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Radio Play Rubric

Exemplary (4) Great (3) Good (2) Fair (1)

Sound effects are Sound effects are Sound effects are Sound effects are not
realistic, well timed, only somewhat used but not an used or
and essential to the realistic, well timed, important feature of unrecognizable and
Sound Effects play’s success. and essential to the the play. They are do not contribute to
play’s success. somewhat unrealistic the play’s success.
and do not further the
play’s success.

Plot has a distinct Plot has a Plot does not present Plot has little to know
beginning, middle, recognizable a clear beginning, evidence of
and end. beginning, middle, middle, and end. intentional structure.
and end.
Scripts Characters are Characters are only Characters are Characters are not
developed and woven partially developed introduced but not integrated into the
seamlessly into the integrated into the fully integrated into plot or relevant to its
plot line. plot line. the plot line. content.

Evidence of at least Evidence of at least Evidence of at least Little to no evidence

two commercials that two commercials that one commercial that of an attempted
describe new, describe new, describes a product commercial.
innovative products, innovative products and sounds like a Advertising does not
sound like authentic and sound like radio radio advertisement. feature a specific
Commercials radio advertisements, advertisements. product or mimic the
and are relevant to the classic commercial
program’s prime structure.

Play was entertaining, Play was somewhat Play was not very
Play was entertaining, held listener’s entertaining, didn’t entertaining, didn’t
held listeners’ attention, and consistently capture capture the listener’s
attention, and incorporated sound the listener’s attention, and failed
smoothly effects and attention, and poorly to integrate sound
incorporated sound commercials at the timed sound effects effects or transitions.
effects and appropriate times. and transitions.

Few errors were made Several errors were Several errors were Many errors were
Performance in the performance of made, but group made that impacted made that negatively
the script. continued the the performance impacted the
performance. quality. performance quality.

All group members All group members Group members did Group members did
were invested in their seemed invested in not take responsibility not take responsibility
role and demonstrated the project and for their individual for their individual
their ability to work worked well together. roles or showed roles or refused to
cohesively. resistance working work with others.

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