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Snowy Ridge Analytical was established in mid-2019, South African based company
operating within the sub-Saharan region. In 2013 a group of 3 friends all working within
various parts of the Agriculture sector decided to form a company that would focus on
aiding farm management. Autonomous farm control, as in systems able to remotely control
equipment etc… This came to fruition in 2019, when we formed a company Snowy Ridge
Analytical (SRAntics for short). As of 2021 the company is completely decentralized with its
operational core spread across South Africa and Canada.

We’re still developing various components, so the company is not offering any service or
product to the general public, busy doing testing in Eastern South Africa. Intended audience
mostly technical, supplier, sales departments of companies we buy from or hire services
from. Reasoning behind our particular reason for having a website in the first place is
related to better service having an online referenceable presence.

What we’re actually building

The technical term for what we’re building would be Autonomous Control Network /
System, unfortunately it leaves allot of room for ambiguity. A set of systems able to emulate
the farming operation, informing the farmer or operator of relevant information to a
particular task / operation he or she is doing. This set of systems are able to autonomously
control farming equipment too, like the following generic example. Farmer John starts up
he’s spraying going to go spray a corn field, our system does all the calculations from the
pesticide rates to the affects the chemical might have on the yield. If farmer John agrees
with what our software is telling him, he can opt for the system to take control of the
sprayer (farmer John still in the cabin) and relax drinking an ice tea while the sprayer drives
itself, control the various aspects of where spraying is concerned.
Some emphasis would need to be put on the actual analytics it performs that provides it
with the information it needs to make decisions. We don’t build hardware, we build and
host the software component of all this. We’re also not at the point of full autonomous
control yet, having a Tesla drive itself on a designated piece of road isn’t quite the same as
having a 20 ton machine drive around randomly in a open field doing a bunch of stuff.

We’re looking to team up with companies where an aligned interest exist.

From the early days supported conservation efforts using our GIS and mapping expertise to
help preserve animal habitats. We name main versions of our software after critically
endangered bird species, native to Southern Africa and main frames after critically
endangered (non-bird) species

We’re actually wanting to hire a part-time business writer to assist with proposals and other

Perks working for SRAntics.

 Decentralized company work from anywhere
 The company will hire an office space if possible, for those preferring to work in a
formal setting.
 7% percent of time worked are allocated to training allowance of employees’ choice
 South African based employees are USD compensated
 Full-time Engineering employees are allowed 2/3 of their yearly salary for internal
 We have an existing bet that turned into a program where a 1/3 of provable cost
saving for the company is paid to the person that made it. There are exceptions to
this, mostly aimed at improving admin
 Flexible work schedules

SRAntics is not a super progressive or exciting company, the work that gets done today was
done before the business so apart from the scale difference theirs allot of emphasis on
simplistic robust workhorse rather then new age tech company.

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