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1. Fundamental Concepts

1.1 Chapter Objectives

• Basic quantities and idealizations of mechanics
• Newton’s Laws of Motion
• Principles for applying the SI system of units
• Standard procedures for performing numerical
• General guide for solving problems
1. Fundamental Concepts

1.1 Basic Quantities

• length
• time
• mass
• force
1.2 Idealisations
• Particle
• Rigid Body
• Concentrated Force

A particle has mass, but we can neglect its size. For

example an aeroplane passenger estimating the time for
her journey can consider the aeroplane as a particle
irrespective of her seating position because the distance
travelled is much greater than the size of the plane and
therefore her seating position becomes insignificant.
1.2 Idealisations

A rigid body can be considered as a combination of a

large number of particles in which all the particles
maintain a fixed distance from one another, both before
and after load is applied. This assumption allows us to
ignore the material properties since in most cases the
actual deformations are small.

A Concentrated Force represents the affect of loading

that is assumed to act at a point on the body.
1.3 The International System of Units (SI–Units)
Table 1 SI units
Unit Length Time Mass Force
Name: metre second kilogram Newton
Symbol: m s kg N (kg.m.s-2)

Metre, kilogram and second are basic units. However, the

Newton, N is a derived unit. One Newton is defined as the
force developed by a mass of one kilogram accelerated at
1 ms-2.
1.3 The International System of Units (SI–Units)
Table 1 SI units
Unit Length Time Mass Force
Name: metre second kilogram Newton
Symbol: m s kg N (kg.m.s-2)

From Newtons Second Law we have F = ma

Thus the weight, W of an object having mass, m near the
surface of the Earth is given by:
W = mg
where g is the acceleration due to gravity
(g = 9.81 ms-2)
1.3.1 Prefixes
When a numerical quantity is either very large or very
small we use prefixes before the SI unit.

Table 2 Prefixes
multiplier Exponent Prefix Symbol Examples
1,000,000,000 109 giga G Gbyte
1,000,000 106 Mega M Mpa
1,000 103 Kilo k kg
0.001 10-3 Milli m mm
0.000 001 10-6 Micro m mm
0.000 000 001 10-9 Nano n nm
1.3.2 Significant Figures
The number of significant figures determines the
accuracy of the number. For example the number
X= 2346.05N has 6 significant figures however the
number Y = 0.003450m has only 4 significant figures
because we can represent Y = 3.450 x103m.

1.3.3 Engineering Notation

We use engineering notation to three significant figures
to represent most quantities.
That is the number is rounded off to the appropriate
significant figures and then expressed as multiples of
103, 106, 109, 10-6 etc.
X expressed in engineering notation is 2.35 kN
1.3.4 Calculation Examples
Convert the following quantities to SI Units
i. 80 km/hr
ii. 400 rpm
iii. 1000 N force over an area of 55 mm2.

km m 1
i. 80 x 1000 x 22.2 m/s
hr km 3600 s
ii. 400 rpm x 6.67 rev./s or 6.67 Hz (cycles/s)
60 s
1000 N x 330579 N/m 2
iii. m
55mm x
1000 mm
330.6 kpa
1.4 Scalars and Vectors
A Scalar quantity is any positive or negative value that
can be completely specified by its magnitude.

A Vector is any physical quantity that requires both

magnitude and direction to completely describe.

1.4.1 Examples
scalar quantities: vector quantities:
• mass • force
• area • moment
• volume • shear
1.5 Vector Operations
1.5.1 Multiplication and division of a vector by a scalar
- Product of vector A and scalar a
- Magnitude = aA
- Law of multiplication applies e.g. A/a = ( 1/a ) A, a≠0
1.5 Vector Operations
1.5.2 Vector Addition
- Addition of two vectors A and B gives a resultant
vector R by the parallelogram law
- Result R can be found by triangle construction
- Communicative e.g. R = A + B = B + A
- Special case: Vectors A and B are collinear (both
have the same line of action)
1.5 Vector Operations
1.5.3 Vector Subtraction
- Special case of addition
e.g. R’ = A – B = A + ( - B )
- Rules of Vector Addition Applies
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.1 Finding a Resultant Force
The Parallelogram law is carried out to find the resultant

FR = ( F1 + F2 )
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.2 Procedure for Analysis - Parallelogram Law
Make a sketch using the parallelogram law
2 components forces add to form the resultant force
Resultant force is shown by the diagonal of the
The components is shown by the sides of the
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.2 Procedure for Analysis - Trigonometry
Redraw half portion of the parallelogram
Magnitude of the resultant force can be determined by
the law of cosines
Direction of the resultant force can be determined by
the law of sines
Magnitude of the two components can be determined
by the law of sines
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.3 Example
The screw eye is subjected to two forces, F1 and F2.
Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.3 Example
Solution using Parallelogram Law
Unknown: magnitude of FR and angle θ
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.3 Example
Solution using Trigonometry
Law of Cosines
2 2
FR 100 N 150 N 2 100 N 150 N cos 115
10000 22500 30000 0.4226 212.6 N 213N

Law of Sines

150 N 212.6 N
sin sin 115
150 N
sin 0.9063
212.6 N
1.6 Vector Addition of Forces
1.6.3 Example
Direction Φ of FR measured from the horizontal
39.8 15
2 Equilibrium of a Particle
Chapter Objectives
›Parallelogram Law
›vector Components
2. Equilibrium of a Particle

2.1 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

2.1.1 First Law
A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight line
with constant velocity, will remain in this state provided
that the particle is not subjected to an unbalanced force.
2.1 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
2.1.2 Second Law
A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F
experiences an acceleration a that has the same direction
as the force and a magnitude that is directly proportional
to the force.

F ma
2.1 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
2.1.3 Third Law
The mutual forces of action and reaction between two
particles are equal and, opposite and collinear.
2.2 Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle
Particle at equilibrium if
- At rest
- Moving at a constant velocity

Newton’s first law of motion

∑F = 0

where ∑F is the vector sum of all the forces acting on the

2.3 The Free Body Diagram (FBD)
To apply the condition of equilibrium, we must account
for all the known and unknown forces acting on the

• Best representation of all the unknown forces (∑F)

which acts on a body
• A sketch showing the particle “free” from the
surroundings with all the forces acting on it
• Consider two common connections
- Spring
- Cables and Pulleys
2.3 The Free Body Diagram (FBD)

2.3.1 Spring
Linear elastic spring: change in length is directly
proportional to the force acting on it.
spring constant or stiffness k : defines the elasticity of
the spring.

Magnitude of force when spring

is elongated or compressed
F = ks
S represents the displacement
2.3 The Free Body Diagram (FBD)

2.3.2 Cables and Pulley

Cables (or cords) are assumed to have negligible weight
and cannot stretch.
Tension always acts in the direction of the cable.
Tension force must have a constant magnitude for
For any angle θ, the cable
is subjected to a constant tension T.
2.4 Procedure for Drawing a FBD

1. Draw Outlined Shape

Draw the particle isolated from surroundings.

2. Show All Forces

Indicate on your sketch all the forces acting on the
- Active forces: particle in motion
- Reactive forces: constraints that prevent motion

3. Identify Each Force

Label your forces if their magnitudes and directions are
known. You may use letters to represent unknown forces.
2.5 Example
The sphere has a mass of 6 kg and is supported as shown.
Draw a free-body diagram of the sphere, the cord CE and
the knot at C.
2.5 Example 1: Solution
FBD at Sphere
Two forces acting, weight and the
force on cord CE.
Weight of 6kg (9.81m/s2) = 58.9N

Cord CE
Two forces acting: sphere and knot
Newton’s 3rd Law:
FCE is equal but opposite
FCE and FEC pull the cord in tension
For equilibrium, FCE = FEC
2.5 Example 1: Solution
FBD at Knot
3 forces acting: cord CBA, cord CE and spring CD
Important to know that the weight of the sphere does not
act directly on the knot but subjected to by the cord CE
2.6 Coplanar Systems

A particle is subjected to coplanar forces in the x-y plane

Resolve into x and y components for equilibrium.

∑Fx = 0
∑Fy = 0

Scalar equations of equilibrium

require that the algebraic sum
of the x and y components to
equal to zero.
2.6 Coplanar Systems

Procedure for Analysis

1. Free-Body Diagram
- Establish the x, y axes
- Label all the unknown and known forces

2. Equations of Equilibrium
- Apply F = ks to find spring force
- When negative result force is the reserve
- Apply the equations of equilibrium
∑Fx = 0 ∑Fy = 0
2.7 Coplanar Systems
2.7.1 Example 2
Determine the required length of the cord AC so that the
8kg lamp is suspended. The undeformed length of the
spring AB is lAB = 0.4m, and the spring has a stiffness of
kAB = 300N/m.
2.7.1 Example 2: Solution

FBD at Point A
Three forces acting, force by cable AC, force in spring AB
and weight of the lamp.
If force on cable AB is known, stretch of the spring is
found by F = ks.
+→ ∑Fx = 0; TAB – TAC cos30º = 0
+↑ ∑Fy = 0; TABsin30º – 78.5N = 0
TAC = 157.0kN
TAB = 136.0kN
2.7.1 Example 2: Solution

TAB = kABsAB; 136.0N = 300N/m(sAB)

sAB = 0.453N
For stretched length,
LAB = l(AB)+ sAB
LAB = 0.4m + 0.453m
= 0.853m

For horizontal distance BC,

2m = lACcos30° + 0.853m
LAC = 1.32m
Ch.3 Force System Resultants
Chapter Objectives
• Concept of moment of a force in two
• Method for finding the moment of a force
about a specified axis.
• Define the moment of a couple.
• Determine the resultants of non-
concurrent force systems
• Reduce a simple distributed loading to a
resultant force having a specified location.
3.1 Moment of a force
Moment of a force about a point or axis – is a measure of
the tendency of the force to cause a body to rotate about
the point or axis
Torque – tendency of rotation caused by Fx or simply
moment (Mo) z
3.1 Moment of a Force
For magnitude of MO,
MO = Fd (Nm)
where d = perpendicular distance
from O to the force line of action.

Direction using “right hand rule”
3.2 Resultant Moment
Resultant moment, MRo = moments of all the forces
MRo = ∑Fd
3.3 Example 1
For each case, determine the moment of the force about
point O.
3.3 Example 1 – Solutions

Mo = 100N x 2m = 200 Nm Mo = 50N x 0.75m = 37.5 Nm

(c) Mo = 40N x (4+2x cos30º)m

= 229.3 Nm Mo = 60N x 1m x sin45º
= 42.4Nm
(e) Mo = 7N x 3m = 21 Nm
3.4 Varignon’s Theorem
Moment of a force about a point is equal to the sum of the
moments of the forces’ components about the point.

Since F = F1 + F2,
Mo = r × F
= r × (F1 + F2)
= r × F1 + r × F2
3.5 Example 2

Determine the moment of the force about point O.

3.5 Example 2 - Solution
The moment arm d can be found from trigonometry,

d 3 sin 75 2.898 m

MO Fd 5 2.898 14.5 kN m
Since the force tends to rotate or orbit clockwise
about point O, the moment is directed into the page.
3.6 Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis
For moment of a force about a point, the moment and its
axis is always perpendicular to the plane.

A scalar or vector analysis is used to find the component

of the moment along a specified axis that passes through
the point.
3.6 Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis
3.6.1 Scalar Analysis
According to the right-hand rule, My is directed along the
positive y axis.
For any axis, the moment is

Ma Fd a

Force will not contribute a moment

if the line of action of force is parallel or
passes through the axis
3.7 Moment of a Couple

3.7.1 Couple
two parallel forces
same magnitude but opposite direction
separated by perpendicular distance d

Resultant force = 0

Tendency to rotate in specified direction

Couple moment = sum of moments of both couple
forces about any arbitrary point
3.7 Moment of a Couple

3.7.2 Scalar Formulation

Magnitude of couple moment, M

M = Fd

Direction and sense are determined by right hand rule

M acts perpendicular to plane containing the forces
3.7 Moment of a Couple

3.7.3 Equivalent Couples

Two couples are equivalent if they produce the same
Forces of equal couples lie on the same plane or plane
parallel to one another.
3.7 Moment of a Couple

3.7.4 Resultant Couple Moment

Couple moments are free vectors and may be applied to
any point P and added vectorially.

For the resultant moment of two couples at point P,

MR = M1 + M2
For more than 2 moments,
MR = ∑(r X F)
3.8 Example 3

Determine the couple moment acting on the pipe.

Segment AB is directed 30° below the x–y plane.
3.8 Example 3 – Solution
Take moment about point A or B,
M = Fd = 250N(0.5196m)

Apply right hand rule, M acts in the –j direction (rotation

about the ‘y’ axis)
M = {-130j}
3.9 Simplification of a Force and Couple
• An equivalent system is when the external effects are
the same as those caused by the original force and
couple moment system.
• External effects of a system is the translating and
rotating motion of the body.
• Or refers to the reactive forces at the supports if the
body is held fixed.
3.9 Simplification of a Force and Couple
Equivalent resultant force acting at point
O and a resultant couple moment is
expressed as:

If force system lies in the x–y plane

and couple moments are
perpendicular to this plane,
FR x
FR y
3.9 Simplification of a Force and Couple
Procedure for Analysis
1. Establish the coordinate axes with the origin located at
point O and the axes having a selected orientation
2. Force Summation
3. Moment Summation
3.10 Example 4
A structural member is subjected to a couple moment M
and forces F1 and F2. Replace this system with an
equivalent resultant force and couple moment acting at its
base, point O.
3.10 Example 4 – Solution
Express the forces and couple moments as Cartesian
F1 { 800k }N
F2 (300 N )uCB (300 N )

0.15i 0.1 j
300 { 249.6i 166.4 j }N
2 2
(0.15) (0.1)
4 3
M 500 j 500 k { 400 j 300k }N .m
5 5
3.10 Example 4 – Solution
Force Summation

FR F1 F2 800k 249.6i 166.4 j
{ 249.6i 166.4 j 800k }N

M Ro MC MO M rC XF1 rB XF2
i j k
( 400 j 300k ) (1k ) X ( 800k ) 0.15 0.1 1
249.6 166.4 0

{ 166i 650 j 300k }N .m

3.10 Concurrent Force System
A concurrent force system is where lines of action of all
the forces intersect at a common point O.

3.10 Concurrent Force System
Coplanar Force System
Lines of action of all the forces lie in the same plane
Resultant force of this system also lies in this plane
3.10 Concurrent Force System
Parallel Force System
Consists of forces that are all parallel to the z axis
Resultant force at point O must also be parallel to this axis
3.10 Concurrent Force System
Reduction to a Wrench
3-D force and couple moment system have an equivalent
resultant force acting at point O
Resultant couple moment not perpendicular to one
3.11 Example 5
The jib crane is subjected to three coplanar forces.
Replace this loading by an equivalent resultant force and
specify where the resultant’s line of action intersects the
column AB and boom BC.
3.11 Example 5
Force summation

FRx Fx ;
FRx 2.5kN 1.75kN
3.25kN 3.25kN
FRy Fy ;
FRy 2 .5 N 0.6kN
2.60kN 2.60 N
3.11 Example 5 - Solution

For magnitude of resultant force,

FR ( FRx )2 ( FRy )2 (3.25)2 (2.60)2


For direction of resultant force,

FRy 2.60
q tan 1
tan 1
FRx 3.25
3.11 Example 5 - Solution

Moment Summation
Summation of moments about point A,

3.25kN ( y ) 2.60kN (0)
1.75kn(1m) 0.6kN (0.6m)
3 4
2.50kN (2.2m) 2.50kN (1.6m)
5 5
y 0.458m
3.11 Example 5 - Solution

Moment Summation
Principle of Transmissibility

3.25kN (2.2m) 2.60kN ( x)
1.75kn(1m) 0.6kN (0.6m)
3 4
2.50kN (2.2m) 2.50kN (1.6m)
5 5
x 2.177m
3.12 Reduction of a Simple Distributed

• Large surface area of a body may be subjected to

distributed loadings.
• Loadings on the surface is defined as pressure
• Pressure is measured in Pascal (Pa): 1 Pa = 1N/m2

• Uniform Loading Along a Single Axis

• Most common type of distributed
loading is uniform along a
single axis
3.12 Reduction of a Simple Distributed
Magnitude of Resultant Force
Magnitude of dF is determined from differential area dA
under the loading curve.
For length L,
FR w x dx dA A
Magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the total area
A under the loading diagram.
3.12 Reduction of a Simple Distributed
Location of Resultant Force
MR = ∑MO
dF produces a moment of xdF = x w(x) dx about O
For the entire plate,
M Ro MO xFR xw( x)dx
Solving for
xw( x)dx xdA
w( x)dx dA
3.12 Example 6
Determine the magnitude and location of the equivalent
resultant force acting on the shaft.
3.12 Example 6 – Solution
For the differential element area, dA

dA wdx 60 x 2 dx
For resultant force
FR dA 60 x 2 dx
A 0

3 2
x 23 03
60 60
3 0
3 3
160 N
3.12 Example 6 – Solution
For location of line of action,
2 4 2
2 x 24 04
xdA x(60 x )dx 60 60
A 0
4 0
4 4
dA 160 160 160


Checking (area properties in text)

ab 2m(240 N / m)
A 160
3 3
3 3
x a (2m) 1.5m
4 4
4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
• Develop the equations of equilibrium for a
rigid body
• Concept of the free-body diagram for a rigid
• Solve rigid-body equilibrium problems
using the equations of equilibrium
4.1 Lecture Outline
1. Conditions for Rigid Equilibrium
2. Free-Body Diagrams
3. Equations of Equilibrium
4. Two and Three-Force Members
4.2 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium
The equilibrium of a body is expressed as

FR = ∑ F = 0
(M ) R O = ∑ MO = 0

Consider summing moments about

some other point, such as point A,
we require:

∑M A = r × FR + (M R )O = 0
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.1 Support Reactions
If a support prevents the translation of a body in a given
direction, then a force is developed on the body in that
If rotation is prevented, a couple moment is exerted on the
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.2 Support Conditions
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.2 Support Conditions
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.3 Internal Forces
External and internal forces can act on a rigid body
For FBD, internal forces act between particles which are
contained within the boundary of the FBD, are not
Particles outside this boundary exert external forces on the
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.4 Weight and Center of Gravity
Each particle has a specified weight
System can be represented by a single resultant force,
known as weight W of the body
Location of the force application is known as the center of
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.5 Procedure for Drawing a FBD
1. Draw Outlined Shape.
Imagine body to be isolated or cut free from its

2. Show All Forces and Couple Moments.

Identify all external forces and couple moments that act
on the body.

3. Identify Each Loading and Give Dimensions.

Indicate dimensions for calculation of forces.
Known forces and couple moments should be properly
labeled with their magnitudes and directions.
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.6 Example 1
Draw the free-body diagram of the uniform beam. The
beam has a mass of 100kg.
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.6 Example 1 – Solution
4.3 Free Body Diagrams
4.3.6 Example 1 – Solution
Free-Body Diagram
Support at A is a fixed wall → Three forces are acting on
the beam at A denoted as Ax, Ay, Az, drawn in an arbitrary

Magnitudes of these vectors is unknown.

Assume sense (direction) of these vectors as shown.

For uniform beam,

Weight, W = 100(9.81) = 981N acting through beam’s
center of gravity, 3m from A
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.1 Equilibrium of a rigid body in 2-D

∑Fx = 0; ∑Fy = 0; ∑MO = 0

∑Fx and ∑Fy represent sums of x and y components of all

the forces.

∑MO represents the sum of the couple moments and

moments of the force components
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Coplanar Equilibrium Problems

∑Fx = 0; ∑Fy = 0; ∑MO = 0

2 alternative sets of 3 independent equilibrium

∑Fa = 0; ∑MA = 0; ∑MB = 0
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Procedure for Analysis
Free-Body Diagram
Force or couple moment having an unknown magnitude
but known line of action can be assumed.
Indicate important dimensions of the body which are
necessary for computing the moments of forces.
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Procedure for Analysis
Equations of Equilibrium
Apply ∑MO = 0 about a point O
Unknowns moments of are zero about O and a direct
solution the third unknown can be obtained.
Orient the x and y axes along the lines that will provide
the simplest resolution of the forces into their x and y
Negative result indicate direction of unknown is opposite
to that was assumed on the FBD.
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Example 2
Determine the horizontal and vertical components of
reaction for the beam loaded. Neglect the weight of the
beam in the calculations.
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Example 2 – Solution
Free Body Diagrams
600N represented by x and y components
200N force acts on the beam at B
4.4 Equations of Equilibrium
4.4.2 Example 2 – Solution
Equations of Equilibrium
+ → ∑ Fx = 0; 600 cos 45 N − Bx = 0 ⇒ Bx = 424 N
∑ M B = 0;
100 N (2m) + (600 sin 45 N )(5m) − (600 cos 45 N )(0.2m) − Ay (7 m) = 0
Ay = 319 N
+ ↑ ∑ Fy = 0;
319 N − 600 sin 45 N − 100 N − 200 N + B y = 0
B y = 405 N
4.5 Two and Three Force Members
4.5.1 Two-Force Members
When forces are applied at only two points on a member,
the member is called a two-force member. Only force
magnitude must be determined.
4.5 Two and Three Force Members
4.5.2 Three-Force Members
When subjected to three forces, the forces are concurrent
or parallel.
4.5 Two and Three Force Members
4.5.2 Example 3
The lever ABC is pin-supported at A and connected to a
short link BD. If the weight of the members are negligible,
determine the force of the pin on the lever at A.
4.5 Two and Three Force Members
4.5.2 Example 3 – Solution
Free Body Diagrams
BD is a two-force member
Lever ABC is a three-force member
Equations of Equilibrium
θ = tan −1 = 60.3
+ → ∑ Fx = 0; FA cos 60.3 − F cos 45 + 400 N = 0
+ ↑ ∑ Fy = 0; FA sin 60.3 − F sin 45 = 0
FA = 1.07 kN
F = 1.32kN
5 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
• Develop the equations of equilibrium for a
rigid body
• Concept of the free-body diagram for a rigid
• Solve rigid-body equilibrium problems
using the equations of equilibrium
5.1 Lecture Outline
1. Free Body Diagrams
2. Determine Restraint Reactions
3. Constraints and Statically Determinant
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.2.1 Support Reactions
Two-dimensional case:
A force is developed by a support.
A couple moment is developed when rotation of the
attached member is prevented.
The force’s orientation is defined by the coordinate angles
α, β and γ.
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.2.2 Support Reactions
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.2.2 Support
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.2.3 Example 1
Several Examples of objects along with their associated
free-body diagrams are shown. In all cases, the x, y and
z axes are established and the unknown reaction
components are indicated in the positive sense.
Neglected the weight of the objects.
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.2.3 Example 1 – Solutions
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.1 Redundant Constraints
More support than needed for equilibrium result in
redundancy. (Conservative), However the analysis is
Statically indeterminate: more unknown
support reactions than equations of equilibrium. (Beyond
the scope of this subject)
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.2 Inadequate (improper) Constraints
A rigid body that is not adequately constraint at the
supports will lead to instability (mechanisms) and will fail
to carry load.
When all reactive forces are concurrent at this point, the
body is improperly constrained.
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.3 Procedure for Analysis
Free Body Diagram
Draw an outlined shape of the body
Show all the forces and couple moments acting on the
Show all the unknown components having a positive sense
Indicate the dimensions on the body necessary for
computing moments of forces.
Equations of Equilibrium
Apply the six equations of equilibrium.
Any set of non-orthogonal axes may be chosen for this
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.3 Procedure for Analysis
Equations of Equilibrium
Choose the direction of an axis for moment summation
such that it insects the lines of action of as many unknown
forces as possible.
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.4 Example 2
The homogenous plate has a mass of 100kg and is
subjected to a force and couple moment along its edges. If
it is supported in the horizontal plane by means of a roller
at A, a ball and socket joint at B, and a cord at C,
determine the components of reactions at the supports
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.4 Example 2 – Solution
Free Body Diagrams
Five unknown reactions acting on the plate
Each reaction assumed to act in a positive coordinate
Equations of Equilibrium

∑ Fx = 0; Bx = 0
∑ Fy = 0; B y = 0
∑ Fz = 0; Az + Bz + TC − 300 N − 981N = 0
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.4 Example 2 – Solution
Equations of Equilibrium
∑ M x = 0; TC (2m) − 981N (1m) + BZ (2m) = 0
∑ M y = 0;
300 N (1.5m) + 981N (1.5m) − Bz (3m) − Az (3m) − 200 N .m = 0
Components of force at B can be eliminated if x’, y’ and z’
axes are used:
∑ M x ' = 0;981N (1m) + 300 N (2m) − Az (2m) = 0
∑ M y ' = 0;
− 300 N (1.5m) − 981N (1.5m)200 N .m + TC (3m) = 0
5.3 Constraints for a Rigid Body
5.3.4 Example 2 – Solution
Az = 790N Bz = -217N TC = 707N
The negative sign indicates Bz acts downward
The plate is partially constrained as the supports cannot
prevent it from turning about the z axis if a force is applied
in the x-y plane

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