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Mechanics Of Material(MOM)

Semester = 4th Spring 2020

Date: 27/07/2020
Submitted by :
Hasnain Amin
Registration No:

Submited to:
Engr. Wahad Ur Rehman


Lab 07 : To measure the stiffness of an extension spring by Theoretical
and experimental
 To know about different type of spring 
 To know about the stiffness of spring
 To know how to find stiffness of the spring both theoretically and experimentally 
 To find out the dependency of stiffness of the spring on different parameters


 Extension of spring apparatus

 Hangers 
 Weights
 Vernier Caliper.
 Meter Rule

 A spring is an object that can be deformed by a force and then return to its original
shape after the force is removed. Its sole purpose is to store and utilize the energy.
 Two types of deformation occur in a spring.
 Elastic Deformation: When the stress is removed the material returns to the
dimension it had before the load was applied. The deformation is reversible, non-
 Plastic Deformation: This occurs when a large stress is applied to a material. The
stress is so large that when removed, the material does not spring back to its previous
dimension. There is a permanent, irreversible deformation.
 The minimum value of the stress which produces plastic deformation is known as the
elastic limit for the material. 
 Any spring should be designed so that it only experience upto elastic deformation
mostly for efficient working.


Fig:7.1:SS of Spring Fig:7.2: SS of Experimental Setup

Types of Spring:

 Tension spring
The spring is designed to operate with a tension load, so the spring stretches as the load is
applied to it.

Fig:7.3:SS of Tension Spring

Compression Spring:

It is designed to operate with a compression load, so the spring gets shorter as the load is
applied to it.

Fig:7.4:SS of Compression Spring

Torsion Spring:
The load applied to a torsion spring is a torque or twisting force, and the end of the spring
rotates through an angle as the load is applied.

Fig:7.5:SS of Torsion Spring

Constant spring:
In this the supported load will remain constant throughout the deflection of spring.
Fig:7.6:SS of Constant Spring

Variable Spring:
In this, the resistance of the coil to load varies during compression.

Fig:7.7:SS of Varaible Spring

 And There are many types of spring available at the market on the basis of

 Take a spring having specific number of turns and diameter.
 To find theoretically stiffness we have to find number of turn(N), Wire diameter(d),
spring diameter(D) and modulus of rigidity(G).
 Put these value in the Formula.

 Theoretically stiffness will be obtained.
 Now for experimentally following step should me followed.
 Measure the diameter of wire and outer diameter of spring with the help of Vernier
 Fit the extension spring in the spring support as shown in Fig.7.2.
 Load the spring by weight increments recording the change in length of the spring up
to the greatest readable deflection or the max load.
 Record the spring dimensions Repeat the same process for other springs and record
the readings.

Theoretically Stiffness:

 Stiffness of the spring for N=52

 Wire diameter (d) = 1.08(mm)
 Spring O/D = 12.274(mm) 
 Number of active turns (N) =79
 Modulus of rigidity (G) = 77 (kN/ mm2 )
 Putting the values in the formula

 K=(1.08)4.(77)/8(52)(12.74)3
 K=1.217x10-4N/mm2

 Stiffness of the spring for N=57:

 Putting the same value in the above formula and number of turn is N=57.
 K=(1.08)4.(77)/8(57)(12.74)3
 K=1.1109x10-4N/mm2

 Stiffness of the spring for N=79:

 Putting value in the above formula
 K=(1.08)4.(77)/8(79)(12.74)3
 K=7.996x10-5N/mm2

Experimentally stiffness:
Observation and Calculation:
Table:7.1:Observation table

Experimentally Result:
K=∆ F /∆ x


Fig.7.8:SS of graph

Observation and calculation:

Experimental Result:

K=∆ F /∆ x


Fig.7.9: SS of Graph

Experimental Result:

K=∆ F /∆ x

Fig.7.10:SS of Graph

Combine Result:

Fig.7.11:SS of Graph

Derive the stiffness of the spring formula 

Draw the following curve using MATLA

Code in Matlab:
d = [0.5:0.1:2]; % Wire diameter
D = 12.74; % Spring diameter
N = 79; % No. of turns
G = 77E3; % Modulus of rigidity

k = d.^4*G/(8*N*D^3); % Stiffness
plot (d,k, '-bS','LineWidth',4,'MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','g')
hold on;
title("Hasnain Amin, 18pwmct0619",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New
xlabel("Wire Diameter in mm",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New
ylabel("Stiffness",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontWeight','bold')


Fig.7.12:SS of Graph

Code in Matlab:
D = [8:0.05:16]; % Spring Diameter
d = 1.03; % Wire Diameter
N = 79; % No. of turns
G = 77E3; % Modulus of rigidity
k =d^4*G./(8*N*D.^3); % Stiffness
plot (D,k)
hold on;
title("Hasnain Amin, 18pwmct0619",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New
xlabel("Spring Diameter in mm",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New
ylabel("Stiffness",'FontSize',24,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontWeight','bold')


Fig.7.13:SS of Graph

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