End-Term Exam - Integtrated Marketing Communication

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COURSE: Integrated Marketing Communication

Course Code: MRK2302

PGDM: 2019-21


Time:2 hours
Date: October 9, 2021 Full marks:40


1. Answer all questions (as instructed).

2. Do NOT use scrap paper or write notes on your timetable; do all rough work in the answer books and
cross it through (including any questions which you have answered over and above the number required
by the examiners), as well as any other work you do not wish to be marked. Supplementary answer books
should be used only when the main answer book is full (and not just for rough work) and should be tied
securely behind the main answer book with the string/staples provided.
3. Answer books and all other materials provided by IMI Kolkata must be submitted to the officials. You
may, however, take away the question paper. All answers to examination questions must be in English
unless instructions are given to the contrary. Write in ink (BLACK OR BLUE ONLY) and write as clearly
as possible. Examiners may refuse to mark scripts which are illegible.
4. Silent, cordless, non-programmable calculators are allowed.
5. Once time has been called, you must not write anymore and your script must be ready for collection. You
must obey this and any other instructions given to you by the invigilating staff.
6. You are reminded that examination conditions still apply when you are instructed by the Supervisor to
vacate the examination hall in the event of an emergency. You must not communicate with any other
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possible in an orderly manner.

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Q1. Refer to the picture below on the consumer sales promotion and briefly comment on the 6
objectives of the consumer sales promotion discussed in the course. The brief should include your
evaluation of the promotion for each objective and suggestions based on evaluation. Justifying
your evaluation and suggestions with other sales promotion is expected.
(18 marks; 3 marks for each objective;Details of 3 marks: 0.5 marks for mentioning the
objectives, 1.5 marks for your evaluation and suggestions, 1 marks for relevant any other
relevant example/illustration) (Limit the answer to 3 pages)

(Starbucks Consumer Sales Promotion; Source: Picture Clicked in front of Starbucks store in Park Street)

Q2. If Starbucks is looking for building loyalty among its present consumers, what can be an
alternative consumer sales promotion? (7 marks) (Limit the answer to 1 page)
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Q3. Do you think Trade Sales Promotion would work for Cafes and QSRs similar to Starbucks and
Pizza-Huts? Briefly explain. (7 marks) (Limit the answer to 1 page)

Q4. Refer to the following situation and design a PR campaign to address the audiences. In case
you feel there is no need to address the concerns, please validate with justifications. (8 marks)
(Limit the answer to 1 page)

Danger of double standards

"The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan
and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything," said David Ogilvy, advertising legend. When
French apparel brand Lacoste announced last year that it would swap its green crocodile logo with another
endangered species, critics pointed out that the company was selling 'gloves made from deer leather' and
'cow leather handbags'.

(Source: https://yourstory.com)


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