learn about before I leave.

After lunch we went back to the coffee shop and kept working. She wanted to know what

I thought about the website so far and what changes I wanted to make. Her and I went through all

the blocks I designed and made sure they each look correct. All the changes I wanted to make

had to go to Clay. He is in California, so I have been emailing him all the edits.

In the evening I worked for an hour on more closed captions. I forgot to bring my

headphones to work that day, so I had to finish some videos at home. We keep adding videos to

the website, so I have been creating lots of closed captions. Only a few more videos to go!

This was a great change of scenery. Amy and I got lots of work done and had a good time

while doing it. I feel a lot closer to Amy after today. She is fun to talk to and is very

knowledgeable. I love hearing all of her stories from past Kenya trips or stories about her family.


Yesterday I found a better free software to create closed captions. For most of the

morning I re did all the videos with the new closed captions software. What I was using before

made the videos look less bright and decreased the volume when I would download them. The

new software is great!

I went through the webpage again to check the links and images. The webpage launches

on Monday, so everything needs to be corrected by Friday. Amy and I had a brief meeting again

today to review the changes I wanted to make on the page. After she approved of them, I sent

them to Clay to be created!

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I began the morning by sending out a reminder email to the people I am using for WWD

campaign. Amy has told me that sometimes you have to send tons of emails to people before

they open one. I have given them until Sunday night to submit their responses.

While Amy was in other meetings, I started watching a webinar for her. The webinar is

titled “How To Write Winning Email Appeals.” This will help me as I am writing the newsletters

for WWD. This webinar has been very informative, and I will definitely put it into action as I am

writing newsletters.

Amy and I had a meeting at 2:00pm. We videoed with Clay to do some final adjustments

on the website. After the meeting, I worked on the newsletter that will be sent out on Monday.

This newsletter will be a save the date and an introduction to the theme of World Water Day.


Day Time in Lunch Time out Hours worked

Monday 9:30AM None 4:00PM 6.5
Tuesday 9:30AM None 4:00PM 6.5
Wednesday 9:30AM None 4:00PM 7.5

8:00PM 9:00PM
Thursday 9:30AM None 4:00PM 6.5
Friday 9:00AM None 3:00PM 6

Weekly Hours: 33 - Total Hours to date: 189

Journal 5 feedback: Here are the images and other pages I used as inspiration for my webpage

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Here is the link to our World Water Day page!

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