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BACKGROUND: In chapter 9 of Fish in a Tree, Mr. Daniels asks the students to bring
in something that represents themselves. At first, Ally struggles to find the courage
to share her 1943 steel penny her dad gave her the day he deployed, but she
musters up the confidence and shares some interesting information with the class.
For this project, you’ll do the same! You’ll share an artifact that represents who you
are. This can be something you own, make, or find in nature!

Directions & Expectations:

 Select an artifact that represents your life. This can be something you
own, make, or find in nature!
✓ EXAMPLES: a photograph, a toy, a family heirloom, a dried flower,
 Develop a 2-3 minute elevator speech that accurately describes your
artifact and why it means so much to you. Your speech must be well
rehearsed and properly written to receive full credit.
 Bring in a physical component– whether it’s the actual artifact OR a
photograph, drawing, etc. of it to share with the class.
 Submit your speech transcript after completing your presentation.
 Listen attentively to your classmates to learn more about their history and
meaningful artifacts.
 Use the rubric provided to make meet all of the requirements and receive
full credit.
Sample artifact: photographs
from when my grandparents
went to Paris, France. They

location and it meant the

sent postcards from each

world to me!

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