El Movimiento de La Eugenesia d1 Lesson Plan 1

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(el Movimiento de la Eugenesia y Inmigración D1)

Grade 12- 90 minutes

By: Ava De Jonge
Date: December 13, 2020
Context for Learning – Attention to students’ backgrounds, interests, and needs
Through each 90-minute class this semester, we will investigate experiences throughout history of those who speak
Spanish to better understand the current experience of immigrants and Spanish speakers in our own community.

Lesson Rationale
This lesson will provide context for the immigration and well-being of Spanish speakers from the past to current
discussions of immigration and well-being of those within our community.

Content Standard(s)
Standard: Connections
Learning Objectives: Connecting with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspective in
order to use the language to function in academic and career-related situations

Standard: Communication
Learning Objective: Communicate effectively in more than on language in order to function in a variety of
situations and for multiple purposes

Formative/Summative Assessment (Process)

Title and description of assessment activity: Formative activities: 1. Share out ideas regarding PR birth
control 2. Formation of hypothesis in pods
Evaluative criteria: standards based – ACTFL
What the assessment is designed to assess (tie to learning objective): Students will be able to explain the
complexities of immigration at the border. Student will be able to analyze the experimentation of birth
control on individuals in Puerto Rico.
Feedback to students: whether they met the criteria or not, this is a time for mistake and practice but also
active discussion without judgement

(Important Spanish Vocabulary)

la eugenesia
la gasoline
la frontera
el alfabetismo
el control de la natalidad/ anticonceptivos


- Literacy test
- Vocabulary chart with pictures
- KWL chart for the gasoline baths at the border and birth control testing in PR
- IMAGE presentation for the gasoline baths at the border
(use of authentic text)
- Yoga video, if students choose to complete for brain break
- Each student needs a blank piece of paper for snowball exit ticket activity

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks to Support Learning

Time & Materials Learning Activities (Procedure) Purpose (Objective)
1:00 – 1:05 Complete literacy test Provide context to the complexity
of literacy tests that immigrants
had to take when entering the US
1:05 – 1:10 Implications of the literacy test Discuss the significance of the
literacy test and how it
impacted/impacts individuals
trying to work and live in the
(el Movimiento de la Eugenesia y Inmigración D1)
Grade 12- 90 minutes
By: Ava De Jonge
Date: December 13, 2020
United States
1:10 – 1:13 KWL Chart Gauge their understanding of the
eugenics movement in general
Content – Choose all that apply (Can repeat and add rows): Presentation/Explicit Instruction, Structured
Practice/Exploration, Guided Practice/Feedback, Independent Practice/ Application, Formative Assessment,
1:13 – 1:43 Discuss gasoline baths at the border through IMAGE Provide context for the spark of
the eugenics movement between
I – use images from the VOX video about the gasoline Spanish speakers and the United
baths States

M - Questions to discuss:
¿Quien ve principalmente en estas fotos?
¿Por que crees que los hombres de edad que trabajan
como máximo comúnmente vistos en estas fotos?
¿Que crees que esta siendo rociado sobre los hombres?
¿Por que crees que están siendo rociados?

A - Individually examine additional information

(authentic text)

G – individually, students will form a hypothesis

regarding the content at hand, then the students will
work in pods to create a solid hypothesis to include all
aspects discussed

E – (not applicable to this situation, but the extension

will pull us forward in history to the testing of birth
control in Puerto Rico)

- Last two minutes to add on to KWL chart

1:43 – 1:48 Brain Break – (go on phone or move around like yoga) This allows students to take a
mental break to continue on for
the last half of the lesson
1:48 – 2:25 Use 5e’s to introduce/investigate the testing of birth This section of the unit allows
control in Puerto Rico learners to connect the findings
from the gasoline baths to the
Engagement – questions to ask: eugenics movement in CA and
- por que crees que la gente toma anticonceptivos ICE in more recent times
- la gente elige tomar control de natalidad

Exploration – provide students with authentic text,

images, and videos to conduct investigation within pods

Explanation - students will then create a display within

their pods (poster, canva, flipgrid, presentation) to share
out brief yet big take aways from the investigation

Extension/ Evaluation – not yet applicable, however,

lesson will carry over to D2 to investigate the eugenics
movement in CA and the current conditions of ICE

- Last two minutes to add on to KWL chart

2:25 – 2:30 Snowstorm: students write down what they learned on a The purpose of this allows teacher
piece of paper and wad it up. Given a signal, they throw to gauge what the students have
their paper snowballs in the air. Then each learner picks learned throughout the day.
(el Movimiento de la Eugenesia y Inmigración D1)
Grade 12- 90 minutes
By: Ava De Jonge
Date: December 13, 2020
up a nearby response and reads it aloud.

Extension/Lesson Builder
We will use content and knowledge acquired from D1
as framework for the investigation of ICE and the
eugenics movement in CA

Modifications, Management, and/or Safety Issues

Issue: No issues at hand
Modification: No modifications necessary

Content Information (Resources)


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