Sugar and Their Related Products: Ghulam Rasool and Ali Asghar

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Chapter 7

Sugar and their Related


Ghulam Rasool and Ali Asghar*

One of the most abundant and important constituents of foods; sugars, act as
sweeteners and modify the rheological and textural properties of foods. Importance
of functional properties of sugar and its related products cannot be ignored in food
industry. A lot of novel products are being developed by application of different
types of sugars. In this chapter, different types of sugars along with their physical
properties have been discussed. Different applications of sugars in different
products are being described briefly. The role and need of different artificial
sweeteners are also highlighted.
Keywords: Sugar, functional properties, characteristics, types of sugars, artificial
sweeteners, sugar substitutes

7.1. Introduction
Sugar is a carbohydrate, the disaccharide sucrose (C12H22O11), found in vegetables
and fruits. Green plants prepare sugar from CO2 and H2O via photosynthesis, a
procedure by which foliage convert soil nutrients and sunlight into their energy
supply and food. Sugars (saccharides) are widespread in nature and are the basic
unit of carbohydrates such as monosaccharides. The monosaccharide (glucose,
galactose and fructose), are also known as mono-sugars and composed of one

Ghulam Rasool and Ali Asghar˧
National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Corresponding author’s e-mail:

Managing editors: Iqrar Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Farooq

Editors: Tahir Zahoor and Masood Sadiq Butt
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
204 G. Rasool and A. Asghar

molecule of sugar. Fruits and honey are rich in glucose and fructose. Galactose are
found only in milk in free form. Types and properties of sugars like crystallinity,
hygroscopicity, solubility and viscosity describe sweetness and also provide
foundation for product development. Sugar beet and sugar cane are rich source of
sucrose utilized as raw material for sugar extraction (Coultate and Chemistry 2009).
Fruits and vegetables comprise of small amount of glucose, fructose and sucrose.
The comparative proportions of these sugars differ in different fruits. For instance,
apples may contain 2.4% sucrose, 1.8% glucose and 5.0% fructose; bananas may
also contain 6.6%, 5.8% and 3.8%, respectively. Polyol, sorbitol and xylose are
also extensively found in many fruits (Pattee 2014).
Because of catalytic action of enzymes which convert starch into sugar made fruits
sweeter. Dextrin, glucose, maltose resulted from enzymatic break down of starches
(Pattee 2014). We may obtain glucose syrup by heating corn starch and followed by
starch hydrolysis. The hydrolysis amount is expressed by the “dextrose equivalency
(DE) value”. The syrup can be used in that form and making crystalline sugar on
dehydration. High-fructose corn syrup have been processed by converting glucose
from corn syrup to fructose through the isomerase enzyme that occurs in some
species of Bacillus megaterium. At pH 8.2, isomerase catalyses glucose to fructose.
Immobilized enzymes make the commercial conversion of glucose syrup
economically feasible (Edwards 2000). Other natural sources of sugars are honey
and maple syrup. Maple syrup is 95% sucrose and is extracted from sap of maple
tree. Honey comprises fructose, sucrose and glucose and most of the sucrose in
honey is transformed to fructose and glucose due to the action of invertase enzyme
(Jackson 1995).
The most significant naturally occurring sugar in milk is lactose. It has a great
importance since increase in trend of whey protein isolates usage. It is frequently
added to provide bulk without significantly increasing the sweetness of the product
and is used to moderately interchange sucrose in baked products. Though, there are
two main problems with using lactose as an ingredient: its low solubility and
antagonistic effect (digestive problems) on such persons who are lactose intolerant.
Occasionally lactose is hydrolysed to galactose and glucose before to be used as an
ingredient to avoid intolerance. Another advantage of using lactose as a functional
ingredient in different foods is as its ability of slowly absorbing and releasing
several aromatic compounds (Fox 1997). Another disaccharide of interest is
maltose, which is present in germinating seeds. It found its importance because of
formation during hydrolysis and fermentation by the enzyme diastase. Maltose, also
is fermented to glucose by bacteria and yeast (Nguyen et al. 1996).

7.2. Physical Properties of Sugars

Various physical properties of sugars e.g. hygroscopicity, solubility and viscosity
play significant role in food processing. Mostly, the solubility of sugars and sugar
alcohols rises with temperature increase. The capability of a sugar to absorb water
from the atmosphere is mentioned as hygroscopicity. Sorbitol and fructose are very
hygroscopic while other sugars such as xylitol and sucrose absorb water only at
7. Sugar and their Related Products 205

relatively higher humidity. Isomalt is an example of nonhygroscopic sugar (Asadi

Hygroscopic properties are related with solubility and the hydroxyl groups that
impact solubility also affect hygroscopicity. One of the essential properties of sugar
is to decrease water activity and rise osmotic pressure which provides the
preservation effect in food and makes it strong contender in canning of fruits. For
this purpose, many foods that comprise high concentrations of sugars do not require
to be refrigerated. (Boyer and McKinney 2011). The regulatory agencies and food
industries have some apprehensions about non-traditionally formulated low-sugar
products with respect to food safety practices. Sugars are capable of controlling
flow for cohesiveness. Similarly, they can elevate the boiling point and lower the
freezing point of a solution (Asadi 2006).

7.3. Types of Sugars

Because of various functional features, sugars are utilized in different methods of
food preparation. Though this chapter discusses the functions of “regular” sugar,
commonly used in home kitchens, yet sugars also exist in numerous other forms
some of which being highlighted below.

7.3.1. Granulated Sugars

Several different forms of granulated sugar exist and among them majority are only
used by the bakers and food manufacturers and is found in superstores. Extent of
crystals define category of sugars. Various crystal sizes of sugars exhibit different
functional properties and determine suitability of sugars for different food products
(Pennington and Baker 1990).

7.3.2. Regular Sugar, Fine or Extra Fine Sugar

Table sugar, familiar to customers, is found in containers of kitchen and mostly
utilized in home for food processing and preparation. Name given in the several
recipe books is “white sugar”. The food processing industries define regular sugar
as fine sugar or extra fine sugar and these depict its fine crystalline nature that is
perfect for wholesale management (Asadi 2006).

7.3.3. Fruit Sugar

Sugars present in fruits are called fruit sugar. These sugars are considerably finer as
compared to table sugar and are consumed in dry blends such as gelatine sweets,
drink mixtures and pudding mixtures. More uniformity in crystal sizes are present
in case of fruit sugar as compared to table sugar. The uniformity of crystals avoids
settling down of crystals, provides a superior role in drink blend and dry
combinations (Limited 1978).
206 G. Rasool and A. Asghar

7.3.4. Baker’s Sugar

Crystals of baker’s sugar are much finer than fruit sugars. As name indicates, it was
established particularly for the baking industry. Baker’s special are utilized in
cookies, sweetening and doughnuts as well as in several profitable cakes and
provides well crumb surface (Bloom 2007).

7.3.5. Superfine, Ultrafine or Bar Sugar

Superfine, ultrafine, or bar sugar is the best among all sugars based on crystal size.
This is commonly used for extra-fine bumpy loaves and also used for syruping ice-
drinks and fruits. In United Kingdom, a sugar similar to super-fine sugar is
recognized as castor or Caster (Bloom 2007).

7.3.6. Powdered or Confectioner’s Sugar

Granulated sugar is crushed to a very fine powder and then sieved. It comprises
almost 2.9% corn-starch to avoid coagulation. Confectioner’s sugar is accessible in
three ranks, crushed to diverse grades of excellence. Available crushed sugar at
superstores is the best of the three and used in frostings, whipping cream and
confections. The other two forms of crushed sugar are utilised by bakers and

7.3.7. Coarse Sugar

Coarse sugar is superior in quality than regular sugar. Coarse sugar is more stable
and offers resistance to change in colour and inversion process. These properties of
coarse sugar make its use possible in different food products e.g. liquors,
confections etc. (Asadi 2006).

7.3.8. Sanding Sugar

Sanding sugar having large sugar crystal, is used in bakery and confectionary due
to shiny appearance caused by spreading sugars crystals on the surface of products
(Gisslen 2012).

7.3.9. Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado sugar (partially processed) is recovered from molasses surface. This is a
light coloured and have a slight chocolate sugar taste and is frequently utilized in
tea (Jurls 2015).

7.3.10. Brown Sugar (Light and Dark)

Because of retention of molasses syrup, brown sugar imparts pleasant flavour and
offer dark colour to the sugar. The main drawback is clumping of sugar particles
due to high moisture contents. Dark brown sugars have an attractive flavour that is
suited for use in ginger bread, parched beans, mincemeat and other fully flavour
foodstuffs (Chen and Chou 1993; Jurls 2015).
7. Sugar and their Related Products 207

7.3.11. Muscovado or Barbados Sugar

British are expert in brown sugar, Muscovado sugar, is precise gloomy brown and
has a predominantly resilient syrup flavour. As compared to regular brown sugar
the crystals possess coarser and stickier texture (McGregor 1979).

7.3.12. Free-Flowing Brown Sugars

Co-crystallization process is used for the production of free-flowing brown sugar
that is utilized in various food products. The process produces powder-like fine
sugar having less moisture. As it has low moisture, so it does not cluster and exhibit
free-flowing properties like white sugar (Pennington and Baker 1990).

7.3.13. Demerara Sugar

In England, it is most popular sugar. Demerara sugar has enormous golden crystals,
which are marginally gummy. It is frequently used on top of hot cereals or coffee
and tea (Bloom 2007).

7.3.14. Liquid Sugars

Liquid sugar is found in several forms. Liquid sugar (sucrose) is fundamentally
liquid white sugar and utilised in many products where liquefied sugar can be
utilized. Yellowish-brown liquid sucrose is of light colour and may be utilized
wherever colour is not an issue in manufactured goods (Ensminger and Ensminger

7.3.15. Invert Sugar

Invert sugar is a mixture of glucose and fructose obtained by the inversion of
sucrose. Accessible commercially only in liquid form, white sugar is less sweet
than invert sugar. Certain liquid inverts are combinations of dissolved white sugar
and invert part. It is mostly used in food stuff to delay crystallization of sugar and
to retain moisture. Overcoming the drawback of table sugar (sucrose) not forming
higher concentrated solution and also lower the water activity of different
foodstuffs. Addition of invert sugar make the product hygroscopic (Edwards 2000).

7.4. Additional Roles of Sugar

Sugar during cooking and baking process relates with fragments of starch or
protein. It turns softer like lumpy by rewetting water and preventing development
of flour gluten, as well as includes air into butter in the blending process. It imparts
the colour and aroma in the food, delays the starch gelatinization, caramelizes
under heat, assist as a whipping utility to alleviate beaten egg foams, speedup the
development of yeast. This type of sustenance, delays egg proteins coagulation in
custards, contribute as a whipping that assist in egg foam stabilization, controls the
crystalizing of fruit jams and jellies and aids in stopping decomposition of jams and
jellies. It also plays its role in the developments of the presence and softness of
208 G. Rasool and A. Asghar

canned fruits, delays bloom of the surface of cold fresh fruits, allows a wide
diversity of candies developed varying degrees of recrystallization, controls the
reorganization of crystals through inversion and increases the evenness and flavour
of ice creams.

7.5. Application of Sugar in Baking

Quick breads, cakes, cookies and leavening breads need sugar for aroma, attractive
colour, improved shelf life, tender texture, moisture retention and fermentation.
Since these are basis of excellence in baker’s goods, it is essential to recognize how
sugar act in dough’s and batters and how it narrates to other constituents in
formulae; to sum up other sweeteners may be utilized in bakery foodstuffs. Flour,
eggs, fat, leavening agents, sugar and fluids are basic constituents. In combination,
these constituents give finishing touch to the bakery foodstuff. The nature and
amount of these components in the formula describe the structural and sensory
features of the baked product.

7.5.1. Role of Sugar in Bakery Products Gluten Development
Sugar provides softening during the mixing process by holding water and delays
the gluten development. Delaying of gluten development provides bread crumb
more tenderness. Increase amount of sugar in dough also causes delay of starch
gelatinisation. During development of dough and batter flour, proteins are hydrated
(surrounded by water) the formation of gluten strands. Gluten is made of thousands
of tiny compartments, shaped so well and cause entrapment of gases produced
during fermentation. Gluten fibres are decisively stretchy and allow the batter
spread by gas entrapment.
On the other hand, if gluten is developed excessively, the dough or paste becomes
stiff and hard. Sugar competency with proteins for water avoids complete hydration
of the proteins during process of mixing. Consequently, less gluten development
avoids compaction of bread and batter. With the right fraction of sugar in the
formula, gluten allows to develop optimum elasticity that permits gases to be held
inside the dough matrix. The gasses entrapment causes expansion in dough volume.
By controlling development of gluten, sugar aids in tenderness and good volume of
final baked product (Faridi and Faubion 2012). Leavening Process
Sugar enhances efficiency of the yeast by providing energy source that is readily
available for its growth. Yeast metabolises sugar and releases CO2 quickly if
carbohydrates are only energy source. Consequently, increase in rate of leavening
result in quick development of dough (Faridi and Faubion 2012).
7. Sugar and their Related Products 209 Egg Foams

Sugar acts as whipping agent and assists in stabilizing egg foam. Sugar imparts
elasticity to foam that may entrap gases from leavening process (Yang and
University 2008). Creaming
Sugar crystals are scattered between molecules of fat when butter and sugar are
blended together. Inclusion of sugar imparts lightness by entrapment of gasses.
Upon mixing with shortening, entrapped air causes air cell formation. Expansion of
air cells, by entrapment of CO2 and other gasses formed during leavening process is
happened (Pennington and Baker 1990). Egg Protein Coagulation
In un-shortened cakes, sugar fragments are scattered between the egg proteins and
delays the clotting of egg proteins throughout cooking. With increase in
temperature, egg protein clots, or develops bonds among themselves. Sugar
fragments elevate the temperature of bond formation among protein molecules.
Upon egg protein coagulation, it develops the intermingled structure of cake
(Mcwilliams 2007). Gelatinization
During the process of baking, sugar takes in liquid and delays the gelatinization and
causes tenderization. Because of baking, starch in flour absorb liquid and swollen
up due to heat in cakes. The process is termed as gelatinization. By holding further
liquid, starch causes change of state of batter from liquid to dense state, setting
cake. Competency of sugar with starch for water slows down gelatinization
process. Sugar, by holding liquid, retains the stickiness of the batter. Consequently,
until leavening agents do not produce optimal quantity of gases, the temperature at
which cake sets (formation of solid state from liquid state) is delayed. Steam, air
and CO2 which is formed during leavening process, captured air and heated water
causes expansion in air cells. As a result, a fine and soft cake is obtained.
In cakes, sugar is useful in deferring starch gelatinization and yields fine quality
and good volume. A little study is conducted on reducing gelatinization during
bread baking by sugars. For that reason, sugar impact on gelatinization in yeast-
leavened breads is not very obvious. As a result, gelatinization is hindered by the
same way as discussed above, when a bread with high sugar contents is baked
(McKenna 2003). Caramelization
Sugar is caramelized above its melting point imparting flavour and brown colour to
baked products. Dry sugar develops an amber colour and gives a pleasing flavour
and aroma when is melted at about 175°C (or 347°F). This powdered substance is
known as caramel which is produced from breakdown of sugar. Surface browning
occurs in two ways, one of which is development of caramal color during baking
under the oven heat affect to the sugar containing dough or batter. The golden-
brown, appetizing and somewhat crusty appearance of cakes, breads and cookies,
210 G. Rasool and A. Asghar

not only gives better taste but also helps in retaining moisture in the bakery product
(Pennington and Baker 1990). Surface Cracking
Sugar assists in producing required surface cracking in a number of cookies. Lower
water content and higher amount of sugar cause crystallization of sugar on the
surface. When the crystallization of sugar is done, the water is absorbed during
mixing and baking evaporates due to heat production. At the meantime,
fermentation gases spread out and cause cracking of the dried surface (Pennington
and Baker 1990).

7.6. Artificial Sweeteners

These are manmade substitutes of sugar and can be obtained from naturally
occurring products, including sugar and herbs itself. These sweeteners are also
called “intense sweeteners” and many times sweet in taste to sugars. Because of
adding no calories to food, these are possible alternatives to sugars. Furthermore,
these are required in minute quantity for same sweetness level. They are found in a
number of applications e.g. in jellies, candy, desserts, canned foods, soft drinks,
baked goods, powdered drink mixes, dairy products, jams, and in so many other
foods and beverages. These are also recommended for home use and can also be
used in cooking or baking processes. Some recipes may need to be modified,
because artificial sweeteners provide no increase in volume, like sugar. The labels
on artificial sweeteners should be checked for appropriate use in the home.

Table 7.1 Sweetness level and application of artificial sweeteners

Artificial Sweetness level Applications
Cyclamate 30 times more sweetness table top sweeteners, bakery products
than that of sucrose and in the sugar free beverages
Saccharin 300 times sweeter than soft drink, ice cream, and jelly
Aspartame 150 -200 times greater tea, instant coffee, and chewing gums
than that of sucrose
Acesulfame K 150-200 times sweeter dry beverage mixes, chewing gum,
than that of sucrose dry dessert mixes, table top
sweeteners, confectionary products,
soft and hard candies, baked
products, and dairy goods,
carbonated and alcoholic beverages
Thaumatin 2000-3000 times sweeter chewing gum, savoury flavour, dairy
in comparing with products, pet foods and animal feeds
Source: (DuBois and Prakash 2012; Eeckhout 2006; Chung et al. 2005)
7. Sugar and their Related Products 211

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the quantity of artificial sweeteners
in food items. The FDA has also recommended an acceptable daily intake (ADI)
value for each artificial sweetener. This is the maximum quantity which is regarded
safe to consume each day and throughout life span. ADIs are proposed to be about
100 times less than the lowest quantity that influences or causes health anxieties
(Hayes and Berndt 1989; Neacsu and Madar 2014).

7.6.1. Sugar Substitute

Food additive used as sugar substitute imparts the sugar like taste, generally with
less supply of food energy. Sugar replacers are of two types that are natural and
A significant group of sugar replacers is known as high-intensity sweeteners. These
are mixtures which have numerous times more sweetness than sucrose.
Consequently, considerable less quantity of sweetener is necessary and energy
input is mostly unimportant. The feeling of sweetness triggered by these complexes
(“sweetness profile") is occasionally noticeably changed from sucrose, so they are
frequently utilized in sophisticated combinations that attain the greatest natural
sweet feeling. If the sucrose which is substituted has taken part to product texture,
and then stuffing is also required which provide bulk (Asadi 2006).

7.6.2. Need of Sugar Substitutes

• To support in weight loss – Mostly people select to reduce their
consumption of dietary energy by replacing energy rich sugar with
artificial sweeteners that provide very low calories. To avoid the problem
associated with excessive calories and weight gain, these sweeteners allow
people to eat the same foods as they normally consume.
• Dental care – Sugar replacers are not fermentable by microorganism
found in dental plaque, so sugar replacer act as tooth-friendly food
additives’. An example polyol sweetener that can provide safe corner for
dental health. Polyol helps to avoid bacteria from stick to the tooth
outward, thus stopping plaque development and finally decaying.
Consumption of the carbohydrates base sugar frequently sticks to the tooth
coating. Bacterial growths are quickly increased by feeding on these
sugars and letting them to reproduce quickly. Feeding on sugar,
microorganisms alter it to acid waste that in turn decays the tooth
structure. Microorganisms cannot utilize Polyol for fermentation, so the
bacteria have trouble in bourgeoning, thus avoiding plaque development
(Meister 2006).
• Diabetes mellitus – It is difficult for diabetic patients to control their
blood sugar levels. By preventive their sugar consumption with synthetic
sweeteners, they may enjoy a diverse diet while carefully controlling their
sugar intake. Certain sugar replacers do provide energy, but are digested
more slowly, feasibly permitting sugar levels in the blood are kept more
stable over time (Meister 2006).
212 G. Rasool and A. Asghar

• Avoiding processed foods – People may select, an alternative to the

refining of table sugars, which lower processed sugar such as maple syrup
or fruit sugars.
• Cost – Several substitutes of sugar are less expensive than that of sugar.
Some substituted sweeteners are frequently lower in cost due to their
higher sweetness level and longer shelf life. Therefore, alternative
sweeteners are allowed to be utilized in many products that will not perish
in a small period of time. The main risks of the long term utilization of the
artificial sweeteners and costs are gaining of weight, desensitization of the
gustatory sense and diabetes type II away from these suspected benefit
(Hayes and Berndt 1989).

7.6.3. Commercially Used Artificial Sweeteners Saccharin
Saccharin was introduced as a food additive in 1900 and instantly work was started
about its safety factor. It is a broad term, and it is available as sodium saccharin and
calcium saccharin. It is made up of 1, 2 benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one-1 and 1-dioxide
with calcium salts and sodium salts. Commercially, there are two methods for its
production. One is chlorosulfonic acid and toulene method and second is started by
methyl anthranilate. In Europe due to lack of sugar supply, its use was increased
during the world wars. It gives about 300 times sweeter solution than by an
equivalent application of sucrose (Eeckhout 2006).

Table 7.2. List of nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners

Nutritive sweeteners Non-nutritive sweeteners
Sucrose Saccharin
Glucose Cyclamates
Invertsugar Aspartame
Fructose Acesulfame K
Polyols Thaumatin
Xylitol Stevioside
Sorbitol Dihydrochalcone
Mannitol Monellin
Maltitol Miraculin
Lactitol Dulcin
Lactulose Sucralose
Hydrogenated glucose syrups Alitame
Source: (Branen et al. 2001)

Currently saccharin is considered only zero caloric sweetener which is highly stable
during baking and cooking processes of food and has enormous uses in cosmetics,
drugs and particular dietary products (Branen et al. 2001). However, there is a
minor to moderate clanging or astringent after taste related to saccharine use.
7. Sugar and their Related Products 213

Saccharin is completely absorbed in the gut after oral uptake but absorbed very
slowly and then quickly removed in the urine as unchanged saccharin.
Consequently, metabolites are not the main cause of producing toxic effects. The
unabsorbed saccharin is removed in the faecal material. In the rat studies, an
elevated level of bladder cancer was investigated when saccharin consumed for
longer periods of time. However, higher dietary levels about 5 - 7.5 % increased the
occurrence of urinary tumours of bladder in rats (Kroger et al. 2006; Shankar et al.
2013). Cyclamate
It is a non-caloric type of sweetener and was discovered in 1937. It is mostly used
in the low calories beverages and food products. Cyclamate represents a group of
compounds which include; sodium and calcium types of cyclamates and cyclic
acid. They are synthesized from cyclohexylamine by sulfonating of various
chemicals followed by neutralization with hydroxides (Georgia-Paraskevi and
Dimitrios 2012).
Cyclamates are stable in both conditions such as at higher temperature and lower
temperatures. It provides 30 times more sweetness than that of sucrose. It is easily
soluble in water and can be used in non-caloric and sweetened food items including
desserts and soft drinks. When it is used in combination with sweeteners, it
produces the synergistic effect. So, combinations are sweeter than that of the
individual sweeteners (DuBois and Prakash 2012).
It has been widely used in table top sweeteners, bakery products and in the sugar
free beverages particularly in grouping with other sweeteners such that of
saccharin. The Joint Expert Committee for Food Additives (JECFA) report
increases the ADI near to 11 mg kg-1 body weight. Epidemiological and
experimental evidences showed cyclamate is carcinogenic (Caballero et al. 2003). Aspartame
Aspartame is the methyl ester of L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine. In the early 1980’s
aspartame was approved in several countries as a cyclamate and saccharin replacer.
Chemically, it is formed from the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It
has slight solubility in water. The sweetening strength of aspartame is 150 -200
times greater than that of sucrose. Beyond sweetening, it also contributes in flavour
enhancement of food products. Aspartame provides 4 kcal/g of energy (Eeckhout
Aspartame provides sugar-like sweetness together in food and as a table-top
sweetener, but not suited to all foods. It is an outstanding sweetener for dry
foodstuffs i.e. powdered drinks. Aspartame can easily be used in tea, instant coffee,
and chewing gums and is also appropriate for dairy foodstuffs such as yoghurts,
ice-creams and dessert mixes and sweetening of soft drinks. For young children (10
mg/kg body weight) and for diabetics (8 mg/kg body weight), are the highest
estimated daily intake (Chung et al. 2005).
214 G. Rasool and A. Asghar Acesulfame K
Acesulfame K is a non-caloric sweetener having noticeable sweet taste. Its
outstanding constancy at high temperatures and decent solubility make acesulfame
K suitable for plentiful products. Acesulfame K is a name used for the potassium
salt of 6-methyl-1, 2, 3-oxathiazine-4(3)-one-2, 2-dioxide. Acesulfame K is water
soluble and produces a neutral solution. At room temperature sweetener acesulfame
K is an intensely sweet i.e. 150-200 times sweeter than that of sucrose.
Acesulfame K is used in many products including dry beverage mixes, chewing
gum, dry dessert mixes, table top sweeteners, confectionary products, soft and hard
candies, baked products, and dairy goods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
Acesulfame K is neither mutagenic nor carcinogenic in rats as the toxicological
information suggests the safety of acesulfame K as a sweetener (Kroger et al.
2006). Thaumatin
Thaumatin (thanlin) was first legally recognized as a natural food sweetener in
Japan (1979). It is a sweetener, protein in nature with a molecular weight of
~22,000. It is extracted from the fruits of the perennial West African plant
Thaumatococcus danielli. It is 2000-3000 times sweeter in comparing with sucrose.
It is constant in frozen dried shape. Degradation is unlikely to occur in acidic
media. The protein structure shows instability during broiling or baking. Thaumatin
is synergistically used with stevioside, saccharin and acesulfame K. The major uses
include chewing gum, savoury flavour, dairy products, pet foods and animal feeds.
The utmost daily uptake level should be less than 2 mg per capita about 0.03 mg/kg
per day (Chung et al. 2005).

7.7. Dogmatic Aspects

In USA, saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose and neotame have been
regulated for use in food items. There is a fewer argument over the artificial
sweeteners use that masquerade health effects. The United States FDA regulates the
artificial sweeteners use in food products. Many food additives be obliged by the
Food and Drug Administration, which issues a GRAS list of food additives. The
safe assumptions are based on a comprehensive review and comprising hundreds of
toxicological and scientific investigations (Kinghorn et al. 1998; Branen et al.

7.8. Conclusions
Sugars are important carbohydrates and rich source of energy and have wide range
of application in different food products. There are several different types of sugars
exist commercially. Their role as a preservative in food applications is widely
studied imparting certain functional properties. Due to the alarming effect of
excessive sugar consumption in diet, certain type of artificial sweeteners are being
employed as important and basic ingredients in formulated foods. They play
7. Sugar and their Related Products 215

significant role as sweeteners and also in modification of textural and rheological

properties of food. Heat-transfer characteristics of foods are strongly controlled by
sugars, both for microwave- and conventionally heated products. The
hydrodynamics of the aqueous phase is greatly influenced by sugars. Sugars also
play significant role in the physicochemical interactions of colloidal systems, not
only in the emulsion-stabilizing properties of such systems, but also in the manner
by which they influence macromolecular changes including glass transitions to the
rubbery state and the temperatures of protein denaturation and starch gelatinization.
The functionality of sugars in formulated foods should not be underestimated in
food industry of present era. Artificial sweeteners are used as sugars replacers or
substitutes of sugars because they provide lower calories to our daily diet.

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