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from JEDEC release #4790, Aug. 31, 1964 @® ELECTRONICS 65S6-A Page 1 6)S6-A COMPACTRON BEAM PENTODE FOR TV HORIZONTAL-DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS The 6JS6-A 12 © coupactron beam-pover hortzontal-deflection enplifier in television receivers. "enkvet provided for the bean plates to ainiize DESCRIPTION AND RATING ned for use ay the A separate connection As pentode primarily des: The 6JS6-A 1s unilaterally interchangeable with the 6JS6 and differs In heving GENERAL @ lover knee ELECTRICAL Cathode - Coated Unipotential Hoater Characteristice and Ratings Beater Voltage, AC oF DO. fer Corrente 6.320.6 Volts 12.25 Amores Direct Interelectrode Capacttances, approsinaced Grid-Nowber 1 to Plate: (gi to p) 0.7 pf Input: gl to (bt k + E2 + d.p.d. 26 pe output: p to (h+k+a2+bip.). 10 pf MAXIMUM MECHANICAL Operating Position - Any Envelope ~ T-12, Glass Base - €12-74, futton 12-Pin Top Cap ~ Ci-i, Small Outline Drawing - EIA 12-89 Maximem Dianecer 1.563 Teenes Maximum Over-all Lengeh 41125 Inehes. Maximem Seated Hetghe 31750 Inches Minko Seated Hesghe 3/500. Tnehes RATINGS Design-Maximum ratings are limiting values of operoting ‘ond environmental conditions applicable to « bogey electron tube of o specified type os defined by its published dato fond should net be exceeded under the word! probable conditions ‘Tho tube manufactures chooses these valves to. provide acceptable serviceability of the tube, making allowance for the effects of chonges in operating conditions duc to var- jations in the characteristics of the tube under consideration. The equipment manufacture should design £0 that initially ‘ond throughout ile no design-moximum value for the intended service is exceeded with a bogey tube under the ‘wort probable operating conditions with respect to supply: voltage veristion, equipment component variation, equip- ment control odjustment, load variation, signal variation, ‘environmental conditions, and variations inthe choractersties cf all other electron devices in the equipment. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS 1563! Pin 1 - Heater Pin 2 > Cathode Pin 3 > Grid Wamber 2 (Ser Pin 4 - Bean Plates Pin 5 - Grid tmber t Pin 6 - No Connection Pin 7 ~ Interaal Connection ~ Pin 8 - No Connection Pin 9 - Internal Connection - Do Kot. Use Pin 10 - Beam Plates Pin IL - Grid Narber 2 (Screen) Pin 12 = Heater cap - Plate BIA 12-89 ean heir aan aire oy tater ‘Sietng comes of nes win ar van oe ene TERMINAL CONNECTIONS BASING DIAGRAM GENERAL @® ELectaic guts eee MAXIMUM RATINGS (Cont'd) HORIZONTAL-DEFLECTION AMPLIFIER SERVICEs— DESIGN-MAXIMUM VALUES UNLESS OTHERWISE eee DC Plate-Supply Voltage (Boost + DC Pover Supply)... se foe 2990) Peak Positive Pulse Plate Voltage (Absolute Maxieus Value). > 1. 1. +S 7500 Peak Negative Pulse Plate Voltage»). + ss + ss fs te ees 100 Posttive DC Bean Plate Voltages © ss fs Se OO Seren Voltage. Bo 556 6 1190 Peak Negative Grid-Nuaber 1 Voltage. Be 250 Plate Dissipattont eee a 128 Coreen 66465566445 a 1365 DE Cathode Current 2 2 DL DoD ol flats mattamperes Peak Cathode Current. 22 2 2 D2 DoDD DDD D1 1D vos mititasperes Heater-Cathode Voleage - Heater Positive with Respect to Cathode Pipers eee PP oo Goo eo oda) Total OC and Peak. | ee es ee ]200) | voles Neater Negative with Respect Co Cathode Total DC and Peak. sas Oe te c00 | voles Grid-Mumber LCireute Resistance, oF. te LE D1 2 Dio Magohns Bulb Temperatures... ees CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPICAL OPERATION AVERAGE CHARACTERISTICS Plate Voltage - Oe 500 ett irs | noice Bean Plates, Connected to Cathode ai Socket fezxoeal Voliense S990 esis rarer) 12s) age | aes) | vole Getd-Nmber 1 Voltage ° eee 9-25 Volts Plate Resistance, approimte. | 2 1) 2 1 Dt 5600 Ohna Teansconductance ss se 11300 -Microabos Platecurrent. - 2 2 2 2D ptt 570K 125 -Milliampores Screen Currents © 2 1 2 1 2 lt Bune 4.5 Mil Hasperes Grid-Nuuber 1 Voltage, approxinate PSOE ereie 6 go 09 0 Go 9 oo = 5h Votes Tefode Amplification Factor’, ol 1] DT Dit - 3 NOTES + The egotpment denigner should design the equtpment ao thet heater voltage 1s centered at the opeci fie: bogey value, with beater supply variations restricted to malatain heater voltage vithin the specified tolerance. Heater current of a bogey tube at Ef © 6.3 volts § Without external shield. For operation in a 525-1ine, 30-frane television ayscem as described in “Standards of Good Engineering Practice Concerning Television Broadcast Stations", Federal Communications Comlosion. The duty cycle of the voltage pulse must not exceed 15 percent of one scanning cycle. # In stages operating vith grid-lesk bias, an adequate cathode-bias resistor or pther suitable means te Fequired to protect the tube in the abscace of excitation. 8 Measured vaing a thermocouple attached to a 0.1-inch wide phosphor-bronze ring placed at che hottest Location on the bulb. ** Values measured by a sethod involving @ recurrent vavefora uch chat the plate and screen disstpattons Will be kepe within ratings in order to prevent damage to the tube. 44 Tefode connection (sereen tied to plate) with Eb = Ec2 = 125 volta, and Eel = -25 volts. AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS 100) : 70 cea 2 125 VOUS er) : scan roars Iw wicuianrenes, jy wILLiawrenes 109 lo = ove bo & 0 20 « 300 vu AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS 1.200] HEHEHE EA caw ocares 120 1009 soo «09 5 a Wo 200 20 ° 10 200 300 «20 509 ksperseraare 2 uate) COLTABE Sx] OUTS) suey ar, sae 65S6-A $356" AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS 2000 by = 175 v0Urs Heo fo catvooe 00 200 lo 0 60 0 10 30 0 -10 ° oe Gomio-ninaee 1 VOLTAGE IN VOLTS ae AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS 50 Heo 10 CATO eo SEREEN CURRENT 1 0 “sa “0 ~40 ~30 ~20 “10 ° sapesitonrane ee are ee eel sur 29, 4966 TUBE DEPARTMENT GENERAL @ ELECTRIC Owensboro, Kentucky

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