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ENC 1101: Composition 1/ 16 Week

Eastern Florida State College

Fall 2020: Online

Dr. Carolyn VanBergen-Rylander (Dr. VanBergen)
Office: (321) 433-5733
Cell: (321) 480-4690
Email: Use CANVAS course mail.

Contacting Me: I want to hear from you when you have questions or problems
concerning this course. It’s often best to ask question to the weekly discussion board, so
other students can both help provide quick answers and benefit from the question. Next
best, email me through CANVAS Course Mail with your name and class section (01M,
for example) in the subject line. If you have not received a reply within 48 hours, resend
your email and leave a voice message. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours if a
response is warranted. If the information is available to you through any of our class
resources—textbooks, CANVAS, handouts, syllabus, etc.—then I will probably not
respond. I check email twice a day M – F and once over the weekend. When an
immediate response is reasonable (for example, a Turn It In drop box is not working
and the assignment is due the next day), please use my cell number to call or text me.

Advising Times: I will post my advising hours on CANVAS, and the EFSC website, by
the beginning of the second week of class. You do not need an appointment during office
hours. You are also encouraged to make appointments to meet with me during times
other than my posted office hours. Online conferences through Canvas or Teams will be
offered as needed.

Required Texts
They Say, I Say with Readings 4E ISBN: 9780393631685
A Writer’s Reference EFSC Edition
These books will be available through the EFSC college bookstore. Information on procuring books online
is there too.
When procuring your books, remember that your instructor will require you to
annotate, underline, and/or highlight your text. Make sure you are aware of the buy
back, rental return or other relevant policies of the bookstore or vendor you use.
Bring both textbooks and pen and paper to every class meeting.

Additional Supplies
Computer/Online access
Printing facilities and supplies
Flash drive or other backup storage
Pens—including one non-black for workshop days
Highlighters in multiple colors
Access to working copies of papers (on paper or a device)
Course Description: ENC 1101 - Composition 1 
Credit Hours: 3 
Prerequisite: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing or exemption from
placement testing. This course builds college-level composition skills for effective
communication in a variety of contexts. Students will demonstrate mastery of writing as
a process that includes prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, editing, and
proofreading. Learning activities are designed to build students’ competency in
information literacy, research and documentation, critical thinking, and critical reading.
Multiple written assignments, including one argumentative, documented research
project, and a minimum overall grade of "C" are mandatory to meet College Level
Communication and Computational Skills Rule and General Education requirements.
This course is a state-designated core course. Course meets General Education and
College Level Communications Skills requirements.

The Core Ability for this course is Communicate Effectively. In order to be successful in
this course students must: 1) Use written conventions for academic writing in Standard
American English; 2) Integrate information literacy into the composition process; 3)
Select processes required for college-level composition; 4) Incorporate critical thinking
strategies into the reading process; 5) Select effective approaches to scholarly writing; 6)
Write critically as a means of mastering course content; 7) Develop appropriate
academic voice; 8) Select appropriate research methods; 9) Compose a research project
on a selected scholarly topic.

For additional information about specific course objectives, please see the Official
Course Description under the Welcome Module.

Technology Requirement: Since the course will be conducted online, students must
have reliable internet and computer access. Limited grants are available to help
students with those and other needs. Visit
releases/2020/05-18-cares-act-grants.cfm for further information.
Students should be proficient in internet skills and use of Microsoft Word. All currently
enrolled EFSC students now can download the Microsoft Office ProPlus desktop
applications for use on up to five desktop and/or mobile devices at no cost. Search for
Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers (Note: On iPad, you may need to change search
setting to "iPhone apps only".
You must use the CANVAS learning management system for submissions of
assignments and course communications. Log on to CANVAS at least five times per
week (preferably daily), to check for new announcements, course communication, and
grades. Inexperience or discomfort with the use of technology will not be accepted as an
excuse for why you did not complete work appropriately or on time. Having problems
with your computer or printer will in no case be considered an acceptable excuse for not
having work done and submitted on time. Give yourself time for problems.
How to log on to CANVAS:
1. Go to My EFSC
2. Your Username is your student ID number (including the B).
3. Your Password is your six-digit birth date (mmddyy).
4. If you have any problems, call the Help Desk at (321) 433-7600.
You must complete the CANVAS student training (make sure to go to the last slide and
hit submit) in order to fully participate in this class. Students who have not done so by
the third class meeting may be withdrawn from the class.

Student Privacy: In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), I will not discuss a student’s grades or progress with anyone but that student,
including parents of dual-enrolled or minor students. As stated in the EFSC Student
Handbook: “When a student turns 18 years of age, or attends a postsecondary
institution, the student, and not the parent, may access, seek to amend, and consent to
disclosures of his or her education records. Only the student may request access to his
or her education records” (179). I will not respond to parent queries or requests.

Academic Honesty: No form of academic dishonesty will be tolerated in this class.

Generally academic dishonesty is understood to mean any attempt to pass off another’s
work as your own. This may include but is not limited to failure to cite quotations,
borrowed ideas, or copied structure, paper theft, copying another student’s work, or
disrupting testing conditions. All course work is expected to be original and completed
on one’s own unless otherwise stated. It is possible to plagiarize oneself by submitting a
paper as original work that was completed for another purpose. Infringement of the
academic honesty policy may result in a failing grade for the course, withdrawal from
the course, and/or may be reported to the administration. See the student handbook for
more on this subject. If you are ever unsure where research becomes plagiarism, ask.
Being confused isn’t a grievous error-- making the wrong decision could be. Harvard
University has a thorough guide to the use of sources and avoiding plagiarism. The class will reference the
types of plagiarism defined therein. Assignments containing any amount or type of
plagiarism cannot receive Writing Center credit and may receive no credit.

Learning Resources: The Writing Center and the Media Center are great places to go
for help with your writing. The Writing Center is free to students, so don’t hesitate to
use it. The facilities and staff at the library are first rate and at your disposal. Peer tutors
for Com 1 are available through the Academic Success Center. For Fall 2020 these
services will be available online. Here is the library home page:
Here is the Writing Center home page:
Here is the Academic Success Center home page:
Make-Up Work and Attendance: This class will meet asynchronously, which means you
don’t have to show up at a specific time for class. You do need to complete the three major
papers on time. Homework will be accepted up to one week late with a deduction of points for
each day late. There is one assignment each week that also counts as your attendance. Those
assignments are designated in the weekly modules with a ⭐️. If you fail to turn those in on time,
you will be marked absent for the week. This is in accordance with the college policy: Online Class
Online students must complete an academic activity such as submit an assignment, take an
assessment or quiz or post to the discussion board to maintain active classroom participation.
Logging in and out of an online course does not constitute active participation. Students who are
withdrawn from online courses will have their access to the Canvas classroom blocked.
If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from another
student in a way that doesn’t disrupt class. Please don’t ask me what you missed. Use
the buddy system with one person you can rely on should you ever have to miss class. I
will not reply to requests about what you missed.
If for any reason you are having difficulty completing an assignment, the time to seek
help is well before, not after, the due date. I will drop the two lowest homework grades.
Consistent attendance is critical to your success in this class. I do not generally
distinguish between excused and unexcused absences. You have 3 allowed absences, if
no 2 are consecutive; use them wisely. If you miss 2 weeks in a row without my prior
approval (notification does not imply automatic approval), you will fail the course or be
withdrawn. Please keep track of your absences. Any student with 4 or more absences
will fail, or be withdrawn from, the course.
Student-athletes are responsible for informing instructors well in advance of any
necessary absences. This must be done through official, written communication.

Withdrawal: Consult the EFSC website, calendar and student handbook for
withdrawal policies.
It is your responsibility to fill out the necessary forms on time. A student who does not
complete a withdrawal form and simply stops attending class will be administratively
withdrawn or fail the course. A careful reading of this syllabus will reveal several
circumstances under which a student may be administratively withdrawn. There may be
specific assignments which if not completed correctly or on time would result in
withdrawal from the course.

Assignments: All written assignments are to be completed in Word format, double-

spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font. Composing documents in Google Docs often
results in inadvertent errors when submitting to CANVAS. Download the free Word
application and use it from start to finish. Students who have not completed any
assignments by the end of the third week may be withdrawn. Each of the papers shall
meet the minimum page requirement. All papers shall adhere to MLA format. Refer to
A Writer’s Reference for questions of format, punctuation, grammar, usage, etc. Due
dates will be posted on CANVAS. If there is any confusion, ask the instructor in advance
of the earliest possible due date. Papers must be submitted to the Turn-It-In drop box
on CANVAS for time stamping and plagiarism detection. All papers must be completed
to receive credit for the course. No papers will be reviewed by the instructor, or
accepted, via e-mail. The instructor may make exceptions in cases of extreme and
verifiable emergencies. You must keep a copy for yourself. There may be specific
assignments which if not completed correctly or on time would result in withdrawal
from the course. All papers must be submitted to Turn It In through CANVAS. If the
electronic copy of the paper is not submitted on time, you will receive no credit for the
paper. CANVAS prefers documents in doc., docx., and pdf. formats. Make sure your
paper went through intact; failure to use one of the accepted formats may result in a
jumbled document format or unreadable text. I grade the version submitted. The grade
and comments will be retained on CANVAS. Consult the assignment rubric, course
schedule, and individual assignment descriptions for additional requirements. If you
have a question about the grade you receive for any assignment, consult with the
instructor within a week of the recording of the grade.

Late Paper Option: Except for the final paper, I will accept ONE late paper per
student for PARTIAL CREDIT, at my convenience, up to but not after 6 days past the
due date. Late papers lose the revision privilege. Choose wisely. When you opt to turn
in a paper late, you must submit a note to the Turn-It-In drop box explaining that you
are exercising your option to turn in ONE late paper and stating which day you will
submit the completed paper. Because students must complete all the essays assigned,
failure to follow the correct procedure for the late paper option may result in failing or
being withdrawn from the course. Late papers will be graded at my convenience,
generally not as quickly as those submitted on time. The grade will be penalized for

Writing Center Credit: For each essay you can receive up to 5 points for a
documented visit to the writing center. That proof must be submitted on time, on paper.
Use the form under the “Essays” module on CANVAS. Papers containing any type or
amount of plagiarism cannot receive Writing Center credit.

Revisions. You are encouraged to revise the first two papers (Essays 1-2) using the
following process:
 You turn the original in on time and as specified; it contains no plagiarism.
 You read the comments on CANVAS, both the brief comments on the rubric and
the in-text comments.
 You write out a specific, detailed plan for making substantial improvements to
the paper; this must include more than just editing/correcting.
 Within one week of having received your grade for paper, you make and then
keep an appointment with the instructor to discuss your plan for revision.
 You bring 2 copies of your revision proposal to the appointment. Bullet points are
 The instructor approves/amends your plan for revision.
 You submit the revised paper to CANVAS on or before the date determined by the
instructor during your meeting. This will be a special assignment just for you. Do
not resubmit to the original assignment.
 Only substantial revisions shall be considered. If you do nothing more than make
local/editing changes, there will be no change of grade.
 The grade you receive for the revision is your grade for the assignment. I do not
average the grades. You are not guaranteed a higher grade.

Essays: Below are brief descriptions of major assignments. For each of the papers, a
complete assignment sheet will be provided; please familiarize yourself with it to meet
all the requirements. Because this is a composition course, you must complete each of
the major essay assignments on time to pass the course. Once a student has missed a
deadline for one of the major papers (including failure to exercise the late paper option
correctly), that student may be administratively withdrawn from the course or receive a
failing grade for the course.
Essay 1: Is College Worth It? Worth 16% of your final grade. 1 ½-2pages*. Paper
must adhere to MLA standards. Papers shall be submitted to CANVAS assignment box.
Screenshot your successful submission receipt. Keep a copy of the receipt and paper for
your own records. Every student must complete and submit this paper on time to
continue in the class or correctly exercise the late paper option.
Essay 2: What’s There to Eat? This paper is worth 20% of your final grade. This
paper shall be 3- 3 ½ pages long* and will include multiple sources and an MLA-style
works cited page. Paper must adhere to all MLA standards. Papers shall be submitted
to CANVAS assignment box prior to class. Screenshot your successful submission
receipt. Keep a copy of the receipt and paper for your own records. Every student must
complete and submit this paper on time to continue in the class or correctly exercise the
late paper option.
Essay 3: Gender and . . . Research Paper: This is a 5-6 page* research-based
document worth 50% of your final grade. You are expected to turn in a polished,
finished work. This paper shall draw its evidence from multiple, reliable sources. All
references will be in MLA format including a works cited page. You must demonstrate
mastery of the correct use of research material to pass the paper and the course, no
plagiarism. This paper must be submitted on time. Screenshot your successful
submission receipt. Keep a copy of the receipt and paper for your own records. There are
no revision or late paper opportunities for this paper.

*Note about paper length: When I say 2 pages, I mean 2 complete pages, no partial
pages. When I say 3-4 pages, I mean 3 complete pages minimum, up to 4 complete
pages maximum. Going over or under these requirements will result in a lower grade.
Setting up the document to extend length won’t work. MLA stipulates the margins, font,

Workshops: For the papers you will be assigned a peer’s paper to review. Use the
paper assignment and essay rubric to provide feedback to the author. Help them see
how a reader responds to the paper. Were there any places you got lost? Should they
add further evidence? Is the writing clear and easy to follow? Did they meet all the
requirements of the paper? These workshops are worth 7% of your final grade.

Homework/Miscellaneous/Participation: For assigned reading from the essays

in TSIS you will complete the 5 Questions assignment weekly and turn it in. I will assign
short exercises or assignments for you to complete including discussions and peer
reviewed assignments, which will have multiple parts and due dates. I may give
unannounced quizzes on reading and other course work. There may be assignments
which if not completed satisfactorily or on time will result in being withdrawn from the
course. Students who have not completed any assignments by the end of the third week
may be withdrawn. Together these are worth 7% of your final grade.

Grade Percentage Breakdown

Essay 1 16
Essay 2 20
Essay 3 50
Homework/Misc./Participation 7
Workshops 7

The state requires that students earn a 70 or better on the research paper (Essay 3) in
order to pass the course. Remember that you can appear to have a passing grade on
CANVAS and still fail the course. Possible reasons for this include excessive absences,
academic dishonesty, failure to complete an assignment required to continue as a class
member, failure to earn a 70 or better on Essay 3, or failure to complete the minimum
graded papers acceptably.

Grades, And What They Mean, in This Class

Outstanding performance in the mastering of the subject. Achievement of superior

quality. Far exceeds average understanding as evidenced in course work and goes
significantly beyond the basics.
Consistent performance in achievement beyond the usual requirements.
B Achievement of high quality. Far above average, fully meets average understanding
80-89 as evidenced in course work and fully understands the basics and can deal with
concepts somewhat beyond that level.
Performance of a satisfactory nature. Achievement demonstrating an understanding
of the subject sufficient for continued study in the discipline. Average meets
minimum expectations and satisfies requirements.
Minimally acceptable performance. Achievement demonstrating below average
understanding of the basic elements. Meets many minimum expectations and
satisfies all or most requirements.
Achievement at a level insufficient to demonstrate understanding of the basic
elements. Fails to meet minimum expectations in understanding and course work as
evidenced by performance, participation and/or submission of graded elements.
May mean 0 credit for the assignment.

Class Policies
 Students must comply with the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the EFSC
Student Handbook.
 Be respectful and considerate in your interactions with fellow students and the
 You have a choice to be in this class at this time. If you feel you cannot comply
with the demands of this class, you may be better off withdrawing.
 Continuation in the course signals your agreement to abide by the syllabus,
syllabus addendum, course schedule, class policies, and student conduct code.
 If at any time the instructor determines you are in violation of any of these
policies, and/or disrupting the learning environment, and/or are unprepared,
you may receive a penalty on an assignment or be counted absent that week.
Repeated and/or serious violations may result in being withdrawn from or failing
the class.

Syllabus Addendum: See this important document for further information including
links regarding college policies. It is considered part of the course syllabus.

Class Schedule: The schedule of topics, readings, assignments, due dates and
activities is tentative and subject to change. Changes will be announced on CANVAS.

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