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Exploiting the Power of Local Search in a Branch and Bound

Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling

Matthew J. Streeter1 and Stephen F. Smith2
Computer Science Department
and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition1 and
The Robotics Institute2
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
{matts, sfs}

Abstract nodes in the branch and bound search tree.

This paper presents three techniques for using an iter- 2. Branch ordering. In practice, a near-optimal solution to
ated local search algorithm to improve the performance an optimization problem will often have many attributes
of a state-of-the-art branch and bound algorithm for job (i.e., assignments of values to variables) in common with
shop scheduling. We use iterated local search to obtain an optimal solution. In this case, the heuristic ordering
(i) sharpened upper bounds, (ii) an improved branch- of branches can be improved by giving preference to a
ordering heuristic, and (iii) and improved variable- branch that is consistent with the near-optimal solution.
selection heuristic. On randomly-generated instances,
our hybrid of iterated local search and branch and bound 3. Variable selection. The heuristic solutions used for vari-
outperforms either algorithm in isolation by more than able selection at each node of the search tree can be im-
an order of magnitude, where performance is measured proved by local search.
by the median amount of time required to find a globally
optimal schedule. We also demonstrate performance We demonstrate the power of these techniques on the job
gains on benchmark instances from the OR library. shop scheduling problem, by hybridizing the I-JAR iter-
ated local search algorithm of Watson el al. (2003a) with
1. Introduction the branch and bound algorithm of Brucker et al. (1994).
Iterated local search and chronological backtracking have 1.1. Contributions
complementary strengths and weaknesses. The strength of
backtracking is its systematicity: it is guaranteed to find a The primary contributions of this work are as follows.
global optimum in a bounded amount of time. Its weakness • We quantitatively compare the performance of iterated
is the fact that it performs a depth-first search: once it vis- local search and branch and bound on random JSP in-
its a region of the search space, it must explore that region stances. The results of this comparison nicely illustrate
exhaustively before moving onward, potentially wasting a the complementary strengths of these two classes of al-
lot of time. Iterated local search moves more freely about gorithms: the branch and bound algorithm is orders of
the search space and often finds a near-optimal solution rel- magnitude more efficient at finding a globally optimal
atively quickly in practice. The downside is that the amount schedule, while iterated local search is orders of magni-
of time it searches before finding a global optimum is un- tude more efficient at finding a near-optimal schedule.
Previous work has addressed the weaknesses of chrono- • We show experimentally that for random square JSP in-
logical backtracking in a number of ways: through random- stances, the near-optimal schedules that are found quickly
ization and restart (Gomes 2003), tree search strategies such by iterated local search are typically only a short distance
as limited discrepancy search (Harvey & Ginsberg 1995) away from the nearest globally optimal schedule. This
and depth-bounded discrepancy search (Walsh 1997), intel- suggests using the results of iterated local search to guide
ligent backtracking techniques such as dynamic and partial- the branch ordering decisions made by branch and bound,
order dynamic backtracking (Ginsberg 1993; Ginsberg & and we show that such an approach does in fact lead to a
McAllester 1994), and other methods. There have also been more accurate branch ordering heuristic.
a number of attempts to exploit the power of local search • Motivated by these observations, we show how to use it-
within chronological backtracking (Zhang & Zhang 1996; erated local search to improve the upper bounds, branch
Kamarainen & Sakkout 2002; Nareyek, Smith, & Ohler ordering heuristic, and variable selection heuristic used
2003). The latter techniques are discussed more fully in §8. in branch and bound. On random instances, we find that
In this paper we explore three simple ways of exploiting each of these techniques improves performance by a fac-
the power of iterated local search within branch and bound: tor that increases with problem size, where performance
1. Upper bounds. Near-optimal solutions provide sharp- is measured by the median time required to find a globally
ened upper bounds that can be used to prune additional optimal schedule.
2. Background
(A) JSP instance (B) JSP schedule
2.1. The Job Shop Scheduling Problem
J 1 : J11 J 12 J 13 J 14 J11 J 12 J 13 J 14
We consider the widely studied makespan-minimization ver-
sion of the job shop scheduling problem (JkCmax ), which J 2 : J12 J 22 J 32 J 42 J12 J 22 J 32 J 42
we refer to simply as the JSP.
An N by M instance of the JSP is a set of N jobs, each €
of € € € € € € € € time
which is a sequence of M operations. Each operation must
€ €
be performed on a designated machine for a specified dura- € € € (C) Disjunctive
€ €graph€ €
tion, without interruption. There are M machines, and each J11 1
J2 J31
job uses each machine exactly once. A schedule assigns start
o∅ o*
times to each operation such that
J12 J 22 J 32 J 42
1. no machine is scheduled to process more than one opera-
€ € € €
tion at the same time, and
2. the ordering of operations within each job is respected. Figure 1: (A) A 2x4 instance of the JSP with jobs
J 1 and€ J 2 .€ Job€J 1 consists € of the sequence of oper-
The makespan of a schedule is equal to the maximum com-
ations (J11 , J21 , J31 , J41 ), and J2 consists of the sequence
pletion time (i.e., start time plus duration) of any operation.
(J12 , J22 , J32 , J42 ). Each operation is represented by a rect-
We consider the makespan-minimization version of the job
angle whose texture represents the machine on which the
shop scheduling problem, in which the objective is to find a
operation is performed and whose width is proportional to
schedule that minimizes the makespan.
the operation’s duration. (B) A JSP schedule assigns a start
It is convenient to represent a schedule by its disjunctive
time to each operation. (C) A disjunctive graph represents
graph (Roy & Sussmann 1964). In a disjunctive graph, there
start times indirectly by defining precedence relations be-
is a vertex corresponding to each operation in the problem
tween each pair of operations performed on the same ma-
instance, as well as two special vertices called the source
and the sink. There are directed edges pointing from the chine. Here o∅ is source and o∗ is the sink.
source into (the vertex corresponding to) the first operation
of each job, from the last operation of each job into the sink,
and from each operation into the next operation (if any) in JSP. We chose Brucker because of its performance and be-
the job. A directed edge from operation o1 to operation o2 cause code for it is freely available online.
indicates that o1 completes before o2 starts. The orienta- 2.2.1. I-JAR. Watson et al. (2003a) present a simple it-
tion of all the directed edges just discussed is dictated by the erated local search algorithm called I-JAR whose perfor-
problem instance, and these directed edges are called con- mance is competitive with the tabu search algorithm of Tail-
junctive arcs. The remaining edges connect fixed pairs of lard (1994) on benchmark instances from the OR library.
operations, but their orientation is defined by a particular I-JAR performs a series of iterations. In each iteration,
schedule. These disjunctive edges connect all pairs of oper- it first descends to a local optimum, then escapes from the
ations performed on the same machine. A disjunctive edge local optimum by making a number of random moves.
with an assigned direction is called a disjunctive arc. The Formally, let N1 (s) denote the set of all schedules that
weight of each arc is given by the duration of the operation can be obtained from s by reversing the orientation of a
that the edge points out of (or zero if the edge points out single disjunctive arc that belongs to a critical path (van
of the source). A critical path is a longest (weighted) path Laarhoven, Aarts, & Lenstra 1992). I-JAR is defined as
from source to sink in the (directed) disjunctive graph that follows.
represents some particular schedule. It can be shown that
the makespan of the schedule is equal to the length of its Procedure I-JAR:
critical path.
Figure 1 illustrates (A) a JSP instance, (B) a schedule for 1. Initialize cur ← a randomly-generated sched-
that instance, and (C) the corresponding disjunctive graph. ule.
2.1.1. Distance Between Schedules. Given two schedules 2. Do:
s and s0 , we define the distance ks − s0 k between them as (a) (Descent to local optimum). For each sched-
the proportion of disjunctive edges that point in opposite di- ule s ∈ N1 (cur), in random order:
rections in the two schedules (Mattfeld, Bierwirth, & Kopfer
i. If makespan(s) < makespan(cur) then
set cur ← s and go to 2 (a).
2.2. Algorithms for Job Shop Scheduling (b) With probability 100 , set l ← 5; otherwise
set l ← 2.
We focus our efforts on a single iterated local search algo- (c) (Random walk). For i from 1 to l:
rithm (I-JAR) and a single branch and bound algorithm
(Brucker). We chose I-JAR because of its simplicity and i. Let s be a random element of N1 (cur), and
its demonstrated performance on benchmark instances of the set cur ← s.
2.2.2. Brucker’s branch and bound algorithm. Brucker For each N ∈ {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13} we generate a
et al. (1994) present a branch and bound algorithm for set, IN,N , of random N by N JSP instances. For N ≤ 12,
job shop scheduling, hereafter referred to as Brucker. |IN,N | = 1000, while |I13,13 | = 150. For each ran-
As in other branch and bound algorithms for job shop dom instance I, we used Brucker to determine its optimal
scheduling, each search tree node in Brucker represents a makespan, denoted opt makespan(I).
set of disjunctive arcs (the “fixed arcs”) that must be present Our evaluation focuses on square JSP instances (i.e., those
in all descendents of that node. Branches are generated by with N = M ) because they have been found to be the most
constructing a schedule consistent with the fixed arcs and difficult in practice (Fisher & Thompson 1963).
examining (one of) the schedule’s critical path(s). Formally,
if G is a set of disjunctive arcs, the procedure Brucker(G) 3.2. Performance Metric
is as follows (upper bound is a global variable initialized In quantifying the performance of an algorithm A, we fo-
to ∞). cus on the amount of time required to find an optimal or
near-optimal schedule with a specified minimum probabil-
Procedure Brucker(G): ity. Specifically, for real numbers q ∈ (0, 1) and ρ ≥ 1 and
integers N and M , we determine the minimum t such that,
1. (Constraint propagation). Add to G disjunc-
when A is run on a random N by M JSP instance for t sec-
tive arcs that must be present in any schedule
onds, with probability at least q it finds a schedule whose
with makespan < upper bound.
makespan is at most ρ times the optimal makespan.
2. (Pruning). If lower bound(G) ≥ Given a set IN,M of N by M JSP instances with known
upper bound return. optimal makespans, our procedure for determining t is
3. (Heuristic scheduling). Using a priority dis- straightforward. We run A on each instance I ∈ IN,M
patching rule, generate a schedule s that is with a time limit of T = 1 second, terminating the run
consistent with G. Set upper bound ← immediately if it finds a ρ-optimal schedule (i.e., a schedule
min(upper bound, makespan(s)). whose makespan is at most ρ times the optimal makespan).
For each instance, we record the amount of time that A ran
4. (Branching). Find a critical path, P , in s. P is and whether or not it found a ρ-optimal schedule. If the
used to define branches G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn (the proportion of runs that found a ρ-optimal schedule by time
order of the branches is determined heuristi- T is at least q, we find the smallest t ≤ T such that the
cally using data obtained during the computa- proportion of runs that found a ρ-optimal schedule by time
tion of lower bounds). For i from 1 to n: t is at least q. Otherwise, we double T and try again. Each
(a) Call Brucker(Gi ). run of A on a particular instance I uses the same random
number generator seed, so that our results would be exactly
We will refer to steps 1-3 in the above code as an iteration the same (though it would take longer to compute them) if
of Brucker. The code for Brucker is freely available via we had initialized T to infinity.
ORSEP (Brucker, Jurisch, & Sievers 1992).
Among systematic search algorithms, the performance of All experiments reported in this paper were performed on
Brucker is state-of-the-art for smaller benchmark instances a 2.4 GHz Pentium IV with 512 MB of memory.
from the OR library and among the best for larger instances
(Brinkkötter & Brucker 2001).
We consider two additional algorithms, DDS and LDS,
4. Motivations
that are identical to Brucker except that they do not use a In this section we present some experiments that motivate
depth-first tree search strategy. DDS instead uses depth- this work.
bounded discrepancy search (Walsh 1997), while LDS uses
limited discrepancy search (Harvey & Ginsberg 1995). As 4.1. Comparing Local and Exhaustive Search
compared to depth-first search, these two tree search strate- 4.1.1. Methodology. For each N ∈ {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11},
gies have been found to reduce the number of nodes that each ρ ∈ {1, 1.05}, and each A ∈ {I-JAR, Brucker},
must be explored before finding an optimal or near-optimal we used the procedure described in §3.2 to determine the
solution. number of iterations required by A to find a schedule whose
makespan is within a factor ρ of optimal with probability at
3. Methodology least q = 0.9.
This section describes how we evaluate the performance of 4.1.2. Results Figure 2 shows the time (in seconds) re-
algorithms for job shop scheduling. quired by I-JAR and Brucker to find either (A) an opti-
mal schedule or (B) a near-optimal schedule with probability
3.1. Test Instances at least q = 0.9 when run on a random N by N JSP instance.
The key observations are that
To generate a random N by M JSP instance we let the order
in which the machines are used by each job be a random per- • the time required by I-JAR to find a globally optimal
mutation of {1, 2, ..., M }, and draw each operation duration schedule exceeds the time required by Brucker by a fac-
uniformly at random from {1, 2, ..., 100}. tor that increases with problem size, ranging from 5.23
Mean distance to nearest optimal schedule
(A) Time to find optimal schedule 0.25
6x6 instances
7x7 instances
0.2 8x8 instances
Time (s) (90th percentile)

10 0.15




0.001 0
6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25
N = Num. jobs/machines ρ

(B) Time to find near-optimal schedule Figure 3: Mean distance from a schedule within a factor ρ of
optimal to the nearest optimal schedule. Error bars are 95%
confidence intervals.
Time (s) (90th percentile)


0.1 Brucker

is computed using a “radius-limited” version of Brucker

which determines, for a given radius r and center sched-
ule sc , whether there exists an optimal schedule in the set
{s : ks − sc k ≤ r}. The smallest r for which this set con-
tains an optimal schedule is determined using binary search.
0.001 4.2.2. Results Figure 3 presents our results. For each N ∈
6 7 8 9 10 11
N = Num. jobs/machines {6, 7, 8}, Figure 3 shows that the mean distance from sρ to
the nearest optimal schedule is an increasing function of ρ.
For N = 8, for example, the mean distance for ρ = 1.01 is
Figure 2: Amount of time (90th percentile) required by 0.054, while the mean distance for ρ = 1.25 is 0.184.
I-JAR and Brucker find (A) a globally optimal schedule Suppose that a search tree node G has branches
and (B) a schedule whose makespan is within a factor 1.05 G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn , and let s∗ be a known near-optimal sched-
of optimal, when run on a random N by N JSP instance. ule that is consistent with G (i.e., the disjunctive graph of s∗
Error bars are 95% confidence intervals. contains all the disjunctive arcs in the set G). Based on Fig-
ure 3, it is likely that there exists a globally optimal schedule
s̄ that has many attributes in common with s∗ . This suggests
(for 6x6 instances) to 14.7 (for 11x11 instances); how- that if a branch Gi is consistent with s∗ it may also be consis-
ever, tent with s̄, so if we want to minimize the work that branch
• the amount of time required by Brucker to find a near- and bound must perform before finding a global optimum it
optimal schedule exceeds the time required by I-JAR makes sense to move Gi to the front of the list of branches.
by a factor that increases with problem size, ranging from The results in Figure 3 are not that surprising in light of
1.03 (for 6x6 instances) to 14.4 (for 11x11 instances). previous work. For example, the Markov model of Watson
These results suggest that a short run of I-JAR of- et al. (2003b) shows that as a tabu search run progresses
ten yields a near-optimal schedule, thus providing an upper the mean distance to the nearest global optimum decreases.
bound that may improve the performance Brucker. Our results are also consistent with the “big valley” picture
of JSP landscapes, for which there is empirical (Nowicki &
4.2. Mean Distance to Nearest Optimal Schedule Smutnicki 2001) as well as theoretical evidence (Streeter &
Smith 2005), especially for random N by M JSP instances
In this section we estimate the mean distance between sched- N
with M u 1.
ules found by I-JAR and the nearest globally optimal
schedule (recall that distance between schedules is measured
by the proportion of disjunctive edges whose orientations 5. Improving Branch and Bound
differ). 5.1. Upper Bounds
4.2.1. Methodology For each instance I ∈ I6,6 ∪ I7,7 ∪ The data presented in §4.1 show that I-JAR finds a near-
I8,8 , we run I-JAR until it evaluates a globally optimal optimal schedule (i.e., one whose makespan is within a fac-
schedule. For ρ ≥ 1, let sρ be the first schedule evaluated tor 1.05 of optimal) more quickly than Brucker’s branch and
by I-JAR whose makespan is within a factor ρ of optimal. bound algorithm. This suggests running the two algorithms
For each ρ ∈ {1, 1.01, . . . , 1.25}, we determine the dis- in parallel, each at 50% strength, and using the schedules
tance from sρ to the nearest optimal schedule. The distance discovered by I-JAR to update the upper bound used by
Brucker. We refer to this hybrid algorithm as U B. backtracks to the root node of the search tree and contin-
Specifically, for an algorithm A ∈ {I-JAR, Brucker}, ues the search using the new branch ordering (but without
let TA (N, M ) denote the mean CPU time per iteration that discarding the work that has already been done).
A requires when run on j a random N kby M JSP instance. If s∗ is updated n times, the memory overhead (as com-
Let Iequiv (N, M ) = TTBrucker (N,M )
. U B is defined as pared to depth-first search) is at most a factor of n. When
I -JAR (N,M )
each operation duration is drawn from {1, 2, . . . , 100}, n ≤
follows. 100N M , so the memory required by U B+BR is at most
100N M times that required by Brucker in the worst case.
Procedure U B: In practice, the actual memory requirement is much less.
1. Do:
5.3. Variable Selection
(a) Perform Iequiv (N, M ) iterations of I-JAR.
Let ` be the makespan of the best sched- Our third hybrid algorithm, U B+BR+V S, is identical to
ule found by I-JAR. Set upper bound ← U B+BR except that it uses local search to generate heuris-
min(upper bound, `). tic schedules (step (3) of the pseudo-code for Brucker pre-
(b) Perform a single iteration of Brucker. sented in §2.2.2), rather than using a priority dispatching
To generate a heuristic schedule that is consistent with a
5.2. Branch Ordering set of disjunctive arcs G, we start I-JAR at a schedule that
The results of §4.2 show that near-optimal schedules tend to is consistent with G and use a restricted move operator N1
have many disjunctive arcs in common with globally optimal (G)
where N1 (s) = {s ∈ N1 (s) : s is consistent with G}.
schedules. We define a hybrid algorithm U B+BR that is
Formally, the procedure is as follows.
designed to take advantage of this fact. Like U B, U B+BR
runs Brucker and I-JAR in parallel and uses the sched-
ules found by I-JAR to update upper bounds. Addition- Procedure used by U B+BR+V S to generate heuris-
ally, U B+BR alters the branch ordering heuristic used by tic schedules:
Brucker as follows: 1. Let s be the heuristic schedule generated by
• Let (G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn ) be the branches as ordered by Brucker.
Brucker. Let s∗ be the best schedule found so far by 2. Starting at s, run I-JAR for Iequiv (N, M ) it-
I-JAR. If for some i, Gi is consistent with s∗ (i.e., s∗ (G)
contains all the disjunctive arcs in Gi ) then move Gi to erations, using the move operator N1 . Let ŝ
the front of the list of branches. denote the best schedule found, and let `ˆ be its
Note that when s∗ changes, the branch ordering heuristic makespan.
changes as well, and we may want to backtrack to revisit 3. Set upper bound ← min(upper bound, `). ˆ
branching decisions that were made earlier in the search. To
4. Return ŝ.
facilitate this, we maintain in memory a tree T of search tree
nodes. Each node in T is initially marked as “unexpanded”, Note that the per-search-tree-node runs of I-JAR used to
then after constraint propagation, lower bounding, and perform heuristic scheduling are independent of the parallel
branching have been performed as per §2.2.2, the node run of I-JAR used (as per U B+BR) to establish upper
is marked as “expanded”. Nodes are deleted from the bounds. Also note that in altering step (3) of Brucker, we
search tree when all descendents have either been pruned are changing the variable selection heuristic (which picks
or exhaustively explored. Once T is empty, the algorithm out variables on which to branch), which is distinct from
terminates. Formally, we have the following. the branch ordering heuristic (which determines the order
in which branches of the search tree are explored).
Procedure used by U B+BR to select a search tree
node to expand: 6. Evaluation on Random JSP Instances
1. Starting at the root of T , follow first-ranked In this section we compare the performance of the algo-
branches until reaching an unexpanded node rithms Brucker, DDS, and LDS (described in §2.2.2),
G. Process G as per the pseudo-code in §2.2.2, with that of U B, U B+BR, and U B+BR+V S (described
and mark G as “expanded”. in §5) on random JSP instances.
2. If G is pruned, remove G from the tree and
delete from T any “expanded” nodes that no 6.1. Median Run Length
longer have any children. Using the methodology of §3.2, we determine the median
3. Otherwise, add G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn as “unex- number of iterations required to find a globally optimal
panded” children of G. schedule for a random N by N JSP instance for each
N ∈ {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13} and each algorithm A ∈
In effect, in between updates to s∗ U B+BR simply per- {Brucker, DDS, LDS, U B, U B+BR, U B+BR+V S}.
forms a depth-first search. When s∗ changes, U B+BR Figure 4 presents the results. The key observation is that
Iterations required to find optimal schedule Formally, let B be a branch ordering heuristic and let I
be a random N by M JSP instance. Call a search tree node
with disjunctive arc set G optimal if there exists a globally
10000 optimal schedule that contains all the arcs in G. Let Gd be
Median num. iterations

UB an optimal search tree node at depth d in the search tree for
1000 UB+BR I, and let G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn be the children of Gd , as ordered
by some branch ordering heuristic B. The accuracy of B at
100 at depth d, which we denote by a(B, d, N, M ), is the proba-
bility that the first-ranked branch (G1 ) is optimal.
Given a branch ordering heuristic B, we estimate
a(B, d, N, M ) (as a function of d) as follows.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
N = Num. jobs/machines
Procedure for estimating a(B, d, N, M ):
1. For each instance I ∈ IN,M :
Figure 4: Median number of iterations required by vari-
ous branch and bound algorithms to find a globally optimal (a) Initialize G ← ∅, upper bound ← 1.05 ∗
schedule in a random N by N JSP instance. Error bars are opt makespan(I), and d ← 0.
95% confidence intervals. (b) Let G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn be the children of G, as
ordered by B.
Table 1: Performance on random 13x13 instances. (c) For each i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}, use an indepen-
dent run of Brucker to determine whether
Algorithm Med. iter. Med. equiv. iter. Gi is optimal. If G1 is optimal record
Brucker 16300 16300 the pair (d, true); otherwise record the pair
DDS 9220 9220 (d, f alse).
LDS 7300 7300 (d) Let Gi be a random optimal element of
UB 2291 4582 {G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn }; set G ← Gi ; set d ←
U B+BR 650 1300 d + 1; and go to (b).
U B+BR+V S 429 1287
2. For each integer d ≥ 0 for which some or-
dered pair of the form (d, V ) was recorded,
take as an estimate of a(B, d, N, M ) the pro-
• Compared to Brucker, each of the three techniques (U B, portion of recorded pairs of the form (d, V ) for
U B+BR, and U B+BR+V S, respectively) reduces the which V = true.
median number of iterations required to find a global op-
timum by a factor that increases with problem size. Figure 5 plots a(B, d, N, N ) as a function of d for
each N ∈ {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} and for each B ∈
The iterations of these four algorithms are not equivalent {BBrucker , BU B +BR }.
in terms of CPU time. By design, an iteration of either U B
Examining Figure 5, we make four observations:
or U B+BR takes approximately twice as long as an itera-
tion of Brucker, while an iteration of U B+BR+V S takes 1. For all N , the trend is that a(BBrucker , d, N, N ) increases
approximately three times as long. Table 1 compares the as a function of d.
performance of the four algorithms on the largest instance
size, both in terms of raw iterations and “equivalent itera- 2. For all d, the trend is that a(BBrucker , d, N, N ) decreases
tions”. as a function of N .
As judged by this table, the performance of U B+BR+V S
is not significantly better than that of U B+BR on the largest 3. For every combination of N and d,
instance size. However, the trend in the data suggests that a(BU B +BR , d, N, N ) > a(BBrucker , d, N, N ).
U B+BR+V S will significantly outperform U B+BR on
larger instance sizes. 4. For all N , the trend is that a(BU B +BR , d, N, N ) −
a(BBrucker , d, N, N ) decreases with d.
Both DDS and LDS outperformed the depth-first ver-
sion of Brucker. It seems likely that the performance of the Observation (1) is consistent with the conventional wis-
three hybrid algorithms could be further improved by using dom that branch ordering heuristics become more accurate
these tree search strategies. at deeper nodes in the search tree (e.g., Walsh 1997), while
observations (2) and (3) are consistent with our expectations.
6.2. Comparison of BBrucker and BU B +BR (4) deserves special explanation. The reason for (4) is that
To understand the difference between the median run when applied to a node Gd , BU B+BR only makes a decision
lengths of U B and U B+BR we examine the behavior of that differs from that of BBrucker if s∗ is consistent with Gd .
their branch ordering heuristics, referred to respectively as The probability that s∗ is consistent with Gd decreases with
BBrucker and BU B +BR . d, and so the benefit of BU B+BR decreases with d as well.
Table 2: Mean CPU seconds required by various algorithms
to find a globally optimal schedule. For stochastic algo-
rithms, 95% confidence intervals are given.

(A) Brucker branch ordering heuristic

Inst. Size Brucker I-JAR UB+BR
1 abz5 10x10 6.3 33.4 ± 10.7 4.3 ± 0.7
abz6 10x10 0.4 1.3 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.1
Pr[correct branch taken]

0.8 8x8 ft06 6x6 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
10x10 ft10 10x10 12.8 179.5 ± 60.5 9.5 ± 1.9
0.6 11x11
la01 10x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
la02 10x5 < 0.1 0.1 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
la03 10x5 < 0.1 0.1 ± 0 < 0.1
la04 10x5 0.1 0.1 ± 0 < 0.1
la05 10x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
la06 15x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la07 15x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Depth la08 15x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
la09 15x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
(B) UB+BR branch ordering heuristic
1 la10 15x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
6x6 la11 20x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Pr[correct branch taken]

0.8 8x8 la12 20x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
la13 20x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
0.6 11x11 la14 20x5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
la15 20x5 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 ± 0
0.4 la16 10x10 0.8 11.9 ± 3.3 0.3 ± 0.1
la17 10x10 0.2 0.2 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0
0.2 la18 10x10 1.0 0.3 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1
la19 10x10 4.2 0.9 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
la20 10x10 4.2 1.0 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.1
Depth la22 15x10 82.5 329.2 ± 84.0 4.5 ± 1.0
la23 15x10 44.6 0.1 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
(C) Comparison
1 la26 20x10 547.0 0.5 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.2
la30 20x10 3.8 0.2 ± 0 0.6 ± 0.1
la31 30x10 0.2 0.2 ± 0 0.2 ± 0
Pr[correct branch taken]

11x11 (UB+BR)
11x11 (Brucker) la32 30x10 < 0.1 0.1 ± 0 < 0.1
0.6 la33 30x10 1.8 0.1 ± 0 0.4 ± 0.1
la34 30x10 0.3 0.3 ± 0 0.8 ± 0.1
0.4 la35 30x10 0.6 0.2 ± 0 0.4 ± 0.1
orb01 10x10 80.3 81.1 ± 25.4 29.6 ± 8.6
0.2 orb02 10x10 6.7 20.1 ± 5.7 2.3 ± 0.4
orb03 10x10 180 49.5 ± 12.6 33.8 ± 10.4
0 orb04 10x10 23.8 191.5 ± 44.4 25.7 ± 2.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Depth orb05 10x10 8.6 194.9 ± 56.0 4.1 ± 0.7
orb06 10x10 38.5 13.7 ± 3.3 3.3 ± 0.7
orb08 10x10 14.7 150.5 ± 35.6 6.6 ± 1.7
Figure 5: Accuracy of (A) BBrucker and (B) BU B +BR as a orb09 10x10 3.4 12.7 ± 3.1 2.9 ± 0.6
function of depth for random N by N JSP instances. For orb10 10x10 2.7 1.7 ± 0.4 0.4 ± 0.1
ease of comparison (C) superimposes the curves from (A) swv16 50x10 0.1 0.2 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
and (B) for N = 11. swv17 50x10 0.1 0.2 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
swv18 50x10 0.1 0.2 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
swv19 50x10 0.2 0.3 ± 0 0.7 ± 0.1
swv20 50x10 0.1 0.2 ± 0 0.1 ± 0
Total 1070 1277 ± 145 134 ± 14.5
7. OR Library Evaluation Kamarainen and Sakkout (2002) apply this approach to
In this section we compare the performance of Brucker, the kernel resource feasibility problem. At each search tree
I-JAR, U B+BR, and U B+BR+V S on instances from the node, they relax the subproblem by removing resource con-
OR library. As stated in §3.2, all runs were performed on straints, then solve the relaxed problem with local search.
a 2.4 GHz Pentium IV with 512 MB of memory. First, we A resource constraint that is violated by the solution to the
ran Brucker with a time limit of 15 minutes on each of relaxation forms the basis for further branching. Nareyek
the 82 instances in the OR library. Brucker proved that it et al. (2003) use a similar approach to solve the decision
found the optimal schedule on 47 instances. For each such version of the JSP (the decision version asks whether a
instance, we recorded the amount of time that elapsed be- schedule with makespan ≤ k exists). They perform a local
fore Brucker first evaluated a globally optimal schedule (in search on each subproblem, and branch by examining a
general this is much less than the amount of time required to constraint that is frequently violated by local search.
prove that the schedule is optimal). Then for each of these
47 instances, we ran I-JAR, U B+BR, and U B+BR+V S
50 times each, continuing each run until it found a globally 8.3. Discussion
optimal schedule. Table 2 presents the mean run lengths Our upper bounding technique (using upper bounds from
for Brucker, I-JAR, and U B+BR. The performance of an incomplete search to reduce the work that must be per-
U B+BR+V S was about a factor 1.5 worse than that of formed by a systematic search) has no doubt been used with-
U B+BR on most instances, and is not shown. out fanfare many times in practice. Our variable selection
Averaged over these 47 instances, the performance of technique is an instance of local search probing. Our branch
U B+BR is approximately 9.5 times better than that of ordering heuristic differs from the two techniques just dis-
I-JAR , 8 times better than that of Brucker, and 1.5 times cussed in that we use an independent run of iterated local
better than that of U B+BR+V S (not shown). We conjec- search (i.e., one that explores the entire search space, in-
ture that the advantages of U B+BR and U B+BR+V S over dependent of the subspace currently being examined by the
Brucker and I-JAR would increase if we ran them on backtracking search) as guidance for a backtracking algo-
larger instances from the OR library. rithm that remains complete.

8. Related Work 9. Future Directions

In this section we discuss previous hybrids of local and sys- 9.1. Nogood Learning
tematic search, and indicate the relationship between our In this paper we have focused on using information gained
techniques and previous work. from iterated local search to improve the performance of
branch and bound. But information can flow in the other
8.1. Local Search over Partial Assignments direction as well. In particular, once a search tree node G
A number of algorithms have been proposed in which a lo- is no longer open (i.e., branch and bound has proved that no
cal search is performed on partial assignments (i.e., assign- schedule containing all the arcs in G can be optimal) it is
ments of values to a subset of the problem variables), where wasteful for iterated local search to explore schedules that
for each partial assignment, the unassigned variables are as- are consistent with G.
signed values using a systematic search. An early example Previous work has showed how learned nogoods can be
is the shifting bottleneck algorithm for job shop scheduling used to create complete local search algorithms for satisfia-
(Adams, Balas, & Zawack 1988), in which the partial as- bility (Fang & Ruml 2004) and job shop scheduling (Dilk-
signment includes a full set of disjunctive arcs for all ma- ina, Duan, & Havens 2005). Both of these approaches use
chines except one. More recently, Büdenbender et al. (2000) resolution as a source of nogoods, but could be adapted to
apply a technique of this form to a transportation network instead use branch and bound.
design problem. Focacci et al. (2003) give a survey of in-
stances of this general technique. 9.2. Improving BU B +BR
A related but distinct approach is to use local search to Figure 5 (C) shows that the improvement in accuracy ob-
find the largest possible consistent partial assignment (i.e., tained by using BU B +BR in place of BBrucker decreases
a partial assignment that cannot be trivially pruned due to with depth. It seems that it should be possible to obtain a
lower bounds or constraint violations). Instances of this more uniform improvement over BBrucker by performing
approach include the constraint satisfaction algorithm of additional runs of I-JAR and/or extracting more informa-
Zhang and Zhang (1996) and that of Prestwich (2002). tion from the existing run.

8.2. Local Search Probing 10. Conclusions

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to guide chronological backtracking. For each node in the erated local search into branch and bound. Iterated local
search tree, a local search is performed on the subproblem search can be used to establish upper bounds and to aug-
defined by that node. Information from the local search is ment the branching ordering and variable selection heuris-
then used for variable and value selection. tics. Empirically, we showed that each of these techniques
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