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Classifying words

Descripción de la actividad

Dear students,

In this evaluative activity you have to write a whole paragraph about the importance of
grammar. For this, you have to download the file called “the importance of grammar
in writing”. After reading and writing the paragraph, you have to categorize all the
words used taking into account the following colors:
- Nouns (black).     - Verbs (green).

- Infinitives (light blue).   - Gerunds (red).

- Conjunctions (yellow).   - Auxiliary Verbs (purple).

- Articles (grey).  - Adverbs (brown).

- Adjectives. (dark blue).

Once you have finished writing the paragraph and categorizing the words, go to the
platform and upload your file.
The importance of grammar in writing Many people focus on using "proper grammar" because
when they have a difficult time understanding something, grammar is an easy thing to blame.
However, when a writer with poor skills in sentence structure, spelling, and comma usage takes
the time to construct an effective outline, many readers fail to notice the lack of skills in grammar.
Likewise, many writers who feel they have poor skills focus only on their own ability with
grammar. Instead, writers should make sure they have solid ideas and an effective outline before
working on anything as minor as mechanics. Then, after they've gotten everything down on paper,
they can work on making what they wrote easier to understand. That's all grammar is for, really --
to help you make other people understand what you want them to. Using the proper 'register' or
'variety' are just buzzwords. When you know what you are saying and understand who you are
saying it to, you'll do just fine.

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