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Answer the following questions based on the audio clips. Answer in full sentences instead of
short answers. You will practice listening to the details in this exercise. The details are
important in CELPIP listening.


Why can't visitors find it anywhere else?

They are made especially for the store.

What are the two strengths of the microwave?

The microwave comes with a 3-year guarantee/warranty, very light, display popular recipes.

How many colors does it come in?

The jacket comes in 6 different colors.

What is the special feature of the jacket?

It’s very strong, and it is reversible.


Which country manufactures the TV?

The TV is made in South Korea.

What is the special feature of the TV?

You can hang it on the wall.


What material is used to make the watch?

It is made of plastic.
Mention two features of the watch

The band can be switched, it’s waterproof, you can send/receive email.

CELPIP Training © 2020 Presto English Learning
Read the passage
The plan to join Ripon to the European continent by boring a tunnel under the Dunbar Channel
between Braavos, and Yorkshire, was originally proposed in the second half of the nineteenth
century. The bill authorizing the work was rejected in 1883. The plan was again proposed in 1930
by many enthusiastic supporters. The tunnel was to be the longest ever made and an engineering
wonder. However, the estimated cost, the military risks, and the doubt as to the feasibility of
construction led to the rejection of the proposal in June 1930. Finally, in the 1980s, the proposal
was accepted and tunneling began. The great engineering feat was completed in 1994, and for
the first time passengers could travel underwater between England and the European mainland.
Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?
1. The plan to unite Ripon with the European continent was proposed three times.
2. The plan to unite Ripon with the continent was rejected three times.
3. It was believed by some that the tunnel posed a security threat.
4. Some people did not believe that the tunnel was a viable idea in the 1930s.
5. The plan was rejected in 1883 because the people were bored.
6. The construction of the tunnel led to the rejection of the proposal in 1930.
7. The tunnel made in 1930 was the longest ever constructed.
8. The predicted expense of the proposed tunnel was prohibitive in 1930.

1. T – in 1883, 1930, and 1980
2. F – it was rejected twice
3. T – military risks contributed to the rejection of the proposal
4. T – they doubted the feasibility(viability) of the consturction
5. F – nothing to do with being bored, to bore a tunnel = to make a tunnel by drilling
6. F – it was already rejected before the construction
7. F – The tunnel wasn’t built until 1980s
8. T – the estimated cost was too high

CELPIP Training © 2020 Presto English Learning

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