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Language Institute

Writing Activity


 Malla Patiño Andrea Cristina

 Erica Tatiana Sanguña Dávalos
 Jhean Pierre Fuentes González



Verónica Pizarro




Write an interview to a famous personality. (Write 10

questions and 10 answer in the appropiate tenses, simple

present and past tense). Use past tense structure and past

tense of the verbs. Write the interview in groups of 4


Good morning with all the public present. Today, we interviewed Michael
Jackson. Nice to have you on our show. We start with the questions,
1.- First, tell us, Where and When were you born? Who are your parents?
I was born on August 9, 1958 in Indiana, United States. Let me think, my parents are

Joseph Jackson and Katherine Jackson.

2.- Now, could you tell us about your personal interests ?; I mean, what are your


Let me think, what I like to do the most apart from singing in my free time is watching

series about Super Heroes, you know, my favorite superhero is Batman.

3.- Outside the scenes tell us, How is your relationship with your children?

I have a good time taking care of my children myself. It's fun, that's why I had them.

They are wonderful, sweet and innocent boys.

4.- Can you explain how you feel on stage?

I am a slave to rhythm. I just let myself go with the moment.

5. The video for "Thriller" launched you to fame, How did you come up with the


I wanted to do something different. My dream was to do something with a beginning,

middle and end, like a short film.

6. They consider you "the king of pop", What do you think about it?

I have never proclaimed myself anything. Elizabeth Taylor was who I introduce myself

at the American Music Awards under that name. Then the press and fans began to

repeat it.

7.- Do you really like to buy exotic and very expensive things?

Yes, I really like doing it. when I see the very expensive and shiny I have to buy it. It is

an obsession that I have had for many years.

8.- Michael, what do you want to transmit to the world with your music?

My goal is to fill the world with peace and create happiness in children. Wars were and

are the worst there is and we have to end it with beautiful music.

9.- What is the music video that you have most enjoyed creating?

The music video that I have most enjoyed making was “They Don't Care About Us”

because it was in Brazil and the atmosphere was spectacular, the people of Brazil are


10.- To finish, what have you regretted and what has been your best decision?

My best decision was not to leave music and the worst was to trust a lot in people who

were bad that only wanted to hurt.

We really appreciate having known more about you Michel. See you in another


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