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Biochemical Engineering Journal 37 (2007) 294–297

Production of bacterial ␣-amylase by B. amyloliquefaciens

under solid substrate fermentation
M. Saban Tanyildizi a,∗ , Dursun Özer a , Murat Elibol b
a Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fırat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey
b Department of Bioengineering, Ege University, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

Received 3 February 2006; received in revised form 8 May 2007; accepted 18 May 2007

Production of ␣-amylase by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, under solid substrate fermentation (SSF) was investigated in shaken-culture. The
maximum ␣-amylase activity was obtained under the following optimized conditions: corn gluten meal (CGM) 30 g/l, yeast extract (YE) 10 g/l,
agitation rate 150 rpm and fermentation temperature 33 ◦ C. The results showed that ␣-amylase production in a medium with CGM was five times
higher than that in the medium contained starch and other components. The temperature of fermentation was found to be most crucial factor in
␣-amylase production.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solid substrate fermentation; Corn gluten meal; B. amyloliquefaciens; ␣-amylase

1. Introduction SSF has many advantages over SMF, including superior pro-
ductivity, simple technique, low capital investment, low energy
␣-Amylases are extracellular enzymes that randomly cleave requirement and less water output, better product recovery and
the ␣-1,4 glucosidic bonding of linear amylose and branching lack of foam build up and reported to be the most appropri-
amylopectin. They are the most important group of enzymes ate process for developing countries. A further advantage of
produced commercially. Bacterial ␣-amylases have several SSF is that cheap and easily available substrates, such as agri-
applications in many food and textile processes [1–3]. culture and food industry by-products [8]. Crude or partially
␣-Amylase can be produced by different species of microor- purified enzymes produced by SSF have industrial applications
ganisms using both submerged fermentation (SMF) and solid (e.g. pectinases used for fruit juice clarification, ␣-amylase for
substrate fermentation (SSF). Most of the production has been saccharification of starch) [9].
carried out using SMF; however, SSF systems appear promising Inexpensive agriculture and agro-industrial residues repre-
due to the natural potential and advantages they offer [4]. SSF sented one of the most energy-rich sources on the planet can be
is generally characterized by the growth of microorganism on used as a substrate in SSF. These residues are in fact, one of the
and/or within particles of a solid substrate in the presence of best reservoirs of fixed carbon in nature [10]. In the SSF, the
varying amounts of water. The solid substrate acts as a source of solid substrate not only supplies the nutrients to the culture, but
carbon, nitrogen, minerals and growth factors, and has a capacity also serves as an anchorage for the microbial cells [11].
to absorb water, necessary for microbial growth. As the microor- The composition and concentration of media and fermen-
ganisms in SSF are growing under conditions similar to their tation conditions greatly affect the growth and production of
natural habitats, they may be able to produce certain enzymes extracellular enzymes from microorganisms. Cost and availabil-
and metabolites more efficiently than in submerged fermentation ity are important considerations, and therefore the selection of an
[5–7]. appropriate solid substrate plays an important role in the devel-
opment of efficient SSF processes [12]. On preliminary cost
analysis, a net savings of about 60 and 50% on fermentation
medium cost and the expenditure on down-stream processing,
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 424 237 0000/5529; fax: +904242415526. respectively, as compared to the presently employed SMF tech-
E-mail address: (M.S. Tanyildizi). nique was evident [13].

1369-703X/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.S. Tanyildizi et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 37 (2007) 294–297 295

Corn gluten meal (CGM), a by-product of corn wet milling,

generated large quantities from starch industrial practice is rel-
atively cheap substrate. Traditionally, CGM has been used for
animal feed, and, therefore, it is desirable to find new uses for
CGM [14]. It contains rich proteins (≥60%) and vitamin and
other minerals.
It is known that SSF is mainly confined to processes involv-
ing fungi and not suitable for bacterial cultures because of
higher water activity requirements. However, successful bac-
terial growth and production ␣-amylase by using the SSF
technique is known in many natural fermentations [11]. The
genus Bacillus is major source of industrial enzymes and B.
amyloliquefaciens one of the most widely used species for the
Fig. 1. Time course ␣-amylase production by B. amyloliquefaciens on CGM
bulk production of ␣-amylase [15].
(Initial pH: 7.0, CGM concentration: 10 g/l, fermentation temperature: 37 ◦ C,
The main objective of this study was to investigate into agitation rate: 150 rpm).
␣-amylase production by B. amyloliquefaciens under SSF con-
dition with CGM. the B. amyloliquefaciens utilized the CGM effectively, produc-
ing ␣-amylase. The physico-chemical parameters and amount
2. Materials and methods of media components apparently influenced the production of
the enzyme. The results reported here are the averages of three
2.1. Strain and medium values. The production of ␣-amylase reached a peak of 663 IU at
24 h. The production of enzyme relatively decreased after 30 h
The B. amyloliquefaciens NRRL B-645 was obtained from for this basal medium. In order to follow the profile of enzyme
Agricultural Research Service Culture Collection in USA. The production, the fermentation was run for a long time of period
strain was maintained on agar slopes at 4 ◦ C. A standard inocu- (72 h).
lum medium containing (g/l) glucose 15, peptone 2.5, yeast In this study, two different sizes of CGM (50 and 100 mesh)
extract (YE) 2.0, NaCl 1.5, KH2 PO4 0.5, MgSO4 0.5 and CaCl2 were used. Commercially produced CGM has very small parti-
0.1 was inoculated into 250 ml. Erlenmayer flask which was then cles, so it cannot be ground more. The results show that there
kept at 37 ◦ C and 150 rpm for 18 h. The initial pH of the medium is no difference in the values of enzyme and time to reach max-
was adjusted to 7.0. 1% (v/v) inoculum was transferred into imum enzyme production in both experiments. Therefore, it
250 ml Erlenmayer flasks containing 50 ml production medium. was decided that the natural size of CGM was sufficient for
The production medium contained CGM and tap water only. ␣-amylase production.
However, in order to determine the effect of different concen- The Fig. 2 shows the effect of nitrogen source (peptone
trations of medium constituents and process conditions on the and YE) in fermentation medium on ␣-amylase production.
production of ␣-amylase, enzyme production medium based on In all concentrations, the higher enzyme activity was obtained
that described by Anderson et al. was also used [16]. The pH when YE was used as a nitrogen source. The figure also shows
of medium was initially adjusted to 7 and allowed to follow its that 10 g/L of YE is the optimum for maximum ␣-amylase
natural course throughout the fermentation. production. However, the activity decreased higher and lower
concentrations of YE. Bajpai and Santos also reported similar
2.2. Enzyme analysis results in their works [20,21].

The fermented broth was taken after 30 h and centrifuged at

7000 rpm for 15 min, and then supernatant was used for estima-
tion of enzyme activity. The activity was measured by decrease
in iodine color reaction showing dextrinization of starch. The
activity was measured against the control in which no enzyme
was added. The detail of the method is given elsewhere [17]. One
unit of enzyme activity is defined 0.0284 optical density reduc-
tion of blue color intensity of starch iodine solution at 37 ◦ C

3. Results and discussions

In SSF, the selection of a suitable substrate for a fermentation

process is a critical factor [19]. The change of ␣-amylase pro- Fig. 2. Effect of the YE and peptone concentration on ␣-amylase production.
duction with incubation time, in which medium contained CGM (Initial pH: 7.0, CGM concentration: 10 g/l, fermentation temperature: 37 ◦ C,
and tap water only, is shown in Fig. 1. The results showed that agitation rate: 150 rpm).
296 M.S. Tanyildizi et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 37 (2007) 294–297

Fig. 3. Effect of CGM on ␣-amylase production. (Initial pH: 7.0, YE concen- Fig. 5. Effects of fermentation temperature on ␣-amylase production. (Ini-
tration: 10 g/l, fermentation temperature: 37 ◦ C, agitation rate: 150 rpm). tial pH: 7.0, CGM concentration: 30 g/l, YE concentration: 10 g/l, agitation
rate:150 rpm,  25 ◦ C,  30 ◦ C,  33 ◦ C, × 37 ◦ C, ♦ 40 ◦ C, + 45 ◦ C).

One of the most important parameters in fermentation sys-

tems is the level of substrate used. In this study, seven different of this particular enzyme was apparently provided by the nature
CGM concentrations varying from 5 to 40 g/l were used (Fig. 3). of CGM and tap water. These are of great important in terms of
Maximum ␣-amylase activity was achieved at 30 g/l CGM con- the cost of production of enzyme.
centration. Enzyme activity increased with increasing substrate Enzymes are susceptible to mechanical force, which may
concentration until 30 g/l; any further increase in substrate con- disturb the elaborate shape of complex molecule to such a degree
centration however, resulted in a decrease in enzyme production. that denaturation occurs. ␣-amylase production was investigated
It is well known that substrate concentration has a direct effect at three different speeds, i.e., 100, 150 and 250 rpm. The highest
on water content in fermentation medium, because water level in ␣-amylase activity was obtained at 150 rpm (Fig. 4).
the fermentation medium decreases with an increase in substrate Fermentation temperature is also very important for SSF
concentration. When the quantity of the water becomes insuffi- since growth and production of enzymes or metabolites are usu-
cient and does not allow a good diffusion of solutes and gas, the ally sensitive to temperature [26]. In this study, six different
cell metabolism slows, or can stop, because of a lack of substrates incubation temperatures varying from 25 to 45 ◦ C were used.
or through too high concentration of inhibitive metabolites in or The results are shown in Fig. 5. The highest ␣-amylase produc-
near the cell [22]. tion was recorded at 33 ◦ C. The enzyme production however
Likewise, the effects of MgSO4 and CaCl2 on ␣-amylase decreased at higher temperatures. In a previous study, ␣-amylase
production were investigated in a medium containing CGM, YE production using complex medium containing starch, the opti-
and tap water. However, there was no significant effect in the mum incubation temperature was 37 ◦ C (not shown here). The
use of these salts. The enzyme activity values obtained with and thermal characteristics of substrate and the low moisture content
without these salts were 2687 and 2645 IU respectively, which in SSF are especially difficult conditions for heat transfer. Heat
are almost the same values. Therefore, it was decided that these removal is inadequate for dissipating metabolic heat due to the
salts had no effect on the enzyme production. Although there are poor thermal conductivity of most solid substrates and result in
many reports indicating an enhancement of ␣-amylase produc- unacceptable temperature gradients [27].
tion by these salts [23–25], the salt requirement for production Microbial growth and metabolism inevitably lead to a change
in the hydrogen ion balance and hence, the pH of the culture
medium [12]. To study the effect of pH on enzyme production
the initial pH was varied from 5.0 to 8.0 each at 1.0 interval. After
the sterilization in the autoclave, all these media having different
initial pH, were showed the same pH. It was then thought that
CGM contained high proteins (about 60%) serve as a buffer.
Therefore, in the subsequent experiments, the initial pH of the
fermentation medium was adjusted to 7.0.

4. Conclusions

Commercial ␣-amylase production is usually produced by

submerged fermentation; however, SSF appear promising due
to the natural potential and advantages they offer. In this study,
Fig. 4. Effects of rotary velocity of the shake flask on ␣-amylase production. (Ini- CGM was found to be a suitable substrate for ␣-amylase pro-
tial pH: 7.0, CGM concentration: 30 g/l, YE concentration: 10 g/l fermentation duction. The study of the CGM as solid substrate for ␣-amylase
temperature: 37 ◦ C). production by B. amyloliquefaciens is of interest because the
M.S. Tanyildizi et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 37 (2007) 294–297 297

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