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Pinch Analysis of Sugarcane Refinery Water Integration

Article  in  Sugar Tech · August 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s12355-017-0535-5


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3 authors:

Wafa Hatim Balla Ali A. Rabah

Karay University University of Khartoum


Professor Babiker Karama Abdalla

University of Kordofan


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Pinch Analysis of Sugarcane Refinery
Water Integration

Wafa Hatim Balla, Ali A. Rabah &

Babiker K. Abdallah

Sugar Tech
An International Journal of Sugar Crops
and Related Industries

ISSN 0972-1525

Sugar Tech
DOI 10.1007/s12355-017-0535-5

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DOI 10.1007/s12355-017-0535-5


Pinch Analysis of Sugarcane Refinery Water Integration

Wafa Hatim Balla1 • Ali A. Rabah2 • Babiker K. Abdallah1

Received: 27 December 2016 / Accepted: 17 July 2017

 Society for Sugar Research & Promotion 2017

Abstract Water is one of the key resources for the normal Introduction
life and is used extensively in many industries. The sugar
industry is one of the largest water users and producers in The value of water with regard to its use in the industry
food processing sector. This paper presents the analysis of arises due to its excellent heat and mass transfer properties
freshwater used and wastewater discharged in a sugar combined with its seemingly limitless and low-cost abun-
manufacturing process. Also, this paper presents an anal- dance. Water is a major stream in utility system and in the
ysis of cooling water system. The part of the barometric process industry. Process water can be used as a solvent as
condenser, mill turbine and electric power turbine units a direct or indirect way, transportation, cleaning and
were chosen for analysis and synthesis of cooling water cooling medium. Wastewater is generated in the different
systems. In order to reduce the load of the cooling water processes and utility systems, creating a stream which
system, the system was modified to an open recirculation eventually needs to be treated. However, in recent years,
cooling water system. The analysis used water pinch the increased price of freshwater and the increased cost of
analysis method and mathematical optimization techniques wastewater treatment to meet environmental requirements
by resource conservation networks spreadsheet software. have provided process industries with strong incentive to
Analysis of sugarcane hot water balance shows that the minimize the amount of water usage and wastewater
water content of sugarcane itself is more than sufficient for generation.
internal processing. Analysis of the excess condensate The sugar industry is one of the largest water users in
internal water and the discharged water from cooling water food processing sector. Water is used to wash sugarcane,
system showed that the quantity of freshwater used for for steam production as well for cooling application; also, a
cooling system requirement is 121 t/h and the wastewater huge amount of effluent was discharged into an environ-
generation is 24.93 t/h when using BOD as a contaminant. ment. The water content in sugarcane is about 0.70 m3/ton
of cane crushed, out of which about 0.50–0.60 m3/ton of
Keywords Cooling water system  cane crushed is utilized in the process and
Sugarcane water balance  0.10–0.20 m3/ton of cane crushed will be excess water
Resource conservation networks  Water pinch analysis  available in any sugar factory. This water can replace
Water cascade analysis  Water minimization freshwater requirement and conserve natural resource
(Baban and Aparna 2013). Also cooling water is one of the
large water requirements of the sugar factory. Al Guneid
sugar factory uses once-through cooling system which
consumes and produces the largest quantity of water than
& Wafa Hatim Balla
other cooling system. This cooling system can be modified
to reduce the quantity of water used and produced. The
Postgraduate College, Karary University, Omdurman, Sudan main objective of this work is to use pinch analysis for
Faculty of Engineering, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, water management in sugarcane refinery.

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Sugar Tech

Recycle and reuse of water is one of the key strategies in utility targeting, with the introduction of a new set of
reducing the consumption of freshwater in the process composite curves located on a load versus flowrate dia-
industries. Several techniques have been developed to gram also useful in locating a material recycle/reuse
reduce the consumption water. The water pinch analysis pinch point, which provides insightful information on the
(WPA) technique, as proposed by Wang and Smith (1994), use of fresh resources, the discharge of unused materials
generally considers the potential of using fresh or recycle and the relationships between process streams (sources)
water as a lean stream to absorb certain contaminants from and units (sinks). El-Halwagi et al. (2005) suggested that
various process operations, provided there is a driving the source streams to be chosen to satisfy a particular
force for mass transfer. Maximizing water reuse and water demand must be the nearest available neighbors in
recycling can minimize freshwater consumption and terms of contaminant concentration. To design minimum
wastewater generation. In the context of WPA, reuse freshwater networks for fixed contaminant load problems,
means that the effluent from one unit is used in another unit the nearest neighbor’s algorithm is applied to process
and does not re-enter the unit where it has been previously units that lie across the pinch. The four latest works are
used, whereas recycle allows the effluent to re-enter the by far the most promising targeting techniques in locat-
unit where it has been used. ing utility targets in a MWR network. They overcome
The fundamental principle of WPA was introduced by the limitations of the mass transfer-based approach, and
Wang and Smith (1994) which was developed based on the yet, these new tools have automatically built in all
general approach of mass exchange network synthesis mixing possibilities to determine the true pinch point and
technique established by El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis reuse target.
(1989). Bandyopadhyay et al. (2006) proposed methodology
The former WPA technique divides the synthesis task can be applied to fixed flow rate as well as fixed con-
into a two-step procedure, i.e., utility targeting and network taminant load problems having a single contaminant. A
design. In targeting the minimum utility requirements and source composite curve is proposed for directly targeting
in locating the pinch points, the graphical technique such as generation of wastewater. Freshwater can be indirectly
the composite curves and the numerical technique such as targeted using overall mass balance. Foo and Manan
the problem table have both been used in the heat (Linnhoff (2006) used numerical technique known as water cascade
et al. 1982), mass (El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis 1989; analysis (WCA) (Manan et al. 2004) for optimizing water
El-Halwagi 1997) and water recovery problems (Castro networks. The term water cascade refers to the reuse of a
et al. 1999; Mann and Liu 1999) that are based on pinch spent water source to satisfy a lower-quality water sink. A
analysis. The main advantage of this analysis is that the numerical technique capable of handling all types of
minimum utility targets which consist of freshwater and water-using operations; including water used as a solvent
wastewater flowrates are both located ahead of detailed or raw material, with drawn as a product or by-product in
network design. a chemical reaction or utilized as heating or cooling
From the mid-1990s until 2000, fixed load problems media. Consider both the flowrate and contaminant mass
were the main focus of water minimization. Instead, this load for water reuse/recycle, and non-iterative and able to
category has its main focus on removing a certain load quickly yield the exact baseline target. Foo (2009) pro-
from a rich stream and the flow rate is considered con- vided a state-of-the-art overview of the insight-based
stant over a process unit, i.e., the inlet flowrate is equal techniques developed in the twenty-first century, particu-
to the outlet flowrate in, e.g., an adsorption tower. Two larly those developed for single impurity network of the
recent graphical approaches in locating the global mini- fixed flowrate problems. Comparisons were also made
mum utility targets were individually presented by Hal- between these recent techniques and those developed for
lale (2002), El-Halwagi et al. (2003) and Prakash and the fixed load problems in the past century. Foo (2012)
Shenoy (2005). Hallale (2002) presented the iterative presents state-of-the-art, cost-effective techniques,
graphical procedure called the water surplus diagram that including pinch analysis and mathematical optimization,
was adapted from the hydrogen network analysis (Alves for numerous conservation problems, describes the auto-
and Towler 2002) for locating the minimum utility tar- mated targeting model, an advanced targeting technique
gets in a water recovery network. Appropriate placement that incorporates pinch analysis into mathematical mod-
of water regeneration units is also addressed (Hallale eling and presents techniques for performing material
2002). More recently, the iterative procedure in water recovery of batch processes and across different plants,
surplus diagrams is overcome by a numerically equiva- such as in an eco-industrial park. He provided the uses of
lent water cascade analysis (WCA) technique (Manan spreadsheet software (Ng et al. 2014) that helps to per-
et al. 2004). On the other hand, El-Halwagi et al. (2003) formance targets and the design of resource conservation
developed a simpler non-iterative graphical approach for networks.

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Previous Works Sugar Plant Case Studies water used for the machinery to extract the juice). After the
mixed juice is heated to 65–75 C, it is treated with phosphoric
Chetan and Vikas (2015) were collected the wastewater acid, sulfur dioxide and milk of lime (water was required for the
from the Kaithal Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd. (2500 TCD) preparation of milk of lime). The treated juice on boiling is fed
and quantify the volume of the main water and wastewater to continuous clarification from which the clear juice is dec-
in a sugar manufacturing process followed by the sugges- anted, while the settled impurities known as mud are sent to
tion regarding the reutilization of the wastewater. The rotary drum vacuum filter (water used for filtration) for removal
results showed that a hot water balance indicates the usage of unwanted stuff called filter cake which is discarded or
of total water content introduced in the juice and recovered returned to the field as fertilizer. The clear juice is heated again
back to produce solid sugar crystals. Also fresh cold water to 105 C in another set of juice heaters and sends to the
requirement can be reduced by 59.63% by adopting recy- evaporators without further treatment; the clarified juice con-
cling of the condensate in the mill. tains about 85% water. About 75% of this water is evaporated in
Meilyn et al. (2011) were carried out the study in a sugar vacuum multiple effects and collected as condensate water.
factory that processes 150 tons of cane per day. Water and Crystallization takes place in a single-effect vacuum pan, where
wastewater samples were analyzed using analytical grade the syrup using steam is evaporated until it is saturated with
chemicals and adopting standard procedures for evaluation of sugar. Also, condensate water is collected. Freshwater is fed
different parameters. Mathematical optimization was carried into the barometric condenser to condense the vapors from the
out using LINGOTM software in order to achieve an optimal final body and vacuum pan; then, it is discharged as wastewater.
distribution of flows. The result of the application of pinch During crystallization, water is used as movement water for
technology in the sugar industry showed that the freshwater was pan, molasses dilution and for melting the massecuite; finally,
minimized. While the target for freshwater requirement was sugar is dried in the rotary dryer and graded by passing through
1990.47 m3/day, the requirement was successfully lowered by standard sieves.
achieving a reduction of approximately 85%. A decrease in the Water was also required during power generation, as
net effluent outflow from the process was also observed. cooling water for the turbo-alternators used to generate
Poddar and Sahu (2017) were collected the wastewater electricity (from burning bagasse), miscellaneous usage
from Bhoramdev Sugar Industry Ltd. Kavardha (C.G.), such as cooling waters for pumps, as makeup water to feed
India. Mathematical optimization was carried out using the boilers, and as feed water to the furnace flue-gas
Water PinchTM software to achieve an optimal distribution scrubbers and factory washing.
of flows. They identified 12 sources and 6 sinks which
demonstrate a surplus of water in this process. The target Water Balance of Guneid Sugarcane Refinery
for freshwater requirement was 1980.47 m3/day, and the
requirement was successfully lowered by achieving a At first, the sugar manufacturing data were collected based
reduction of approximately 85%. A decrease in the net on the material and energy balance of Al Guneid sugarcane
effluent outflow from the process was also observed. The refinery and data (Hugot 1986). Then, the current baseline
methodology was flexible and can handle large processes. of information on plant water use and wastewater gener-
In this paper used RCNet spreadsheet software (Ng et al. ated was defined. Figure 1 shows the water balance process
2014) for performance targets and the design of resource flow diagram for a preliminary network for Guneid sugar
conservation networks (Foo 2012) of the Guneid sugarcane industry which was not designed using WPA. Tables 1, 2,
refinery. 3, 4 and 5 present the analysis data for water and
wastewater flowrates in the main process units.

Materials and Methods Process Change of Cooling Water System

To accomplish the objective of minimized freshwater In Guneid sugarcane refinery, the cooling system used for
consumption and wastewater disposal, the water pinch cooling milling, turbine and injection for evaporator and
analysis (Foo 2012) methodology was used. vacuum pan is the once-through cooling system, which
requires a large quantity of water and therefore discharges it as
Guneid Sugarcane Refinery Case Study wastewater. For water management in the sugar industry, the
cooling system was changed to open recirculation cooling
The study was carried out in Al Guneid sugarcane refinery that systems; therefore, the water discharged from turbine milling,
processes 230 tons of cane per hour. In the milling, more than the turbine for electric generation and barometric condenser
95% of the sugar in the cane goes into the juice (imbibition were recirculated using the cooling tower. The water utility
water used to remove the juice from the fibers and the cooling used for cooling system changed as shown in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 1 Water balance of Al Guneid sugarcane refinery (ConceptDraw PRO software)

Table 1 General data for Guneid sugarcane refinery contaminants chosen for utility water. Entire water sources
and sink flowrates and quality requirements for each water-
Crushing rate 5000 TCD or 230 t/h
using process are extracted from the data sheet. The water
Mixed juice temperature 35 C sources data are obtained by identifying the maximum
Steam pressure 1.2 kg/cm2 concentration limit and the minimum flowrate limit of the
IV body vacuum 625 mmHg wastewater source from each process. The water sinks data
Specific heat of juice 0.9 kcal/(kg C) are usually obtained from historical variations, emergency
Dryness of steam/vapor 0.95 water substitution, estimates from engineers, vendors and
Mixed juice Brix C15 operators, and description in equipment list (Liu et al. 2004).
Clear juice Brix C15
Syrup Brix C65
Water (Sink) for Sugar Process

Determination of Water ‘Sources’ and ‘Sinks’ Data Boiler makeup, milk of lime, imbibition water, filter wash
and Selection of Key Contaminants for Water Pinch water, movement water for pan, molasses dilution, Meltzer,
Analysis mesquite washing and losses, floor and equipment washing.

After analyzing the water network for Al Guneid sugarcane

refinery, the water processes are grouped into plant sections Water (Source) for Sugar Process Production
(process and utility). The processes chosen are preferably
close geographically and are also chemically related. The Exhaust condensate, pan condensate, vapor condensate
system can be modeled as a single contaminant. The TDS is from second effect ? heaters 5 and 6, vapor condensate
the main contaminant chosen for process water that prevents from third effect ? heaters 3 and 4, vapor condensate from
direct reuse in the water system, while BOD and COD are fourth effect ? heaters 1 and 2.

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Table 2 Water balance for milling house

Type of water Used for Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water required
Hot Process Imbibition 62 0.27 A*(?)
Cold Utility Cooling of bearing 150 Guneid factory
Cold Utility Cooling of turbine 3200 Guneid factory
Type of water Discharge as Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water discharge
Hot process Bagasse 31.51 0.13 A* (fiber) ? 0.05 A* (unextracted sugar)

Table 3 Water balance for clarification and filtration

Type of water Used for Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water required
mcp Dt
Steam Utility Heater 31.57 kdryness ofsteam
Hot Process Lime of milk 1.56 consume 0.65 kg of CaO per
t.c. 10 Baume required
10.4 kg water/kg CaO(?)
Hot Process Filtration washes water 9.2 0.04 A*(?)
Type of water Discharge as Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water discharge
Hot Process Exhaust condensate 4.14 In = out
Hot Process Vapor condensate 27.43 In = out
Cold process Filter cake 2.3 0.01 A*(?)

Table 4 Water balance for evaporator, vacuum pan and crystallizer

Type of water Used for Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water required
Steam Process Vapor cell 46 s = Q/k
Steam Process Evaporator 45 S = X ? P1 ? P2 ? P3
Hot Process Movement water for pan 4.6 0.02 A*(?)
Hot Process Molasses dilution 4.6 0.02 A*(?)
Hot Process Meltzer 6.9 0.03 A*(?)
Hot Process Mesquite washing and losses 2.3 0.01 A*(?)

s k
Cold Utility Barometric injection water 3550 mw ¼ cpw Dt

Type of water Discharge as Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water discharge
Hot Process Exhaust steam condensate 110 (vapor cell ? effect 1 ? heater)
Hot Process Vapor condensate 132.6 (effects 2, 3, 4 ?  vacuum pan)
s k
Hot Utility Barometric warm water 3600 mw ¼ cpw Dt þ 1

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Table 5 Water balance for boiler

Type of water Used for Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water required
Hot Utility Exhaust steam generation 110 Guneid factory
Type of water Discharge as Flowrate (t/h) Equation or source

Water discharge
Hot Utility Boiler blowdown 5 B ¼ Cycle 1

* Let crushing rate = A, (?) Hugot (1986), S exhaust steam, Q heat transfer rate, X vapor from last effect, P1 vapor bleeding from effect 1, P2
vapor bleeding from effect 2, P3 vapor bleeding from effect 3, mw mass of water, S* steam evaporated from juice, Cpw specific heat of water,
B blown down, E evaporation rate

Fig. 2 Modified water balance for Guneid sugarcane refinery (ConceptDraw PRO software)

Water (Sink) for Sugar Production Utility Water Pinch Analysis Using Resource Conservation
Networks Software Sheet (RCNet)
Cane washing, the makeup of mill turbine bearing, makeup
of turbine cooling water, the makeup of injection water. Water pinch analysis was used to determine minimum
flowrate targets for freshwater and wastewater discharged.
Water Leaving (Source) for Sugar Production Utility This work used RCNet spreadsheet software (Ng et al.
2014) for performance targets and design of water net-
Excess water, boiler blowdown, purge from turbine cooling works of Guneid sugar industry. The RCNet software first
water. performs the water targeting task using water cascade

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analysis (Foo 2012) and next design the resource conser- load deficit (-) means that there is still sufficient
vation networks (RCN) based on mathematical optimiza- capacity to absorb the mass loads in this concentration
tion technique for the superstructural model (Foo 2012) as range. Cascading the mass load surpluses/deficient
shown below to achieve the flowrate targets. drawn the concentration intervals the cumulative mass
To achieve the targets using water cascade analysis, one load.
has to fulfill both the flowrate and mass load requirements • If the cumulative mass load deficient exists at all
for all water-using processes under consideration with the concentration levels, this indicates mass load infeasi-
following detailed step: bility which is the result of assuming zero freshwater
flowrate during water cascading. Thus, additional
• The first step in WCA is to set up the interval water
freshwater should be supplied to remove all flowrate
balance table to determine the net water source or net
and mass load deficient and yield a feasible water
water sink at each concentration levels. The first
column of the table contains the contaminant concen-
• Freshwater should be supplied at the highest quality
tration levels arranged in ascending order. Next the
level (0 ppm). To minimize freshwater consumption, it
water concentration difference (Dc), the difference
is necessary to determine the minimum flowrate of
between concentrations at intervals k and k ? 1, is
freshwater, or the interval freshwater demand ðFfw Þ that
will satisfy the total water requirement at each
concentration level Ck. The interval freshwater demand
Dc ¼ Ckþ1  Ck ð1Þ will resource a feasible water cascade throughout the
• The next columns contain the total flowrates for water entire water network.
P P • At each concentration level k, Ffw,k is obtained by
sinks ( Fj) and water sources ( Fi) at their
corresponding concentration intervals. Subtracting the dividing the cumulative mass load (Dmc) by the
total flowrate of the water sinks from the water sources difference between the concentration level (Ck) of
at each concentration level yields the net interval water interest and that of freshwater supply (CFW) as follows:
flowrate ð Fj  Fi Þ, where a positive value
indicates a net water source and a negative value Ffw;k ¼ Dmc =ðCk  CFW Þ ð2Þ
indicates a net water sink.
• A negative value for Ffw,k means that there is
• The next key step in WCA is to establish the freshwater
insufficient freshwater, whereas a positive Ffw,k means
and wastewater targets for the process. In doing so, it is
that there is excess freshwater at the concentration level
important to consider both the water flowrate balance
and the mass load requirement so that the true
• To ensure that there is sufficient freshwater at all points
minimum water targets can be obtained.
in the network, a freshwater flowrate Ffw of exactly the
The water flowrate balance involves the use of water cas- same magnitude as the absolute value of the largest
cade diagram in which a freshwater flowrate ðFfw Þ of 0 ton/ negative Ffw,k should be supplied. This in turn gener-
h at a concentration of 0 ppm is assumed. The net water ates the minimum wastewater flowrate target.
sink of x ton/h at the second concentration level is cascaded • Note that a feasible water cascade is the one that results
to the third concentration level to meet another water sink in a positive (or zero) value for the cumulative mass
of y ton/h, giving a cumulative net sink or cumulative water load cascade. Where there is zero cumulative mass
flowrate (FC) of x ? y ton/h. The cascading process con- load, a pinch concentration exists. The pinch divided
tinues toward the lowest quality (highest concentration) the overall network into two independent regions, i.e.,
level which is the cumulative water sink, or the wastewater the region above and below the pinch concentration. In
flowrate (Fww) at this point. the region above the pinch, mass load supplied by the
water sources is completely consumed by the water
• Next, the mass load allocation throughout the water
sinks. On the other hand, excess mass load is found in
network is determined via the mass load cascade in
the region below the pinch.
order to obtain true minimum targets. First, the mass
• In order to achieve the water flowrate targets, water
load Dm surplus or deficit at each concentration level of
source above the pinch (including freshwater) should
the water cascade is calculated. This is the product of
neither be fed to the water sink nor mixed with water
the cumulative water flowrate (FC) and the concentra-
sources below the pinch.
tion difference (Dc) across two concentration levels. A
• The water cascade analysis provides the baseline
mass load surplus (?) means the load available from
targets a head network design.
the water sources exceeds what is required, whereas a

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The nearest neighbor algorithm (NNA) procedure was fol- (b) The source flowrate should be larger than or equal to
lowed to synthesize the RCN, with the following detailed step: that of the sink, i.e.,
1. All material sinks and sources were arranged in the
descending order of quality levels. The design was FSK  FSR ð6Þ
started from the sink that requires the highest quality After that, the selected sink was feed fully with the source.
feed. The sinks are arranged horizontally, with the Finally, the excess source flow rate was shifted experienced
lowest concentration (highest quality) on the leftmost by the sink to the sink (where the source was matched to
to the highest concentration (lowest quality) on the originally) that experiences a flowrate deficit.
rightmost side of the diagram. Similarly, all sources *An equal flowrate of source(s) will be shifted to the
are arranged vertically, with the lowest concentration sink that was originally fed by the source.
on the highest level, while the highest concentration is
at the lowest level. We shall start the design with SK1,
which requires the most strength (highest quality feed). Results and Discussion
2. The selected sink SKj was matched with sources SRi of
the same quality level, if any are available. Water Used for Process
3. The two source candidates were mixed SRi and SRi?1 to
fulfill the flowrate and quality requirements of sink SKj. Table 6 represents the limiting data required for water
Note that the source candidates SRi and SRi?1 are the pinch analysis. From the water balance of Guneid sugar-
nearest available neighbors to the sink SKj with the cane refinery, the flowrate of source and sink was identi-
quality levels just lower and just higher than that of sink. fied. TDS was the contaminant chosen as the main
4. The respective flowrate between the source and sink is contaminants that prevent direct reuse in the process water
calculated via Eqs. 3 and 4. system. The maximum concentration limit for the sink and
• Overall material balance: the concentrations of the source was taken from the liter-
ature of previous work (Pradeep and Omprakash 2015).
FSRi ;SKj þ FSRi þ1;SKj ¼ FSKj ð3Þ Table 7 shows that freshwater is 0.00 t/h and the
wastewater (excess condensate) is 65.24 t/h. This result
• Impurity balance: shows that the entire water in the sugarcane can be recycled
to all processes of sugar industry without needed of an
FSRi ;SKj CSRi þ FSRiþ1 ;SKj CSRiþ1 ¼ FSKj CSKj ð4Þ external source of water.
Based on mathematical optimization model (Foo 2012),
where FSRi ;SKj is allocation flowrate sent from SRi to SKj, if
process water network is designed to fulfill the flowrate
SRi has sufficient flowrate to be allocated to SKj, i.e.,
targets obtained from pinch analysis as shown in Fig. 3.
FSRi  FSRi ;SKj , go to step 5 or else to step 4. Later the
source is used completely, if the source has insufficient
Water Used for Utility
flowrate to be used as the allocation, i.e., FSRi ;SKj [ FSRi .
5. Repeat steps 2–4 for all sinks. Once all sinks are fulfilled, Tables 8 and 9 present the comparison between the flowrate
the unutilized sources are discharged as waste. (freshwater requirement and wastewater discharged) of
existing sugar industry and the modified sugar industry (by the
The RCNet with source shift algorithm (SSA) is then
management of wastewater without using pinch analysis).
followed by nearest neighbor algorithm. In this technique,
As shown in Tables 8 and 9, open recirculating cooling
some matches between sink and sources (i.e., established
systems save a tremendous amount of freshwater compared
using the NNA) are removed, aiming to reduce their
to the alternative method, once-through cooling, and the
number of interconnections. To evolve the RCNet with
freshwater reduced from 8042.415 to 212.67 t/h. Also, the
SSA is design by the following procedure:
quantity of water discharged as wastewater is greatly
The sink–source pairs that fulfill the both following
reduced from 8065.415 t/h in once-through system to
criteria were identified:
73.397 t/h in the open recirculating system.
(a) The chosen sink–source matches should have the For further saving water, water pinch analysis was used.
same quality value, i.e., Table 10 represents the limiting data required to water
pinch analysis for water utility system. The excess con-
CSK ¼ CSR ð5Þ densate water determined from pinch analysis of process
water, water purged from the boiler and turbine cooling

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Sugar Tech

Table 6 Limiting data for water minimization (process water)

No. Sink Sink flowrate, FSKj (t/h) TDS max concentration, CSKj (ppm)

SK1 Boiler makeup 110 10

SK2 Milk of lime 1.56 40(-)
SK3 Imbibition water 62 80(-)
SK4 Filter wash water 9.2 80(-)
SK5 Movement water for pan 4.6 80(-)
SK6 Molasses dilution 4.6 80(-)
SK7 Meltzer 6.9 80(-)
SK8 Mesquite washing and losses 2.3 80(-)
SK9 Floor and equipment washing 2.3 100
ej 203.46
Source Source flowrate, FSRi (t/h) Concentration, CSRi (ppm)

SR1 Exhaust condensate 110.24 0

SR2 Pan condensate 46 23
SR3 Vapor condensate from second effect ? heaters 5 and 6 45.2 42
SR4 Vapor condensate from third effect ? heaters 3 and 4 37.8 48
SR5 Vapor condensate from fourth effect ? heaters 1 and 2 29.7 54
ei 269.57

(-) Poddar and Sahu (2017)

Table 7 Water cascade analysis for water used for process

C DC Fj Fi Fi - Fj Fc Dm Cum Dm FFW,K Fc Dm Cum Dm

0 110 110 0
23 0 0 0.00 0
23 46 46 0 0.00 0.00
17 46 0.782 46 0.8
40 1.56 -1.56 0.782 19.55 0.8
2 44.4 0.088 44.44 0.1
42 45.2 45.2 0.870 20.74 0.9
6 89.6 0.537 89.64 0.5
48 37.8 37.8 1.408 29.35 1.4
6 127.44 0.764 127.44 0.8
54 29.7 29.7 2.137 40.25 2.2
26 157.14 4.085 157.14 4.1
80 89.6 -89.6 6.259 78.24 6.3
29 67.54 1.350 67.54 1.4
100 2.3 -2.3 7.609 76.10 7.6
999,900 65.24 65,233.48 65.24 65,233.5
1,000,000 65,241.1 65.24 65,241.1
Bold values indicate significance to the flowrate of fresh water and wastewater

tower consider as a source for utility water. BOD and COD Table 12 shows that the target freshwater required is
were the contaminants chosen for analysis, and the data for 131.92 t/h and the wastewater discharged is 34.92 t/h.
maximum concentrations of sink were taken from the lit- By comparison, Tables 11 and 12 showed that the flow
erature (FIESP 2004). target was different, and COD contaminant required more
Table 11 shows that the target freshwater required is freshwater. Therefore, for selecting the most critical con-
121.93 t/h and the wastewater discharged is 24.93 t/h. taminants is essential, especially when using single

Author's personal copy
Sugar Tech

Fig. 3 Network for water used for process

Table 8 Freshwater requirement for the co-generator sugar unit, t/h

Industrial Before recycle (t/h) After recycle (t/h)

Boiler water makes up 40 40

Cane washing 1100 55
Laboratory 0.115 0.115
Floor and equipment washing 2.3 2.3
Turbine cooling water 3200 34.67
Cooling water for mill and turbine bearings 150 2.181
Injection water 3550 78.4
Total factory 8042.415 212.666

Table 9 Wastewater discharged from the co-generator sugar unit, t/h

Industrial Before recycle (t/h) After recycle (t/h)

Boiler blown down 5 5

Cane washing 1100 55
Laboratory 0.115 0.115
Floor and equipment washing 2.3 2.3
Turbine cooling water purge 3200 2.87
Cooling water for mill and turbine bearings purge 150 0.312
Injection water 3608 7.8
Total factory 8065.415 73.397

contaminant for designing the RCN as in this work. The Based on mathematical optimization model (Foo 2012),
COD (as it has higher flowrate) was selected as the con- utility water network is designed to fulfill the flowrate
taminant to design the network as shown in Fig. 4; then, targets obtained from water cascade analysis (Table 11)
track the concentration of BOD throughout the network and (Table 12) as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
(using the network in Fig. 5), to ensure that the concen- The network design when select COD or BOD as con-
tration of BOD stays below the limit. For sinks where the taminate shown excess water (SR1) which has the highest
BOD is exceeded, we can increase freshwater to ensure the concentration are distributed by various ratio to all sinks
BOD limit is observed. Without this step, there may be a and this source are diluted by fresh water to achieve the
risk that water sinks receive the water of BOD higher than concentration limit, the remains of (SR1) discharged as
its limits. wastewater.

Author's personal copy
Sugar Tech

Table 11 Water cascade analysis for water used for utility (BOD as contaminant)
C DC Fj Fi Fi - Fj Fc Dm Cum Dm FFW,K Fc Dm Cum Dc

0 0 0 0
20 0 0.00 121.93 2.4
20 7.67 7.67 0.00 0.00 2.4
5 7.67 0.03835 129.60 0.6
25 91.85 -91.85 0.03835 1.53 3.1
25 -84.18 -2.1045 37.75 0.9
50 78.06 -78.06 -2.06615 -41.32 4.0
100 -162.24 -16.224 -40.31 -4.0
150 65.24 65.24 -18.2902 -121.93 0.0 (pinch)
999850 -97 -96,985.5 24.93 24,930.6
1,000,000 -97,003.7 -97.00 24,930.6
Bold values indicate significance to the flowrate of fresh water and wastewater

Table 10 Limiting data for water minimization (water utility)

No. Sink Sink flowrate, FSKj (t/h) BOD max concentration, CSKj COD max concentration, CSKj
(ppm) (ppm)

SK1 Cane washing 55 25 75

SK2 Makeup of mill turbine bearing 2.182 25(**) 75(**)
SK3 Makeup of turbine cooling water 34.67 25(**) 75(**)
SK4 Makeup of injection water 78.06 50 75(**)
ej 169.912

Source Source flowrate, FSRi (t/h) BOD concentration, CSRi (ppm) COD concentration, CSRi (ppm)

SR1 Excess water 65.24 150 400

SR2 Boiler blowdown 5 20 80
SR3 Purge from turbine cooling water 2.67 20 80
ei 72.91
** FIESP (2004)

Table 12 Water cascade analysis for water used for utility (COD as contaminant)
C DC Fj Fi Fi - Fj Fc Dm Cum Dm FFW,K Fc Dm Cum Dm

0 0 0 0
75 0 0.00 131.92 9.9
75 169.91 -169.91 0.00 0.00 9.9
5 -169.91 -0.84955 -37.99 -0.2
80 7.67 7.67 -0.84955 -10.62 9.7
320 -162.24 -51.9168 -30.32 -9.7
400 65.24 65.24 -52.7664 -131.92 0.0 (pinch)
999,600 -97 -96,961.2 34.92 34,901.9
1,000,000 -97,014 -97.01 34,901.9
Bold values indicate significance to the flowrate of fresh water and wastewater

Author's personal copy
Sugar Tech

Fig. 4 Network when using

COD as contaminant

Fig. 5 Network when using

BOD as contaminant

Conclusions wastewater discharged to be 73.40 after recycling of

water. After using pinch analysis by RCNet software,
1. The water balance for each section of sugarcane the flow target of freshwater was minimized to 121 t/h
refinery was analyzed. and wastewater discharged was minimized to 24.93 t/h
2. From water cascade analysis of process water, the when using BOD as contaminants. According to flow
minimum flow target of freshwater was found to be target obtained, the utility water network was
0.0 t/h and wastewater discharged was found to be designed.
65.24 t/h. This shows that the vapor condensate from
entire water in the sugarcane can recycle to all Acknowledgements I would like to thank Guneid Sugar Industry,
processes of sugarcane manufacturing step without Prof. Ali A. Rabah, Prof. Babiker Karama Abdalla Mohammed and
needed of an external source of freshwater. According Prof. Hamid M. Mustafa for their support and encouragement during
this project.
to flow target obtained, the process water network was
designed using RCNet software. Compliance with Ethical Standards
3. For utility water, the modification of the cooling
system without using water pinch analysis minimizes Conflict of interest Wafa Hatim Balla, Prof. Ali Rabah and Prof.
the freshwater required to be 212.67 t/h and Babiker Abdallah have no conflict of interest.

Author's personal copy
Sugar Tech

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