Audio/Radio Production I Syllabus: Dallas College North Lake Campus

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Audio/Radio Production I Syllabus

Dallas College North Lake Campus

Contacting Your Instructor

Instructors typically respond to emails from students within 24 hours. However, over the
weekend and holiday periods responses may be delayed. Find out more about
contacting your instructor.

Instructor Contact Information

Name: Sharie Vance
Office Phone: 972-273-3456
Office Location: G308G
Office Hours: To be announced.
Division Office and Phone:


Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mon-Thu,
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fri
Location: L129, Telephone: 972-273-3560
Course Information
Course Title: Audio/Radio Production I
Course Number: RTVB 1409
Section Number: 72001
Semester/Year: Spring 2021
Credit Hours: 4
Class Meeting Time/Location: Online lectures – uploaded on eCampus every Friday by
6:00 pm Labs: G308 – Tuesday/Thursday 10:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Certification Date: 02/01/2021
Last Day to Withdraw: 04/15/2021

Course Prerequisites
RTVB 1305 or concurrent enrollment in RTVB 1305 AND permission of instructor.

Course Description
Concepts and techniques of sound production including basic recording, mixing, and
editing techniques.

Student Learning Outcomes

Operate a variety of production equipment; define terminology applicable to the
audio/radio industry; produce audio productions that includes microphone techniques,
recording, mixing, and editing; and design and complete audio productions from
concept to scripting and post production.

Specific Student Learning Outcomes

All students at the RTVB 1409 course level will demonstrate a 70% level of
achievement/proficiency on a course exam that emphasizes defining terminology
applicable to the audio/radio industry.

All students at the RTVB 1409 course level will demonstrate a 70% level of
achievement/proficiency on a rubric for operating a variety of production equipment
including microphones, audio consoles, reverb, delay and other digital effects,
amplifiers, speakers, equalizers, digital audio workstations and related equipment.

All students at the RTVB 1409 course level will demonstrate a 70% level of
achievement/proficiency from a rubric for producing audio programs that includes
microphone techniques, recording, mixing, and editing.

All students at the RTVB 1409 course level will demonstrate a 70% level of
achievement/proficiency on a rubric for designing and completing audio productions
from concept and scripting through post production.

The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of studio and location microphone
techniques, Foley, and postproduction sound recording.

The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of audio editing software.

The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of the recording process through
written & practical exams, projects, and lab exercises.

Required Course Materials
If your Dallas College course requires learning materials they will be provided as part of
the IncludED program ( or as free materials you can access in your
online course shell.

If you opt out of the IncludED program, you are responsible for obtaining all your
required learning materials by the first day of the class. For more details, see North
Lake Institutional Policies.

The text for this course is: The Location Sound Bible: How to Record Professional
Dialog for Film and TV. Viers, Ric. Michael Wiese Productions. ISBN 978-1-61593-120-
0 (pbk.)

1 set monitoring headphones with 1/4" connector

External Hard Drive formatted for Mac (needed for most video classes)

Highly Recommended:

Sound Report Writer (Phone app) by Inaudible Labs. (This will allow you to easily write
your required sound reports.)

Dean Miles, Location Audio Simplified

ISBN: 978-1-138-01877-8 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-85846-3 (ebk)

Graded Work
The tables below provide a summary of the graded work in this course and an
explanation of how your final course grade will be calculated.

Summary of Graded Work

Assignments Percentage Total

Professionalism (see below for more info) 5% 5%
Chapter Quizzes 10 @ 1% each 10%
Discussions 15 @ 1% each 15%
Equipment Certifications 5 @ 2% each 10%
Lab Projects 5 @ 4% each 20%

Assignments Percentage Total
Exams 2 @ 10% each 20%
Interview Project 1 @ 10% 10%
Final Project 1 @ 10% 10%
TOTAL: 100%

Final Grade
Points Percentages Letter Grade
900-1,000 90-100% A
800-899 80-89% B
700-799 70-79% C
600-699 60-69% D
0-599 0-59% F

Description of Graded Work

Professionalism: We measure your professionalism in terms of your ability to show up
and engage in class activities. See Attendance and Your Final Grade for further

Quizzes: You will be tested on the reading material via an online multiple choice quiz.
Once you begin a quiz, you will have 30 minutes to complete it. All grades are final.
These quizzes must be completed by the due date listed.

Discussions: Online discussions are part of your participation in the class. It’s a great
way to see what others think about topics and for you to ask questions of your
classmates. Each week, you will need to respond (2 to 3 sentences) to my prompts on
the Discussion board, as well as make comments on at least two of your fellow
classmates’ responses.

Equipment Certifications: It is extremely important (for safety and it saves you a ton of
time) that you know the equipment you will be using. The online (E-campus)
certifications have a due date, but you are free to complete them ahead of time. You
may re-take them as many times as necessary. Please note that if you have NOT
completed a certification for a particular piece of equipment, you will not be able to
check it out from the equipment room. (See course policy below.)

Lab Projects: Labs are designed with activities that reinforce the information you are
learning in class. There will be multiple labs, but only 4 graded labs in this class. Each is
worth 5% of your grade. They are as follows:

1. Equipment List: This is to help you identify the equipment we have available
on campus, as well as to familiarize you with the cost of the equipment. There
is a worksheet that you will turn in by the stated due date.
2. Signal Flow Worksheet: You will diagram the signal flow from a microphone to
3. Foley/ADR: You will record and place the audio in two videos.
4. Dialog Edit: You will be given recorded dialog to edit in a specific way.
5. Commercial Lab: You will script and record a :30 radio commercial.

Interview Project: This project has two parts.

First, each student will be given a film to watch. (The films are chosen for their sound
design.) After watching, you should research the film and, at a minimum, be able
answer the following questions:

1. Who was the sound designer?

2. Did the sound designer have a preconceived idea going in to production? (Did
the sound designer work with the director before production started?)
3. Are particular sounds accentuated within the film?
4. What effect does the choice of music have on the story?
5. Do certain characters or storylines have their own music cues? If so, what do
they convey to the audience?
6. Is there anything particular about the sound design that stands out to you?

The second part of this project, you will record an interview with a fellow student
answering the above questions for the film they watched. The audio file will be turned in
via Homework Dropbox on our server. It should be in the proper format (.wav - 44.1
kHz/16 bits) and named properly (see naming convention below.) You may turn this in
early, however, late work is severely penalized (see late work policy below.)

Final Project: Students are given a choice on their final project. This choice must be
communicated to me by stated due date (see calendar below.) You may choose to
create a narrative podcast (no longer than 15 minutes) or to record dialogue (using a
double system) and create the sound design for a scripted dramatic scene. This project
will have to be shot on camera, obviously. The script will be provided. No late work
accepted for this project.

Mid-term exam: Will be over all material covered in the readings, lectures and labs up
to the 7th week. If you are going to be absent that day – you need to arrange with me to
take the test early. (See course policy below.)

Final exam: Will be over all material covered in the readings, lectures and labs from
weeks 10 – 15. If you are going to be absent that day – you need to arrange with me to
take the test early. No make-up exams.

Attendance and Your Final Grade

Your attendance/participation counts as 5% of your overall final grade. This grade is
calculated as follows:

We are scheduled to ‘meet’ either in person during labs and/or online 45 times during
the semester (15 weekly online lectures + 1 final + 29 labs = 45). Each meeting is 100
points, for a possible total of 4500 at the end of the semester.

Less than 5 minutes late for lab: no penalty.

6 – 10 minutes late: 10 point deduction.
11 – 20 minutes late: 25 point deduction.
21 – 45 minutes late: 40 point deduction.
46 - 60 minutes late: 60 point deduction.
61 – 75 minutes late: 75 point deduction.
Over 75 minutes – you lose all points.

The same applies if you leave early, only in reverse. For example, if you have to leave 5
minutes early (as long as the studio is in order when you leave) no penalty. 6 – 10
minutes early, 10 points, and so on.

Your participation online is determined through the Discussion Board. If you do not
respond, you will lose the points for that discussion, as well as the 100 points for that

Unexcused absences will cost the entire points for that day, as well as an additional
100 point deduction from your overall professionalism grade, and the grade for
whatever quiz/test you miss that day.

Please note: if you do not provide a written medical excuse or some other proof of dire
emergency, you will not be allowed to make-up any missed work.

Points Percentages Letter Grade

4,050 - 4,500 90-100% A
3,600 – 4,049 80-89%4500450 B

Points Percentages Letter Grade
3,150 – 3,599 70-79% C
2,700 – 3,149 60-69% D
0-2,699 0-59% F

Late Work Policy

In this industry, deadlines are everything, so get used to it. Assignments and
projects handed in after the deadline will automatically have 20 points deducted. An
additional 10 points will be deducted for every day after that.   

Other Course Policies

VERY IMPORTANT! Students who do not complete all their online work by the due date
listed in the course schedule, will not be allowed in lab that week.

Absolutely no food or drinks allowed in the editing bays, studio or control room. 

Absolutely no cheating is allowed. If you are caught cheating, you will receive an
automatic zero for whatever it is you are cheating on and lose all professionalism points
for that day. Additionally, you will be referred to the Judiciary Committee.

If the instructor or their designee determines that a student must be removed or

“fired” as crew of a class production, due to their un-professional and/or disruptive
behavior, that student shall receive a grade of zero for that production activity.

Equipment Certification: Students will be certified on equipment before they can use
or check out equipment.

Phone/computer policy: If you are on your phone during class time, and it is disruptive
to me and other students, I will ask you to put it up. If I have to tell you again, I will ask
you to leave my class. You can return only after you speak to me.

Student Responsibilities: Students are responsible for the information in the syllabus
and should consult it for questions concerning course requirements and policies.

Online exams must be taken on the date and time scheduled. Make-up exams (mid-
term and quizzes only) may be given provided the student missed due to certifiable
medical or extreme personal need. The instructor must be notified prior to the
administration of the exam.

Students will be held financially accountable for any damage to equipment or the facility.
If damage occurs, the college will seek restitution and will hold the student’s grades until
the damage is paid for. By enrolling in this course, you are agreeing to the terms of this
policy. If you have a problem with any equipment, please notify the instructor or TA


All projects MUST be named using the following format to avoid a 5% penalty:


Example: RTVB1409_Vance_Sharie_DialogProject_v2

Classroom Etiquette:
Don’t be disruptive.
No food or drinks allowed in the studio, editing bays or control room
Please pick up your trash and help keep the facility clean
Please respect the rights of others in class and lab

Letters of Recommendation: The faculty may provide letters of recommendation to

employers on request. Allow at least one week after the request, as the faculty is busy.
The student’s work must merit recommendation Volunteer and give us great things to
write about you.

Institutional Policies
Institutional Policies relating to this course can be accessed using the link below. These
policies include information about tutoring, Disabilities Services, class drop and repeat
options, Title IX, and more. See more here: North Lake Institutional Policies.

Course Schedule
Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week
1 Lecture Video: Read: Chapters 1 & 2 (Location
Introduction to Course/ Audio and Sound Basics)
1/19/21 Location Audio

Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week
– Watch:
1/21/21  Discussion Lab:
Prompt Equipment
And a favorite film or TV show

Respond to Discussion prompt

2 Lecture: Sound Basics Take: Quiz on 1 & 2

1/26/21  Equipment Lab: Read: Chapters 3 & 4 (Mic

– List How sound works Basics/Mics for Location Sound)

1/28/21  Discussion Respond to Discussion prompt

3 Lecture Video: Take: Quiz on 3 & 4
 Quiz on 1 & Microphones Certifications for Wireless
2/2/21 2
– Lab: Microphones Read: Chapters 5 – 9 (Mic
2/4/21  Discussion Techniques)

Respond: to Discussion prompt

4 Lecture Video: Take: Quiz on 5 – 9, Certs Tascam
2/9/21  Certification Microphone DR-40 and Sound Device 702
for Wireless Techniques
 Quiz on 3 & Respond: to Discussion prompt
- 4 Lab: Mic Techniques
Read: Chapters 11 & 14
2/11/21  Discussion (Recorders/Monitoring)
Watch: Sound for Film and TV
5 Lecture Video and Lab: Read: Chapters 10 & 15 (Signal
2/16/21  Quiz on Recorders and Flow/Power)

Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week
Chps 5 – 9, Monitoring
 Certs for Take: Quiz on Chapters 11 and 14
Tascam Lab: Scavenger Hunt Certification on Mackie 1409
DR-40 and Lab: Audio to Camera
SD 702 Respond: to Discussion prompt

2/18/21  Discussion
6 Lecture Video: Signal Read: Chapter 13 (Mixers)
2/23/21  Quiz on 11 Take: Quiz on Chapters 10 & 15
& 14 Lab: Signal Flow and Certification for Midas
 Cert on Mackie
Mackie Do: Signal Flow Worksheet
NO 1409
CLASS  Discussion Respond: to Discussion prompt
on 2/25 Prompt

7 Lecture Video: Review: for Mid-Term

3/2/21  Quiz on 10 Scarlett
& 15 Lab: Midas Practice Take: Quiz on Chapter 13
 Cert for Interview Project
Midas Respond: to Discussion prompt
 Signal Flow
Worksheet Start working on: Interview
3/4/21  Discussion
8 Mid Term Review Read: Chapter 12 (Sync)
 Quiz on
3/9/21 Chapter 13 Watch: For a review
3/11/21  Discussion
Take: Mid Term

9 Lecture Video and Lab: Read: Chapter 18 (Applications)

Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week
Sync/ Dialog Editing
3/23/21 Mid-Term Take: Quiz on Chapter 12

3/25/21 Respond: to Discussion Prompt

Do: Dialog Edit

10 Lecture Video: Read: Chapter 17 (Ten
Applications Commandments)
3/30/21  Quiz on ENG/EFP
Chapter 12 Final Project Take: Quiz on Chapter 18

 Interview Do: Foley/ADR Projects

Project Labs:
ADR/Foley/ Watch: For further understanding,
4/1/21  Discussion

 Dialog Edit Respond: to Discussion Prompt

Email: Choice of Final Project to

Start working on: Final Project

11 Lecture Videos: Signal Do: Chapter 17 Worksheet

4/6/21  Quiz on Podcasts/Commercials Respond: to Discussion Prompt
Chapter 18 How to write a script
Lab: Watch: For further understanding
4/8/21  Foley/ADR Applications
Labs (continued)
Write: Commerical Script
 Discussion
12 Labs: Commercials Read: Chapter 19 & 20

4/13/21  Chapter 17 Work on: Commercial

Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week
 Commercial Respond: to Discussion Prompt

 Discussion
4/15/21 Prompt

13 Lecture: Set Etiquette Read: Chapter 16 (Building a

The Business of Show Sound Package)
4/20/21  Discussion Business
Prompt Take: Quiz on Chapter 19 & 20
Lab: TBD
Watch: Interview with Sound
Professional (link to be provided in
4/22/21  Commercial eCampus)

Respond: to Discussion Promp

14 Building a Sound Take: Quiz on Chapter 16

4/27/21  Quiz on Respond: to Discussion Prompts
Chpt 19 & Lab: TBD

4/29/21  Discussion
15 Final Exam Review Respond: to Discussion Prompt
 Quiz on
5/4/21 Chapter 16 Labs: TBD

5/6/21  Discussion
16 Take: Final Exam

5/11/21 Final Project


Week/ Due before Topic to Be Covered What You Should Be Doing This
Dates coming to class during Week Week

5/13/21 Final Exam

01/13/2021 Version


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