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Unit 4  Homes in the UK Class


Start thinking
1 Answer the questions.
1 What’s the population of your country?

2 Do most people live in houses or flats? Why?

3 What do you like most about your home?

Comprehension check
2 Watch the video. Choose the correct answers.
1 There are about … million people in the UK.
a6 b 16 c 60
2 The Royal Crescent is in …
a Bath. b Broughton. c Cambridge.
3 There is a large … at Broughton Castle.
a film studio b garden c hotel

3 Watch the video again. Correct the factual errors in the sentences.
1 There are over 35 million homes in the UK.

2 Lauren is making coffee in the kitchen.

3 Lauren and Brian are watching TV in the bedroom.

4 The terraced houses in the Royal Crescent are very cheap.

5 Broughton Castle is 500 years old.

6 Lord and Lady Saye and Sele work in Broughton Castle.

4 Complete the summary. Write a word or a number in each gap.

There are many different kinds of 1 in the UK. Some are old and some are more 2  ,
but all of them are different inside. 3 houses are usually quite small, but this is not true for the
buildings in the Royal Crescent. These houses are too large and expensive for people to buy, so today they are
offices, 4 and hotels. People often come to the 5 in front of the Royal Crescent to
play when the weather is good. A few people in the UK live in old stately homes, such as Broughton Castle.
Broughton Castle is 6 because it has often been on television.

5 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 Where are the most expensive houses in your town or city?
2 Would you like to live on a boat? Why / why not?
3 Would you like to live in a castle? Why / why not?

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6 Complete the sentences with the words below.
antiques cottage furniture staff stately home view
1 The in the hotel were very friendly and helpful.
2 My grandparents live in an old in the country. It’s only got three rooms, but it’s very pretty.
3 Blenheim Palace is a famous near Oxford. It’s open to the public and gets many visitors every year.
4 My uncle has got an shop. He collects old and valuable things and then sells them for a lot
of money.
5 If you climb the stairs to the top of the tower, you get a wonderful of the village below.
6 When you rent a flat it sometimes hasn’t got any  , so you have to buy things like tables and chairs.

7 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

interesting uncomfortable convenient peaceful beautiful unusual
1 There are many shops near our house, so it’s a very place to live.
2 One of the most places to live in the UK is on a boat. Not many people do that!
3 Living on a boat is probably a bit because there isn’t much space.
4 The park next to our school always has flowers in the spring.
5 Broughton Castle is very when there are no visitors.
6 Many stately homes are very places to visit because of all their history.

Work in groups. Present your perfect home to the class.
1 Where would you most like to live in the world? Research the location and find a home that you would like to
live in.
2 When you have finished, take it in turns to ask questions about each home in your group.
3 Choose one of the homes. Imagine that you are showing the class around the home. Find some photos of
the home that you can show to the class.
4 Make notes about the advantages of the home and each room. Use the expressions in the box to help you.
5 Present your perfect home to the class.

Useful expressions: Showing someone around

Hello. Come in.
Come this way.
This is the …
There’s a … in the …
I love this room because …
The best thing about it is …
Look at …
Let’s move on to the next room.

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Unit 4  DVD teacher’s notes

Video summary
The video is about homes in the UK. It talks about different types of homes and focuses on specific examples: a
terraced house in Cambridge, the Royal Crescent in Bath and Broughton Castle, which is a stately home. This video
links to page 49 of the Student’s Book.

Background culture notes

Terraced houses are common in the centre of towns and cities in the UK. Most of them are quite small and they
are reasonably cheap to buy. However, bigger and more expensive terraced houses exist in cities like London
and Bath.
The Royal Crescent in Bath is a long terrace of 30 houses built in the shape of a crescent. It was designed by the
architect John Wood the Younger and built between 1767 and 1774. Today, the Royal Crescent includes a hotel
and a museum, and some of the houses have been converted into flats and offices.
Broughton Castle is a medieval manor house located in the village of Broughton in Oxfordshire, England. It was
built by Sir John de Broughton in 1300. The Castle is the home of the Saye and Sele family, although part of the
castle is open to the public.

Start thinking
1 Read the questions with the class and elicit answers from individual students. Encourage students to give a
personal response and use their suggestions to start a class discussion.
Students’ own answers.

Comprehension check
2 Answer key
1  c  2 a  3 b

3 Answer key
1 There are over 25 million homes in the UK.
2 Lauren is making tea in the kitchen.
3 Lauren and Brian are watching TV in the living room.
4 The terraced houses in the Royal Crescent are very expensive.
5 Broughton Castle is 700 years old.
6 Lord and Lady Saye and Sele live in Broughton Castle.

4 Answer key
1 homes / houses
2 modern
3 Terraced
4 flats
5 park
6 famous

5 Students’ own answers.

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6 Answer key
1 staff
2 cottage
3 stately home
4 antiques
5 view
6 furniture

7 Answer key
1 convenient
2 unusual
3 uncomfortable
4 beautiful
5 peaceful
6 interesting

Stage 1: Preparation before the class
• Ask: Where would you like to live in the world? Write the answers on the board.
• Ask: What type of home would you like to live in? Ask students to explain their answers.
• Tell students they are going to find their perfect home and show the class around it. Ask them to choose
a location and research homes there on the internet. Tell them to bring a picture of the home and some
information about it to the next class. Encourage students to think about more unusual places to live, such as a
house boat or another kind of mobile home, like a caravan.
Stage 2: Procedure in the class
• Divide students into small groups of three of four. Ask them to move their desks together, if possible.
• Ask students to take out their research about their perfect home.
• Number the students from one to three or four in each group.
• Explain that they are going to ask Student 1 questions about the home they researched. Then, continue with
Students 2, 3 and 4.
• Explain that each group must now choose one of the places they have researched.
• Tell them to imagine that they live in this house. They are going to show the class around it. Go through the
useful expressions with them.
• Tell each group to make notes about the attractions of the home and each room. Ask the students to decide
what each student in the group is going to say. Tell them to use the useful expressions in the box to help them.
• If possible, ask students to arrange their desks so that each one is a different room.
• Ask each group in turn to show the class around their home. Finally, have a class vote on the best home.
Extra ideas
Try searching for information about different homes on sites such as Rightmove. Or you can do an internet search
for ‘perfect homes’ or ‘unusual homes’.

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Unit 4 DVD scripts  Homes in the UK
Over sixty million people live in the United Kingdom and there are over twenty-five million homes. There are a lot of
different kinds of homes. There are cottages, terraced houses, semi-detached houses, and detached houses. Some are
older and some are more modern. And they are all different inside.
Lauren and her friend Brian are walking home from school.
Lauren lives with her mum in a terraced house in Cambridge, in the south-east of England.
Lauren thinks the kitchen is too small, but Brian thinks this is more convenient. It’s much easier to make a cup of tea
because everything is closer!
The most comfortable room in the house is the living room, where Lauren and Brian are watching TV.
Terraced houses are usually quite small, but these terraced houses, in the Royal Crescent in the city of Bath, are much
larger and much more beautiful than most normal terraced houses. They’re a lot older, too.
Today, these buildings are too expensive for most people, so a lot of them are flats, offices, or expensive hotels.
The gardens here aren’t as big as the gardens of other old houses, but there’s a great park in front of the Royal Crescent.
A lot of people from Bath like coming here and playing games.
There are other unusual homes in the UK. Living on a boat might not be comfortable enough for some people, but at
least the view is always changing.
A few families live in very old stately homes, like Broughton Castle.
This building is extremely old. In fact, it’s seven hundred years old, and it’s very big. It’s the home of Lord and Lady Saye
and Sele.
Some people think houses like this are too big and too old. But Lord and Lady Saye and Sele really enjoy living here.
They’ve got lots of beautiful furniture and antiques and they always enjoy looking at the garden from the window
The staff at Broughton Castle always try to make the garden look as pretty as possible by planting a lot of beautiful
Broughton Castle is quite famous. Because it’s very pretty, people sometimes make films and TV shows here. People
aren’t filming at Broughton at the moment, so it’s really peaceful. It’s an interesting place to visit and it’s an amazing
place to live.

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